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 - Compiling instructions can be found in the INSTALL file

	start an ecosim
	> ./src/critterding

	start a race
	> ./src/critterding --profile profiles/race


 - Adam
      : new (random) critter

 - Adam Distance (ad)
      : generations with mutations since adam


  option                                                    [default] [range]      [comment]

  --autoload                                                  0         0-1          autoload critters from ~/.critterding/load
  --autoloadlastsaved                                         0         0-1          autoload critters from ~/.critterding/lastsaved
  --benchmark                                                 0         0-1          run the critterding benchmark
  --benchmark_frames                                          1000      1-2147483647 length of benchmark in frames
  --body_constraintpositionrange                              60        0-100        amount muscles can deviate from the center of a plane (%)
  --body_costhavingbodypart                                   1000      0-2147483647 cost of having a bodypart (1/100000 energy)
  --body_costtotalweight                                      1000      0-2147483647 cost multiplier of total body weight (1/100000 energy)
  --body_maxbodyparts                                         30        0-2147483647 maximum body parts per critter
  --body_maxbodypartsatbuildtime                              8         1-2147483647 maximum body parts for a new critter
  --body_maxbodypartsize                                      100       1-2147483647 maximum size of a critters body part
  --body_maxconstraintangle                                   31415     0-2147483647 maximum amount of rotation on a contraint
  --body_maxconstraintlimit                                   14000     0-2147483647 maximum limit of a contraint
  --body_maxheadsize                                          50        1-2147483647 maximum size of a critters head
  --body_maxmutations                                         4         1-2147483647 maximum mutations on a body mutant
  --body_minbodyparts                                         2         0-2147483647 minimum body parts per critter
  --body_minbodypartsatbuildtime                              4         1-2147483647 minimum body parts for a new critter
  --body_minbodypartsize                                      20        1-2147483647 minimum size of a critters body part
  --body_minheadsize                                          15        1-2147483647 minimum size of a critters head
  --body_mutationrate                                         160       0-1000       rate of body mutation (permille)
  --body_percentmutateeffectaddbodypart                       2         0-100        chance of adding a body part
  --body_percentmutateeffectchangecolor                       2         0-100        chance of changing body color
  --body_percentmutateeffectchangecolor_slightly              5         0-100        chance of slightly changing body color
  --body_percentmutateeffectchangeconstraintangles            2         0-100        chance of changing a joints position angles
  --body_percentmutateeffectchangeconstraintangles_slightly   5         0-100        chance of changing a joints position angles
  --body_percentmutateeffectchangeconstraintlimits            2         0-100        chance of changing a joints motion limits
  --body_percentmutateeffectchangeconstraintlimits_slightly   5         0-100        chance of slightly changing a joints motion limits
  --body_percentmutateeffectchangeconstraintposition          2         0-100        chance of changing a joints position
  --body_percentmutateeffectchangeconstraintposition_slightly 0         0-100        chance of slightly changing a joints position
  --body_percentmutateeffectremovebodypart                    2         0-100        chance of removing a body part
  --body_percentmutateeffectrepositionhead                    5         0-100        chance of repositioning head
  --body_percentmutateeffectresizebodypart                    2         0-100        chance of resizing a body part
  --body_percentmutateeffectresizebodypart_slightly           5         0-100        chance of slightly resizing a body part
  --body_percentmutateeffectresizehead                        2         0-100        chance of resizing a head
  --body_percentmutateeffectresizehead_slightly               5         0-100        chance of slightly resizing a head
  --body_selfcollisions                                       0         0-1          critters can exploit physics glitches
  --brain_costfiringmotorneuron                               1000      0-2147483647 cost of firing a motor neuron
  --brain_costfiringneuron                                    50        0-2147483647 cost of firing a neuron
  --brain_costhavingneuron                                    100       0-2147483647 cost of having a neuron (1/100000 energy)
  --brain_costhavingsynapse                                   20        0-2147483647 cost of having a synapse
  --brain_maxfiringthreshold                                  12        1-2147483647 maximum firingthreshold of a neuron
  --brain_maxmutations                                        10        1-2147483647 maximum mutations on a brain mutant
  --brain_maxneurons                                          1000      1-2147483647 maximum neurons per critter
  --brain_maxneuronsatbuildtime                               150       1-2147483647 maximum neurons for a new critter
  --brain_maxplasticitystrengthen                             1000      1-2147483647 maximum weight by which plastic synapses strengthen
  --brain_maxplasticityweaken                                 10000     1-2147483647 maximum weight by which plastic synapses weaken
  --brain_maxsynapses                                         1000      1-2147483647 maximum synapses per neuron
  --brain_maxsynapsesatbuildtime                              200       1-2147483647 maximum synapses for a new neuron of a new critter
  --brain_minfiringthreshold                                  2         1-2147483647 minimum firingthreshold of a neuron
  --brain_minneuronsatbuildtime                               10        1-2147483647 minimum neurons for a new critter
  --brain_minplasticitystrengthen                             100       1-2147483647 minimum weight by which plastic synapses strengthen
  --brain_minplasticityweaken                                 1000      1-2147483647 minimum weight by which plastic synapses weaken
  --brain_minsynapses                                         1         1-2147483647 minimum synapses per neuron
  --brain_minsynapsesatbuildtime                              10        1-2147483647 minimum synapses for a new neuron
  --brain_mutate_maxfiringthreshold                           0         0-1          mutate this value
  --brain_mutate_minfiringthreshold                           0         0-1          mutate this value
  --brain_mutate_mutateeffects                                0         0-1          mutate mutation effects
  --brain_mutate_percentchanceconsistentsynapses              0         0-1          mutate this value
  --brain_mutate_percentchanceinhibitoryneuron                0         0-1          mutate this value
  --brain_mutate_percentchanceinhibitorysynapses              0         0-1          mutate this value
  --brain_mutate_percentchancemotorneuron                     0         0-1          mutate this value
  --brain_mutate_percentchanceplasticneuron                   0         0-1          mutate this value
  --brain_mutate_percentchancesensorysynapse                  0         0-1          mutate this value
  --brain_mutate_plasticityfactors                            0         0-1          mutate min/max plasticity values
  --brain_mutationrate                                        160       0-1000       rate of brain mutation (permille)
  --brain_percentchanceconsistentsynapses                     0         0-100        percent chance a neurons synapses are all inhibitory or excitatory
  --brain_percentchanceinhibitoryneuron                       50        0-100        percent chance a neuron is inhibotory
  --brain_percentchanceinhibitorysynapses                     50        0-100        percent chance a synapse is inhibitory
  --brain_percentchancemotorneuron                            100       0-100        percent chance a neuron is a motor neuron
  --brain_percentchanceplasticneuron                          20        0-100        percent chance a neuron has plastic synapses
  --brain_percentchancesensorysynapse                         20        0-100        percent change a synapse connects to an input
  --brain_percentmutateeffectaddneuron                        2         0-100        chance of adding a neuron
  --brain_percentmutateeffectaddsynapse                       10        0-100        chance of adding a synapse
  --brain_percentmutateeffectaltermutable                     1         0-100        mutate value of a mutatable option
  --brain_percentmutateeffectalterneuron                      5         0-100        chance of altering a neuron
  --brain_percentmutateeffectremoveneuron                     2         0-100        chance of removing a neuron
  --brain_percentmutateeffectremovesynapse                    10        0-100        chance of removing a synapse
  --camera_mode                                               0         0-3          camera mode
  --camera_smoothfactor                                       860       0-1000       camera smoothing factor (permille)
  --camerasensitivity_look                                    950       1-10000      sensitivity of the camera when looking around
  --camerasensitivity_move                                    600       1-10000      sensitivity of the camera when moving
  --colormode                                                 0         0-1          colors genetically exact critters identically
  --critter_autoexchangeinterval                              0         0-2147483647 save critters every n seconds
  --critter_autosaveinterval                                  0         0-2147483647 save critters every n seconds
  --critter_enableomnivores                                   0         0-1          enables critters to eat each other
  --critter_insertevery                                       0         0-2147483647 inserts a random critter every n frames
  --critter_maxenergy                                         5000      1-2147483647 maximum amount of energy a critter has
  --critter_maxlifetime                                       32000     1-2147483647 maximum number of frames a critter lives
  --critter_minenergyproc                                     3000      1-2147483647 energy a critters needs to procreate
  --critter_mutate_maxlifetime                                0         0-2147483647 chance of mutating the maximum number of frames a critter lives
  --critter_mutate_minenergyproc                              0         0-2147483647 chance of mutating the energy a critters needs to procreate
  --critter_procinterval                                      100       0-2147483647 minimum frames between procreations
  --critter_retinasize                                        16        1-50         size of a critters eye retina
  --critter_sightrange                                        500       1-2147483647 distance a critter can see (10 = 1 worldsize)
  --critter_startenergy                                       3000      1-2147483647 energy a new critter (adam) starts with
  --drawdebug                                                 0         0-5          debug drawing mode
  --drawscene                                                 1         0-1          draw the scene
  --energy                                                    1200      0-2147483647 energy in the system by number of food cubes
  --exit_if_empty                                             0         0-1          exit simulation if there are no critters
  --food_maxenergy                                            1500      1-2147483647 maximum amount of energy a food unit has
  --food_maxlifetime                                          32000     1-2147483647 maximum number of frames a food unit exists
  --fpslimit                                                  0         0-1          enable fps limiter
  --fpslimit_frames                                           60        1-1000       frames per second for the fps limiter
  --fsX                                                       1920      1-2147483647 fullscreen resolution X
  --fsY                                                       1200      1-2147483647 fullscreen resolution Y
  --glsl                                                      1         0-1          enable GLSL
  --hdr                                                       0         0-1          enable HDR (experimental)
  --light_ambientB                                            8         0-255        lighting setting
  --light_ambientG                                            8         0-255        lighting setting
  --light_ambientR                                            8         0-255        lighting setting
  --light_ambient_modelB                                      8         0-255        lighting setting
  --light_ambient_modelG                                      8         0-255        lighting setting
  --light_ambient_modelR                                      8         0-255        lighting setting
  --light_attenuation_constant                                200       0-2147483647 lighting setting
  --light_attenuation_linear                                  200       0-2147483647 lighting setting
  --light_attenuation_quadratic                               200       0-2147483647 lighting setting
  --light_diffuseB                                            255       0-255        lighting setting
  --light_diffuseG                                            255       0-255        lighting setting
  --light_diffuseR                                            255       0-255        lighting setting
  --light_specularB                                           255       0-255        lighting setting
  --light_specularG                                           255       0-255        lighting setting
  --light_specularR                                           255       0-255        lighting setting
  --map                                                       easy                   map to load (directory)
  --mincritters                                               20        0-1000       minimum number of critters
  --population_double                                         0         0-2147483647 duplicate all critters if population reaches n
  --population_eliminate_portion                              160       2-2147483647 eliminate a percentage of critters if population reaches n
  --population_eliminate_portion_bodymutationratechange       0         0-1          change mutationrate of brain between min and max
  --population_eliminate_portion_bodymutationratemax          0         0-100        maximum mutationrate of brain
  --population_eliminate_portion_bodymutationratemin          0         0-100        minimum mutationrate of brain
  --population_eliminate_portion_brainmutationratechange      0         0-1          change mutationrate of brain between min and max
  --population_eliminate_portion_brainmutationratemax         0         0-100        maximum mutationrate of body
  --population_eliminate_portion_brainmutationratemin         0         0-100        minimum mutationrate of body
  --population_eliminate_portion_decrenergy                   2         0-100        decrease energy by n when killhalfat triggers
  --population_eliminate_portion_decrmaxlifetimepct           0         0-100        decrease critter_maxlifetime by n when killhalfat triggers
  --population_eliminate_portion_incrworldsizeX               0         0-100        increase worldsizeX by n when killhalfat triggers
  --population_eliminate_portion_incrworldsizeY               0         0-100        increase worldsizeY by n when killhalfat triggers
  --population_eliminate_portion_incrworldsizeZ               0         0-100        increase worldsizeZ by n when killhalfat triggers
  --population_eliminate_portion_percent                      35        1-100        eliminate n% of critters if population reaches population_eliminate_portion
  --population_limit_energy                                   150       0-2147483647 population limit
  --population_limit_energy_percent                           100       0-100        if population limit is exceeded drop energy to percentage
  --race                                                      0         0-1          enable race simulation
  --roundworld                                                0         0-1          enable round planet
  --skybox                                                    night-day/skydome3.obj skybox to load (obj file)
  --skybox_rotationX                                          0         0-2147483647 rotational speed of skybox along the X axis
  --skybox_rotationY                                          0         0-2147483647 rotational speed of skybox along the Y axis
  --skybox_rotationZ                                          0         0-2147483647 rotational speed of skybox along the Z axis
  --skybox_scale                                              200       0-2147483647 scale of the skybox (100=1)
  --startseed                                                 0         0-2147483647 startseed for random number generation
  --threads                                                   1         1-2147483647 threads to use
  --window_color_bits                                         24        16-32        window framebuffer color bits per pixel
  --window_depth_bits                                         24        8-32         window framebuffer depth bits per pixel
  --window_doublebuffer                                       1         0-1          double buffered window
  --window_fullscreen                                         0         0-1          enable fullscreen window
  --window_hardware_gl                                        1         0-1          enable hardware GL window
  --window_height                                             600       1-2147483647 window client height in pixels
  --window_multisamples                                       0         0-16         window framebuffer multisamples
  --window_resizable                                          1         0-1          enable resizable window
  --window_stencil_bits                                       0         0-32         window framebuffer stencil bits per pixel
  --window_vsync                                              0         0-1          vsynced window
  --window_width                                              900       1-2147483647 window client width in pixels
  --worldsizeX                                                200       1-2147483647 size of the world along axis X
  --worldsizeY                                                100       1-2147483647 size of the world along axis Y
  --worldsizeZ                                                120       0-2147483647 size of the world along axis Z

 To save the default settings to a profile, press "s" in the simulation.  
 It will be saved to "profiles/[timestamp]" and can be loaded by using "--profile profiles/[timestamp]"

 Press F1 in the simulation for more information about keys.

Bob Winckelmans <>
Sam Porter
   channel: #critterding


Critterding Beta 14







No releases published


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  • C++ 95.0%
  • GLSL 2.8%
  • CMake 1.8%
  • Other 0.4%