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LIST                   db0 company Manual for "Paysdu42"               LIST

       list - Doubly-Linked List Library

	A C static library for generic doubly-linked list.

	Lists are a kind of sequence container. As such, their elements are
	ordered following a linear sequence.

	List containers are implemented as doubly-linked lists; Doubly linked
	lists can store each of the elements they contain in different and
	unrelated storage locations. The ordering is kept by the association
	to each element of a link to the element preceding it and a link to
	the element following it.

	This provides the following advantages to list containers:
	     * Efficient insertion and removal of elements anywhere
	       in the container (constant time).
	     * Efficient moving elements and block of elements within the
	       container or even between different containers (constant time).
    	     * Iterating over the elements in forward or reverse order (linear

	Compared to other base standard sequence containers like arrays, lists
	perform generally better in inserting, extracting and moving elements
	in any position within the container.

	It is recommended to feel comfortable with the following :
	  * Generic pointers void *
	  * Casts
	  * Structures
	  * Functions pointers

       #include		"list.h"

	bool		put_in_list(t_list ** list, void * data);
	t_node *	new_node(void * data);
	t_list *	list_from_table(char **table);
	void		destroy_list(t_list ** list,
				     void (*destroy_data)(void *));


	Create a list using the put_in_list() function.
	At the first call, list must be NULL.

	new_node() create a new node. You must not use it.

	It is possible to create a list directy from a strings table
	like argv using the list_from_table() function.

	When you're done with the list, you must destroy it using the
	destroy_list() function. The second argument is
	a function taking the data and detroy it. It can be NULL if the
	data in the list don't need to be freed, it can be just "free"
	or your own function.

	put_in_list() return true on success, false on
	failure (allocation failed, null pointer).

	new_node() return a pointer to the new allocated
	node, NULL on failure.

	list_from_table() return the list pointer or NULL
	on failure.

	t_list *	duplicate_list(t_list * list);
	t_list *	duplicate_list_elem(t_list * list,
					    void * (*duplicate)(void *));

	Create a simple copy of a list using the
	duplicate_list() function.

	To create a copy of a list applying a function to every element,
	use the duplicate_list_elem which 3rd argument is
	a function taking the data in the list and returning another data.
	Usefull if some elements must be reallocated in the copy list.

	duplicate_list() and duplicate_list() return a pointer to the
	new list or NULL on failure (allocation failed).

	void		dump_list(t_list * list, void (*displayer)(void *));
	void		foreach_list(t_list * list,
				     void (*function)(void *));
	bool		foreach_stop_list(t_list * list,
					   bool (*function)(void *));
	void		foreach_arg_list(t_list * list,
					 void (*function)(void * elem,
							  void * arg),
					 void * arg);
	bool		foreach_arg_stop_list(t_list * list,
					      bool (*function)(void * elem,
							       void * arg),
					      void * arg);

	The collection of foreach functions apply a
	function to every data in the list.

	foreach_list() simply apply the function to every datas.

	foreach_arg_list() take an extra generic argument void *.

	foreach_stop_list() stop applying the function when
	the function return true.

	foreach_arg_stop_list() is the same as previous but
	with an extra generic argument void *.

	foreach_stop_list() return true if it stop at the
	first matching data and false if it stop at the end of the list
	because no data match.
	The same for foreach_arg_stop_list().

	t_list *	sub_list(t_list * list,
			 bool (*function)(void *));
	t_list *	sub_list_arg(t_list * list,
			     bool (*function)(void *, void * arg),
			     void * arg);

	sub_list() create a new list containing nodes that match the function.
	sub_list_arg() do the same as sub_list() but take an other argument
	which will be given to the function.

       Return a pointer to the new list created or a NULL pointer if there is
       no element matching or an error occurred (allocation failed).

	int		get_list_len(t_list * list);
	void *		get_data_at(t_list * list, unsigned int position);
	void *		get_data_as(t_list * list,
				    bool (*match_data)(void *));
	void *		get_data_as_arg(t_list * list,
					bool (*match_data)(void *, void *),
					void * arg);

	t_node *	get_node_at(t_list * list, unsigned int position);
	t_node *	get_node_as(t_list * list,
				    bool (*match_node)(t_node *));
	t_node *	get_node_as_arg(t_list * list,
					bool (*match_node)(t_node *, void *),
					void * arg);

	All the following functions do not modify the list !

	get_list_len() return the number of nodes in
	the list.

	get_data_at() return the data at position.

	get_data_as() return the first data which function
	match_data return true.
	get_data_as_arg() do the same as get_data_as() but take an other
	argument which will be given to the match_data function.

	get_node_at() return the node at position.

	get_node_as() return the first node which function
	match_node return true.
	get_node_as_arg() do the same as get_node_as() but take an other
	argument which will be given to the match_node function.

	Return a NULL pointer on failure (invalid position,
	no element match).

	void *		del_node(t_list ** list, t_node * node);
	void *		del_node_at(t_list ** list, unsigned int pos);
	void *		del_node_as(t_list ** list,
				    bool (*match_data)(void *));
	void *		del_node_as_arg(t_list ** list,
					bool (*match_node)(void *, void *),
					void * arg);
	void		del_all_node_as(t_list ** list,
					bool (*match_data)(void *),
					void (*destroy_data)(void *));
	void		del_all_node_as_arg(t_list ** list,
					    bool (*match_node)(void *, void *),
					    void (*destroy_data)(void *),
					    void * arg);
	All the following functions modify the list !
	del_node() delete a node in the list and return its data.
	You must not use this function.

	del_node_at() delete the node at position and return its data.

	del_node_as() delete the first node which match_data
	return true and return its data.
	del_node_as_arg() do the same as del_node_as() but take an other
	argument which will be given to the match_node function.

	Don't forget to free the data if it is allocated and you don't want
	to use it !
	del_all_node_as() delete all nodes which match_data
	return true. If datas must be freed, the 3rd argument can be a
	function which take the data and free it. It can be NULL, juste free
	or your own function.

	del_all_node_as_arg() do the same as del_all_node_as() but take an
	other argument which will be given to the match_node function.

       Return data of the node deleted or NULL if the position is invalid or
       the data has not been found.

	bool		insert_data_at(t_list * list,
			               unsigned int pos, void * data);
	bool		insert_data_after(t_list * list, t_node * node,
			                  void * data);
	bool		insert_data_before(t_list * list, t_node * node,
					   void * data);
	bool		insert_node_at(t_list * list, int pos,
				       t_node * new_node);
	bool		insert_node_after(t_list * list, t_node * node,
					  t_node * new_node);
	bool		insert_node_before(t_list * list, t_node * node,
					   t_node * new_node);
	All previous functions insert a data or an element at a certain
	position or after/before another node.
	Be carefull of inserting elements in the same way than the others in
	the list : if the elements were allocated, you must allocate the
	new one.

       Return true on success, false on failure (allocation failed, invalid

	void            swap_data(t_node *, t_node *);
	void            order_list(t_list * list,
        		            bool (*compare_data)(void *, void *));

	swap_data() swap datas of two nodes. You must not use it.

	order_list() order a list using the compare_data function.
	This function must take two datas and return true if they must
	be inverted, false if not.

     - In the 'at' collection of functions, start browsing the list from the
       end or the beginning of the list depending of the size of the list.

	See the example.c file.


db0 company                       2011-04-20                           LIST


A C static library for generic doubly-linked list.






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