bool TransactionFilter::matches(h256 _bloom) const { auto have = [=](Address const& a) { return _bloom.contains(a.bloom()); }; if (m_from.size()) { for (auto i: m_from) if (have(i)) goto OK1; return false; } OK1: if (m_to.size()) { for (auto i: m_to) if (have(i)) goto OK2; return false; } OK2: if (m_stateAltered.size() || m_altered.size()) { for (auto i: m_altered) if (have(i)) goto OK3; for (auto i: m_stateAltered) if (have(i.first) && _bloom.contains(h256(i.second).bloom())) goto OK3; return false; } OK3: return true; }
Public dev::recover(Signature const& _sig, h256 const& _message) { Public ret; #ifdef ETH_HAVE_SECP256K1 bytes o(65); int pubkeylen; if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_recover_compact(s_secp256k1,,,, &pubkeylen, false, _sig[64])) return Public(); ret = FixedHash<64>( + 1, Public::ConstructFromPointer); #else ret = s_secp256k1pp.recover(_sig, _message.ref()); #endif if (ret == c_zeroKey) return Public(); return ret; }
Public dev::recover(Signature const& _sig, h256 const& _message) { int v = _sig[64]; if (v > 3) return {}; auto* ctx = getCtx(); secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature rawSig; if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature_parse_compact(ctx, &rawSig,, v)) return {}; secp256k1_pubkey rawPubkey; if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_recover(ctx, &rawPubkey, &rawSig, return {}; std::array<byte, 65> serializedPubkey; size_t serializedPubkeySize = serializedPubkey.size(); secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize( ctx,, &serializedPubkeySize, &rawPubkey, SECP256K1_EC_UNCOMPRESSED ); assert(serializedPubkeySize == serializedPubkey.size()); // Expect single byte header of value 0x04 -- uncompressed public key. assert(serializedPubkey[0] == 0x04); // Create the Public skipping the header. return Public{&serializedPubkey[1], Public::ConstructFromPointer}; }
std::string OverlayDB::lookup(h256 const& _h) const { std::string ret = MemoryDB::lookup(_h); if (ret.empty() && m_db) m_db->Get(m_readOptions, ldb::Slice((char const*), 32), &ret); return ret; }
inline void update(_T& _sha, h256 const& _value) { int i = 0; byte const* data =; for (; i != 32 && data[i] == 0; ++i); _sha.Update(data + i, 32 - i); }
EthashProofOfWork::Result EthashAux::LightAllocation::compute(h256 const& _headerHash, Nonce const& _nonce) const { ethash_return_value r = ethash_light_compute(light, *(ethash_h256_t*), (uint64_t)(u64)_nonce); if (!r.success) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(DAGCreationFailure()); return EthashProofOfWork::Result{h256((uint8_t*)&r.result, h256::ConstructFromPointer), h256((uint8_t*)&r.mix_hash, h256::ConstructFromPointer)}; }
bool OverlayDB::exists(h256 const& _h) const { if (MemoryDB::exists(_h)) return true; std::string ret; if (m_db) m_db->Get(m_readOptions, ldb::Slice((char const*), 32), &ret); return !ret.empty(); }
bool dev::verify(Public const& _p, Signature const& _s, h256 const& _hash) { if (!_p) return false; #ifdef ETH_HAVE_SECP256K1 return _p == recover(_s, _hash); #else return s_secp256k1pp.verify(_p, _s, _hash.ref(), true); #endif }
bool OverlayDB::deepkill(h256 const& _h) { // kill in memoryDB kill(_h); //kill in overlayDB ldb::Status s = m_db->Delete(m_writeOptions, ldb::Slice((char const*), 32)); if (s.ok()) return true; else return false; }
Signature dev::sign(Secret const& _k, h256 const& _hash) { #ifdef ETH_HAVE_SECP256K1 Signature s; int v; if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_compact(s_secp256k1,,,, NULL, NULL, &v)) return Signature(); s[64] = v; return s; #else return s_secp256k1pp.sign(_k, _hash); #endif }
bool dev::verify(PublicCompressed const& _key, h512 const& _signature, h256 const& _hash) { auto* ctx = getCtx(); secp256k1_ecdsa_signature rawSig; if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_parse_compact(ctx, &rawSig, return false; secp256k1_pubkey rawPubkey; if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(ctx, &rawPubkey,, PublicCompressed::size)) return false; // Invalid public key. return secp256k1_ecdsa_verify(ctx, &rawSig,, &rawPubkey); }
string fromRaw(h256 _n) { if (_n) { string s((char const *), 32); auto l = s.find_first_of('\0'); if (!l) return ""; if (l != string::npos) s.resize(l); for (auto i: s) if (i < 32) return ""; return s; } return ""; }
void OverlayDB::kill(h256 const& _h) { #if ELE_PARANOIA || 1 if (!MemoryDB::kill(_h)) { std::string ret; if (m_db) m_db->Get(m_readOptions, ldb::Slice((char const*), 32), &ret); // No point node ref decreasing for EmptyTrie since we never bother incrementing it in the first place for // empty storage tries. if (ret.empty() && _h != EmptyTrie) cnote << "Decreasing DB node ref count below zero with no DB node. Probably have a corrupt Trie." << _h; // TODO: for 1.1: ref-counted triedb. } #else MemoryDB::kill(_h); #endif }
Signature dev::sign(Secret const& _k, h256 const& _hash) { auto* ctx = getCtx(); secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature rawSig; if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_recoverable(ctx, &rawSig,,, nullptr, nullptr)) return {}; Signature s; int v = 0; secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature_serialize_compact(ctx,, &v, &rawSig); SignatureStruct& ss = *reinterpret_cast<SignatureStruct*>(&s); ss.v = static_cast<byte>(v); if (ss.s > c_secp256k1n / 2) { ss.v = static_cast<byte>(ss.v ^ 1); ss.s = h256(c_secp256k1n - u256(ss.s)); } assert(ss.s <= c_secp256k1n / 2); return s; }
OverlayDB State::openDB(std::string const& _basePath, h256 const& _genesisHash, WithExisting _we) { std::string path = _basePath.empty() ? Defaults::get()->m_dbPath : _basePath; if (_we == WithExisting::Kill) { cnote << "Killing state database (WithExisting::Kill)."; boost::filesystem::remove_all(path + "/state"); } path += "/" + toHex(_genesisHash.ref().cropped(0, 4)) + "/" + toString(c_databaseVersion); boost::filesystem::create_directories(path); DEV_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS(fs::permissions(path, fs::owner_all)); ldb::Options o; o.max_open_files = 256; o.create_if_missing = true; ldb::DB* db = nullptr; ldb::Status status = ldb::DB::Open(o, path + "/state", &db); if (!status.ok() || !db) { if (boost::filesystem::space(path + "/state").available < 1024) { cwarn << "Not enough available space found on hard drive. Please free some up and then re-run. Bailing."; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(NotEnoughAvailableSpace()); } else { cwarn << status.ToString(); cwarn << "Database " << (path + "/state") << "already open. You appear to have another instance of ethereum running. Bailing."; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(DatabaseAlreadyOpen()); } } cnote << "Opened state DB."; return OverlayDB(db); }
Signature Secp256k1PP::sign(Secret const& _key, h256 const& _hash) { // assumption made by signing alogrithm assert(m_q == m_qs); Signature sig; Integer k(kdf(_key, _hash).data(), 32); if (k == 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidState()); k = 1 + (k % (m_qs - 1)); ECP::Point rp; Integer r; { Guard l(x_params); rp = m_params.ExponentiateBase(k); r = m_params.ConvertElementToInteger(rp); } sig[64] = 0; // sig[64] = (r >= m_q) ? 2 : 0; Integer kInv = k.InverseMod(m_q); Integer z(_hash.asBytes().data(), 32); Integer s = (kInv * (Integer(, 32) * r + z)) % m_q; if (r == 0 || s == 0) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidState()); // if (s > m_qs) // { // s = m_q - s; // if (sig[64]) // sig[64] ^= 1; // } sig[64] |= rp.y.IsOdd() ? 1 : 0; r.Encode(, 32); s.Encode( + 32, 32); return sig; }
static std::string minHex(h256 const& _h) { unsigned i = 0; for (; i < 31 && !_h[i]; ++i) {} return toHex(_h.ref().cropped(i)); }