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Face Recognition Using Local Quantized Patterns


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This is an implementation of our face verification system [2] based on Local Quantized Pattern features [1, 3]. The current implementation is the replica of MATLAB learning code used in [2], however the feature computation code is the original one [1].

The current distribution contains code for computing local pattern features (LBP, LTP, LQP, etc.) and unsupervised learning, as well as models trained on Labelled Faces in Wild datasets. Feature computation code is implemented in C++, while the learning code is written in python. We also provide scripts (both in python and bash) for computing features only. The software was tested on Ubuntu 12.04.03 with the libraries mentioned as follows.

ImageMagick version 6.8.1, g++ version 4.6.3, Boost version 1.46, Eigen version 2.0 (included in this distribution), MPI_KMEANS version 1.5 (included in this distribution), IPython version 0.12.1 (optional for notebooks)

There may be compatibility issues with other versions of libraries.

For questions concerning the code please contact Sibt ul Hussain at sibt dot ul dot Hussain at gmail dot com.

This project has been supported by grants from Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan, European Union Project CLASS, and French ANR i.e. ANR-08-SECU-008-01/SCARFACE.


For license terms please see license.lic.

How to Cite

When citing our system, please cite references [1] and [2].


[1]. S. Hussain and B. Triggs, "Visual Recognition using Local Quantized Patterns", In 12th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2012.
[2]. S. Hussain, T. Napoleon and F. Jurie, "Face Recognition using Local Quantized Patterns", In 23rd British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2012.
[3]. S. Hussain, "Machine Learning Methods for Visual Object Detection", PhD Thesis, University of Grenoble, 2011.

Software Requirements:

Although we have successfully tested this system on Ubuntu 12.04 however it should compile and run on most of the recent Linux distributions. To compile the code successfully you will need to install ImageMagick development files and C++ boost libraries. Details of the libraries installation process are given below.

  1. Install the ImageMagick development libraries. Easiest but not recommended method is to download the already available compiled sources for your os (e.g. on ubuntu : sudo apt-get install libmagick++-dev). However, it is not recommended because by default, these libraries are compiled with openmp flag and lead to too much threshing in multi-processor setup and make the overall computation slow. The recommended method is to download the source code ( and compile it locally without openmp support i.e. ./configure --disable-openmp

  2. Install the C++ boost libraries for your OS. e.g. on Ubuntu boost libraries can be installed as follows: sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

Hardware Requirements:

Running the complete system requires a machine with 8Gb memory (4Gb, if only features are computed).


  1. To compile, call the make in features directory, i.e. cd features make all or make -j all (to compile the files in parallel in a multi-processor setup) Please see Makefile for other compilation options.

  2. On successful completion executable file named mainFeatures will be generated and can be located in the build directory. Help on all the available options can be obtained by calling mainFeatures with help flag i.e. mainFeatures --help

Basic Usage

  1. Bash (For computing features only):

To compute the features (with default parameters) simply call providing features type (LQP, LBP or LTP) and files containing list of images for training and codebook learning (for LQP only) as arguments e.g.

bash lqp ~/dataset/lfw-list.txt ~/experiments/data/ ~/dataset/lfw-list-view1.txt

Here LQP features will be computed from all the images present in the list file 'lfw-list.txt' using the codebook learned using images present in the list file 'lfw-list-view1.txt'; the computed features will be stored in output directory '~/experiments/data/'. See the file for further help.

Please note that computed features for each input image are stored linearly in a separate binary file. You can read this binary file using the provided Matlab (readFeatureFile in matlab directory) or python code (function read_feature_file in face-rec/code/

  1. Python (Both for features computation and face-verification)

2.1. Requirements: For Python code to work, you will need to install following scientific packages: numpy, scipy and matplotlib (On Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python-scipy python-numpy python-matplotlib; note that Fedora needs both python-matplotlib and python-matplotlib-tk RPM's).

2.2. Usage: We provide the complete python code for our face-verification algorithm [2], the code can be found in face-rec directory. Further information can be obtained by reading the configuration file ('') in the face-rec directory. To use the code you will need to download any of the LFW aligned version --- although our code have been extensively tested with following version (, however it also works out of box for the recently released deeply-funnelled version --- and extract it somewhere on your hard disk. Next, you will need to update the first two variables (idir and odir) in '' by pointing them to the respective path. Once done simply 'cd' to code directory and execute the '' script by giving it path of configuration file. i.e.

python --configfile=../

On successful completion computed features can be located in directory 'odir/features/feature-type', whereas learned models on different feature types with different parameters can be located in 'odir/features/feature-type/data'. Learned models are numpy binary files and can be loaded into python by calling load function of numpy.

For computing features only, you can either configure or call with command line arguments. Call with '--help' flag to see all the available command line options.

2.3. Demo: However before running a thorough set of experiments we recommend you to run the demo script (face-rec/code/ providing paths to output directory and input directory (LFWa folder) and number of experiments --- this argument for number of experiments is optional, by default demo script runs three experiments using LTP features. E.g. to run with a set of 2 experiments we call it as follows:

python /tmp/experiments /data/lfwa 2

This script will hopefully enable you to find out potential problems (if any) with your installation. Note that running the complete demo program requires a system with 3Gb memory and takes around 1.5 hours on an i7 machine. Running only two experiments takes around 8 minutes. See '' for further details, options and possible configurations for other feature types.

Once done with the experiments, you can run the demo notebook (demo.ipynb) to visualize the results.

You can visualize the demo results directly without running the experiments by either opening the demo-nb.pdf or running the provided demo notebook. We also provide some excerpts from our experiments notebook (see lqp-face-recog-release-nb.pdf or lqp-face-recog-release.ipynb).


Our features computation code draws heavy influences (among others) from the public release of Felzenszwalb "Discriminatively Trained Deformable Part Models" and MVG Osolo "LBP" code. We also acknowledge the public release of Eigen and MPI_KMEANS packages.

We are athankful to Alexis Mignon for releasing his python code for computing PCA and Thibault Napoleon for his valuable feedback.