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####conf_treestore#### A branch for exploring using gtk treestore as data structure to buffer extracted fields from config file will require re-writing of string_parse.c The tree store should be an application-independent buffer which enables viewing of segmented data

an application-specific translater function can then operate over the treestore to set parameters (ie., a model_parameters struct which is defined in header file for _model file/module.

   +---------------+	       o---------------+        +----------------+
   | config file:  |	       | treestore     +-->-----+ pdpgui viewer  |
   | params.conf  -+---------->+ data structure+---<----+  treeview      |
   |  		   | segment   |               +-->-+   +----------------+
   +---------------+ & parse   +---------------+    |   +----------------+
                 app-independent                    +->-+  model params  |
                                           translator   |  struct        |
                                          app-specific  +----------------+

gtk_config_files - example code for a gui which uses string_parse library to read parameter settings from a config file and updates a parameters page displaying current parameter settings. NOTE that important program-specific settings (eg., parameter names) are hard coded in string_parse.c

string_parse.c - generic library of functions for reading config files and getting their data out into a set of C data structures. Uses GTK tree store as a data structure for fields extracted from config files. Store data as pairs of strings (parameter name, parameter value). Application-specific translator functions should extract data from the tree store and convert from strings into the relevant data type for each parameter.

####gui-tools master####

gtk2/ - code from the gtk2 tutorials at

gtk3/ - code from gtk3 tutorials

gtk_notebook.c: a simple two-page notebook gtk_drawingarea.c: example code for creating a drawing area and drawing on it with cairo gtk_pango_layout.c: eample code for using pango to put text on a cairo drawing area. NB uses Rick's cairo utility libraries (lib_cairox, lib_string)

pdpgui_draw.c - library which implements basic cairo drawing functions for pdp objects (eg drawing units, drawing connections, etc)

pdpgui_architecture.c - example code for a basic (mocked up) gui, tabbed notebook and architecture view tab.


Repository for developing gtk/cairo interface to pdp models built in c






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