 * Reads the expected attributes into the member data variables
                                const LIBSBML_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER
                                  XMLAttributes& attributes,
                                const LIBSBML_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER
                                  ExpectedAttributes& expectedAttributes)
  unsigned int level = getLevel();
  unsigned int version = getVersion();
  unsigned int numErrs;
  bool assigned = false;
  SedErrorLog* log = getErrorLog();

  SedTask::readAttributes(attributes, expectedAttributes);
  numErrs = log->getNumErrors();

  for (int n = numErrs-1; n >= 0; n--)
    if (log->getError(n)->getErrorId() == SedUnknownCoreAttribute)
      const std::string details = log->getError(n)->getMessage();
      log->logError(SedmlSedRepeatedTaskAllowedAttributes, level, version,

  // range SIdRef (use = "optional" )

  assigned = attributes.readInto("range", mRangeId);

  if (assigned == true)
    if (mRangeId.empty() == true)
      logEmptyString(mRangeId, level, version, "<SedRepeatedTask>");
    else if (SyntaxChecker::isValidSBMLSId(mRangeId) == false)
      logError(SedmlRepeatedTaskRangeIdMustBeRange, level, version, "The "
        "attribute range='" + mRangeId + "' does not conform to the syntax.");

  // resetModel bool (use = "optional" )

  mIsSetResetModel = attributes.readInto("resetModel", mResetModel);
 * Writes the given Sed document to the output stream.
 * @return true on success and false if one of the underlying parser
 * components fail (rare).
SedWriter::writeSedML (const SedDocument* d, std::ostream& stream)
  bool result = false;

    stream.exceptions(ios_base::badbit | ios_base::failbit | ios_base::eofbit);
    XMLOutputStream xos(stream, "UTF-8", true, mProgramName, 
    stream << endl;

    result = true;
  catch (ios_base::failure&)
    SedErrorLog *log = (const_cast<SedDocument *>(d))->getErrorLog();

  return result;
 * Writes the given Sed document to filename.
 * If the filename ends with @em .gz, the file will be compressed by @em gzip.
 * Similary, if the filename ends with @em .zip or @em .bz2, the file will be
 * compressed by @em zip or @em bzip2, respectively. Otherwise, the fill will be
 * uncompressed.
 * If the filename ends with @em .zip, a filename that will be added to the
 * zip archive file will end with @em .xml or @em .sbml. For example, the filename
 * in the zip archive will be @em test.xml if the given filename is @em test.xml.zip
 * or @em test.zip. Also, the filename in the archive will be @em test.sbml if the
 * given filename is @em test.sbml.zip.
 * @note To create a gzip/zip file, underlying libSed needs to be linked with zlib at 
 * compile time. Also, underlying libSed needs to be linked with bzip2 to create a 
 * bzip2 file.
 * File unwritable error will be logged and @c false will be returned if a compressed 
 * file name is given and underlying libSed is not linked with the corresponding 
 * required library.
 * SedWriter::hasZlib() and SedWriter::hasBzip2() can be used to check whether
 * underlying libSed is linked with the library.
 * @return true on success and false if the filename could not be opened
 * for writing.
SedWriter::writeSedML (const SedDocument* d, const std::string& filename)
  std::ostream* stream = NULL;

    // open an uncompressed XML file.
    if ( string::npos != filename.find(".xml", filename.length() - 4) )
      stream = new(std::nothrow) std::ofstream(filename.c_str());
    // open a gzip file
    else if ( string::npos != filename.find(".gz", filename.length() - 3) )
     stream = OutputCompressor::openGzipOStream(filename);
    // open a bz2 file
    else if ( string::npos != filename.find(".bz2", filename.length() - 4) )
      stream = OutputCompressor::openBzip2OStream(filename);
    // open a zip file
    else if ( string::npos != filename.find(".zip", filename.length() - 4) )
      std::string filenameinzip = filename.substr(0, filename.length() - 4);
      if ( ( string::npos == filenameinzip.find(".xml",  filenameinzip.length() - 4) ) &&
           ( string::npos == filenameinzip.find(".sbml", filenameinzip.length() - 5) )
        filenameinzip += ".xml";

#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(CYGWIN)
      char sepr = '\\';
      char sepr = '/';
      size_t spos = filenameinzip.rfind(sepr, filenameinzip.length() - 1);
      if( spos != string::npos )
        filenameinzip = filenameinzip.substr(spos + 1, filenameinzip.length() - 1);

      stream = OutputCompressor::openZipOStream(filename, filenameinzip);
      stream = new(std::nothrow) std::ofstream(filename.c_str());
  catch ( ZlibNotLinked& )
    // libSed is not linked with zlib.
    XMLErrorLog *log = (const_cast<SedDocument *>(d))->getErrorLog();
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << "Tried to write " << filename << ". Writing a gzip/zip file is not enabled because "
        << "underlying libSed is not linked with zlib."; 
    log->add(XMLError( XMLFileUnwritable, oss.str(), 0, 0) );
    return false;
  catch ( Bzip2NotLinked& )
    // libSed is not linked with bzip2.
    XMLErrorLog *log = (const_cast<SedDocument *>(d))->getErrorLog();
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << "Tried to write " << filename << ". Writing a bzip2 file is not enabled because "
        << "underlying libSed is not linked with bzip2."; 
    log->add(XMLError( XMLFileUnwritable, oss.str(), 0, 0) );
    return false;

  if ( stream == NULL || stream->fail() || stream->bad())
    SedErrorLog *log = (const_cast<SedDocument *>(d))->getErrorLog();
    return false;

   bool result = writeSedML(d, *stream);
   delete stream;

   return result;

 * Reads the expected attributes into the member data variables
                              const LIBSBML_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER
                                XMLAttributes& attributes,
                              const LIBSBML_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER
                                ExpectedAttributes& expectedAttributes)
  unsigned int level = getLevel();
  unsigned int version = getVersion();
  unsigned int numErrs;
  bool assigned = false;
  SedErrorLog* log = getErrorLog();

  if (static_cast<SedListOfSimulations*>(getParentSedObject())->size() < 2)
    numErrs = log->getNumErrors();
    for (int n = numErrs-1; n >= 0; n--)
      if (log->getError(n)->getErrorId() == SedUnknownCoreAttribute)
        const std::string details = log->getError(n)->getMessage();
        log->logError(SedmlLOSimulationsAllowedCoreAttributes, level, version,

  SedBase::readAttributes(attributes, expectedAttributes);
  numErrs = log->getNumErrors();

  for (int n = numErrs-1; n >= 0; n--)
    if (log->getError(n)->getErrorId() == SedUnknownCoreAttribute)
      const std::string details = log->getError(n)->getMessage();
      log->logError(SedmlSedSimulationAllowedAttributes, level, version,

  // id SId (use = "required" )

  assigned = attributes.readInto("id", mId);

  if (assigned == true)
    if (mId.empty() == true)
      logEmptyString(mId, level, version, "<SedSimulation>");
    else if (SyntaxChecker::isValidSBMLSId(mId) == false)
      logError(SedmlIdSyntaxRule, level, version, "The id '" + mId + "' does "
        "not conform to the syntax.");
    std::string message = "Sedml attribute 'id' is missing from the "
      "<SedSimulation> element.";
    log->logError(SedmlSimulationAllowedAttributes, level, version, message);

  // name string (use = "optional" )

  assigned = attributes.readInto("name", mName);

  if (assigned == true)
    if (mName.empty() == true)
      logEmptyString(mName, level, version, "<SedSimulation>");
 * Reads the expected attributes into the member data variables
                            const LIBSBML_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER
                              XMLAttributes& attributes,
                            const LIBSBML_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER
                              ExpectedAttributes& expectedAttributes)
  unsigned int level = getLevel();
  unsigned int version = getVersion();
  unsigned int numErrs;
  bool assigned = false;
  SedErrorLog* log = getErrorLog();

  if (static_cast<SedListOfSetValues*>(getParentSedObject())->size() < 2)
    numErrs = log->getNumErrors();
    for (int n = numErrs-1; n >= 0; n--)
      if (log->getError(n)->getErrorId() == SedUnknownCoreAttribute)
        const std::string details = log->getError(n)->getMessage();
        log->logError(SedmlLOSetValuesAllowedCoreAttributes, level, version,

  SedBase::readAttributes(attributes, expectedAttributes);
  numErrs = log->getNumErrors();

  for (int n = numErrs-1; n >= 0; n--)
    if (log->getError(n)->getErrorId() == SedUnknownCoreAttribute)
      const std::string details = log->getError(n)->getMessage();
      log->logError(SedmlSedSetValueAllowedAttributes, level, version,

  // modelReference SIdRef (use = "required" )

  assigned = attributes.readInto("modelReference", mModelReference);

  if (assigned == true)
    if (mModelReference.empty() == true)
      logEmptyString(mModelReference, level, version, "<SedSetValue>");
    else if (SyntaxChecker::isValidSBMLSId(mModelReference) == false)
      logError(SedmlSetValueModelReferenceMustBeModel, level, version, "The "
        "attribute modelReference='" + mModelReference + "' does not conform to "
          "the syntax.");
    std::string message = "Sedml attribute 'modelReference' is missing from the "
      "<SedSetValue> element.";
    log->logError(SedmlSetValueAllowedAttributes, level, version, message);

  // symbol string (use = "optional" )

  assigned = attributes.readInto("symbol", mSymbol);

  if (assigned == true)
    if (mSymbol.empty() == true)
      logEmptyString(mSymbol, level, version, "<SedSetValue>");

  // target string (use = "optional" )

  assigned = attributes.readInto("target", mTarget);

  if (assigned == true)
    if (mTarget.empty() == true)
      logEmptyString(mTarget, level, version, "<SedSetValue>");

  // range SIdRef (use = "optional" )

  assigned = attributes.readInto("range", mRange);

  if (assigned == true)
    if (mRange.empty() == true)
      logEmptyString(mRange, level, version, "<SedSetValue>");
    else if (SyntaxChecker::isValidSBMLSId(mRange) == false)
      logError(SedmlSetValueRangeMustBeRange, level, version, "The attribute "
        "range='" + mRange + "' does not conform to the syntax.");