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ADoM TAS (adom-tas)

ADoM TAS stands for Ancient Domains of Mystery Tool-Assisted Speedruns. It makes recording deterministic runs as input sequences possible and thus allows creating theoretically perfect speedruns and other demonstrations. Its possibilities are not restricted to speedruns although it's the main focus. The name is not very descriptive since it's built around an acronym.


This project is in passive development and the first version was finished by 2012-07-01, the first working binaries were built 2012-07-02 and the pre-relase version was built 2012-09-02.



ADoM is a roguelike video game and as such characterized by turn-based movement, random level generation, permanent death, textual graphics, luck-based gameplay, an unnecessarily complicated metagame, an inconvenient user interface and bad programming. Altogether it's an excellent game to disassemble and learn from other people's mistakes.

Tool-Assisted Speedruns

Tool-assisted speedruns combine two concepts: tool-assisting and speedrunning. Tool-assisting means controlling time and the environment to make theoretically flawless execution possible. Speedrunning obviously means playing as fast as possible. Typically being fast means minimizing the time spent, but for turn-based games the goal may be different.


ADoM TAS is written in C and only works on Linux since it relies on injecting assembly instructions to another executable and makes heavy use of features like fork and execve. ADoM TAS comes with a copy of ADoM that's unaltered and packaged as it was originally distributed as outlined in its license. ADoM TAS can be installed from binaries (already compiled executables) or sources (text files that need to be compiled). In either case it's recommended to browse through the whole installation instructions and possibly the troubleshoot section.

The following examples are from a (freshly installed) Arch Linux.


Binaries only need to be downloaded and extracted.

[user@arch ~]$ wget
[user@arch ~]$ tar -xf adom-tas.tar.gz

They may be older than the sources.


Building ADoM TAS relies on the GNU Compiler Collection and GNU Make although any other C compiler and build automation tool should work as well. GNU extensions are used, but not required.

[user@arch ~]$ pacman -S gcc make

The libraries ADoM TAS depends on are the C standard library libc, the New Cursor Optimization library libncurses and a configuration file library libconfig.

[user@arch ~]$ pacman -S libc libncurses libconfig

Acquiring ADoM TAS from GitHub also requires SSH and Git.

[user@arch ~]$ pacman -S openssh git

Once the required packages are installed the repository can be cloned

[user@arch ~]$ git clone

and ADoM TAS can be built.

[user@arch ~]$ cd adom-tas
[user@arch adom-tas]$ make

The binaries go in the bin directory and temporary objects in the obj directory. The object files can be removed after compilation.

[user@arch adom-tas]$ rm -f obj/*


Note that the configuration files used by ADoM are overwritten by default to achieve consistency in recorded input sequences. To preserve the configuration files move or copy them elsewhere first.

[user@arch adom-tas]$ cp -u ~/ ~/

Running the launcher for the first time will generate a template configuration file in the current working directory and terminate with a note.

[user@arch adom-tas]$ bin/adom-tas

The configuration file may need to be edited. The process of doing so is addressed in its own section.

[user@arch adom-tas]$ nano adom-tas.cfg

After taking care of the configuration file the launcher will start properly.

[user@arch adom-tas]$ bin/adom-tas


Encoding video files requires the Teletypewriter Recorder ttyrec for *.tty files and FFmpeg ffmpeg for *.avi files. Some formats also require the Audio/Video Codec library libavcodec or the Audio/Video Filter library libavfilter.

[user@arch adom-tas]$ pacman -S ttyrec ffmpeg

Recording is managed by shell scripts.

[user@arch adom-tas]$ bin/ -e bin/adom-tas -o output.tty
[user@arch adom-tas]$ bin/ -e bin/adom-tas -o output.avi

Advanced options like quality and filtering are also available

[user@arch adom-tas]$ bin/ -e "ttyplay output.tty" -r 32 -m 16 -s sd -o output.avi

and can be found in the help.

[user@arch adom-tas]$ bin/ -h

It is currently recommended to first record a tty file and then convert it to an avi file since adom-tas is only synchronized with nanosleep so frame processing times skew the frame durations.


ADoM TAS uses a configuration file since command-line arguments are passed through to ADoM and the configuration is mostly static. When ADoM TAS is run it checks for the existence of its configuration file and creates the file from a template if it doesn't exist. By default the configuration file is called adom-tas.cfg in the current working directory, but the default location can be changed by modifying the variable def_config_path in the file def.c and rebuilding ADoM TAS. The default file extension is *.cfg since the configuration file library uses it by default and *.conf was originally planned to be reserved for a configuration language.

The configuration file contains

  • the location of the ADoM executable,
  • the location of ADoM's data directory,
  • the location of ADoM TAS's loader,
  • the location of the C standard library libc,
  • the location of the New Cursor Optimization library libncurses and
  • whether default configuration files are enforced (true by default),
  • the location of the home directory,
  • the amount of save states excluding the currently active state (at least 1 and 9 by default),
  • the height of the terminal in rows (at least 25, at most 127 and 25 by default),
  • the width of the terminal cols in columns (at least 77, at most 127 and 80 by default),
  • the location of the shared memory segment lock shm (adom-tas.shm by default),
  • the amount of character generations (100 by default),
  • the timestamp of the initial system time (0 by default),
  • whether the save-quit-load emulation is enabled (true by default),
  • whether playback starts automatically if an input file is present (false by default),
  • whether the user interface has colorful backgrounds (true by default),
  • the string iterator to replace with the save state number when processing output file names (# by default),
  • the location of the input file for playback (input.tas by default),
  • the location of the output files for recording (recommended to be output.#.tas and output.tas by default),
  • the location of the error log (stderr by default),
  • the location of the warning log (stderr by default),
  • the location of the note log (stderr by default),
  • the location of the call log (/dev/null by default) and
  • the key numbers of various commands.

The standard streams are stdin, stdout and stderr. All file paths can be absolute, relative or linked and the shell variable ~ is expanded to the home directory. The shared memory segment lock file has to exist, but its contents don't matter since it's only used for identification.

The template configuration should work out of the box. If ADoM TAS is run from the same directory it's maked from (sic) the only values that may be wrong are the library locations. The libraries can be searched for to make life easier.

[user@arch ~]$ find /lib /usr/lib -maxdepth 1 \( -name\* -o -name\* \) 2>/dev/null

The input file is read when the playback key is pressed on the first frame. The output file is written when the corresponding save state is used.

User Interface

The user interface deserves a mention since it's so intuitive.

The status bar looks like

I: \M\Cf  F: 2/21  T: 0/7  D: 1/2  E: 15  R: 0xe87de001  S: 2/9  P: 16384

and contains the last recorded inputs (Alt Ctrl F), the amount of last recorded frames (2) and the amount of all frames (21), the amount of actual turns elapsed since the last input (0) and the amount of all actual turns (7), the duration of the next frame (half a second), the time elapsed since the last emulated save-quit-load process (15 seconds), the current hash of the random number generator's state and the currently selected save state (#2) and the amount of all save states (9) and the current process identifier.

By default

  • F2 saves the current save state,
  • F3 loads it,
  • F8 selects the next save state,
  • Shift F8 selects the previous one,
  • F5 increases (doubles) the duration of the next frame,
  • Shift F5 decreases (halves) it,
  • F6 shifts the system time forwards (by one second),
  • Shift F6 shifts it backwards (but not to a negative value),
  • F9 opens or closes the save state menu,
  • Shift F9 opens or closes the information screen,
  • F10 condenses or expands the user interface,
  • Shift F10 hides or shows it,
  • F11 plays or pauses a record (but only starting on the first frame),
  • Shift F11 stops a record (and enables appending to it),
  • Shift F12 quits and
  • the save key (typically S) emulates the save-quit-load process.

The keys only used to interact with ADoM TAS are not recorded.


Compilation failed with No such file or directory? Consider

  • ensuring the installed libraries are
    • libncurses instead of libcurses and
    • libconfig instead of libconfig++,
  • checking that gcc and make are installed properly and
  • making sure the commands rm, mkdir and cp are unaltered.

Running failed with Parsing the configuration file failed? Consider

  • making sure the syntax is correct with
    • an equals sign = between keys and values and
    • strings enclosed in quotation marks ",
  • updating libconfig,
  • taking care of legacy problems by
    • adding semicolons ; to the end of each line and
    • ensuring the last line ends with a line break \n,
  • removing uncommon whitespace characters like no-break spaces \xa0 or
  • generating a new configuration file.

Something else happened? Consider

  • trying to understand the error message better,
  • looking it up in the well-documented source code,
  • reinstalling ADoM TAS or
  • asking for help.


The attributes of a character are set when the text "You are born to be a male gnome." appears and varied until the text "You are now a fully learned wizard." appears. The items of a character are generated when the talent menu opens. A character is considered generated when the text "You are now a fully learned wizard." appears.

Putting the resource file ADOM.DBG in the current working directory will enable ADoM's debug mode. I have no idea what it does, but hopefully someone can figure it out and tell me.



ADoM TAS comes with a wrapper for ltrace that logs library calls.

[user@arch adom-tas]$ pacman -S ltrace

The log files it generates are enormous, so use it with care.

[user@arch adom-tas]$ bin/


It's possible to generate automated documentation for ADoM TAS with Doxygen.

[user@arch adom-tas]$ pacman -S doxygen

The process is similar to makeing (sic).

[user@arch adom-tas]$ doxygen


The naming conventions used in the project follow those of the implementations and the man pages of similar functions in the C standard library.

The syntax conventions in the other hand follow the simplest possible consistent set of rules that allows condensed and patterned code. Keywords are always followed by spaces and functions never, binary operators are always separated by spaces and unary never, pointers are always separated from their types and identifiers since their binding varies depending on the context, comments and casts are removable using the simplest possible pattern to leave no traces of their existence and continued lines are always indented twice to separate them from scopes they may start to name a few.

Directory Structure

Files are named and organized in a typical manner. The directories are

  • / for configurations,
  • /src for sources,
  • /obj for temporary build files,
  • /lib for libraries,
  • /bin for binaries,
  • /res for resources,
  • /doc for documentation,
  • /doxygen for automated documentation,
  • /cat for catalogs,
  • /rec for records and
  • /adom for ADoM.

File Format

Records are saved to *.tas files in a custom format. The files contain

  • a 4-byte char [4] header (always 54 41 53 00 for "TAS"),
  • a 256-byte char [256] author (for example 54 75 70 6c 61 6e 6f 6c 6c 61 00 ... for "Tuplanolla"),
  • a 256-byte char [256] executable name (for example 61 64 6f 6d 00 ... for ADoM),
  • a 256-byte char [256] comments,
  • a 4-byte unsigned int category (where 00 00 00 00 is uncategorized),
  • a 8-byte unsigned int amount of frames,
  • a 8-byte unsigned int time elapsed,
  • a 8-byte unsigned int turns spent,
  • padding to 1024-byte alignment and
  • executable-specific frame_d chunks.

For ADoM the categories are

  • 01 00 00 00 for minimum actual turns (without negative turns) and
  • 02 00 00 00 for minimum ideal time (without saving, quitting and loading)
  • although all categories up to ff 00 00 00 are reserved for challenge games

and the chunks consist of

  • a 1-byte unsigned char duration and
  • a 4-byte time_t excerpt.

Additionally characters are catalogued to *.tac files. The files contain

  • a 4-byte char [4] header (always 54 41 67 00 for "TAC"),
  • a 256-byte char [256] executable name (for example 61 64 6f 6d 00 ... for ADoM),
  • padding to 1024-byte alignment and
  • an executable-specific catalog_d chunk.

For ADoM the chunk consists of

  • a 4-byte unsigned int birthday (day of the year minus one),
  • a 4-byte unsigned int sex,
  • a 4-byte unsigned int race,
  • a 4-byte unsigned int profession,
  • a 52-byte char [51] list of answers,
  • a 4-byte unsigned int potential crowning gift,
  • a 36-byte unsigned int [9] list of initial attributes,
  • a 2788-byte unsigned int [697] list of identified items and
  • a 188-byte unsigned int [47] list of identified books.

Making of ADoM TAS

June 2012 was when it all begun...

...and that's it (more will be written later).

Random Number Generator

The best way to record what's essentially a nondeterministic finite automaton is finding the sequence of inputs that result in the desired output. Eliminating entropy guarantees the same inputs always map to the same output, which is essential to avoid desynchronization. Practically it means finding out what kind of a random number generator is used, emulating it to predict how it changes and controlling external factors that affect it.

The GNU Debugger is used to create a controlled test environment and find out how the random number generator works.

[user@arch ~]$ cd adom
[user@arch adom]$ gdb adom

Commonly used random number generators are rand, random and drand48. To find out which of them are linked with the executable the info functions command is used.

(gdb) i fu rand
0x08049380  random
0x080496d0  srandom

The nonlinear additive feedback random number generator random and its seed function srandom are found. Breakpoints set with the break command and ignored to help count how many times they're called. The run command starts the process.

(gdb) b random
(gdb) b srandom
(gdb) ig 1 0xffff
(gdb) ig 2 0xffff
(gdb) r

Once the process terminates info break is used to inspect the breakpoints and delete breakpoints to clean up afterwards.

(gdb) i b
(gdb) d br

Both of the functions are only called once, so a custom random number generator is used and the functions are likely there just to initialize it. However random is only a pseudo-random number generator and as such requires a source of entropy. Timers are commonly used as such sources.

(gdb) i fu time
0x080492e0  localtime
0x08049420  time
0x08049610  notimeout
0x08049700  wtimeout

Only time and localtime are interesting since they're absolute timers and reside in the standard library. Breakpoints help count how many times they're called again.

(gdb) b localtime
(gdb) b time
(gdb) ig 3 0xffff
(gdb) ig 4 0xffff
(gdb) r
(gdb) i b
(gdb) d 3

Since time is also called once at startup, it's likely that srandom(time(NULL)) is first called to seed the pseudo-random number generator and random() is then called to seed the custom random number generator. The assumption is checked by using break and finish to position $pc (the program counter) and examine instructions to read the disassembly.

(gdb) ig 4 0
(gdb) r
(gdb) fin
(gdb) x /17i $pc - 0x13
	0x08125d10:  push  %ebp
	0x08125d11:  mov   %esp, %ebp
	0x08125d13:  sub   $0x8, %esp
	0x08125d16:  add   $0xfffffff4, %esp
	0x08125d19:  add   $0xfffffff4, %esp
	0x08125d1c:  push  $0x0
    0x08125d1c:  push  $0x0
    0x08125d1e:  call  0x08049420 <time@plt>
=>  0x08125d23:  push  %eax
    0x08125d24:  call  0x080496d0 <srandom@plt>
    0x08125d29:  add   $0x20, %esp
    0x08125d2c:  add   $0xfffffff4, %esp
    0x08125d2f:  call  0x08049380 <random@plt>
    0x08125d34:  push  %eax
    0x08125d35:  call  0x08125ea0
    0x08125d3a:  mov   %ebp, %esp
    0x08125d3c:  pop   %ebp
    0x08125d3d:  ret

Random number generators often store their state statically, so the location is most likely fixed and the random number generator can be identified by analyzing its storage's size and contents. To know where to look at info proc mappings shows the location of the heap.

(gdb) i proc m
0x08048000  0x08262000  0x21a000  0x0       /home/user/adom/adom
0x08262000  0x0829f000  0x3d000   0x219000  /home/user/adom/adom
0x0829f000  0x082ec000  0x4d000   0x0       heap

The heap is dumped to files m1 and m2 at different times with the help of define, dump memory, info stack, disable and continue and compared with the shell command cmp.

(gdb) def dm
du m $arg0 0x0829f000 0x082ec000
(gdb) i s
#0  0xb7fda14f in time from /lib/
#1  0x08125d23 in ??
#2  0x080dd8fb in ??
#3  0x081503da in ??
#4  0xb7df43d5 in __libc_start_main from /lib/
(gdb) disa 1
(gdb) b *0x081503da
(gdb) c
(gdb) dm m1
(gdb) c
(gdb) r
(gdb) dm m2
(gdb) disa 2
(gdb) c
(gdb) she cmp -l m1 m2 | wc -l

The heaps differ by 260 bytes, which indicates a 256-byte state and a 4-byte collection of iterators, counters or unrelated garbage. Upon closer inspection one of the bytes stands out as it's only ever incremented by one and another byte next to it is always incremented with it, but by an arbitrary amount. Two of the bytes change haphazardly, so they're probably unrelated. The layout of the storage means the random number generator is most likely a variation of the ARC4 stream cipher. ARC4 uses three variables: the state S and the iterators i and j.

(gdb) set $s = (unsigned char * )0x082ada40
(gdb) set $l = (unsigned int )256
(gdb) set $i = (unsigned char * )0x082adb40
(gdb) set $j = (unsigned char * )0x082adb41

In order to get reliable test results entropy has to be removed. The breakpoint is enabled to catch time again.

(gdb) ena 4
(gdb) r
(gdb) fin

Inspecting the registers with info registers help find the return value.

(gdb) i r
eax     0x4fc90000  +1338572800
ecx     0xbffff694  -1073744236
edx     0x00000001  +1
ebx     0xbffff9a4  -1073743452
esp     0xbffff8b4  0xbffff8b4
ebp     0xbffff8d8  0xbffff8d8
esi     0x00000001  +1
edi     0x00000000   0
eip     0x08125d23  0x08125d23
eflags  0000000296  PF | AF | SF | IF
cs      0x00000073  +115
ss      0x0000007b  +123
ds      0x0000007b  +123
es      0x0000007b  +123
fs      0x00000000   0
gs      0x00000033  +51

The eax register seems to contain an timestamp of 2012-06-01 17:46:40 UTC and needs to be reset.

(gdb) set $eax = 0

It's 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC again and no further actions are needed, since time is only called once. The variables of the random number generator can now be tracked reliably with the watch command.

(gdb) wa *$s
(gdb) wa *$i
(gdb) wa *$j
(gdb) c

First s changes from 0 to 103 at 0x08125f2c, so the watchpoints are late to the party. Analyzing the state should tell how late exactly.

(gdb) def ds
du m $arg0 $s $s + $l
(gdb) ds su

The first byte is 0x67 and the rest are uninitialized (so that s[i] = i), so not too late.

(gdb) c
(gdb) c

Then j changes from 0 to 15 at 0x0812615d and i from 0 to 1 in 0x081261a3. The random number generator is obviously a variant of the ARC4. The initialization has already started, so the state can't be inspected any further, but the breakpoints for the next run can be set now.

(gdb) disa 5
(gdb) i s
#0  0x081261a3 in ??
#1  0x08125ba2 in ??
#2  0x080dd208 in ??
#3  0x080d166d in ??
#4  0x081504ec in ??
#5  0xb7df43d5 in __libc_start_main from /lib/
(gdb) fin
(gdb) fin
(gdb) fin
(gdb) fin
(gdb) x /4i $pc - 0x8
   0x081504e4:  add   $0x20, %esp
   0x081504e7:  call  0x080d15f0
=> 0x081504ec:  add   $0xfffffff4, %esp
   0x081504ef:  push  $0x082614eb
(gdb) b *0x081504e7
(gdb) c

The initial state is dumped to the file s1 once the breakpoint is reached.

(gdb) r
(gdb) fin
(gdb) set $eax = 0
(gdb) c
(gdb) ds s1

The next two states are dumped to files s2 and s3 after the iterators have changed.

(gdb) c
(gdb) c
(gdb) ds s2
(gdb) c
(gdb) c
(gdb) ds s3

The debugger has done its job and may quit.

(gdb) d br
(gdb) c
(gdb) q

However since the custom random number generator operates cyclically, its output must also to be understood. The whole process is quite complicated, so objdump is used for the heavy lifting.

[user@arch adom]$ objdump -d -w adom >adom.s

It produces a disassembly that's approximately 333620 lines long, so reading through the whole thing is not an option. Searching for calls to functions that access s after the calls to srandom and random should suffice, since the seed has to be passed through somewhere.

0x080dd1f0:  55                    push    %ebp
0x080dd1f1:  89 e5                 mov     %esp, %ebp
0x080dd1f3:  83 ec 08              sub     $0x8, %esp
0x080dd1f6:  8b 45 08              mov     0x8(%ebp), %eax
0x080dd1f9:  ff 05 60 4a 26 08     incl    c
0x080dd1ff:  83 c4 f4              add     $0xfffffff4, %esp <sub $0xb>
0x080dd202:  50                    push    %eax
0x080dd203:  e8 88 89 04 00        call    0x08125b90 <uncounted_rng>
0x080dd208:  89 ec                 mov     %ebp, %esp
0x080dd20a:  5d                    pop     %ebp
0x080dd20b:  c3                    ret
0x080dd8f0:  55                    push    %ebp
0x080dd8f1:  89 e5                 mov     %esp, %ebp
0x080dd8f3:  83 ec 08              sub     $0x8, %esp
0x080dd8f6:  e8 15 84 04 00        call    0x08125d10 <seed_rng>
0x080dd8fb:  89 ec                 mov     %ebp, %esp
0x080dd8fd:  5d                    pop     %ebp
0x080dd8fe:  c3                    ret
0x0811f8a0:  55                    push    %ebp
0x0811f8a1:  89 e5                 mov     %esp, %ebp
0x0811f8a3:  83 ec 0c              sub     $0xc, %esp
0x0811f8a6:  b8 4c eb 2b 08        mov     cache + sizeof cache, %eax
0x0811f8ab:  57                    push    %edi
0x0811f8ac:  56                    push    %esi
0x0811f8ad:  53                    push    %ebx
0x0811f8ae:  bb 13 00 00 00        mov     $0x13, %ebx
0x0811f8b3:  89 18                 mov     %ebx, (%eax) <---------------.
0x0811f8b5:  83 c0 fc              add     $0xfffffffc, %eax <sub $0x3> |
0x0811f8b8:  4b                    dec     %ebx                         |
0x0811f8b9:  79 f8                 jns     0x0811f8b3 <use_rng + 0x13> -´
0x0811f8bb:  83 c4 f4              add     $0xfffffff4, %esp <sub $0xb>
0x0811f8be:  6a 14                 push    $0x14
0x0811f8c0:  e8 2b d9 fb ff        call    0x080dd1f0 <counted_rng>
0x0811f8c5:  83 c4 10              add     $0x10, %esp
0x0811f8c8:  8d 58 09              lea     0x9(%eax), %ebx
0x0811f8cb:  83 fb ff              cmp     $0xffffffff, %ebx
0x0811f8ce:  74 56                 je      0x0811f926 <use_rng + 0x86> -------.
0x0811f8d0:  83 c4 f4              add     $0xfffffff4, %esp <sub $0xb> <---. |
0x0811f8d3:  6a 12                 push    $0x12                            | |
0x0811f8d5:  e8 16 d9 fb ff        call    0x080dd1f0 <counted_rng>         | |
0x0811f8da:  89 c6                 mov     %eax, %esi                       | |
0x0811f8dc:  83 c4 10              add     $0x10, %esp                      | |
0x0811f8df:  8d 7b ff              lea     -0x1(%ebx), %edi                 | |
0x0811f8e2:  83 c4 f4              add     $0xfffffff4, %esp <sub $0xb> <-. | |
0x0811f8e5:  6a 12                 push    $0x12                          | | |
0x0811f8e7:  e8 04 d9 fb ff        call    0x080dd1f0 <counted_rng>       | | |
0x0811f8ec:  83 c4 10              add     $0x10, %esp                    | | |
0x0811f8ef:  39 c6                 cmp     %eax, %esi                     | | |
0x0811f8f1:  74 ef                 je      0x0811f8e2 <use_rng + 0x42> ---´ | |
0x0811f8f3:  8d 0c b5 00 00 00 00  lea     0x0(0, %esi, 4), %ecx            | |
0x0811f8fa:  8b 99 00 eb 2b 08     mov     cache(%ecx), %ebx                | |
0x0811f900:  83 fb 11              cmp     $0x11, %ebx                      | |
0x0811f903:  74 1a                 je      0x0811f91f <use_rng + 0x7f> ---. | |
0x0811f905:  c1 e0 02              shl     $0x2, %eax                     | | |
0x0811f908:  8b 90 00 eb 2b 08     mov     cache(%eax), %edx              | | |
0x0811f90e:  83 fa 11              cmp     $0x11, %edx                    | | |
0x0811f911:  74 0c                 je      0x0811f91f <use_rng + 0x7f> -. | | |
0x0811f913:  89 91 00 eb 2b 08     mov     %edx, cache(%ecx)            | | | |
0x0811f919:  89 98 00 eb 2b 08     mov     %ebx, cache(%eax)            , | | |
0x0811f91f:  89 fb                 mov     %edi, %ebx <----------------<  | | |
0x0811f921:  83 fb ff              cmp     $0xffffffff, %ebx            `-´ | |
0x0811f924:  75 aa                 jne     0x0811f8d0 <use_rng + 0x30> -----´ |
0x0811f926:  8d 65 e8              lea     -0x18(%ebp), %esp <----------------´
0x0811f929:  5b                    pop     %ebx
0x0811f92a:  5e                    pop     %esi
0x0811f92b:  5f                    pop     %edi
0x0811f92c:  89 ec                 mov     %ebp, %esp
0x0811f92e:  5d                    pop     %ebp
0x0811f92f:  c3                    ret
0x08125b90:  55                    push    %ebp
0x08125b91:  89 e5                 mov     %esp, %ebp
0x08125b93:  83 ec 08              sub     $0x8, %esp
0x08125b96:  8b 45 08              mov     0x8(%ebp), %eax
0x08125b99:  83 c4 f4              add     $0xfffffff4, %esp <sub $0xb>
0x08125b9c:  50                    push    %eax
0x08125b9d:  e8 8e 05 00 00        call    0x08126130 <rng>
0x08125ba2:  89 ec                 mov     %ebp, %esp
0x08125ba4:  5d                    pop     %ebp
0x08125ba5:  c3                    ret
0x08125d10:  55                    push    %ebp
0x08125d11:  89 e5                 mov     %esp, %ebp
0x08125d13:  83 ec 08              sub     $0x8, %esp
0x08125d16:  83 c4 f4              add     $0xfffffff4, %esp <sub $0xb>
0x08125d19:  83 c4 f4              add     $0xfffffff4, %esp <sub $0xb>
0x08125d1c:  6a 00                 push    $0x0
0x08125d1e:  e8 fd 36 f2 ff        call    0x08049420 <time>
0x08125d23:  50                    push    %eax
0x08125d24:  e8 a7 39 f2 ff        call    0x080496d0 <srandom>
0x08125d29:  83 c4 20              add     $0x20, %esp
0x08125d2c:  83 c4 f4              add     $0xfffffff4, %esp <sub $0xb>
0x08125d2f:  e8 4c 36 f2 ff        call    0x08049380 <random>
0x08125d34:  50                    push    %eax
0x08125d35:  e8 66 01 00 00        call    0x08125ea0 <seed_rng_with_integer>
0x08125d3a:  89 ec                 mov     %ebp, %esp
0x08125d3c:  5d                    pop     %ebp
0x08125d3d:  c3                    ret
0x08125ea0:  55                    push    %ebp
0x08125ea1:  89 e5                 mov     %esp, %ebp
0x08125ea3:  83 ec 1c              sub     $0x1c, %esp
0x08125ea6:  b8 3f db 2a 08        mov     $0x082adb3f, %eax
0x08125eab:  57                    push    %edi
0x08125eac:  56                    push    %esi
0x08125ead:  53                    push    %ebx
0x08125eae:  8b 75 08              mov     0x8(%ebp), %esi
0x08125eb1:  89 35 44 db 2a 08     mov     %esi, 0x082adb44
0x08125eb7:  8d 7d fc              lea     -0x4(%ebp), %edi
0x08125eba:  bb ff 00 00 00        mov     $0xff, %ebx
0x08125ebf:  90                    nop
0x08125ec0:  88 18                 mov     %bl, (%eax) <-----------------.
0x08125ec2:  48                    dec     %eax                          |
0x08125ec3:  4b                    dec     %ebx                          |
0x08125ec4:  79 fa                 jns     0x08125ec0 <seed_rng + 0x20> -´
0x08125ec6:  89 f0                 mov     %esi, %eax
0x08125ec8:  88 45 fc              mov     %al, -0x4(%ebp)
0x08125ecb:  89 f0                 mov     %esi, %eax
0x08125ecd:  25 00 ff 00 00        and     $0xff00, %eax
0x08125ed2:  8b 55 fc              mov     -0x4(%ebp), %edx
0x08125ed5:  81 e2 ff 00 00 ff     and     $0xff0000ff, %edx
0x08125edb:  89 f3                 mov     %esi, %ebx
0x08125edd:  81 e3 00 00 ff 00     and     $0xff0000, %ebx
0x08125ee3:  09 c2                 or      %eax, %edx
0x08125ee5:  09 da                 or      %ebx, %edx
0x08125ee7:  81 e6 00 00 00 ff     and     $0xff000000, %esi
0x08125eed:  81 e2 ff ff ff 00     and     $0xffffff, %edx
0x08125ef3:  09 f2                 or      %esi, %edx
0x08125ef5:  89 55 fc              mov     %edx, -0x4(%ebp)
0x08125ef8:  31 db                 xor     %ebx, %ebx
0x08125efa:  c6 45 fb 00           movb    $0x0, -0x5(%ebp)
0x08125efe:  89 fe                 mov     %edi, %esi
0x08125f00:  8a 83 40 da 2a 08     mov     s(%ebx), %al <----------------.
0x08125f06:  88 45 fa              mov     %al, -0x6(%ebp)               |
0x08125f09:  8a 55 fb              mov     -0x5(%ebp), %dl               |
0x08125f0c:  89 d9                 mov     %ebx, %ecx                    |
0x08125f0e:  83 e1 03              and     $0x3, %ecx                    |
0x08125f11:  00 c2                 add     %al, %dl                      |
0x08125f13:  8a 04 31              mov     (%ecx, %esi, 1), %al          |
0x08125f16:  00 c2                 add     %al, %dl                      |
0x08125f18:  88 55 fb              mov     %dl, -0x5(%ebp)               |
0x08125f1b:  31 d2                 xor     %edx, %edx                    |
0x08125f1d:  8a 55 fb              mov     -0x5(%ebp), %dl               |
0x08125f20:  8a 82 40 da 2a 08     mov     s(%edx), %al                  |
0x08125f26:  88 83 40 da 2a 08     mov     %al, s(%ebx)                  |
0x08125f2c:  8a 45 fa              mov     -0x6(%ebp), %al               |
0x08125f2f:  88 82 40 da 2a 08     mov     %al, s(%edx)                  |
0x08125f35:  43                    inc     %ebx                          |
0x08125f36:  81 fb ff 00 00 00     cmp     $0xff, %ebx                   |
0x08125f3c:  7e c2                 jle     0x08125f00 <seed_rng + 0x60> -´
0x08125f3e:  5b                    pop     %ebx
0x08125f3f:  5e                    pop     %esi
0x08125f40:  5f                    pop     %edi
0x08125f41:  89 ec                 mov     %ebp, %esp
0x08125f43:  5d                    pop     %ebp
0x08125f44:  c3                    ret
0x08126130:  55                    push    %ebp
0x08126131:  89 e5                 mov     %esp, %ebp
0x08126133:  83 ec 1c              sub     $0x1c, %esp
0x08126136:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x08126138:  57                    push    %edi
0x08126139:  56                    push    %esi
0x0812613a:  53                    push    %ebx
0x0812613b:  8b 7d 08              mov     0x8(%ebp), %edi
0x0812613e:  a0 40 db 2a 08        mov     i, %al
0x08126143:  8a 90 40 da 2a 08     mov     s(%eax), %dl
0x08126149:  88 55 ff              mov     %dl, -0x1(%ebp)
0x0812614c:  a0 41 db 2a 08        mov     j, %al
0x08126151:  00 45 ff              add     %al, -0x1(%ebp)
0x08126154:  8a 4d ff              mov     -0x1(%ebp), %cl
0x08126157:  88 0d 41 db 2a 08     mov     %cl, j
0x0812615d:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x0812615f:  88 c8                 mov     %cl, %al
0x08126161:  8a 80 40 da 2a 08     mov     s(%eax), %al
0x08126167:  88 45 fe              mov     %al, -0x2(%ebp)
0x0812616a:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x0812616c:  a0 40 db 2a 08        mov     i, %al
0x08126171:  8a 5d fe              mov     -0x2(%ebp), %bl
0x08126174:  88 98 40 da 2a 08     mov     %bl, s(%eax)
0x0812617a:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x0812617c:  a0 41 db 2a 08        mov     j, %al
0x08126181:  88 90 40 da 2a 08     mov     %dl, s(%eax)
0x08126187:  00 da                 add     %bl, %dl
0x08126189:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x0812618b:  88 d0                 mov     %dl, %al
0x0812618d:  0f b6 b0 40 da 2a 08  movzbl  s(%eax), %esi
0x08126194:  a0 40 db 2a 08        mov     i, %al
0x08126199:  88 45 fd              mov     %al, -0x3(%ebp)
0x0812619c:  fe c0                 inc     %al
0x0812619e:  a2 40 db 2a 08        mov     %al, i
0x081261a3:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x081261a5:  a0 40 db 2a 08        mov     i, %al
0x081261aa:  8a 90 40 da 2a 08     mov     s(%eax), %dl
0x081261b0:  00 d1                 add     %dl, %cl
0x081261b2:  88 4d fc              mov     %cl, -0x4(%ebp)
0x081261b5:  88 0d 41 db 2a 08     mov     %cl, j
0x081261bb:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x081261bd:  88 c8                 mov     %cl, %al
0x081261bf:  8a 80 40 da 2a 08     mov     s(%eax), %al
0x081261c5:  88 45 fb              mov     %al, -0x5(%ebp)
0x081261c8:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x081261ca:  a0 40 db 2a 08        mov     i, %al
0x081261cf:  8a 4d fb              mov     -0x5(%ebp), %cl
0x081261d2:  88 88 40 da 2a 08     mov     %cl, s(%eax)
0x081261d8:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x081261da:  a0 41 db 2a 08        mov     j, %al
0x081261df:  88 90 40 da 2a 08     mov     %dl, s(%eax)
0x081261e5:  00 ca                 add     %cl, %dl
0x081261e7:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x081261e9:  88 d0                 mov     %dl, %al
0x081261eb:  31 db                 xor     %ebx, %ebx
0x081261ed:  8a 98 40 da 2a 08     mov     s(%eax), %bl
0x081261f3:  89 5d f0              mov     %ebx, -0x10(%ebp)
0x081261f6:  8a 45 fd              mov     -0x3(%ebp), %al
0x081261f9:  04 02                 add     $0x2, %al
0x081261fb:  a2 40 db 2a 08        mov     %al, i
0x08126200:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x08126202:  a0 40 db 2a 08        mov     i, %al
0x08126207:  8a 90 40 da 2a 08     mov     s(%eax), %dl
0x0812620d:  8a 4d fc              mov     -0x4(%ebp), %cl
0x08126210:  00 d1                 add     %dl, %cl
0x08126212:  88 4d fa              mov     %cl, -0x6(%ebp)
0x08126215:  88 0d 41 db 2a 08     mov     %cl, j
0x0812621b:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x0812621d:  88 c8                 mov     %cl, %al
0x0812621f:  8a 80 40 da 2a 08     mov     s(%eax), %al
0x08126225:  88 45 f9              mov     %al, -0x7(%ebp)
0x08126228:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x0812622a:  a0 40 db 2a 08        mov     i, %al
0x0812622f:  8a 5d f9              mov     -0x7(%ebp), %bl
0x08126232:  88 98 40 da 2a 08     mov     %bl, s(%eax)
0x08126238:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x0812623a:  a0 41 db 2a 08        mov     j, %al
0x0812623f:  88 90 40 da 2a 08     mov     %dl, s(%eax)
0x08126245:  00 da                 add     %bl, %dl
0x08126247:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x08126249:  88 d0                 mov     %dl, %al
0x0812624b:  31 c9                 xor     %ecx, %ecx
0x0812624d:  8a 88 40 da 2a 08     mov     s(%eax), %cl
0x08126253:  8a 45 fd              mov     -0x3(%ebp), %al
0x08126256:  04 03                 add     $0x3, %al
0x08126258:  a2 40 db 2a 08        mov     %al, i
0x0812625d:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x0812625f:  a0 40 db 2a 08        mov     i, %al
0x08126264:  8a 90 40 da 2a 08     mov     s(%eax), %dl
0x0812626a:  8a 5d fa              mov     -0x6(%ebp), %bl
0x0812626d:  00 d3                 add     %dl, %bl
0x0812626f:  88 1d 41 db 2a 08     mov     %bl, j
0x08126275:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x08126277:  88 d8                 mov     %bl, %al
0x08126279:  8a 80 40 da 2a 08     mov     s(%eax), %al
0x0812627f:  88 45 f8              mov     %al, -0x8(%ebp)
0x08126282:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x08126284:  a0 40 db 2a 08        mov     i, %al
0x08126289:  8a 5d f8              mov     -0x8(%ebp), %bl
0x0812628c:  88 98 40 da 2a 08     mov     %bl, s(%eax)
0x08126292:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x08126294:  a0 41 db 2a 08        mov     j, %al
0x08126299:  88 90 40 da 2a 08     mov     %dl, s(%eax)
0x0812629f:  00 da                 add     %bl, %dl
0x081262a1:  31 c0                 xor     %eax, %eax
0x081262a3:  88 d0                 mov     %dl, %al
0x081262a5:  8a 80 40 da 2a 08     mov     s(%eax), %al
0x081262ab:  8a 55 fd              mov     -0x3(%ebp), %dl
0x081262ae:  80 c2 04              add     $0x4, %dl
0x081262b1:  88 15 40 db 2a 08     mov     %dl, i
0x081262b7:  8b 55 f0              mov     -0x10(%ebp), %edx
0x081262ba:  c1 e2 08              shl     $0x8, %edx
0x081262bd:  01 f2                 add     %esi, %edx
0x081262bf:  89 4d f4              mov     %ecx, -0xc(%ebp)
0x081262c2:  c1 65 f4 10           shll    $0x10, -0xc(%ebp)
0x081262c6:  03 55 f4              add     -0xc(%ebp), %edx
0x081262c9:  c1 e0 18              shl     $0x18, %eax
0x081262cc:  01 d0                 add     %edx, %eax
0x081262ce:  85 ff                 test    %edi, %edi
0x081262d0:  74 06                 je      0x081262d8 <rng + 0x1a8> -.
0x081262d2:  31 d2                 xor     %edx, %edx                |
0x081262d4:  f7 f7                 div     %edi                      |
0x081262d6:  89 d0                 mov     %edx, %eax                |
0x081262d8:  5b                    pop     %ebx <--------------------´
0x081262d9:  5e                    pop     %esi
0x081262da:  5f                    pop     %edi
0x081262db:  89 ec                 mov     %ebp, %esp
0x081262dd:  5d                    pop     %ebp
0x081262de:  c3                    ret
0x0814f710:  55                    push    %ebp
0x0814fb5c:  e8 8f dd f8 ff        call    0x080dd8f0 <init_rng>
0x0814ffab:  c3                    ret
0x08150390:  55                    push    %ebp
0x0815055c:  e8 3f f3 fc ff        call    0x0811f8a0 <use_rng>
0x081506ea:  c3                    ret
0x08264a60:  00                    .int    0
0x082ada40:  00 01 02 ... ff       .byte   0, 1, 2, ..., 255
0x082adb40:  00                    .byte   0
0x082adb41:  00                    .byte   0
0x082beb00:  00 00 00 ... 00       .int    0, 1, 2, ..., 19

The manually annotated disassembly shows how to build the replica ARC4. It also shows that the order of operations is atypical as i is incremented after the rest of the operations, how bytes combined into an integer and how the return value is bound. Interestingly the worst-case complexity of the algorithm is O(infinity) and it may return anything if the given upper bound is equal to the lower bound.

Most of the relevant dumps can be found in the project's resources.


Tools for speedrunning ADoM (Ancient Domains of Mystery).







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