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                                        A Fast, Modular, and Simple simulator                                                 

 For the impatients

- use a recent debian based linux distribution (debian, ubuntu, mint, ...)
- run
- you're done, test demos in the experiments directory
  don't forget : press space to toggle pause and run the simulator
                 keyboard shortcuts are displayed on the terminal

 What is it ?

FaMouS is a simulator initially designed to study swarm robotics.  It aims at
speed, simplicity and modularity to allow fast development and quick results in
complex scenarios with many entities.

Main concepts are the services and the objects.

Example of services include an OpenGL render and a 3d physics engine based on
bullet. There are objects such as a floor, a robot, an arena. Objects must be
designed to interact with services. To do so, they inherit from an interface
that comes with the service. If an object implements that interface, it becomes
de facto compatible with the service and it can register in it.

In addition, objects can have devices (such as sensors and actuators : motors,
infrared sensors etc...)  and any object can be assigned a controller.

A fundamental idea of FaMouS is modularity. Any object/service/device/controller
can be easily copy/pasted, modified and reused with no consequence on other
parts of the simulator (exception is changes to service interface which also
imply changes to objects implementing that interface).

The simulator itself comes as a library that you can link to your code.

We expect users to just create directories in which they throw new services /
objects / devices / controllers adapted from existing sources. If some material
is frequently reused, we will promote it and integrate it in the core of the


Libraries required :

- modified bullet library (go in directory bullet and follow the instructions in
  README, running is easier)

- make g++ dos2unix automake libtool libglu1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dev
  freeglut3-dev libgsl0-dev libtinyxml-dev libboost-program-options-dev

 Building FaMouS

To compile, you need premake4 (  If
you have used, you will find premake4 in the root directory.

Premake4 is used to generate Makefiles, based on a premake4.lua script.

To clean and/or generate makefiles :

premake4 clean premake4 gmake

To clean and/or build the simulator library:

make [clean]

make config=debug [clean] make config=profile [clean]

In the experiments directory, a variety of projects can be compiled in the same
way, using premake4 to generate makefiles and make to produce an executable

 Getting started

To work with FaMouS, you can heavily rely on copy/paste, duplication and
modification of other material.  In the experiments directory you will find some
examples that you can test, study, and hack.  Create a directory for yourself,
and add your projects there.

Questions, problems :,


Fast, Modular and Simple simulator







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