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I worked for a year or so on a c++ game demo. 
I built the entity-based game engine, in which I glued together specialized libraries and custom additions.
I built an input buffer similar to the one in Street Fighter on top of the OIS input system ( 
The AI is made with a custom behavior tree library, based on Bjoern Knafla's articles ( 

== Steel ==

This project is an entity-based game engine, that makes use of the following libraries:
- Ogre3d (rendering)
- OIS (input system)
- MyGUI (UI)
- Bullet (physics) + btOgre to link it with Ogre
- Inotify (file changes monitoring on linux)
- the stl ! :D
AI is custom (behavior trees).
The engine inludes an ingame editor. Basic resources are missing from this repository so far, which would result in a black screen -- best case scenario.

As of now, the engine is a WIP anyway.

Files include a short, hardcoded CMakeLists.txt known to build the engine under linux once paths to libs are setup. Libraries choice keeps the door open for multiplatform development, but the fulltime job doesn't :P


Game Engine (wip)






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