void CreatePropertyMap( Actor actor, Property::Map& map )

  if ( actor )
    map[ "type" ] = actor.GetTypeName();

    // Default properties
    Property::IndexContainer indices;
    actor.GetPropertyIndices( indices );
    const Property::IndexContainer::ConstIterator endIter = indices.End();

    for ( Property::IndexContainer::Iterator iter = indices.Begin(); iter != endIter; ++iter )
      map[ actor.GetPropertyName( *iter ) ] = actor.GetProperty( *iter );

    // Children
    unsigned int childCount( actor.GetChildCount() );
    if ( childCount )
      Property::Array childArray;
      for ( unsigned int child = 0; child < childCount; ++child )
        Property::Map childMap;
        CreatePropertyMap( actor.GetChildAt( child ), childMap );
        childArray.PushBack( childMap );
      map[ "actors" ] = childArray;
int UtcDaliPropertyMapPopulate(void)
  Property::Map map;
  DALI_TEST_CHECK( map.Empty() );

  map[ "hello" ] = 1;
  map[ "world" ] = "world";
  map[ "world" ] = 3; // same item as line above
  DALI_TEST_CHECK( !map.Empty() ); // Should no longer be empty
  DALI_TEST_CHECK( map.Count() == 2 ); // Should only have two items, not three!!
  DALI_TEST_CHECK( map["hello"].Get<int>() == 1 );
  DALI_TEST_CHECK( map["world"].Get<int>() == 3 );

  DALI_TEST_CHECK( map.Empty() );
void CreatePropertyMap( Image image, Property::Map& map )

  if ( image )
    std::string imageType( "ResourceImage" );

    // Get Type - cannot use TypeRegistry as Image is not an Object and thus, not registered
    BufferImage bufferImage = BufferImage::DownCast( image );
    if ( bufferImage )
      imageType = "BufferImage";
      map[ "pixelFormat" ] = GetEnumerationName< Pixel::Format >( bufferImage.GetPixelFormat(), PIXEL_FORMAT_TABLE, PIXEL_FORMAT_TABLE_COUNT );
    else if ( FrameBufferImage::DownCast( image ) )
      imageType = "FrameBufferImage";

    map[ "type" ] = imageType;
    map[ "releasePolicy" ] = GetEnumerationName< Image::ReleasePolicy >( image.GetReleasePolicy(), IMAGE_RELEASE_POLICY_TABLE, IMAGE_RELEASE_POLICY_TABLE_COUNT );

    ResourceImage resourceImage = ResourceImage::DownCast( image );
    if( resourceImage )
      map[ "filename" ] = resourceImage.GetUrl();
      map[ "loadPolicy" ] = GetEnumerationName< ResourceImage::LoadPolicy >( resourceImage.GetLoadPolicy(), IMAGE_LOAD_POLICY_TABLE, IMAGE_LOAD_POLICY_TABLE_COUNT );

    int width( image.GetWidth() );
    int height( image.GetHeight() );

    if ( width && height )
      map[ "width" ] = width;
      map[ "height" ] = height;