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-to compile type the following in the command line:
	g++ *.cpp ./nv/*.cpp -o raytracer
-the compilation will create a raytracer executable which you can called by typing the following:
Currently, when raytracer is called it will generate the scenes listed under Scene.cpp to modify this just change the variable TESTS and the array outPut. In order to add a test go to the file Scene.cpp and add the filename to the array of strings outPut and increase the value given to TESTS.
Raytracer will generate the images in .ppm format.
If you want to change the images from .ppm to .jpg you could use the script. 
In the command line type
The script will change all of the pictures in the directory from .ppm to .jpg

-all the lines starting with # are ignored
-the size command specified the size of the picture you want to generate in pixels.
	size width height

-maximum recursion for reflected rays
	maxdepth number

-the camera command specifies the camera as in OpenGL 
	camera lookfromx lookfromy lookfromz lookfromz lookatx lookaty lookatz upx upy upz fov	
	the 3 first parameters are the x y z position of the camera
	the 3 following parameters are the x y z position the camera is looking towards 
	the next 3 parameters are up vector of the camera x y z
	the last parameter is the fov (field of view)

-the sphere command creates a sphere at a given position with given radius
	sphere x y z radius

-specify the number of vertices you are going to make
	maxverts number

-specify the number of vertices with normals
	maxvertnorms number

-specify a vertex in the given location this is put into a stack and you can use them to make triangles using tri and giving the number of the vertex using 0 for the first specified vertex.
	vertex x y z

-specify a vertex and its normal
	vertexnormal x y z nx ny nz

-create a triangle with the vertices
	tri v1 v2 v3

-create a triangle with vertices & normals
	trinormal v1 v2 v3

-translate to the given position
	translate x y z

-rotate by the given axis angle given in degrees
	rotate x y z angle

-the current modeling transform can be saved in a stack as in OpenGL using the following command

-the current transform is pop from the stack as in OpenGL


-to make a directional light use the directional command along with the direction to the light source and the color of the light in RGB
	directional x y z r g b

-to set the global ambient color 
	ambient r g b

-set the kd coefficient
	diffuse r g b

-set ks
	specular r g b

-set s
	shininess s

-set emission
	emission r g b


On a high level, the flow of control through our program is as follows:

The Scene main function instantiates several 
classes including Camera, Parser, and RayTracer.

The Parser is then called to read and parse the 
specified file and make changes to a Camera
and RayTracer instance.

A Sampler instance is then recursively asked for
Sample instances and those are used to get Ray
instances from the Camera. 

Those Ray instances are passed to the RayTracer 
to determine what is the closest (if any) 
object hit by the ray and we get the objects' BRDF
and add the ambient and emissive components. Next,
from the closest object that was hit we generate 
a shadow ray to each of the light sources. If
the light source is visible we calculate and add the 
other components of the color(Li(Kd max(li*n,0)+Ks(n*hi)^s)).
Finally, we check if the reflection coefficient is greater
than 0. And if it is we shoot a reflection ray by calling
the raytracer recursively with a maxdepth that will stop
the recursion when it's reached.

That final color result from ray tracing is then
applied to the Film instance.

When all Samples have been taken, the Film class
takes care of writing to a file.

The Ray_Tracer implementation consist of the following classes:

Scene. This is our main file, it creates and manages all the other files.

Camera. The Camera class generates a Ray given the screen-coordinates (x,y).

Film. The film class basically writes the image to a .ppm file, it holds a 
buffer of Color objects (one for each pixel that are set appropriately.
When all pixels are set, the Film gets called to write to a file.
Sample. A sample is an (x,y) coordinate representative of a pixel.

Sampler. The sampler class is used to generate (x,y) coordinates until 
we have gone through all of them (i.e. x:0->width, y:0->height).

Ray. It represents a Ray, with origin r0 and  direction toward r1.

RayTracer. The RayTracer assigns colors to pixels, it takes a ray 
and checks every element in the scene if it intersects it, then returns a color
given all the shadow rays and reflection rays generated from it.

Intersection. The Intersection class, given a ray checks if a Ray intersects a Primitive.

Parser. The Parser goes through the file detecting commands and creating the appropriate geometry.

BRDF. BRDF stores the ambient(ka), emission(ke), diffuse(Kd),
reflection(kr), specular(ks), shininess(s) coefficients.

Color. The Color class is used to store colors in RGB format.
Material. Also, it has methods to multiply, sum and subtract

DirectionalLight. represents a light pointing in a specific 
direction, without any location and no attenuation factor.

Light. The base class for both directional and point lights.

PointLight. represents a light located at a specific point it
has an specific attenuation with three coefficients. constant(kc), linear(kl)
and quadratic(kd) coefficients.

Primitive. A Primitive is basically any shape with a material and some kind of ray-intersection function.
Triangle. Triangles have 3 vertices and their respective normal vectors.
Sphere. Contains a transformation matrix that is used to change rays for intersections.


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