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Copyright (c) 2016 Seren Developers Copyright (c) 2013-2015 HyperStake Developers Copyright (c) 2013 NovaCoin Developers Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Bitcoin Developers Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying file license.txt or This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit ( This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young (


Seren is a free open source project derived from NovaCoin, with the goal of providing a long-term energy-efficient Proof of Stake based crypto-currency. Built on the foundation of Bitcoin and NovaCoin, innovations such as proof-of-stake help further advance the field of crypto-currency.

About Seren's Fee System

Seren charges a transaction fee based on the amount of coins that is sent to another address.

  • 1% fee for less than 10 coins sent to another address
  • 0.01% fee for 10 or more coins sent to another address (first 10 still pay 1%)
  • Maximum fee amount of 1,000 coins

Since typically when sending coins to another address, the sending address does not have exact change, typical crypto-currency implementation will generate a new change address which any change is returned to. Since it impossible to determine what is a change address and what is being sent to the receiving party, the fee is calculated on all coins that are sent to an address the address signing the unspent inputs (ie the sending address).

In order to minimize fee's the sender is encouraged to use the sending address as the change address. Using QT wallet this is done by selecting the 'return change' button. Using the daemon you can do this by using the return change flag in sendtoaddress.

The sending party should beware that proper handling of the return change code should be taken into an account, for example an exchange may want to pool all user deposits into an intermediate address in which withdrawals are only sent from that address, and using the return change feature will not accidentally debit any users accounts.

Actual code for this system can be found in GetValueBasedFee() in main.h and GetValueInForValueBasedFee() in main.cpp.


sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev autoconf pkg-config libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libdb5.1-dev libdb5.1++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libqrencode-dev automake


./configure --with-incompatible-bdb --with-gui=no


to build with QT:

sudo apt-get install libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler


./configure --with-incompatible-bdb --with-gui=qt5


The software automatically finds other nodes to connect to. You can enable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) with your router/firewall or forward port


All you existing coins/transactions should be intact with the upgrade. To upgrade first backup wallet serend backupwallet <destination_backup_file> Then shutdown serend by serend stop Start up the new serend.