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Provides ROS interface to basic ARNL features. Requires ARNL and ArnlBase to be installed separately.


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The rosarnl package contains a ROS node also called rosarnl which provides a ROS interface to basic ARNL features. Requires ARNL and ArnlBase to be installed separately, they cannot be automatically installed by rosdep/catkin.

In addition, ARNL ArNetworking services are provided, so ARNL can be accessed and configured via MobileEyes or other ArNetworking clients. Use MobileEyes to perform scanning for map generation, and use Mapper3 to process the scan and upload the map to ARNL.

rosarnl is self-contained. It does not depend on any other ROS nodes. It will connect directly to the robot and laser rangefinder(s), according to ARNL's robot parameters.

This is intended for simple operation of ARNL navigation, and as a base for further features to be added.

Some ROS navstack interface compatibiliy is provided (see below). Some tasks will need to be performed by MobileEyes and Mapper3 as well.

See LICENSE.txt for the license terms for this code. Note that it is not BSD or GPL, and has additional restrictions on use. ARNL and ArnlBase are provided under their own MobileRobots Individual Software License, and you must have purchased ARNL license(s) to use the ARNL and ArnlBase libraries.

Topic and service interface

The rosarnl node provides a subset of the standard ROS navigation topic interface:

  • /rosarnl_node/move_base_simple/goal Publish a PoseStamped message to this topic to set a goal. ARNL will begin navigating to this goal if possible.
  • /rosarnl_node/goalname Publish a string message to this topic to set a goal by name from the ARIA map.
  • /rosarnl_node/amcl_pose Subscribe to this topic to receive current localized position of robot in map as PoseWithCovarianceStamped messages.
  • /rosarnl_node/initialpose Publish a PoseWithCovarianceStamped message to this topic to change position of robot from which ARNL will continue localizing.
  • /rosarnl_node/global_localization Service which when called, performs an intial localization, assuming robot is either at last known position (as stored by ARNL), or at a "home" position in the map. (Note, this differs from the amcl node, which tries many possible positions across whole map.)
  • /rosarnl_node/enable_motors and /rosarnl_node/disable_motors: Services which enable/disable the robot motors.
  • /rosarnl_node/motors_state: Subscribe to this topic to receive current state of motors as a Bool message which is true if enabled, false if disabled.
  • /rosarnl_node/current_goal: ARNL's most recently requested goal point, as a Pose.

Planned but not yet implemented:

  • move_base current_goal
  • status message containing mode, status, and detailed status (from ArNetworking server)

The rosarnl node dosen't provide map data or a map reference frame. This may be added in the future.

move_base-compatible actionlib interface

Goals can be sent, cancelled, etc to rosarnl_node/move_base/goal via actionlib as pose messages, similar to move_base from the standard ROS navigation stack.

rostopic and rosservice examples

To quickly test or try out rosarnl, you can use the rostopic tool. rosarnl_node must be running, and a map must have been loaded into ARNL using MobileEyes.

List all available topics in the ROS master: rostopic list

Trigger initial localization: rosservice call /rosarnl_node/global_localization Check the rosarnl_node log and MobileEyes to see if successful.

Monitor current position: rostopic echo /rosarnl_node/amcl_pose

Send to a goal point using move_base_simple interface (no actionlib): rostopic pub -1 /rosarnl_node/move_base_simple/goal geometry_msgs/PoseStamped '{header: {stamp: now, frame_id: "map"}, pose: {position: {x: 1.0, y: 1.0}, orientation: {w: 1.0}}}' Check the ARNL status and pose topics, node log, or MobileEyes to see if successful.

Send to a goal point using move_base actionlib interface: rostopic pub -1 /rosarnl_node/move_base/goal geometry_msgs/PoseStamped '{header: {stamp: now, frame_id: "map"}, pose: {position: {x: 1.0, y: 1.0}, orientation: {w: 1.0}}}' Watch the /rosarnl_node/move_base/result topic for status.

Check if motors are enabled: rostopic echo /rosarnl_node/motors_state

Enable motors if disabled: rosservice call /rosarnl_node/enable_motors

Send to a goal using goalname: rostopic pub -1 /rosarnl_node/goalname std_msgs/String "GoalName"


Transform (tf) data are provided for the robot base (in the map).


More testing.

Provide laser and sonar data. Provide teleoperation (velocity) command interface. (maybe refactor rosarnl and rosaria to easily extend/incorporate everything from rosaria?)



Provides ROS interface to basic ARNL features. Requires ARNL and ArnlBase to be installed separately.







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  • C++ 88.5%
  • CMake 5.8%
  • Python 5.7%