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How to Build

All Patforms

  • Create a build folder named build_CHOSEN_PLATFORM for the rest of the document will be referred to as build
  • open terminal at the repository root folder

Windows Specific

  1. Generate Xcode project with cmake
  • cd build
  • cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 17 2022"

MacOS Specific

  1. build folder is build_macos
  2. Initialize conan dependencies
  • conan install . --output-folder=build_macos --build=missing -s build_type=Debug --profile:build="conan/debug_profile_macos" --profile:host="conan/debug_profile_macos"
  1. Generate Xcode project with cmake
  • cd build_macos
  • cmake .. -G Xcode

iOS Specific

cmake .. -GXcode -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=iOS

Building KTX libraries

  1. To build for ios simulator, select any as build device in XCode and build
  2. mac build: cmake -G Xcode -B build/mac -D KTX_FEATURE_STATIC_LIBRARY=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  3. ios build: cmake -G Xcode -B build/ios -D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=iOS -D KTX_FEATURE_STATIC_LIBRARY=ON