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InsideLoop is a C++11 library for high performance scientific applications running on processors (including Xeon) and coprocessors (Cuda). This library has been designed to provide you with:

  • Efficient containers:
    • Arrays and multi-dimensional arrays with different allocation policies
    • sets and maps implemented using open addressing with quadratic probing
    • Unicode Strings implemented with small size optimization
    • An efficient dynamic type
  • IO using the binary Numpy file format for arrays and the textual TOML file format for structured data
  • A pure C++11 library with no dependency for easy integration in both free software and commercial products
  • For those who can afford a library dependency, an easy access to the best numerical libraries from Intel (MKL) and nVidia (cuBLAS and cuSPARSE)

In a few words, InsideLoop should appeal to scientific programmers looking for easy-to-use containers and wrappers around the best numerical libraries available today.

Note that for the time being, InsideLoop is a work in progress. Although some parts of it have been used in production code, it should be used at your own risk. The API getting stabilized.

The documentation is currently begin written and is available here: Documentation

Remarks, feature request, bug report

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