std::string build_filename(const URI& input, const Uint rank)
   const URI my_dir = input.base_path();
   const std::string basename = input.base_name();
   const URI result(my_dir / (basename + "_P" + to_str(rank) + ".cfbin"));
   return result.path();
void Component::complete_path ( URI& path ) const
  using namespace boost::algorithm;

//  CFinfo << "PATH [" << path.string() << "]\n" << CFflush;

  cf_assert( path.scheme() == URI::Scheme::CPATH );

    path = "./";

  if ( is_null(m_raw_parent) )
    throw  InvalidURI(FromHere(), "Component \'" + name() + "\' has no parent");

  if (m_root.expired())
    throw  InvalidURI(FromHere(), "Component \'" + name() + "\' has no root");

  boost::shared_ptr<Component> parent = m_raw_parent->self();
  boost::shared_ptr<Component> root   = m_root.lock();

  std::string sp = path.path();

  if ( path.is_relative() ) // transform it to absolute
    if ( starts_with(sp,"/") ) // remove leading "/" if any
      boost::algorithm::replace_first(sp, "/", "" );

    // substitute leading "../" for uri() of parent
    if (starts_with(sp,".."))
      std::string pfp = parent->uri().path();
      boost::algorithm::replace_first(sp, "..", pfp);
    // substitute leading "./" for uri() of this component
    else if (starts_with(sp,"."))
      boost::algorithm::replace_first(sp, ".", uri().path());
      sp = uri().path()+"/"+sp;


  cf_assert ( URI(sp).is_absolute() );

  // break path in tokens and loop on them, while concatenaitng to a new path
  boost::char_separator<char> sep("/");
  typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokenizer;
  tokenizer tok (sp,sep);

  path = "/" ;
  std::string last;
  for(tokenizer::iterator el=tok.begin(); el!=tok.end(); ++el)
    if ( equals (*el, ".") ) continue;     // substitute any "/./" for nothing

    if ( equals (*el, "..") )              // substitute any "../" for base path
      path = path.base_path();
      path /= *el;

//  CFinfo << "FINAL PATH: [" << path.string() << "]\n" << CFflush;

  cf_assert ( path.is_complete() );