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Kitty is a library designed to ease both making use of and extending functionality Modules that add dependencies don't build by default

Module err:

namespace err {
 * Thread safe error functions
const char *current();

typedef enum {
  BREAK, // Break from eachByte()
} code_t;

extern THREAD_LOCAL util::ThreadLocal<code_t> code;

LIB_* error codes are for errors that are generated outside Kitty

Module util

Contains all sorts of nifty features.

####### MoveByCopy

Similar to std::ref, but moves instead.

####### Optional

The following outputs: enabled

util::Optional<std::string> enabled("enabled");
if(enabled) {
  print(fout, op.val, '\n');
else {
  print(fout, "disabled\n");

The following outputs: disabled

util::Optional<std::string> enabled;
if(enabled) {
  print(fout, op.val, '\n');
else {
  print(fout, "disabled\n");

Push and pop callable objects from a queue. Push returns a future based on the return type of the callable object.

Pop returns an optional callable object.

int main {
    TaskPool pool;
    std::future<int> x = pool.push([](){
        int x = 5;
        return x;
    print(fout, x.get());
    return 0;

Create threads that handle tasks that are put in a queue.

#include "thread_pool.h"

int main() {
  // Create a thread pool with 1 worker thread
  ThreadPool pool(1);

  // Create a task with a delay of 500 milliseconds
  std::future<int> x = pool.push([](){
    int x = 5;
    return x;
  }, 500);

  // After about half a second, you'll get a result
  return 0;
/* Transform elem into it's hexadecimal notation */
template<class T>
Hex<T> hex(T &elem) {
  return Hex<T>(elem);

The following outputs: 0x0001

#include "utility.h"

int main() {
  uint16_t val = 0x0001;
  print(fout, "0x", util::hex(val), '\n');
  return 0;

mk_uniq is identical to std::make_unique


Compensate for the lack of support for std::to_string on Android


Contains a custom thread class. It has an identical interface as std::thread.


concat: concat two containers

map: Apply an operation to every element in the container and return the result

map_if: Similar to map, but the operation must return an optional.

move_if: moves an object if the function returns true

copy_to: Copies the elements to a different type of container

move_to: Moves the elements to a different type of container

split: Split an container into multiple containers

any: If any element satifies a condition.

make_array: Create a static array.

Module file

file::FD is an extendable class that takes a stream as a template argument.

The following is required for streams

namespace stream {
class io {
  bool _eof;
  int _fd;


  void operator =(io&& stream);
  void open(/*Any arguments required to open the stream*/);

  /* read
   * buf.size() is the max size
   * The buf is resized to reflect the bytes read
   * unless there is an error
  int operator>>(std::vector<unsigned char>& buf);

  /* write */
  int operator<<(std::vector<unsigned char>& buf);

  bool is_open();
  bool eof();

  void seal();

  int fd();

typedef FD<stream::io> io;

The following would output: I am printing: 5

#include "io_stream.h"

int main() {
  file::io io(-1, STDOUT_FILENO);

  print(io, "I am printing: ", 5, '\n');

print is one of the few functions present in the global namespace

####### tcp

namespace file {
  io connect(const char *hostname, const char *port);

Module log

  • error : "Should only be used when errors are not to be recovered from"
  • warning: "Should be used when minor errors occur"
  • info : "Obvious"
  • debug : "Should be used only during debug mode"

this object are members of class FD<stream::Log<stream::io>> They are one of the few objects that exist in the global namespace

The following outputs: [date] Error: Couldn't do it.

print(error, "Couldn't do it.")

By default it outputs to stdout. A file for logging can opened by calling file::log_open(const char *logPath)

Module server

An extendable server that handles listening for and accepting clients


A new server is created by specializing the class Server

struct TcpClient {
  typedef /* Any sockaddr type */ _sockaddr;

    Any meta-data about the client you require

typedef Server<TcpClient> tcp;

util::Optional<tcp::Client> tcp::_accept(Client& client) {
  /* Accept client  */

  return /* client if no errors */;

int tcp::_socket() {
  return socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

If any additional parameters are required, one could specialize:

template<typename Client>
struct DefaultType {
  typedef /* Any class */ Type

To use the server:

#include "server.h"

void handle_client(server::TcpClient &&client) {
  print(fout, "client: ", client.ip_addr);

int main() {
  server::tcp vikingServer;

  uint16_t port = 8080;

  sockaddr_in6 server_addr;
  memset(&server_addr, 0, sizeof(server_addr));
  server_addr.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
  server_addr.sin6_port = htons(port);

  if (vikingServer.start(server_addr, handle_client) < 0) {
    print(error, "Error during runtime of server: ", err::current(), '\n');
    return -1;

  return 0;

It's a simple protocol that sends data across a connection over null-terminated byte strings

A call to load takes the form of:

load(FD</* any stream */>,
  <string>, MAX_BYTES,
  <vector of strings>, MAX_STRINGS, MAX_BYTES_PER_STRING

For example:

std::string _string;
std::vector<std::string> _vec_string

// socket is an instance of FD<>
  _string, MAX_BYTES,
  _vec_strings, MAX_STRINGS, MAX_BYTES

On success the call to load returns 0

Module ssl

Contains a wrapper for openssl


Contains a specialization for Server

typedef Server<SslClient> ssl;

Contains a specialization for FD

typedef FD<stream::ssl> ssl;
// Create a Context
// On failure Context.get() returns nullptr
Context init_ctx_server(std::string &caPath, std::string& certPath, std::string& keyPath);
Context init_ctx_client(std::string &caPath, std::string& certPath, std::string& keyPath);

// Accept incoming connection from a client
file::ssl accept(Context &ctx, int fd);

// Connect to a server
file::ssl connect(Context &ctx, const char *hostname, const char* port);

Module bluetooth


Contains a specialization for Server

typedef Server<BlueClient> bluetooth;
struct device {
  bdaddr_t bdaddr;
  int rssi;
  operator std::string();

class HCI : public device {
  HCI(const char *bdaddr);
  HCI(HCI &&dev);


  void operator =(HCI &&dev);

  device_arr scan(uint8_t timeout);

   * Data broadcasted. The receiver doesn't need to create a connection.
  int broadcast(uint8_t *data, uint8_t length);
  int broadcast(const std::vector< bt::Uuid > &uuids);
   * Start or stop advertising.
   * name could be a nullptr
  int advertise(bool enable, const char *name);
ble (gatt)

An instance of Profile never changes during it's lifetime.

const bt::Profile profile { {
    bt::Service {
      // UUID
      "1800", {
        bt::Characteristic {
          // UUID

          // Static data
          {'L', 'o', 'k', 'i'},

          // Readcallback is not necessary since static data is provided

          // Writecallback is not necessary since bt::Write is not specified

          // There are no descriptors

          // Properties of the characterisic
        bt::Characteristic {
          {0x80, 0x00},
    bt::Service {
      // UUID
      "fc1b4070-4bc2-49e6-a7ad-d316fd6f7bce", {
        bt::Characteristic {

          // No static data

          // Necessary since no static data provided and bt::READ is specified

          // Necessary since bt::WRITE is specified
          Writecallback, {
            bt::Descriptor {
              // UUID
              {'D', 'a', 't', 'a'},
          bt::props_t (bt::READ | bt::WRITE)

Readcallback must be of type read_func_type and Writecallback must be of type write_func_type

typedef std::function<util::Optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>(uint16_t, uint16_t, Session*)> read_func_type;
typedef std::function<int(std::vector<uint8_t>&&, Session*)> write_func_type;

To use ble:

bt::HCI hci;

Session : bt::Session {
  int val;
  Session(int val) : val(val) {}

void handle_ble_server(server::BlueClient && client) {
  print(info, "client: ", (std::string);

  Session session {

  // This is important!!
  client.session = &session;

  // Transfer control to the profile
  // Re-enable advertising
  if(hci.advertise(true, "Loki")) {
    print(error, "Couldn't advertise: ", err::current());
Features ble
  • Advertisement

    • Start advertising !
      • name !
      • uuids !
  • Services

    • UUID !

    • Characterisitics

      • UUID !

      • properties

        • read !
        • write (without response) !
        • notify (Maybe)
        • broadcast (NO!)
        • Indicate (NO!)
      • secure

        • Read !
        • Write !
      • Descriptors

        • UUID !
        • read !
        • write (NO!)
    • Included Services (NO!)

  • error handling !

Special thanks to bleno.

Bleno made it a lot easier for me to implement gatt.


  • kitty-server
    • pthreads
  • kitty-ssl
    • openssl
    • kitty-server
  • kitty-bluetooth
    • bluez
    • kitty-server

