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The BlastBeat server

BlastBeat is an high-performance HTTP/HTTPS proxy for new generation web apps (websockets, comet...).

It seats on front of your apps and will forward requests to them via a simple ZeroMQ protocol.

Each request will generate a ZeroMQ multipart message for your backends.

The message is composed of 3 parts: session id, message type, message body

'session id' identify a specific connection, a session id (once created by BlastBeat) is always mapped to the same backend node.

'message type' identify the kind of the message. This is the list of currently defined message types:

  • headers (request/response contains HTTP headers as a raw format)

  • uwsgi (request/response contains HTTP headers encoded in uwsgi format)

  • body (request/response contains raw body)

  • chunk (response will encode the message in a HTTP chunk, REMEMBER: set the correct Transfer-Encoding in your header)

  • end (request/response close the connection, REMEMBER: BlastBeat supports persistent connections !!!)

  • websocket (request/response contains a websocket message)

  • ping (request, check for a backend availability)

  • pong (response, confirm a backend presence)

  • retry (response, ask BlastBeat to make the same request to another node REMEMBER: there is a maximum of 'retry' messages per-session)

building it

you need openssl,zeromq and libev development headers:

apt-get build-essential install libssl-dev libev-dev libzmq-dev

should be enough

run make to build the blastbeat daemon

configure it

you need a .ini config file specifying the address:port to bind the server to, the zmq router address and a series of allowed virtualhosts

bind =
zmq = tcp://

node = foobar1

run the server with:

./blastbeat yourfile.ini

The blastbeat server will start receiving HTTP request to the 8080 port and will forward them to a backend node connected to the zmq router on port 5000.

You can bind specific virtualhost to specific address (as required by https) including bind options in the virtualhost config

bind =
zmq = tcp://

node = foobar1

node = foobar2
bind =

to use HTTPS just specify bind-ssl, certificate and key options:

bind =
zmq = tcp://

node = foobar1

node = foobar2
bind-ssl =
certificate = foo.pem
key = foo.key

backend nodes

Backend nodes talk will blastbeat via a zmq dealer socket. That socket has to set a valid identity based on the node name expected by the virtualhost.

In the previous example we have the localhost:8000 virtualhost expecting a single backend node with an identity of 'foobar1'

Identity is a form of authorization for allowing ISPs to host a single blastbeat server for their customers.

A simple python backend will be:

import zmq

context = zmq.Context()
# create the dealer socket
socket = context.socket(zmq.DEALER)
# authorize it setting the identity
socket.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, 'foobar1')
# connect to blastbeat

# start receiving messages
while True:
    sid, msg_type, msg_body = socket.recv_multipart()
    print 'received a message of type %s' % msg_type


WebSocket requests are automagically managed by BlastBeat. You do not need to manage the handshake, as soon as BlastBeat has completed the connection, you will start receiving messages of type 'websocket'

using the sid (for concurrency)

The sid (the first part of blastbeat zeromq messages) is a binary value of variable size (normally it is a 128bit UUID). The developer should not try to parse it, instead use it as the 'key' for a pool of threads/coroutine/greenthreads/whateveryouwant. The sid should be able to identify a specific request even on a pool of servers (that is why UUID is used)

This is an example (using gevent and gevent-zeromq) of high-concurrency scenario:

A main greenlet will receive blastbeat messages, for each new sid it find, a new greenlet will be created waiting on a queue for messages.

from gevent_zeromq import zmq
import gevent
from gevent.queue import Queue

context = zmq.Context()
# create the dealer socket
socket = context.socket(zmq.DEALER)
# authorize it setting the identity
socket.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, 'foobar1')
# connect to blastbeat

# our sessions dictionary
sessions = {}

def worker(sid, socket, q):
    # wait for messages forwarded by the consumer
    while True:
        msg_type, msg_body = q.get() 
        print "received a message of type", msg_type
def consumer():
    while True:
        # receive a blastbeat message
        sid, msg_type, msg_body = socket.recv_multipart()
        # if a session for that sid is not available create it
        if not sid in sessions:
            # create a queue
            q = Queue()
            # spawn a greenlet fro the new client
            sessions[sid] = {'queue': q, 'thread': gevent.spawn(worker, sid, socket, q)}
       current_session = sessions[sid]
       current_session['queue'].put((msg_type, msg_body))

# start the consumer greenlet
main_loop = gevent.spawn(consumer)


ping requests (and pong responses) have no real sid associated. You have to simply respond to a ping request as soon as you receive it.

So your consumer will be (very probably) something like that:

while True:
        # receive a blastbeat message
        sid, msg_type, msg_body = socket.recv_multipart()
        if msg_type == 'ping':
            zmq.send(sid, zmq.SNDMORE)
            zmq.send('pong', zmq.SNDMORE)

ping/pong subsystem is used for nodes/backends healthchecks. If you do not respond to ping, your node will stop receiving requests pretty soon.


by default the HTTP headers of a request are convert to a WSGI/PSGI/Rack-compliant dictionary encoded in the uwsgi format. That choice should allow easy integration with already existing apps.

You can convert a uwsgi packet to a dictionary pretty easily:

import struct
def uwsgi_to_dict(msg):
    (ulen, ) = struct.unpack('<H', msg[1:3])
    pos = 4
    env = {}
    while pos < ulen:
        (klen,) = struct.unpack('<H', msg[pos:pos+2])
        k = msg[pos+2:pos+2+klen]
        pos += 2+klen
        (vlen,) = struct.unpack('<H', msg[pos:pos+2])
        v = msg[pos+2:pos+2+vlen]
        pos += 2+vlen
        env[k] = v
    return env


If you need to abuse chunked encoding for your applications, remember to set the Transfer-Encoding header:

headers = '\r\n'.join(['HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Content-Type: text/html','Transfer-Encoding: chunked']) + '\r\n\r\n'
socket.send(sid, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send('headers', zmq.SNDMORE)
for i in range(1,100):
    socket.send(sid, zmq.SNDMORE)
    socket.send('chunk', zmq.SNDMORE)
    socket.send('i am the number %d<br/>' % i)

to end a chunked response just send an empty chunk

socket.send(sid, zmq.SNDMORE)
socket.send('chunk', zmq.SNDMORE)

Ruby EventMachine example

require 'rubygems'
require 'em-zeromq'

# here we initialize the eventmachine-fiendly ZeroMQ context
ctx =

# this will be invoiked whenver a zeromq event is triggered
class EMTestPullHandler

        # convert a uwsgi packet ro a ruby hash (in Rack format)
        def uwsgi_to_hash(pkt)
                ulen, = pkt[1,2].unpack('v')
                pos = 4
                h =
                while pos < ulen
                        klen, = pkt[pos,2].unpack('v')
                        k = pkt[pos+2, klen]
                        pos += 2+klen
                        vlen, = pkt[pos,2].unpack('v')
                        v = pkt[pos+2, vlen]
                        pos += 2+vlen
                        h[k] = v

        # this event will be triggered whenever a ZeroMQ-BlastBeat message is available
        def on_readable(socket, parts)
                # get the BlastBeat sid
                sid = parts[0].copy_out_string
                # get the BlastBeat command
                command = parts[1].copy_out_string
                # get the BlastBeat body
                body = parts[2].copy_out_string

                # is it a ping command ?
                if command == 'ping'
                        socket.send_msg(sid, 'pong', '')
                # a uwsgi packet ?
                elsif command == 'uwsgi'
                        # parse the packet into a Rack hash
                        env = uwsgi_to_hash(body)
                        # generate HTTP headers
                        headers = []
                        headers << "#{env['SERVER_PROTOCOL']} 200 OK"
                        headers << "Content-Type: text/html"
                        headers << "Server: tremolo.rb"

                        # send headers
                        socket.send_msg(sid, 'headers', headers.join("\r\n") + "\r\n\r\n")
                        # send body
                        socket.send_msg(sid, 'body', '<h1>Hello World</h1>')
                        # send body (again and again and again)
                        socket.send_msg(sid, 'body', '<h2>Done !!!</h2>')
                        socket.send_msg(sid, 'body', '<h3>Done !!!</h3>')
                        socket.send_msg(sid, 'body', '<h4>Done !!!</h4>')
                        # close the session
                        socket.send_msg(sid, 'end', '')

                # a websocket message ? (echo it !!!)
                elsif command == 'websocket'
                        socket.send_msg(sid, 'websocket', body)

# the main eventmachine loop do
        dealer = ctx.socket(ZMQ::DEALER,
        # set the identity
        dealer.setsockopt(ZMQ::IDENTITY, 'FOOBAR1')
        # connect to BlastBeat


  • ping/pong system is still flaky

  • backends load balancing is incomplete


  • uWSGI Emperor support

  • graceful reloads

  • SPDY ?


you can ask for help in the official mailing-list


The BlastBeat server







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