CreaturePtr Tile::getTopCreature() { CreaturePtr creature; for(uint i = 0; i < m_things.size(); ++i) { ThingPtr thing = m_things[i]; if(thing->isLocalPlayer()) // return local player if there is no other creature creature = thing->static_self_cast<Creature>(); else if(thing->isCreature() && !thing->isLocalPlayer()) return thing->static_self_cast<Creature>(); } if(!creature && !m_walkingCreatures.empty()) creature = m_walkingCreatures.back(); // check for walking creatures in tiles around if(!creature) { for(int xi=-1;xi<=1;++xi) { for(int yi=-1;yi<=1;++yi) { Position pos = m_position.translated(xi, yi); if(pos == m_position) continue; const TilePtr& tile = g_map.getTile(pos); if(tile) { for(const CreaturePtr& c : tile->getCreatures()) { if(c->isWalking() && c->getLastStepFromPosition() == m_position && c->getStepProgress() < 0.75f) { creature = c; } } } } } } return creature; }
void Game::look(const ThingPtr& thing) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !thing) return; if(thing->isCreature() && m_protocolVersion >= 961) m_protocolGame->sendLookCreature(thing->getId()); else m_protocolGame->sendLook(thing->getPosition(), thing->getId(), thing->getStackPos()); }
void Game::useInventoryItemWith(int itemId, const ThingPtr& toThing) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !toThing) return; Position pos = Position(0xFFFF, 0, 0); // means that is a item in inventory if(toThing->isCreature()) m_protocolGame->sendUseOnCreature(pos, itemId, 0, toThing->getId()); else m_protocolGame->sendUseItemWith(pos, itemId, 0, toThing->getPosition(), toThing->getId(), toThing->getStackpos()); }
void Game::useWith(const ItemPtr& item, const ThingPtr& toThing) { if(!canPerformGameAction() || !item || !toThing) return; Position pos = item->getPosition(); if(!pos.isValid()) // virtual item pos = Position(0xFFFF, 0, 0); // means that is a item in inventory if(toThing->isCreature()) m_protocolGame->sendUseOnCreature(pos, item->getId(), item->getStackpos(), toThing->getId()); else m_protocolGame->sendUseItemWith(pos, item->getId(), item->getStackpos(), toThing->getPosition(), toThing->getId(), toThing->getStackpos()); }
void Game::move(const ThingPtr& thing, const Position& toPos, int count) { if(count <= 0) count = 1; if(!canPerformGameAction() || !thing || thing->getPosition() == toPos) return; uint id = thing->getId(); if(thing->isCreature()) { CreaturePtr creature = thing->static_self_cast<Creature>(); id = Proto::Creature; } m_protocolGame->sendMove(thing->getPosition(), id, thing->getStackpos(), toPos, count); }
void Map::removeThingColor(const ThingPtr& thing) { if(!thing) return; if(thing->isItem()) thing->static_self_cast<Item>()->setColor(Color::alpha); else if(thing->isCreature()) { const TilePtr& tile = thing->getTile(); assert(tile); const ThingPtr& topThing = tile->getTopThing(); assert(topThing); topThing->static_self_cast<Item>()->setColor(Color::alpha); } }
void Map::colorizeThing(const ThingPtr& thing, const Color& color) { if(!thing) return; if(thing->isItem()) thing->static_self_cast<Item>()->setColor(color); else if(thing->isCreature()) { const TilePtr& tile = thing->getTile(); assert(tile); const ThingPtr& topThing = tile->getTopThing(); assert(topThing); topThing->static_self_cast<Item>()->setColor(color); } }
ThingPtr Tile::getTopUseThing() { if(isEmpty()) return nullptr; for(uint i = 0; i < m_things.size(); ++i) { ThingPtr thing = m_things[i]; if(thing->isForceUse() || (!thing->isGround() && !thing->isGroundBorder() && !thing->isOnBottom() && !thing->isOnTop() && !thing->isCreature())) return thing; } for(uint i = 0; i < m_things.size(); ++i) { ThingPtr thing = m_things[i]; if(!thing->isGround() && !thing->isGroundBorder() && !thing->isCreature()) return thing; } return m_things[0]; }
void Map::addThing(const ThingPtr& thing, const Position& pos, int stackPos) { if(!thing) return; if(thing->isItem() || thing->isCreature() || thing->isEffect()) { const TilePtr& tile = getOrCreateTile(pos); if(tile) tile->addThing(thing, stackPos); } else { if(thing->isMissile()) { m_floorMissiles[pos.z].push_back(thing->static_self_cast<Missile>()); thing->onAppear(); } else if(thing->isAnimatedText()) { // this code will stack animated texts of the same color AnimatedTextPtr animatedText = thing->static_self_cast<AnimatedText>(); AnimatedTextPtr prevAnimatedText; bool merged = false; for(auto other : m_animatedTexts) { if(other->getPosition() == pos) { prevAnimatedText = other; if(other->merge(animatedText)) { merged = true; break; } } } if(!merged) { if(prevAnimatedText) { Point offset = prevAnimatedText->getOffset(); float t = prevAnimatedText->getTimer().ticksElapsed(); if(t < Otc::ANIMATED_TEXT_DURATION / 4.0) { // didnt move 12 pixels int y = 12 - 48 * t / (float)Otc::ANIMATED_TEXT_DURATION; offset += Point(0, y); } offset.y = std::min<int>(offset.y, 12); animatedText->setOffset(offset); } m_animatedTexts.push_back(animatedText); } } else if(thing->isStaticText()) { StaticTextPtr staticText = thing->static_self_cast<StaticText>(); bool mustAdd = true; for(auto other : m_staticTexts) { // try to combine messages if(other->getPosition() == pos && other->addMessage(staticText->getName(), staticText->getMessageMode(), staticText->getFirstMessage())) { mustAdd = false; break; } } if(mustAdd) m_staticTexts.push_back(staticText); else return; } thing->setPosition(pos); thing->onAppear(); } notificateTileUpdate(pos); }
ThingPtr Tile::getTopMoveThing() { if(isEmpty()) return nullptr; for(uint i = 0; i < m_things.size(); ++i) { ThingPtr thing = m_things[i]; if(!thing->isGround() && !thing->isGroundBorder() && !thing->isOnBottom() && !thing->isOnTop() && !thing->isCreature()) { if(i > 0 && thing->isNotMoveable()) return m_things[i-1]; return thing; } } for(const ThingPtr& thing : m_things) { if(thing->isCreature()) return thing; } return m_things[0]; }