Ref<Image> Image::load_from_data (const Ptr<IData> data) { static Stopwatch t; static unsigned count = 0; ++count; Ref<Image> loaded_image; Shared<Buffer> buffer; t.start(); buffer = data->buffer(); switch (buffer->mimetype()) { case IMAGE_JPEG: loaded_image = load_jpeg_image(data); break; case IMAGE_PNG: loaded_image = load_png_image(data); break; //case Data::IMAGE_DDS: // loaded_image = load_ddsimage(data); default: logger()->log(LOG_ERROR, "Could not load image: Unsupported image format."); } t.pause(); logger()->log(LOG_INFO, LogBuffer() << "*** Total time to load " << count << " images: " << t.time() << "s"); return loaded_image; }
TestCase * Grader07::testSpellCheck(std::string filename) { Commands07 cmds07; std::vector<std::string> words; std::vector<SpellCheckCmd> commands; cmds07.readReads("words", words); cmds07.loadSpellCheckCommands(filename, commands); if(words.size() == 0){ return failed("cannot read input file #1"); } if(commands.size() == 0){ return failed("cannot read input file #2"); } Stopwatch watch; watch.start(); ISpellCheck * checker = (ISpellCheck *) createObject("ISpellCheck"); if(checker == NULL){ return nullObject("ISpellCheck"); } watch.pause(); checker->loadDictionary(words); watch.unpause(); for(size_t i = 0; i < commands.size(); ++i){ SpellCheckCmd cmd = commands[i]; std::vector<std::string> product_corrections = checker->suggestCorrections(cmd.word); watch.pause(); std::sort(product_corrections.begin(), product_corrections.end()); if(product_corrections != cmd.corrections){ return failed("corrections mismatch"); } watch.unpause(); } watch.stop(); return passed(watch.getTime()); }
void Main() { Window::SetTitle(L"10.00"); Stopwatch stopwatch; Effect effect; const Font font(50); const Vec2 pos = font(L"00.00").regionCenter(Window::Center()).pos; while (System::Update()) { if ((!stopwatch.isActive() || stopwatch.isPaused()) && Input::MouseL.clicked) { Graphics::SetVSyncEnabled(false); stopwatch.start(); } else if (stopwatch.isActive() && Input::MouseL.clicked) { Graphics::SetVSyncEnabled(false); stopwatch.pause(); } else if (Input::MouseR.clicked) { stopwatch.reset(); } else if (stopwatch.isPaused() && / 10 == 10'00) { Graphics::SetVSyncEnabled(true); effect.add<Firework>(Circular(200, Random(TwoPi)) + Window::Center(), 30); } font(L"{:0>2}.{:0>2}"_fmt, stopwatch.s(), % 1000 / 10).draw(pos); if (effect.hasEffects()) { Graphics2D::SetBlendState(BlendState::Additive); effect.update(); Graphics2D::SetBlendState(BlendState::Default); } else { System::Sleep(4ms); } } }
void DynamicGameLoader::reload() { std::cout << ConsoleColour(Console::BLUE) << "\n**RELOADING GAME**" << std::endl; Stopwatch timer; core->onSuspended(); unload(); load(); hotPatch(); core->onReloaded(); timer.pause(); std::cout << "Done in " << timer.elapsedSeconds() << " seconds.\n" << ConsoleColour() << std::endl; }
TestCase * Grader07::testStringSearch(std::string cmds_filename, std::string input_filename) { std::vector<StringSearchCmd> commands; Commands07 cmds07; cmds07.loadStringSearchCommmands(cmds_filename, commands); std::string to_search = cmds07.readStringFile(input_filename); if(commands.size() == 0){ return failed("cannot read input file #1"); } if(to_search == ""){ return failed("cannot read input file #2"); } Stopwatch watch; watch.start(); IStringSearch * searcher = (IStringSearch *) createObject("IStringSearch"); if(searcher == NULL){ return nullObject("IStringSearch"); } watch.pause(); searcher->prepareText(to_search); watch.unpause(); for(size_t i = 0; i < commands.size(); ++i){ StringSearchCmd cmd = commands[i]; std::vector<int> product_results = searcher->search(cmd.to_find); if(product_results.size() != cmd.positions.size()){ return failed("incorrect return size"); } std::sort(product_results.begin(), product_results.end()); if(product_results != cmd.positions){ return failed("at least one incorrect return index"); } } watch.stop(); return passed(watch.getTime()); }
// Wait until the the frame is completed or rendering is aborted. IRendererController::Status wait_for_event(IFrameRenderer& frame_renderer) { bool is_paused = false; while (true) { if (!frame_renderer.is_rendering()) return IRendererController::TerminateRendering; const IRendererController::Status status = m_renderer_controller->get_status(); switch (status) { case IRendererController::ContinueRendering: if (is_paused) { frame_renderer.resume_rendering(); m_renderer_controller->on_rendering_resume(); m_stopwatch.resume(); is_paused = false; } break; case IRendererController::PauseRendering: if (!is_paused) { frame_renderer.pause_rendering(); m_renderer_controller->on_rendering_pause(); m_stopwatch.pause(); is_paused = true; } break; default: return status; } m_renderer_controller->on_progress(); foundation::sleep(1); // namespace qualifer required } }
/// <summary> /// EasingControllerを一時停止します。 /// </summary> /// <returns> /// なし /// </returns> void pause() { m_stopwatch.pause(); }
TestCase * Grader02::testWorkload4(int len, int order, int merge_count, int merge_len){ std::vector<int> input; std::vector<int> sorted; createVector(input, sorted, order, len, false); Stopwatch watch; watch.start(); IPriorityQueue * queue = (IPriorityQueue *)createObject("IPriorityQueue4"); if (queue == NULL){ return nullObject("IPriorityQueue4"); } watch.pause(); GoldPriorityQueue gold_queue(sorted); for (size_t i = 0; i < merge_len; ++i){ int key = input[i]; std::string value = randomValue(); gold_queue.push_back(key, value); watch.unpause(); IKeyValue * key_value = (IKeyValue *)createObject("IKeyValue4"); if (key_value == NULL){ return nullObject("IKeyValue4"); } key_value->setKey(key); key_value->setValue(value); queue->enqueue(key_value); int size = queue->size(); if (size != gold_queue.size()){ return failed("after enqueue, size is incorrect"); } int user_key = queue->lowestKey(); IVectorString * user_values = queue->lowestValues(); gold_queue.iterate(); int gold_key = gold_queue.lowestKey(); std::vector<std::string> values = gold_queue.getValues(gold_key); watch.pause(); if (gold_key != user_key){ return failed("after enqueue, lowest key is incorrect"); } if (valuesEqual(user_values, values) == false){ return failed("after enqueue, values incorrect"); } } for (int i = 1; i < merge_count; ++i){ watch.unpause(); IPriorityQueue * queue2 = (IPriorityQueue *)createObject("IPriorityQueue4"); if (queue == NULL){ return nullObject("IPriorityQueue4"); } watch.pause(); for (int j = (i * merge_len); j < ((i + 1) * merge_len); ++j){ int key = input[j]; std::string value = randomValue(); gold_queue.push_back(key, value); watch.unpause(); IKeyValue * key_value = (IKeyValue *)createObject("IKeyValue4"); if (key_value == NULL){ return nullObject("IKeyValue4"); } key_value->setKey(key); key_value->setValue(value); queue2->enqueue(key_value); watch.pause(); } watch.unpause(); queue->merge(queue2); watch.pause(); gold_queue.iterate(); watch.unpause(); int user_key = queue->lowestKey(); IVectorString * user_values = queue->lowestValues(); watch.pause(); int gold_key = gold_queue.lowestKey(); std::vector<std::string> values = gold_queue.getValues(gold_key); if (gold_key != user_key){ return failed("during dequeue, lowest key is incorrect"); } if (valuesEqual(user_values, values) == false){ return failed("during dequeue, values incorrect"); } } return passed(watch.getTime()); }
TestCase * Grader02::testWorkload1(int len, int order){ std::vector<int> input; std::vector<int> sorted; createVector(input, sorted, order, len, true); Stopwatch watch; watch.start(); IPriorityQueue * queue = (IPriorityQueue *)createObject("IPriorityQueue1"); if (queue == NULL){ return nullObject("IPriorityQueue1"); } watch.pause(); GoldPriorityQueue gold_queue(sorted); for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i){ int key = input[i]; std::string value = randomValue(); gold_queue.push_back(key, value); watch.unpause(); IKeyValue * key_value = (IKeyValue *)createObject("IKeyValue1"); if (key_value == NULL){ return nullObject("IKeyValue1"); } key_value->setKey(key); key_value->setValue(value); queue->enqueue(key_value); int size = queue->size(); if (size != gold_queue.size()){ return failed("after enqueue, size is incorrect"); } int user_key = queue->lowestKey(); IVectorString * user_values = queue->lowestValues(); gold_queue.iterate(); int gold_key = gold_queue.lowestKey(); std::vector<std::string> values = gold_queue.getValues(gold_key); watch.pause(); if (gold_key != user_key){ return failed("after enqueue, lowest key is incorrect"); } if (valuesEqual(user_values, values) == false){ return failed("after enqueue, values incorrect"); } bool check_sort = true; if (len != 10 && i % 100 != 0){ check_sort = false; } if (check_sort){ watch.unpause(); IVectorKeyValue * user_sorted = queue->returnSorted(); watch.pause(); if (sortedEqual(user_sorted, gold_queue.returnSorted()) == false){ return failed("after enqueue, sorted is not equal"); } } } gold_queue.iterate(); int count = 0; while (gold_queue.hasNext()){ watch.unpause(); int user_key = queue->lowestKey(); IVectorString * user_values = queue->lowestValues(); watch.pause(); int gold_key = gold_queue.lowestKey(); std::vector<std::string> values = gold_queue.getValues(gold_key); if (gold_key != user_key){ return failed("during dequeue, lowest key is incorrect"); } if (valuesEqual(user_values, values) == false){ return failed("during dequeue, values incorrect"); } watch.unpause(); int size = queue->size(); watch.pause(); if (size != gold_queue.size()){ return failed("during dequeue, size is incorrect"); } bool check_sort = true; if (len != 10 && count % 100 != 0){ check_sort = false; } if (check_sort){ IVectorKeyValue * user_sorted = queue->returnSorted(); std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string> > gold_sorted = gold_queue.returnSorted(); if (sortedEqual(user_sorted, gold_sorted) == false){ return failed("during dequeue, sorted is not equal"); } } watch.unpause(); queue->dequeue(); watch.pause(); gold_queue.dequeue(); ++count; } return passed(watch.getTime()); }