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\f0\b\fs24 \cf0 Installing AudioUnits for testing/debugging:
\f1\b0 \
The easiest way to do this is the following:\
% cd ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components\
% ln -s /My/Development/Build/Dir/MyAU.component\
(or you may install in the System's directory: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components as root user)\
This creates a symbolic link to your component.  Assuming you've already built your AudioUnit, and afterwards create the sym-link, you'll need to log-out and log back in again for it to work.  Once you log in again, the Component Manager (coreservicesd) will follow your sym-link and register the components that it finds there.\
Then - AS LONG AS YOU DON'T DO A CLEAN BUILD - you can keep rebuilding your component and testing without logging out-in just fine.\
If you need to do a clean build, delete "build/" in your project directory.  Make sure you don't delete the MyAU.component directory (which a clean from Project Builder will do.) This causes problems with the Component Manager, and once you've done that you have to log out/in again to fix it.\

\f0\b SampleEffect AudioUnit's Cocoa UI:\

\f1\b0 \
The SampleEffect's CocoaUI can be built as a separate bundle in a separate target.  This needs to be installed in the Resources directory of the SampleEffect.  i.e.:\
Then the following code should be added to the SampleEffectUnit.cpp\
In GetPropertyInfo:\

\f2\fs20 \cf0 \CocoaLigature0 			\cf2 case\cf0  kAudioUnitProperty_CocoaUI:\
				outWritable = \cf2 false\cf0 ;\
				outDataSize = \cf2 sizeof\cf0  (AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo);\
				\cf2 return\cf0  noErr;\

\f1\fs24 \cf0 \CocoaLigature1 \
In GetProperty\

\f2\fs20 \cf0 \CocoaLigature0 			\cf2 case\cf0  kAudioUnitProperty_CocoaUI:\
				\cf3 // Look for a resource in the main bundle by name and type.\cf0 \
				CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier( CFSTR(\cf4 "com.acme.audiounit.passthrough"\cf0 ) );\
				\cf2 if\cf0  (bundle == \cf2 NULL\cf0 ) \cf2 return\cf0  fnfErr;\
				CFURLRef bundleURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL( bundle, \
                    CFSTR(\cf4 "SampleEffectCocoaUI"\cf0 ), \
                    CFSTR(\cf4 "bundle"\cf0 ), \
                    \cf2 NULL\cf0 );\
                \cf2 if\cf0  (bundleURL == \cf2 NULL\cf0 ) \cf2 return\cf0  fnfErr;\
				\cf3 //	SampleEffectUnit.component/Contents/Resources/SampleEffectBundle.bundle\cf0 \
				CFStringRef className = CFSTR(\cf4 "SampleEffectCocoaViewFactory"\cf0 );\
				AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo cocoaInfo = \{ bundleURL, className \};\
				*((AudioUnitCocoaViewInfo *)outData) = cocoaInfo;\
				\cf2 return\cf0  noErr;\

\f1\fs24 \cf0 \CocoaLigature1 \
Then, your AU will have a Cocoa UI! (Bundle Identifier of course has to be changed to match your ID)\

\f0\b SampleEffect AudioUnit's Icon Property:\

\f1\b0 An AudioUnit can publish the location of an Icon suite, that can be used by Host apps (even in their Generic Views, etc) to display some appropriate Icon for your AU.\
To support this you need an Icon (See Acme.icns)... Add the icon file to the Resources of your AudioUnit.\
Then add the following code\

\f2\fs20 \cf0 \CocoaLigature0             \cf2 case\cf0  kAudioUnitProperty_IconLocation:\
                outWritable = \cf2 false\cf0 ;\
                outDataSize = \cf2 sizeof\cf0  (CFURLRef);\
                \cf2 return\cf0  noErr;\

\f1\fs24 \cf0 \CocoaLigature1 GetProperty:\

\f2\fs20 \cf0 \CocoaLigature0             \cf2 case\cf0  kAudioUnitProperty_IconLocation:\
                CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(CFSTR(\cf4 "com.acme.audiounit.passthrough"\cf0 ));\
				\cf2 if\cf0  (bundle == \cf2 NULL\cf0 ) \cf2 return\cf0  fnfErr;\
				CFURLRef bundleURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL( bundle, \
                    CFSTR(\cf4 "AcmeIcon"\cf0 ), \
                    CFSTR(\cf4 "icns"\cf0 ), \
                    \cf2 NULL\cf0 );\
                \cf2 if\cf0  (bundleURL == \cf2 NULL\cf0 ) \cf2 return\cf0  fnfErr;\
                (*(CFURLRef *)outData) = bundleURL;\
                \cf2 return\cf0  noErr;\

\f1\fs24 \cf0 \CocoaLigature1 Then your AU will have an Icon...(Bundle Identifier of course has to be changed to match your ID)\

\f0\b DebugDispatcher\

\f1\b0 \
This Build Style allows each call to the AU to be logged - it can be turned on for any AU with the modifications as defined in SampleEffectUnit...\
You will have to add the CoreAudio.framework to the directory, as well as CAHostTimeBase.cpp/.h and CAGuard.cpp/.h to the project to use this...\


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