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Jakopter is a library which allows to pilot Parrot ARdrone2.0 with a C program or Lua scripts, and with treatments on the drone video feedback. It had been developed into the ALF team at INRIA.

Website : (not available in english yet)



CMake ≥ 2.8 C compiler with C99 support (GCC or Clang) A Linux, OS X or at least UNIX operating system with pthreads


For ViSP, Leap, Vicon: C++ compiler (GCC or clang)

For Lua bindings : Lua 5.1 up to 5.3

For video :

  • FFMPEG (or at least libavcodec) for decoding
  • SDL2 (for video display)
  • SDL2_ttf (for text overlay within video display)
  • SDL2_image (for image overlay within video display) or in alternative of SDL2 :
  • ViSP (for video display and processing)

For Leap Motion control : Leap Motion SDK

For direct keyboard control : Curses

For Vicon support: Vicon SDK

For network interface: Curl

Build Instructions

The project uses CMake as a build system.

On UNIX systems you can customize the generation with:

ccmake .

and you can generate a Makefile with the command:

cmake .

Then you should be able to compile the project properly with:


You can clear the files generated by CMake with:


How To Use

You can find the documentation on our main website ( There are Lua examples in the test folder.