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This is the documentation for SBRACK project

Since the project was an open ended project with no specification,I decided
to implement a very simple role based access model using Linux Security Model

In my role based access model I first had to idenitfy the tasks which could
be performed on the file system. I decided to have simple tasks or operations
like reading,writing,renaming or creating or deleting a file. So i decided to 
have 3 main ops which are READ, RDWR, CRTDEL. 

The READ task or op only allows a user to read a file
The RDWR task allows someone to read a file, write to a file
The CRTDEL tasks allows someone to read,write, create,delete or rename a file

So any role can be assigned any of these 3 tasks, which can be performed by
the users of that role.

I did not implement my LSM module as a loadable module since I could not use
the function register_module to register my security module. To get around the
problem I had to built the module as a security module.
To compile the module:

1) mkdir sysec in the security folder of the linux source code folder.
2) copy the sys_rbac.c, Kconfig, and Makefile into the sysec folder
3) copy the file and into Kconfig and 
Makefile in the security directory
4) replace the .config file in linux source code folder with Kernel.config 
and rename the file .config
5) Run make, make modules_install and make install

The user program source code is in the user_admin.c file.

The user_admin executable can be used with these options:
	./user_admin -h  -- to print usage help
	./user_admin -l  -- to list all the user created roles
	./user_admin -c  -- to create a role
	./user_admin -a [USER NAME] [ROLE NAME] -- to assign a role to a user

The workflow for the LSM works through the user program. Every time an admin 
user assigns a role to a regular user, the data is passed to the LSM through
the procfs. The LSM module maintains a linked list of all the users and their

So when a regular user tries to carry out a task he is not entitled too, he will receive an EPERM error.

A problem with this worflow design is that every time the system reboots
the kernel module looses all the user data. One solution would be for the module to write the data into a file and on initilization read from that file.
But file reading and writing is advised against in the kernel and since the 
module is built into the kernel reading a large file could slow the kernel down.

My work around this would be that the admin user creates backup scripts to
assign roles to users. 


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