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Updated in 04/2016

This is a summer intern project I worked on in Beihang mentored by Xinbo Wu (author of cocoa simulator) and Prof. Lei Wang in 2011. This project is tightly related to OS course project where we built couple simple OS components during previous semester. I must say this project is a super interesting and super exciting project. It is a few project and course in Beihang which is dedicated designed for study purpose and where you can learn a huge amount of cool stuff. One bug, aslo mentioned in following docs, in this project, which took me couple days to analyze and eventually solve, played a critical role in my later years, 2 or 3 at least. By explainning it to interviewers, it made a big difference and luckily brought me chances and offers.

So in short, what I want say is, what you learnt from a project is much more important than what score/gpa you got from it. You will also benefit a lot from meeting and knowing other cool guys when you tackle the problem, discuss and ask others, and contribute yourself to the project. Please don't deceive yourself otherwise I'll feel guilty to upload it to github.

Following is the index and docs I wrote in 2011 summer. Hope it can help. Please feel free to contact me if you get any question or feedback.

##Wrote in 2011 summer

  • /Document是这次实验所用到的所有手册及文档

  • /MyDoc是这次实验我的全部实验报告

    • 实习总结--冯嘉程.doc是整体概述,具体的内容在别的几个文件中有详细介绍
    • COCOA异常处理.txt和系统调用.txt详细介绍了相应内容
    • MIPS_OS改动.txt里记录了我对MIPS_OS代码修改的部分
    • 仿真器patch.txt是对仿真器几个小bug的修正
    • 关于那个bug(写给学弟).txt记录了解决上届留下的的系统稳定性bug的过程,以及另一个仍未解决的问题。
  • /MyWork是这次实验的代码

    • cocoa-sime-2011是更新后的仿真器代码
    • MIPS_OS是小操作系统的代码


Memory management, processes management, system call and interrupt handling






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