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A simple wrapper around expat's SAX XML parser. Provides boost::signal2 signals for a subset of expat's signals. Mostly just an academic exercise to play with C++11 and boost magic things.



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Copyright 2013 Bruce Ide

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.

This is a simple and moderately cheesy wrapper for the expat SAX parser.
The core engine very simply provides events from expat with standard
C++ library objects instead of the C ones expat uses. The expat callbacks
are wrapped in boost::signals2 objects. See the test directory for examples.

The xml_node object provides a very simple very-much-not-DOM tree which
can be traversed and queried. I might set up some tree manipulation later.

The node engine is essentially a factory for xml_nodes. It will construct
an entire node tree from an XML document. It also provides a
boost::signals2 event which is signalled when a node becomes available.
Child nodes will always become available before parent nodes do, since
the parser has to go all the way down the tree and then come back up in order
to build the tree.

The best place to find examples is in the test directory. The source is
only the three header files herein. I'm not sure you want to install them
in /usr/include or /usr/local/include or anything. Maybe just check out
the project and add an include path to it in your makefile or something.

This library depends on expat, boost::signals2 and boost::bind.

I don't claim that this library is useful for much of anything, and is
mostly just a learning exercise for me. Note one of my goals is to use
C++11 extensions when appropriate, so this may not compile happily
if your compiler doesn't support those. I used gcc 4.7.2.

Yes, I know there's a lot of pass by copy in here. That seems a bit safer
than allocating stuff and passing it back. I suppose I could use
shared_ptrs more, but I'm hoping the vector copies use that newfangled
rvalue reference anyway. I'm not going to optimize for that until speed
becomes a problem.


A simple wrapper around expat's SAX XML parser. Provides boost::signal2 signals for a subset of expat's signals. Mostly just an academic exercise to play with C++11 and boost magic things.







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