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Factorkey generates the one time passwords for your two-factor authentication setups, taking advantage of your keyring (wallet) to manage secrets in a secure fashion.

Credit and inspiration

Factorkey was inspired by SailOTP.

Supported 2FA types/schemes

Currently, the following token types are suppored in factorkey:

  • Google Authenticator (a variant of TOTP)
  • SteamGuard (a variant of TOTP)
  • S/Key


Factorkey depends on:

  • Qt5 Core, Sql (with sqlite driver)
  • Sqlite
  • KF5 Wallet and/or QtKeychain (Qt5Keychain)
  • Qt5 Test
  • Extra Cmake Modules (ECM)

Note on QtKeychain

Factorkey requires Qt 5, therefore if QtKeychain is used it must be the Qt5Keychain version.

Git Submodules

Additionally the following dependencies are pulled in via git submodules:

  • Trompeloeil


Obtain necessary git submodules with:

    cd /path/to/sources/of/factorkey
    git submodule init
    git submodule update

It is recommended to build out of source, e.g.:

    cd /path/to/sources/of/factorkey
    mkdir -p ../build
    cd ../build

    cmake ../factorkey/

Picking storage backend for 'secrets'

Factorkey delegates storage of token 'secrets' (passwords) to specialised 'keychain' programs/libraries. Factorkey may be compiled with support for direct KWallet access or through Qt5Keychain (which is portable to other keychain/wallet runtime implementations) or both. If no choice is specified explicitly, Qt5Keychain is assumed by default. Support may be enabled or disabled by passing -DWITH_KWALLET and -DWITH_QT_KEYCHAIN respectively as part of the cmake command:


Similarly, support may be be explicitly disabled by passing a 0 value with the respective-DWITH_KWALLET and -DWITH_QT_KEYCHAIN options. Note: if all supported providers are explicitly deconfigured, the build will fail.

Sample apps

Factorkey comes with a number of optional sample applications. These 'sample' apps are disabled by default, but may be included by passing a 'true' value to -DINCLUDE_SAMPLE_APPS as part of the cmake command:


Installation prefix

Use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to control where artefacts are installed during make install:

        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../dist \

Using locally built dependencies

Use -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to point cmake to locally built versions of factorkey dependencies:

        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../dist \
        -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/path/to/locally/built/versions/of/kde-5;/path/to/locally/built/versions/of/qtkeychain/usr/local" ../factorkey/

Permitting debuggers to attach to the process with ptrace()

By default functionality is included with factorkey to prevent other processes from attaching to a running factorkey process with ptrace(). This is a counter measure against information leaks (of token secrets) through malicious use of ptrace() (e.g. by abusing debuggers). This does not prevent debugging when the process itself is launched (fork()'ed) by the debugger itself, but it does guard against processes attaching to a running factorkey process later.

To disable this protection and permit attaching to running factorkey processes with ptrace() regardless the ALLOW_DUMPING flag may be passed to cmake as follows:

    cmake -DALLOW_DUMPING=1

OS support

At this time the feature is available for Linux only as it relies on prctl() to work.


TOTP/HOTP with kwallet integration






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