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Pulse Project software. For giant beating flamey hearts.

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Use this branching model

Adding a feature

  1. Ensure you're up to date
git checkout develop
git pull origin develop
  1. Branch off devleop
git checkout -b feature/your-thing develop
# hack, hack
git push origin feature/your-thing
  1. Open PR with develop as base and feature/your-thing as compare

Fixing a bug

Same as above, but prefix branch name with bugfix/ as in bugfix/thing-i-fixed

Project Structure

  • android. Android sculpture controller application.
  • audio - Code for running heartbeat and breathing sounds in the pulse pods. Also controls the seat thumpers and incidental noises. Uses the ALSA library
  • avr - Code that runs on the 8-output relay driver boards. Makes poofers poof. (see eagle files in flg-svn)
  • avr-proportional - code that runs on the proportional valve driver board (NB - The proportional board didn't quite get finished.)
  • BPM - Code to detect heartbeats and put the heartbeat pulses out on the network
  • dmx - Code for operating the Elation Professional Sixpar 200IP spotlights via Enttec DMX controller
  • pods - code to control LEDs in the pulse-pod alveoli
  • network - Poorly named directory. Contains heartbeat controller code (controls AVR relay board to send heartbeat and other patterns), as well as synthetic heartbeat source.
  • test-proportional - Android code for running the proportional valve driver board. Can run on any android device, requires standard FTDI USB to 485 cable to connect with board
  • testApp - Android and PC code for running the 8-output relay driver board. Can run on any android device, or web interface + python can run on Mac/Linux box. Requires standard FTDI USB to 485 cable to connect with board

General architecture

The system is a distributed network where information is sent over broadcast UDP packets. There are two types of data - commands and heartbeat signals. The different types of data are sent over different ports - 5000 for heartbeats, and 5001 for commands.

There are currently six distinct entities in the system, each with its own ID:

0 - auto generated heartbeat 1 - pulse pod 1 (generates heartbeat, handles pod LED and audio commands) 2 - pulse pod 2 (generates heartbeat, handles pod LED and audio commands) 3 - heart controls (does not generate heartbeats, handles flame and DMX commands) 4 - MIU left (generates heartbeat) 5 - MIU right (generates heartbeat)

Heartbeat data contains the time at which the heartbeat happened (offset from current time), the heartbeat frequency, and the ID of the heartbeat source, ie:

struct __BPMPulseData_t {
		uint8_t  pod_id; // which pod. pass as param in startup file.
		uint8_t  rolling_sequence;
		// just repeat every 256 iterations. for tracking gaps in
		// UDP packets in case we have some situation where it happens.
		uint16_t beat_interval_ms;
		// min BPM 30 has ms interval of 2000
		// max BPM 200 has ms interval of 300
		uint32_t elapsed_ms; // how long before now did this happen?
	float est_BPM; // computed as 60*1000/beat_interval_ms by sender.
	uint32_t timestamp;  // timestamp, normalized to the pod that sent this. Do not assume that the pods are in sync.

Command data contains the id of the entity the command is meant for, a command code, and a 32-bit data field that depends on the particular commands, ie:

typedef struct __attribute((packed)) {
		uint8_t  receiver_id;         // which unit is this command for. 255 means 'this is for everyone'
		uint8_t  command_tracking_id; // id specific to this command, can be used for ACK/NACK if we build that 
		uint16_t command_id;          // command for the unit; do not respond to commands that you don't understand
		uint32_t command_data;        // may or may not have anything in it, depending on the command
} PulseCommand_t;

Current commands include:

STOP_ALL             = 1
START_EFFECT         = 4
STOP_EFFECT          = 5
DMX_STROBE           = 7
AORTA_CHASE          = 9
AORTA_ATTACK         = 10
PLAY_SOUND           = 11
AORTA_1              = 12
AORTA_2              = 13
AORTA_3              = 14

Note that entity id 0xFF means 'all receiving entities', so, for instance, [0xff,0,6,0] means 'all entities use the autogenerated heartbeat as their source'


This code requires numpy and the fadecandy raspberry pi opc server

Pod Lighting


cd pods
./ # installs dependencies to ./vendor, runs make




cd ... assumes you're at the project top level

cd network

cd pods/vendor/openpixelcontrol
bin/gl_server ../../models/pulse_pod.json 7890 ../../models/pulse_pod-binary.stl --initcam='0.00 -49.00 0.00 89.0 302.4 1 1080.00'
# in GL window, press 'm' for mesh wireframe of .stl
# press 'j' to toggle between initial json file lighting (good for debug) and using opc signals

cd {proj_root}


Pulse Project software. For giant beating flamey hearts.






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