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Threads, Sempahores & Message Passing implementation from scratch

The idea is to use low level C libraries to implement user level threads, semaphores and message passing between these threads. Then a client server application is created using our own threads, semaphores and message passing system.

  • Using functions from ucontext.h we created a simple user level thread library (a tiny version of POSIX threads) in C
  • Check thread.h for details
  • Using these threads, we implemented wait() and signal() functions for semaphores
  • Check Sem.h for details
  • To check correctness of the sempahore library created above, we implemented the classic readers-writers problem
  • Using the semaphore library created above, we implemented a single machine message passing system among threads we created above. The idea is to build ports which threads use to send and receive messages from. Each port is a buffer and controlled using semaphores like a producer consumer problem. As this is a single machine implementation, we have shared memory. You can think of it like message passing between processes on a single machine. These processes share memory at kernel level, we mimiced the same at user level among threads
  • Check msgs.h for details
  • To check the correctness of the message passing system we built above, we implemented a server-client model with 3 clients and one server screen shot 2015-12-11 at 12 45 37 pm
  • Check cl-srv.c for implementation details

To Run

Requires linux OS to run

gcc tcb.h && gcc q.h && gcc thread.h && gcc Sem.h && gcc && ./a.out


A basic implementation of threads in C as part of course Distributed Operating Systems







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