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Installing Xenomai 2.99.0


Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Installation steps
3. Installing the Cobalt core

    3.1. Preparing the Cobalt kernel
    3.2. Configuring and compiling the Cobalt kernel
    3.3. Examples of building the Cobalt kernel

        Building a Cobalt/x86 kernel (32/64bit)
        Building a Cobalt/powerpc kernel (32/64bit)
        Building a Cobalt/blackfin kernel
        Building Cobalt/arm kernel

5. Installing the Xenomai libraries and tools

    5.1. Prerequisites

        Generic requirements (both cores)
        Cobalt-specific requirements
        Mercury-specific requirement

    5.2. Configuring

        Generic configuration options (both cores)
        Cobalt-specific configuration options

    5.3. Cross-compilation

6. Examples of building the Xenomai libraries and tools

    6.1. Building the x86 libraries (32/64bit)
    6.2. Building the PPC32 libraries
    6.3. Building the PPC64 libraries
    6.4. Building the Blackfin libraries
    6.5. Building the ARM libraries

7. Testing the installation

    7.1. Booting the Cobalt kernel
    7.2. Testing the real-time system (both cores)

The latest version of this document is available at this address: 

For questions, corrections and improvements, write to the mailing list: 

1. Introduction

Xenomai 3 is the new architecture of the Xenomai RTOS emulation system, which
can run seamlessly as a dual kernel (i.e. like the legacy Xenomai 2.x, I-pipe
based), or over mainline Linux kernels (likely PREEMPT-RT enabled, but this is
not mandatory, if the latency requirements are relaxed).

This new architecture therefore exhibits two real-time cores, selected at build
time. The dual kernel core nicknamed Cobalt, is a significant rework of the
Xenomai 2.x system. The native linux version, an enhanced implementation of the
experimental Xenomai/SOLO: 
"" work, is called Mercury.

This magic works with the introduction of the "Copperplate" interface, which
mediates between the real-time API/emulator your application uses, and the
underlying real-time core. This way, applications are able to run in either
environments without visible change.

2. Installation steps

Xenomai follows a split source model, decoupling the kernel space support from
the user-space libraries.

To this end, kernel and user-space Xenomai components are respectively
available under the kernel/ and lib/ sub-trees. Other top-level directories,
such as scripts/, testsuite/ and utils/, provide additional scripts and
programs to be used on either the build host, or the runtime target.

The kernel/ sub-tree which implements the in-kernel support code is seen as a
built-in extension of the Linux kernel. Therefore, the standard Linux kernel
configuration process should be used to define the various settings for the
Xenomai kernel components. All of the kernel code Xenomai currently introduces
implements the Cobalt core (i.e. dual kernel configuration). As of today, the 
Mercury core needs no Xenomai-specific code in kernel space.

The lib/ sub-tree contains the various user-space libraries exported by the
Xenomai framework to the applications. This tree is built separately from the
kernel support. Libraries are built in order to support the selected core,
either Cobalt or Mercury.

3. Installing the Cobalt core

3.1. Preparing the Cobalt kernel

Xenomai/cobalt provides a real-time extension kernel seamlessly integrated to
Linux, therefore the first step is to build it as part of the target kernel. To
this end, scripts/ is a shell script which sets up the target
kernel properly. The syntax is as follows:

$ scripts/ [--linux=<linux-srctree>]
[--ipipe=<ipipe-patch>] [--arch=<target-arch>]

    specifies the path of the target kernel source tree. Such kernel tree may
    be already configured or not, indifferently. This path defaults to $PWD.
    specifies the path of the interrupt pipeline (aka I-pipe) patch to apply
    against the kernel tree. Suitable patches are available with Xenomai/cobalt
    under kernel/cobalt/arch/<target-arch>/patches. This parameter can be
    omitted if the I-pipe has already been patched in, or the script shall
    suggest an appropriate one. The script will detect whether the interrupt
    pipeline code is already present into the kernel tree, and skip this
    operation if so.
    tells the script about the target architecture. If unspecified, the build
    host architecture suggested as a reasonable default.

For instance, the following command would prepare the Linux tree located at /
home/me/linux-3.8-ipipe in order to patch the Xenomai support in:

$ cd xenomai-forge
$ scripts/ --linux=/home/me/linux-3.8

Note: The script will infer the location of the Xenomai kernel code from its
own location within the Xenomai source tree. For instance, if /home/me/
xenomai-forge/scripts/ is executing, then the Xenomai kernel
code available from /home/me/xenomai-forge/kernel/cobalt will be patched in the
target Linux kernel.

3.2. Configuring and compiling the Cobalt kernel

Once prepared, the target kernel can be configured as usual. All Xenomai
configuration options are available from the "Xenomai" toplevel Kconfig menu.

There are several important kernel configuration options, documented in the

Once configured, the kernel can be compiled as usual.

If you want several different configs/builds at hand, you may reuse the same
source by adding O=../build-<target> to each make invocation.

In order to cross-compile the Linux kernel, pass an ARCH and CROSS_COMPILE
variable on make command line. See sections "Building a Cobalt/arm kernel",
"Building a Cobalt/powerpc kernel", "Building a Cobalt/blackfin kernel",
"Building a Cobalt/x86 kernel", for examples.

3.3. Examples of building the Cobalt kernel

The examples in following sections use the following conventions:

    path to the target kernel sources
    path to the Xenomai sources

Building a Cobalt/x86 kernel (32/64bit)

Building Xenomai/cobalt for x86 is almost the same for 32bit and 64bit
platforms. You should note, however, that it is not possible to run Xenomai
libraries compiled for x86_32 on a kernel compiled for x86_64, and conversely.

Assuming that you want to build natively for a x86_64 system (x86_32
cross-build options from x86_64 appear between brackets), you would typically

$ cd $linux_tree
$ $xenomai_root/scripts/ --arch=x86 \
$ make [ARCH=i386] xconfig/gconfig/menuconfig

?configure the kernel (see also the recommended settings here: 

Enable Xenomai options, then build with:

$ make [ARCH=i386] bzImage modules

Now, let?s say that you really want to build Xenomai for a Pentium-based x86
32bit platform, using the native host toolchain; the typical steps would be as

$ cd $linux_tree
$ $xenomai_root/scripts/ --arch=i386 \
$ make xconfig/gconfig/menuconfig

?configure the kernel (see also the recommended settings here: 

Enable Xenomai options, then build with:

$ make bzImage modules

Similarly, for a 64bit platform, you would use:

$ cd $linux_tree
$ $xenomai_root/scripts/ --arch=x86_64 \
$ make xconfig/gconfig/menuconfig

?configure the kernel (see also the recommended settings here: 

Enable Xenomai options, then build with:

$ make bzImage modules

The remaining examples illustrate how to cross-compile a Cobalt-enabled kernel
for various architectures. Of course, you would have to install the proper
cross-compilation toolchain for the target system first.

Building a Cobalt/powerpc kernel (32/64bit)

A typical cross-compilation setup, in order to build Xenomai for a ppc-6xx
architecture running a 3.8.13 kernel. We use the DENX ELDK cross-compiler:

$ cd $linux_tree
$ $xenomai_root/scripts/ --arch=powerpc \
$ make ARCH=powerpc CROSS_COMPILE=ppc_6xx- xconfig/gconfig/menuconfig

?select the kernel and Xenomai options, save the configuration

$ make ARCH=powerpc CROSS_COMPILE=powerpc-linux- uImage modules

?manually install the kernel image and modules to the proper location

Building a Cobalt/blackfin kernel

The Blackfin is a MMU-less, DSP-type architecture running uClinux.

$ cd $linux_tree
$ $xenomai_root/scripts/ --arch=blackfin \
$ make ARCH=blackfin CROSS_COMPILE=bfin-uclinux- xconfig/gconfig/menuconfig

?select the kernel and Xenomai options, then compile with:

$ make linux image

?then install as needed

$ cp images/linux /tftpboot/...

Building Cobalt/arm kernel

Using codesourcery toolchain named arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc and compiling for
a CSB637 board (AT91RM9200 based), a typical compilation will look like:

$ cd $linux_tree
$ $xenomai_root/scripts/ --arch=arm \
$ mkdir -p $build_root/linux
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- O=$build_root/linux \
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- O=$build_root/linux \
  bzImage modules

?manually install the kernel image, system map and modules to the proper

4. Installing the Mercury core

For Mercury, you need no Xenomai-specific kernel support so far, beyond what
your host Linux kernel already provides. Your kernel should at least provide
high resolution timer support (CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS), and likely complete
preemption (PREEMPT_RT) if your application requires short and bounded

Kernels with no real-time support can be used too, likely for basic debugging
tasks, and/or running applications which do not have strict response time

Therefore, unlike with Cobalt, there is no additional steps for preparing and/
or configuring the kernel for Mercury.

5. Installing the Xenomai libraries and tools

5.1. Prerequisites

Generic requirements (both cores)

  * GCC must have support for legacy atomic builtins (__sync form).
  * GCC should have a (sane/working) support for TLS preferably, although this
    is not mandatory if building with --disable-tls.

Cobalt-specific requirements

  * The kernel version must be 3.5.7 or better.
  * An interrupt pipeline (I-pipe) patch must be available for your target
    kernel. You can find the official patches issued by the Xenomai project
    there: "". Only patches from the
    ipipe-core series are appropriate, legacy patches from the adeos-ipipe
    series are not.
  * A timestamp counter (TSC) is required from running on a x86_32 hardware.
    Unlike with Xenomai 2.x, TSC-emulation using a PIT register is not

Mercury-specific requirement

  * Only [eg]libc-based platforms are currently supported.

5.2. Configuring

A common autoconf script prepares for building the libraries and programs, for
both the Cobalt and Mercury cores. The core-specific code which may be needed
internally is automatically and transparently selected at compilation-time by
the build process.

The options listed below can be passed to this script.

Generic configuration options (both cores)

--with=core=       Indicates which real-time core you want to build the support
<type>             libraries for, namely cobalt or mercury. This option
                   defaults to cobalt.

--prefix=<dir>     Specifies the root installation path for libraries, include
                   files, scripts and executables. Running $ make install
                   installs these files to $DESTDIR/<dir>. This directory
                   defaults to /usr/xenomai.

--enable-debug[=   This switch controls the debug level. Three levels are
partial]           available, with varying overhead:

                     * symbols enables debug symbols to be compiled in the
                       libraries and executables, still turning on the
                       optimizer (-O2). This option has no overhead, it is
                       useful to get meaningful backtraces using gdb while
                       running the application at nominal speed.
                     * partial includes symbols, and also turns on internal
                       consistency checks within the Xenomai code (mostly
                       present in the Copperplate layer). The __XENO_DEBUG__
                       macro is defined, for both the Xenomai libraries and the
                       applications getting their C compilation flags from the
                       xeno-config script (i.e. xeno-config --cflags). The
                       partial debug mode implicitly turns on --enable-assert.
                       A measurable overhead is introduced by this level. This
                       is the default level when --enable-debug is mentioned
                       with no level specification.
                     * full includes partial settings, but the optimizer is
                       disabled (-O0), and even more consistency checks may be
                       performed. In addition to __XENO_DEBUG__, the macro
                       __XENO_DEBUG_FULL__ is defined. This level introduces
                       the most overhead, which may triple the worst-case
                       latency, or even more.

                       Over the Mercury core, enabling partial or full debug
                       modes also causes the standard malloc interface to be
                       used internally instead of a fast real-time allocator
                       (TLSF). This allows debugging memory-related issues with
                       the help of Valgrind or other dynamic memory analysers.

--disable-debug    Fully turns off all consistency checks and assertions, turns
                   on the optimizer and disables debug symbol generation.

--enable-assert    A number of debug assertion statements are present into the
                   Xenomai libraries, checking the internal consistency of the
                   runtime system dynamically (see man assert(3)). Passing
                   --disable-assert to the configure script disables built-in
                   assertions unconditionally. By default, assertions are
                   enabled in partial or full debug modes, disabled otherwise.

--enable-pshared   Enable shared multi-processing. When enabled, this option
                   allows multiple processes to share real-time objects (e.g.
                   tasks, semaphores).

--enable-registry  Xenomai APIs can export their internal state through a
                   pseudo-filesystem, which files may be read to obtain
                   information about the existing real-time objects, such as
                   tasks, semaphores, message queues and so on. This feature is
                   supported by FUSE: "", which
                   must be available on the target system. Building the Xenomai
                   libraries with the registry support requires the FUSE
                   development libraries to be installed on the build system.

                   When this option is enabled, the system creates a file
                   hierachy under /mnt/xenomai/<session>.<pid> (by default),
                   where you can access the internal state of the active
                   real-time objects. The session label is obtained from the
                   --session runtime switch. E.g. looking at the properties of
                   a VxWorks task could be done as follows:

                $ cat /mnt/xenomai/anon.12656/vxworks/tasks/windTask
                name       = windTask
                errno      = 0
                status     = ready
                priority   = 70
                lock_depth = 0

You may override the default root of the registry hierarchy by using the
--registry-root runtime option (see below).

[Note] Note
       When running over Xenomai/cobalt, the /proc/xenomai interface is also
       available for inspecting the core system state.

    Enables support for low resolution clocks. By default, libraries are built
    with no support for tick-based timing. If you need such support (e.g. for
    pSOS ? or VxWorks ? APIs), then you can turn it on using this option.

[Note] Note
       The POSIX API does not support tick-based timing. Alchemy may use it

    The Xenomai libraries requires a monotonic clock to be available from the
    underlying POSIX interface. When CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW is available on your
    system, you may want to pass this switch, otherwise CLOCK_MONOTONIC will be
    used by default.

[Note] Note
       The Cobalt core implements CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, so this switch is turned
       on by default when building with --with-core=cobalt. On the contrary,
       this option is turned off by default when building for the Mercury core,
       since we don?t know in advance whether this feature does exist on the
       target kernel.


    Xenomai can use GCC?s thread local storage extension (TLS) to speed up the
    retrieval of the per-thread information it uses internally. This switch
    enables TLS, use the converse --disable-tls to prevent this.

    Due to GCC bugs regarding this feature with some release,architecture
    combinations, whether TLS is turned on by default is a per-architecture
    decision. Currently, this feature is enabled for x86 and powerpc by
    default, other architectures will require --enable-tls to be passed to the
    configure script explicitly.

    Unless --enable-dlopen-libs is present, the initial-exec TLS model is

    When TLS is disabled, POSIX?s thread-specific data management services are
    used internally (i.e. pthread_set/getspecific()).


    This switch allows programs to load Xenomai-based libraries dynamically,
    using the dlopen(3) routine. Enabling dynamic loading introduces some
    overhead in TLS accesses when enabled (see --enable-tls), which might be
    noticeable depending on the architecture.

    To support dynamic loading when --enable-tls is turned on, the 
    global-dynamic TLS model is automatically selected.

    Applications loading dynamically may want to create the
    XENO_NOSHADOW environment variable prior to calling dlopen(), to prevent
    auto-shadowing of the calling context.

    Dynamic loading of Xenomai-based libraries is disabled by default.


    Enables asynchronous cancellation of Xenomai threads created by the
    real-time APIs, making provision to protect the Xenomai implementation code

    When disabled, Xenomai assumes that threads may exit due to cancellation
    requests only when they reach cancellation points (like system calls).
    Asynchronous cancellation is enabled by default.

    Turns on SMP support for Xenomai libraries.

[Caution] Caution
          SMP support must be enabled in Xenomai libraries when the client
          applications are running over a SMP-capable kernel.

    Enables support for applications compiled in _FORTIFY_SOURCE mode.

Cobalt-specific configuration options

        NAME                            DESCRIPTION                    DEFAULT

--enable-x86-vsyscall  Use the x86/vsyscall interface for issuing      enabled
                       syscalls. If disabled, the legacy 0x80 vector
                       will be used. Turning on this option requires

--enable-arm-tsc       Enable ARM TSC emulation. ^[b]                  kuser

--enable-arm-quirks    Enable quirks for specific ARM SOCs Currently   disabled
                       sa1100 and xscale3 are supported.

^[a] Each option enabled by default can be forcibly disabled by passing
--disable-<option> to the configure script.

^[b] In the unusual situation where Xenomai does not support the kuser generic
emulation for the target SOC, use this option to specify another tsc emulation
method. See --help for a list of valid values.

5.3. Cross-compilation

In order to cross-compile the Xenomai libraries and programs, you will need to
pass a --host and --build option to the configure script. The --host option
allow to select the architecture for which the libraries and programs are
built. The --build option allows to choose the architecture on which the
compilation tools are run, i.e. the system running the configure script.

Since cross-compiling requires specific tools, such tools are generally
prefixed with the host architecture name; for example, a compiler for the
PowerPC architecture may be named powerpc-linux-gcc.

When passing --host=powerpc-linux to configure, it will automatically use
powerpc-linux- as a prefix to all compilation tools names and infer the host
architecture name from this prefix. If configure is unable to infer the
architecture name from the cross-compilation tools prefix, you will have to
manually pass the name of all compilation tools using at least the CC and LD,
variables on configure command line.

The easiest way to build a GNU cross-compiler might involve using crosstool-ng,
available here: "".

If you want to avoid to build your own cross compiler, you might if find easier
to use the ELDK. It includes the GNU cross development tools, such as the
compilers, binutils, gdb, etc., and a number of pre-built target tools and
libraries required on the target system. See here: 
"" for further details.

Some other pre-built toolchains:

  * Mentor Sourcery CodeBench Lite Edition, available here: 
  * Linaro toolchain (for the ARM architecture), available here: 

6. Examples of building the Xenomai libraries and tools

The examples in following sections use the following conventions:

    path to the Xenomai sources
    path to a clean build directory
    path to a directory that will hold the installed file temporarily before
    they are moved to their final location; when used in a cross-compilation
    setup, it is usually a NFS mount point from the target?s root directory to
    the local build host, as a consequence of which running make DESTDIR=
    $staging_dir install on the host immediately updates the target system with
    the installed programs and libraries.

[Caution] Caution
          In the examples below, make sure to add --enable-smp to the configure
          script options if building for a SMP-enabled kernel.

6.1. Building the x86 libraries (32/64bit)

Assuming that you want to build the Mercury libraries natively for a x86_64/SMP
system, enabling shared multi-processing support. You would typically run:

$ mkdir $build_root && cd $build_root
$ $xenomai_root/configure --with-core=mercury --enable-smp --enable-pshared
$ make install

Conversely, cross-building the Cobalt libraries from x86_64 with the same
feature set, for running on x86_32 could be:

$ mkdir $build_root && cd $build_root
$ $xenomai_root/configure --with-core=cobalt --enable-smp --enable-pshared \
  --host=i686-linux CFLAGS="-m32 -O2" LDFLAGS="-m32"
$ make install

After installing the build tree (i.e. using "make install"), the installation
root should be populated with the librairies, programs and header files you can
use to build Xenomai-based real-time applications. This directory path defaults
to /usr/xenomai.

The remaining examples illustrate how to cross-compile Xenomai for various
architectures. Of course, you would have to install the proper
cross-compilation toolchain for the target system first.

6.2. Building the PPC32 libraries

A typical cross-compilation setup, in order to build the Cobalt libraries for a
ppc-6xx architecture. In that example, we want the debug symbols to be
generated for the executable, with no runtime overhead though. We use the DENX
ELDK cross-compiler:

$ cd $build_root
$ $xenomai_root/configure --host=powerpc-linux --with-core=cobalt \
$ make DESTDIR=$staging_dir install

6.3. Building the PPC64 libraries

Same process than for a 32bit PowerPC target, using a crosstool-built toolchain
for ppc64/SMP.

$ cd $build_root
$ $xenomai_root/configure --host=powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu \
  --with-core=cobalt --enable-smp
$ make DESTDIR=$staging_dir install

6.4. Building the Blackfin libraries

Another cross-compilation setup, in order to build the Cobalt libraries for the
Blackfin architecture. We use ADI?s toolchain: 
"" for this purpose:

$ mkdir $build_root && cd $build_root
$ $xenomai_root/configure --host=bfin-linux-uclibc --with-core=cobalt
$ make DESTDIR=$staging_dir install

[Note] Note
       Xenomai uses the FDPIC shared library format on this architecture. In
       case of problem running the testsuite, try restarting the last two build
       steps, passing the --disable-shared option to the "configure" script.

6.5. Building the ARM libraries

Using codesourcery toolchain named arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc and compiling for
a CSB637 board (AT91RM9200 based), a typical cross-compilation from a x86_32
desktop would look like:

$ mkdir $build_root/xenomai && cd $build_root/xenomai
$ $xenomai_root/configure CFLAGS="-march=armv4t" LDFLAGS="-march=armv4t" \
  --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu --host=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- --with-core=cobalt
$ make DESTDIR=$staging_dir install

[Important] Important
            Unlike previous releases, Xenomai no longer passes any arm
            architecture specific flags, or FPU flags to gcc, so, users are
            expected to pass them using the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS variables as
            demonstrated above, where the AT91RM9200 is based on the ARM920T
            core, implementing the armv4 architecture. The following table
            summarizes the CFLAGS and options which were automatically passed
            in previous revisions and which now need to be explicitely passed
            to configure, for the supported SOCs:

Table 1. ARM configure options and compilation flags

    SOC                    CFLAGS                      configure options

at91rm9200    -march=armv4t -msoft-float

at91sam9x     -march=armv5 -msoft-float

imx1          -march=armv4t -msoft-float

imx21         -march=armv5 -msoft-float

imx31         -march=armv6 -mfpu=vfp

imx51/imx53   -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfp3 ^[a]

imx6q         -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfp3 ^[a]     --enable-smp

ixp4xx        -march=armv5 -msoft-float          --enable-arm-tsc=ixp4xx

omap3         -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfp3 ^[a]

omap4         -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfp3 ^[a]     --enable-smp

orion         -march=armv5 -mfpu=vfp

pxa           -march=armv5 -msoft-float

pxa3xx        -march=armv5 -msoft-float          --enable-arm-quirks=xscale3

s3c24xx       -march=armv4t -msoft-float

sa1100        -march=armv4t -msoft-float         --enable-arm-quirks=sa1100

^[a] Depending on the gcc versions the flag for armv7 may be -march=armv7-a or

It is possible to build for an older architecture version (v6 instead of v7, or
v4 instead of v5), if your toolchain does not support the target architecture,
the only restriction being that if SMP is enabled, the architecture should not
be less than v6.

7. Testing the installation

7.1. Booting the Cobalt kernel

In order to test the Xenomai installation over Cobalt, you should first try to
boot the patched kernel. Check the kernel boot log for messages like these:

$ dmesg | grep -i xenomai
I-pipe: head domain Xenomai registered.
[Xenomai] Cobalt vX.Y.Z enabled

If the kernel fails booting, or the log messages indicates an error status
instead, see the TROUBLESHOOTING guide.

7.2. Testing the real-time system (both cores)

First, run the latency test:

$ /usr/xenomai/bin/latency

The latency test should display a message every second with minimum, maximum
and average latency values. If this test displays an error message, hangs, or
displays unexpected values, see the TROUBLESHOOTING guide.

If the latency test succeeds, you should try next to run the xeno-test test in
order to assess the worst-case latency of your system. Try:

$ xeno-test --help


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