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Hermelin - Universal

This repository is a set of build chains for different desktop wrappers written in Gtk, Qt and the Chrome webkit wrapper. Down below you'll find the dependencies and build instructions to get the clients up and running.


Common Requirements:

  • cmake
  • intltool

Qt Wrapper:

  • Qt4 (newer than 4.7)
  • KDE Libs (optional, for better KDE integration)

Gtk2 Wrapper:

  • python2
  • pygtk
  • python-webkit
  • python-keybinder (optional)

Gtk3 Wrapper:

  • python-gobject (for gtk3 wrapper)
  • gtk3
  • libwebkit3

On Ubuntu 11.10 all of these resources are available in the standard repositories: # apt-get install libqt4-dev cmake intltool


If you don't care about the following and just want to install or update the gtk wrappers, you can use(or modify) this buildscript. It has to be executable and in the Hermelin directory which you get via:

$ git clone

Before you are able to build, you need to fetch the Hermelin-core which is now located in another repository:

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

The standard process for building from source is:

$ cd {source-directory}
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

Install as root:

# make install

This will install Hermelin in the default prefix: /usr/local, in order to change to a different prefix, use: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/prefix/you/want

By default gtk with gir, and qt will be built.

The following options can be applied, with On/Off as value.

  • -DWITH_GTK2 build gtk2 version (program name: hermelin-gtk2)
  • -DWITH_GTK3 build gtk3 version (program name: hermelin-gtk3)
  • -DWITH_GTK build gtk version (without -DWITH_GTK{2,3} options, the program's name will be hermelin)
  • -DWITH_GIR build gir(gtk3) version (need gtk enabled) (without -DWITH_GTK{2,3} options, this option will disable gtk2 version.)
  • -DWITH_QT build qt version (program name: hermelin-qt)
  • -DWITH_KDE build qt with kde support (program name by default: hermelin-qt)
  • -DWITH_KDE_QT build qt with (program name: hermelin-kde) and without (program name: hermelin-qt) kde support at the same time.
  • -DWITH_CHROME build chrome with, will be placed under build directory/chrome/, need rsync

There is also a option to specify the name of the qt binary with kde support enabled.

  • -DHERMELIN_KDE_BIN_NAME= the value of this option is ONLY used when -DWITH_QT=On -DWITH_KDE=On -DWITH_KDE_QT=Off (all default), in which case this will be the name of the qt wrapper.

For example, to just build gtk with gir rather than qt, the cmake command will be:

$ cmake .. -DWITH_QT=off

To build all local wrappers (useful for split package,):


To build on Archlinux, add: -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python2

There is something about a Gtk version in Python using some sort of "distutils".


Hermelin build chain for Gtk/Qt/Chrome desktop wrappers







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