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For McAlpin's COP3402 class, Spring 2016
Group: Ryan Fonzi & Laura Driscoll

Requirements: gcc

These instructions assume you're running on Eustis.

Compilation instructions:
cd into the same directory as the source files and simply enter 'make'.
The makefile should do everything for you.

Running instructions:
Enter './pl0c.exe'

Error Codes:
1: Use = instead of :=
2: = must be followed by a number
3: Identifier must be followed by =
4: 'const', 'var', 'procedure' must be followed by identifier
5: Semicolon or comma missing
6: Incorrect symbol after procedure declaration
7: Statement expected
8: Incorrect symbol after statement part in block
9: Period expected
10: Semicolon between statements missing
11: Undeclared identifier
12: Assignment to constant or procedure is not allowed
13: Assignment operator expected
14: 'call' must be followed by an identifier
15: Call of a constant or variable is meaningless
16: 'then' expected
17: Semicolon or '}' expected
18: 'do' expected
19: Incorrect symbol following statement
20: Relational operator expected
21: Expression must not contain a procedure identifier
22: Right parenthesis missing
23: The preceding factor cannot begin with this symbol
24: An expression cannot begin with this symbol
25: This number is too large
26: Identifier expected after 'var'
27: Identifier expected after 'read'
28: Identifier expected after 'write'
29: ':=' must follow identifier in statement

===========================W A R N I N G===========================
This program expects PL/0 code as input! Not a lexeme list!

In order for our parser to work properly, we needed to null terminate our
token list with the nullsym '1'.
AS A RESULT, 'lexemetable.txt' AND 'lexemelist.txt'ARE NULL TERMINATED

Input file MUST be named 'input.txt', which will contain your PL/0 program
Output files will be named 'cleaninput.txt', 'lexemetable.txt', 'lexemelist.txt', and 'symlist.txt'

The sample inputs are displayed in the accompanying pdf.
The sample outputs were generated via this program.


For McAlpin's COP3402 class, Spring 2016






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