virtual int handleResponse(WifiEvent& reply) {

        ALOGD("In GetCapabilities::handleResponse");

        if (reply.get_cmd() != NL80211_CMD_VENDOR) {
            ALOGD("Ignoring reply with cmd = %d", reply.get_cmd());
            return NL_SKIP;

        int id = reply.get_vendor_id();
        int subcmd = reply.get_vendor_subcmd();
        int wiphy_id = reply.get_u32(NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY);
		int if_id = reply.get_u32(NL80211_ATTR_IFINDEX);

		struct nlattr *vendor_data = (struct nlattr *)reply.get_vendor_data();
        int len = reply.get_vendor_data_len();
		void *payload = NULL;
		if(vendor_data->nla_type == NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_CAPABILITIES)
			payload = nla_data(vendor_data);
			len -= NLA_HDRLEN;

        ALOGD("wiphy_id=%d, if_id=%d, Id = %0x, subcmd = %d, len = %d, expected len = %d", wiphy_id, if_id, id, subcmd, len,
        	memcpy(mCapabilities, payload, min(len, (int) sizeof(*mCapabilities)));

		ALOGI("%s: max_scan_cache_size=%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, max_bssid_history_entries=%d", __func__,
			mCapabilities->max_scan_cache_size, mCapabilities->max_scan_buckets, mCapabilities->max_ap_cache_per_scan,
			mCapabilities->max_rssi_sample_size, mCapabilities->max_scan_reporting_threshold, mCapabilities->max_hotlist_aps,
			mCapabilities->max_significant_wifi_change_aps, mCapabilities->max_bssid_history_entries);

        return NL_OK;
    virtual int handleResponse(WifiEvent& reply) {

        // ALOGI("In GetLinkStatsCommand::handleResponse");

        if (reply.get_cmd() != NL80211_CMD_VENDOR) {
            ALOGD("Ignoring reply with cmd = %d", reply.get_cmd());
            return NL_SKIP;

        int id = reply.get_vendor_id();
        int subcmd = reply.get_vendor_subcmd();

        // ALOGI("Id = %0x, subcmd = %d", id, subcmd);

        void *data = reply.get_vendor_data();
        int len = reply.get_vendor_data_len();
        wifi_radio_stat *radio_stat =
            convertToExternalRadioStatStructure((wifi_radio_stat_internal *)data);
        if (!radio_stat) {
            ALOGE("Invalid stats pointer received");
            return NL_SKIP;
        if (radio_stat->num_channels > 11) {
            ALOGE("Incorrect number of channels = %d", radio_stat->num_channels);
            // dump data before num_channels
            ALOGE("radio: = %d", radio_stat->radio);
            ALOGE("on_time: = %d", radio_stat->on_time);
            ALOGE("tx_time: = %d", radio_stat->tx_time);
            ALOGE("rx_time: = %d", radio_stat->rx_time);
            ALOGE("on_time_scan: = %d", radio_stat->on_time_scan);
            ALOGE("on_time_nbd: = %d", radio_stat->on_time_nbd);
            ALOGE("on_time_gscan: = %d", radio_stat->on_time_gscan);
            ALOGE("on_time_pno_scan: = %d", radio_stat->on_time_pno_scan);
            ALOGE("on_time_hs20: = %d", radio_stat->on_time_hs20);
            return NL_SKIP;
        wifi_iface_stat *iface_stat =
            (wifi_iface_stat *)((char *)&((wifi_radio_stat_internal *)data)->channels
                + radio_stat->num_channels * sizeof(wifi_channel_stat));
        (*mHandler.on_link_stats_results)(id, iface_stat, 1, radio_stat);
        return NL_OK;
    int handleResponse(WifiEvent& reply) {
        ALOGD("In GetPktFateCommand::handleResponse\n");

        if (reply.get_cmd() != NL80211_CMD_VENDOR) {
            ALOGI("Ignoring reply with cmd = %d", reply.get_cmd());
            return NL_SKIP;

        int id = reply.get_vendor_id();
        int subcmd = reply.get_vendor_subcmd();
        nlattr *vendor_data = reply.get_attribute(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA);
        int len = reply.get_vendor_data_len();

        ALOGI("Id = %0x, subcmd = %d, len = %d", id, subcmd, len);

        if (mReqType == TX_PACKET_FATE) {
            ALOGI("Response recieved for get TX pkt fate command\n");
        } else if (mReqType == RX_PACKET_FATE) {
            ALOGI("Response recieved for get RX pkt fate command\n");
        } else if (mReqType == PACKET_MONITOR_START) {
            ALOGI("Response recieved for monitor pkt fate command\n");
            return NL_OK;
        } else {
            ALOGE("Response recieved for unknown pkt fate command\n");
            return NL_SKIP;

        if (vendor_data == NULL || len == 0) {
            ALOGE("no vendor data in GetPktFateCommand response; ignoring it\n");
            return NL_SKIP;

        for (nl_iterator it(vendor_data); it.has_next(); {
            if (it.get_type() == LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_PKT_FATE_NUM) {
                *mNoProvidedFates = it.get_u32();
                ALOGI("No: of pkt fates provided is %d\n", *mNoProvidedFates);
            } else {
                ALOGE("Ignoring invalid attribute type = %d, size = %d\n",
                        it.get_type(), it.get_len());

        return NL_OK;
    virtual int handleResponse(WifiEvent& reply) {

        ALOGD("[WIFI HAL]In GetChannelList::handleResponse");

        if (reply.get_cmd() != NL80211_CMD_VENDOR) {
            ALOGD("Ignoring reply with cmd = %d", reply.get_cmd());
            return NL_SKIP;

        int id = reply.get_vendor_id();
        int subcmd = reply.get_vendor_subcmd();
        int num_channels_to_copy = 0;

        nlattr *vendor = reply.get_attribute(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA);
        int len = reply.get_vendor_data_len();

        ALOGD("Id = %0x, subcmd = %d, len = %d", id, subcmd, len);
        if (vendor == NULL || len == 0) {
            ALOGE("no vendor data in GetChannelList response; ignoring it");
            return NL_SKIP;

        for (nl_iterator it(vendor); it.has_next(); {
            if (it.get_type() == GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_CHANNELS) {
                num_channels_to_copy = it.get_u32();
                ALOGI("Got channel list with %d channels", num_channels_to_copy);
                if(num_channels_to_copy > max_channels)
                    num_channels_to_copy = max_channels;
                *num_channels = num_channels_to_copy;
            } else if (it.get_type() == GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_CHANNEL_LIST && num_channels_to_copy) {
                memcpy(channels, it.get_data(), sizeof(int) * num_channels_to_copy);
                    ALOGD("channel[0]=%d, ", channels[0]);
            } else {
                ALOGW("Ignoring invalid attribute type = %d, size = %d",
                        it.get_type(), it.get_len());

        return NL_OK;
    virtual int handleResponse(WifiEvent& reply) {
        ALOGD("In GetScanResultsCommand::handleResponse");

        if (reply.get_cmd() != NL80211_CMD_VENDOR) {
            ALOGE("Ignoring reply with cmd = %d", reply.get_cmd());
            return NL_SKIP;

        int id = reply.get_vendor_id();
        int subcmd = reply.get_vendor_subcmd();

        if (subcmd != GSCAN_SUBCMD_SCAN_RESULTS) {
            ALOGE("Invalid response to GetScanResultsCommand; ignoring it");
            return NL_SKIP;

        nlattr *vendor = reply.get_attribute(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA);
        int len = reply.get_vendor_data_len();
		ALOGD("Id = %0x, subcmd = %d, vendor=%p, get_vendor_data()=%p vendor->nla_type=%d len=%d", 
			id, subcmd, vendor, reply.get_vendor_data(), vendor->nla_type, len);

        if (vendor == NULL || len == 0) {
            ALOGE("no vendor data in GetScanResults response; ignoring it");
            return NL_SKIP;

        for (nl_iterator it(vendor); it.has_next(); {
            if (it.get_type() == GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_SCAN_RESULTS_COMPLETE) {
                mCompleted = it.get_u8();
                ALOGI("retrieved mCompleted flag : %d", mCompleted);
            } else if (it.get_type() == GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_SCAN_RESULTS || it.get_type() == 0) {
                for (nl_iterator it2(it.get()); it2.has_next(); {
                    int scan_id = 0, flags = 0, num = 0;
                    if (it2.get_type() == GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_SCAN_ID) {
                        scan_id = it.get_u32();
                    } else if (it2.get_type() == GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_SCAN_FLAGS) {
                        flags = it.get_u8();
                    } else if (it2.get_type() == GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_NUM_OF_RESULTS) {
                        num = it2.get_u32();
                    } else if (it2.get_type() == GSCAN_ATTRIBUTE_SCAN_RESULTS) {
                        num = it2.get_len() / sizeof(wifi_scan_result);
                        num = min(*mNum - mRetrieved, num);
                        memcpy(mResults + mRetrieved, it2.get_data(),
                                sizeof(wifi_scan_result) * num);
                        ALOGD("Retrieved %d scan results", num);
                        wifi_scan_result *results = (wifi_scan_result *)it2.get_data();
                        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
                            wifi_scan_result *result = results + i;
                            ALOGD("%02d  %-32s  %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x  %04d channel=%d", i,
                                result->ssid, result->bssid[0], result->bssid[1], result->bssid[2],
                                result->bssid[3], result->bssid[4], result->bssid[5],
                                result->rssi, result->channel);
                        mRetrieved += num;
                    } else {
                        ALOGW("Ignoring invalid attribute type = %d, size = %d",
                                it.get_type(), it.get_len());
            } else {
                ALOGW("Ignoring invalid attribute type = %d, size = %d",
                        it.get_type(), it.get_len());

        return NL_OK;