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.. highlight:: sh

.. |PACE| replace:: :abbr:`PACE (Password Authenticated Connection Establishment)`
.. |TA| replace:: :abbr:`TA (Terminal Authenticatation)`
.. |CA| replace:: :abbr:`CA (Chip Authentication)`
.. |EAC| replace:: :abbr:`EAC (Extended Access Control)`
.. |CVCA| replace:: :abbr:`CSCA (Country Verifying Certificate Authority)`
.. |CSCA| replace:: :abbr:`CSCA (Country Signing Certificate Authority)`

Welcome to OpenPACE's documentation!

.. sidebar:: Summary

    Cryptographic library for EAC version 2

        - `Frank Morgner <>`_
        - `Dominik Oepen <>`_
        GPL version 3
    :Tested Platforms:
        - Windows
        - Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE, OpenMoko)
        - FreeBSD
        - Mac OS
        - Solaris
        - Android
        - Javascript

OpenPACE implements Extended Access Control (EAC) version 2 as specified in
`BSI TR-03110`_. OpenPACE comprises support for the following protocols:

:Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACE):
    Establish a secure channel with a strong key between two parties that only
    share a weak secret.
:Terminal Authentication (TA):
    Verify/prove the terminal's certificate (or rather certificate chain) and
    secret key.
:Chip Authentication (CA):
    Establish a secure channel based on the chip's static key pair proving its

Furthermore, OpenPACE also supports Card Verifiable Certificates (CV
Certificates) as well as easy to use wrappers for using the established secure

The handlers for looking up trust anchors during |TA| and |CA| (i.e. the |CVCA|
and the |CSCA| certificates) can be customized. By default, the appropriate
certificates will be looked up in the file system.

OpenPACE supports all variants of |PACE| (DH/ECDH, GM/IM), |TA|
(RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5/RSASSA-PSS/ECDSA), |CA| (DH/ECDH) and all standardized
domain parameters (GFP/ECP).

OpenPACE is implemented as C-library and comes with native language wrappers

- Python
- Ruby
- Javascript
- Java
- Go

.. note::
    OpenPACE only implements the cryptographic protocols of the |EAC|. If you
    actually want to exchange data with a smart card, you need to take care of
    formatting and sending the data in the form of APDUs. If this is what
    you're trying to do, you should have a look at the :command:`npa-tool` of
    the `nPA Smart Card Library`_.

Download OpenPACE

You can find the latest release of OpenPACE on `Sourceforge

Alternatively, you can clone our git repository::

    git clone git:// openpace

Install OpenPACE

OpenPACE uses the GNU Build System to compile and install. If you are
unfamiliar with it, please have a look at :file:`INSTALL`. If you can not find
it, you are probably working bleeding edge in the repository.  Run the
following command in :file:`openpace` to get the missing standard
auxiliary files::
    autoreconf --verbose --install

To configure (:command:`configure --help` lists possible options), build and
install OpenPACE now do the following::

    make install

OpenPACE depends on the `OpenSSL`_ library. Since |PACE| uses CMAC and the
Brainpool curves, the currently unreleased version 1.0.2 of OpenSSL is required.

Furthermore, additional object identifiers from `BSI TR-03110`_ are required.
You have two options to get them to work:

1. Let OpenPACE load the object identifiers at runtime
2. Patch OpenSSL to include the identifiers

The first option allows you to install an unchanged version of OpenSSL to your
system. However, performance will be slightly worse and there are some
limitations. For example, you won't be able to use the new NIDs as labels in a
switch statement and you need to make sure to call ``EAC_init()`` first.  For
patching OpenSSL we provide :file:`oids.patch`. You can configure
OpenPACE with :option:`--enable-openssl-install`, which will
automatically download, patch, build and install OpenSSL if needed.

Cross compiling OpenPACE

We have added some scripts for the ease of cross compiling for Windows and
Android. Both are tested with Debian wheezy. First create a working

    test -x configure || autoreconf --verbose --install

Compiling for Windows

Cross compilation for Windows can be done with::

    make win

================ ==================== ===========================================================================================
Make Variable    Default              Meaning
================ ==================== ===========================================================================================
``WIN_TOOL``     ``i686-w64-mingw32`` cross compiler
``WIN_TOOL_DIR`` ``/usr/${WIN_TOOL}`` root directory of the cross compiler containing the :file:`lib` and :file:`include` folders
================ ==================== ===========================================================================================

On successfull compilation, the Windows binaries can be found in

Compiling for Android

Cross compilation for Android can be done with::

    make android

============================= ============================================================================== =====================================================
Make Variable                 Default                                                                        Meaning
============================= ============================================================================== =====================================================
``ANDROID_ARCH``              ``arm``                                                                        target Architecture
``ANDROID_TOOL``              ``${ANDROID_ARCH}-linux-androideabi``                                          cross compiler
``MAKE_STANDALONE_TOOLCHAIN`` ``${HOME}/.local/opt/android-ndk-r9/build/tools/`` location of the NDK script for creating the toolchain
============================= ============================================================================== =====================================================

On successfull compilation, the Android binaries can be found in

.. _javascript_api:

Compiling for Javascript

Technically the process for getting OpenPACE into Javascript is similar to
cross compiling. With Emscripten_ the library is compiled into LLVM bytecode
and then translated into Javascript. Use the following command::

    make emscripten

============================= ================================== ==============================================================================
Make Variable                 Default                            Meaning
============================= ================================== ==============================================================================
``EMSCRIPTEN_DIR``            ``${HOME}/.local/src/emscripten``  root directory of emscripten containing the :file:`system/include/libc` folder
============================= ================================== ==============================================================================

On successfull compilation, the compiled bitcode files can be found in
:file:`openpace-0.9_bc`. You can run our testsuite
completely in Javascript or `in your browser <../../_static/eactest.html>`_::

    nodejs openpace-0.9_bc/eactest.js
    # WARNING: Our tests are very time consuming and might stall your browser for a moment or two...
    firefox openpace-0.9_bc/eactest.html

.. warning::
    `Javascript cryptography is considered harmful`_. You may want to think
    twice before using the Javascript version of OpenPACE.

How to use OpenPACE

OpenPACE is a native C library on top of OpenSSL. If you want to know how to
use OpenPACE from C/C++, have a look at our `API documentation

OpenPACE uses SWIG_ to offer bindings in some more programming languages. The
bindings are easily portable to lots of different languages. Currently, native
language bindings need to be explicitly turned on with ``./configure

If you have chosen to install OpenPACE in a non-standard location you have to
set up the :envvar:`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable correctly. One way to
do this is::

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/libeac

If OpenPACE is compiled for Javascript, it results in a standalone Javascript
file that can be used without special requirements.

More details and a number of examples are covered here:

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2


Where to get help

Do you have questions, suggestions or contributions? Feedback of any kind is
more than welcome! Please use our `project trackers <>`_.

Further Reading

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 3



.. target-notes::

.. _`BSI TR-03110`:
.. _`nPA Smart Card Library`:
.. _`OpenSSL`:
.. _`SWIG`:
.. _`Emscripten`:
.. _`Javascript cryptography is considered harmful`:


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