文件: var_text.cpp 项目: 0xheart0/vlc
void VarText::set( const UString &rText )
    // Avoid an infinite loop
    if( rText == m_text )

    m_text = rText;

    if( m_substVars )
        // Stop observing other variables

        VlcProc *pVlcProc = VlcProc::instance( getIntf() );
        VarManager *pVarManager = VarManager::instance( getIntf() );

        // Observe needed variables
        if( m_text.find( "$H" ) != UString::npos )
            pVarManager->getHelpText().addObserver( this );
        if( m_text.find( "$T" ) != UString::npos ||
            m_text.find( "$t" ) != UString::npos ||
            m_text.find( "$L" ) != UString::npos ||
            m_text.find( "$l" ) != UString::npos ||
            m_text.find( "$D" ) != UString::npos ||
            m_text.find( "$d" ) != UString::npos )
            pVlcProc->getTimeVar().addObserver( this );
        if( m_text.find( "$V" ) != UString::npos )
            pVlcProc->getVolumeVar().addObserver( this );
        if( m_text.find( "$N" ) != UString::npos )
            pVlcProc->getStreamNameVar().addObserver( this );
        if( m_text.find( "$F" ) != UString::npos )
            pVlcProc->getStreamURIVar().addObserver( this );
        if( m_text.find( "$B" ) != UString::npos )
            pVlcProc->getStreamBitRateVar().addObserver( this );
        if( m_text.find( "$S" ) != UString::npos )
            pVlcProc->getStreamSampleRateVar().addObserver( this );
        if( m_text.find( "$R" ) != UString::npos )
            pVlcProc->getSpeedVar().addObserver( this );

文件: var_text.cpp 项目: 0xheart0/vlc
void VarText::delObservers()
    // Stop observing other variables

    VlcProc *pVlcProc = getIntf()->p_sys->p_vlcProc;
    VarManager *pVarManager = getIntf()->p_sys->p_varManager;

    if( pVlcProc )
        pVlcProc->getTimeVar().delObserver( this );
        pVlcProc->getVolumeVar().delObserver( this );
        pVlcProc->getSpeedVar().delObserver( this );
        pVlcProc->getStreamNameVar().delObserver( this );
        pVlcProc->getStreamURIVar().delObserver( this );
        pVlcProc->getStreamBitRateVar().delObserver( this );
        pVlcProc->getStreamSampleRateVar().delObserver( this );

    if( pVarManager )
        pVarManager->getHelpText().delObserver( this );
文件: var_text.cpp 项目: 0xheart0/vlc
const UString VarText::get() const
    if( !m_substVars )
        // Do not substitute "$X" variables
        return m_text;

    uint32_t pos;
    VlcProc *pVlcProc = VlcProc::instance( getIntf() );

    // Fill a temporary UString object, and replace the escape characters
    // ($H for help, $T for current time, $L for time left, $D for duration,
    // $V for volume)
    UString temp( m_text );

    // $H is processed first, in case the help string contains other variables
    // to replace. And it is replaced only once, in case one of these other
    // variables is $H...
    if( (pos = temp.find( "$H" )) != UString::npos )
        VarManager *pVarManager = VarManager::instance( getIntf() );
        temp.replace( pos, 2, pVarManager->getHelpText().get() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$T" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2,
                      pVlcProc->getTimeVar().getAsStringCurrTime().c_str() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$t" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2,
                      pVlcProc->getTimeVar().getAsStringCurrTime(true).c_str() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$L" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2,
                      pVlcProc->getTimeVar().getAsStringTimeLeft().c_str() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$l" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2,
                      pVlcProc->getTimeVar().getAsStringTimeLeft(true).c_str() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$D" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2,
                      pVlcProc->getTimeVar().getAsStringDuration().c_str() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$d" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2,
                      pVlcProc->getTimeVar().getAsStringDuration(true).c_str() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$V" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2,
                      pVlcProc->getVolumeVar().getAsStringPercent().c_str() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$N" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2, pVlcProc->getStreamNameVar().get() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$F" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2, pVlcProc->getStreamURIVar().get() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$B" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2, pVlcProc->getStreamBitRateVar().get() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$S" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2, pVlcProc->getStreamSampleRateVar().get() );
    while( (pos = temp.find( "$R" )) != UString::npos )
        temp.replace( pos, 2, pVlcProc->getSpeedVar().get() );

    return temp;