void create_terrain_maps(const config::const_child_itors &cfgs,
                         t_translation::t_list& terrain_list,
                         std::map<t_translation::t_terrain, terrain_type>& letter_to_terrain)
	foreach (const config &t, cfgs)
		terrain_type terrain(t);
		DBG_G << "create_terrain_maps: " << terrain.number() << " "
			<< terrain.id() << " " << terrain.name() << " : " << terrain.editor_group() << "\n";

		std::pair<std::map<t_translation::t_terrain, terrain_type>::iterator, bool> res;
		res = letter_to_terrain.insert(std::make_pair(terrain.number(), terrain));
		if (!res.second) {
			terrain_type& curr = res.first->second;
			WRN_G << "Duplicate terrain code definition found for " << terrain.number() << "\n";
			WRN_G << "Trying to add terrain "
				<< terrain.id() << " (" << terrain.name() << ") "
				<< "[" << terrain.editor_group() << "]" << "\n";
			WRN_G << "which conflicts with  "
				<< curr.id() << " (" << curr.name() << ") "
				<< "[" << curr.editor_group() << "]" << "\n";
			std::vector<std::string> eg1 = utils::split(curr.editor_group());
			std::vector<std::string> eg2 = utils::split(terrain.editor_group());
			std::set<std::string> egs;
			std::copy(eg1.begin(), eg1.end(), std::inserter(egs, egs.begin()));
			std::copy(eg2.begin(), eg2.end(), std::inserter(egs, egs.begin()));
			std::string joined = utils::join(egs);
			WRN_G << "Editor groups merged to: " << joined << "\n";
		} else {
void create_terrain_maps(const config::const_child_itors &cfgs,
                         t_translation::t_list& terrain_list,
                         std::map<t_translation::t_terrain, terrain_type>& letter_to_terrain)
	BOOST_FOREACH(const config &t, cfgs)
		terrain_type terrain(t);
		DBG_G << "create_terrain_maps: " << terrain.number() << " "
			<< terrain.id() << " " << terrain.name() << " : " << terrain.editor_group() << "\n";

		std::pair<std::map<t_translation::t_terrain, terrain_type>::iterator, bool> res;
		res = letter_to_terrain.insert(std::make_pair(terrain.number(), terrain));
		if (!res.second) {
			terrain_type& curr = res.first->second;
			if(terrain == curr) {
				LOG_G << "Merging terrain " << terrain.number()
					<< ": " << terrain.id() << " (" << terrain.name() << ")\n";
				std::vector<std::string> eg1 = utils::split(curr.editor_group());
				std::vector<std::string> eg2 = utils::split(terrain.editor_group());
				std::set<std::string> egs;
				bool clean_merge = true;
				BOOST_FOREACH(std::string& t, eg1)
					clean_merge &= egs.insert(t).second;
				BOOST_FOREACH(std::string& t, eg2)
					clean_merge &= egs.insert(t).second;

				std::string joined = utils::join(egs);
				if(clean_merge) {
					LOG_G << "Editor groups merged to: " << joined << "\n";
				} else {
					ERR_G << "Merged terrain " << terrain.number()
					<< ": " << terrain.id() << " (" << terrain.name() << ") "
					<< "with duplicate editor groups [" << terrain.editor_group() << "] "
					<< "and [" << curr.editor_group() << "]\n";
			} else {
				ERR_G << "Duplicate terrain code definition found for " << terrain.number() << "\n";
				ERR_G << "Failed to add terrain "
					<< terrain.id() << " (" << terrain.name() << ") "
					<< "[" << terrain.editor_group() << "]" << "\n";
				ERR_G << "which conflicts with  "
					<< curr.id() << " (" << curr.name() << ") "
					<< "[" << curr.editor_group() << "]" << "\n";
		} else {