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Make sure that dependencies and required tools are installed sudo apt-get install libpng12-dev libjpeg62-dev libtiff4-dev zlib1g-dev sudo apt-get install build-essential sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool sudo apt-get install git-core sudo apt-get install cmake sudo apt-get install liblog4cplus-dev sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev

Install Leptonica from source. The latest version as of writing is 1.71. Move the downloaded tarballs to some directory. I will assume that they are located at /usr/local/src/openalpr/. wget tar -zxvf leptonica-1.71.tar.gz cd leptonica-1.71 ./configure make sudo make install sudo ldconfig

Then install Tesseract OCR from source. wget tar -zxvf tesseract-ocr-3.02.02.tar.gz cd tesseract-ocr ./ ./configure make (this may take a while) sudo make install sudo ldconfig Finally, install the languages you want. Simply place the trained data under /usr/local/share/tessdata. You can download trained data from Google code.

Instructions for installing opencv Download OpenCV from the following link and unzip the folder cd opencv-master mkdir build cd build cmake ../ make sudo make install sudo ldconfig

Instructions for installing ALPR Download OpenALPR from the following link and unzip the folder cd src mkdir build cd build cmake ../ make sudo make install sudo ldconfig

Export Path (reason for segmentation fault): export TESSDATA_PREFIX=/usr/local/share/openalpr/runtime_data/ocr/

Note: configuration file is in /etc/openalpr/ Runtime data is in: /usr/local/share/openalpr/runtime_data/