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This is release 1.0- of kconv.

    kconv - Kanji code Conversion library

    Kconv is a library for kanji code conversion in Python. A string encoded in
    any encoding can be converted into any other encoding. Any linebreak characters can
    also be converted. In addition, if hankaku katakana charaters are processed, they
    will be converted into zenkaku katakana.
    The C++ version works faster than the pure Python version.
    BUT, the pure Python version will work on any platform where Python works.
    The APIs of C++ version and those of the pure Python version are entirely identical, 
    so one can easily switch between the C++ and Python implementations with no need
    rewrite source. NOTE: This file contains examples of Japanese text in the EUC encoding. 
    Please make sure that your viewer can display EUC.


    *C++ version
        > tar xzvf kconv-0.5.5c.tar.gz
        > cd kconv-0.5.5c
        > ./configure [--enable-optimize]
        > make
        > su
        # make install

    If you want to enable Python optimization in the compiler, use
        >./configure --enable-optimize
    instead of
    > ./configure

    Or you can use kconv without installing it as root. To do this, simply copy 
    the kconv files into your desired directory 
    (and make sure that that directory is in the PYTHONPATH????)

    *Python version
    After byte compiling, copy the "kconv" directory into the Python library directory
    or your directory.

        > tar xzvf kconv-0.5.5p.tar.gz
        > cd kconv-0.5.5p
        > python [optimize]
        > tar cvf - kconv |
                (cd /usr/local/lib/python1.5/site-packages/;tar xvpf -)
        NOTE: preceding command must be one line

    If you don't have tar, use the following command to copy the directory structure
        > cp -R kconv /usr/local/lib/python1.5/site-packages/

    First, import "kconv" module 
        >>> import kconv

    The following are forms of the kconv constructor
    1.normal arguments
        >>> kc = kconv.Kconv([outcode[,incode[,hankanaconvert[,checkmode

    2.keyword arguments
        >>> kc = kconv.Kconv([outcode = kconv.???][,incode = kconv.???]....)

    Allowed Arguments
    * out-code
    Specify output encoding. The default is DEFAULT_OUTPUT_CODING in
        kconv.EUC       - EUC
        kconv.SJIS      - Shift Jis 
        kconv.JIS       - Jis
        kconv.UNICODE   - Unicode(UCS2)
        kconv.UTF8      - UTF-8

    * in-code
        If you know input encoding, specify input code for higher performance.
        If no input encoding is specified, auto-detection is automatically enabled.

        kconv.EUC       - EUC
        kconv.SJIS      - Shift Jis 
        kconv.JIS       - Jis
        kconv.UNICODE   - Unicode(UCS2)
        kconv.UTF8      - UTF-8
        kconv.AUTO      - Auto detection(DEFAULT)

    * hankanaconvert
        Specify whether kconv converts hankaku katakana to zenkaku katakana or 
        not. If the output encoding is EUC and you do want not to convert hankaku katakna to
        zenkaku katakana, kconv outputs 2 byte hankaku katakana in EUC.

        kconv.ZENKAKU   - Convert hankaku katakana to zenkaku katakana(DEFAULT)
        kconv.HANKAKU   - Output hankaku katakana if input string includes hankaku katakana

    * checkmode
        Choice auto dectection algorithms.
        If you specify input-code, checkmode is ignored.

        kconv.FAST      - Discriminate using the first definitive character.
                          (Fast and unreliable.)
        kconv.FULL      - Discriminate with whole input sting. (Weighted Average)
        kconv.TABLE     - Discriminate with a 1-byte freqency table.(DEFAULT)
        kconv.TABLE2    - Discriminate with a 2-byte freqency table.
                          The accurracy of TABLE2 is higher than TABLE, but
                          TABLE2 is slightly slower.

    * mode
        Specify conversion of the whole input string or line-by-line.

        kconv.LINE      - Convert line-by-line. For cases when input code may change on a
                        line-by-line basis or when you would like to 
                        use less buffer memory.
        kconv.WHOLE     - Convert whole input string.(DEFAULT)

    * blcode
        Specify output breakline character
        Default breakline character is DEFAULT_BREAKLINE_CODE at
        kconv.LF            - LF (0x0A) Unix
        kconv.CR        - CR (0x0D) Macintosh
        kconv.CL        - CR + LF (0x0D + 0x0A) Windows / DOS

    ex1) The most simple usage.
    1.Import kconv
        >>> import kconv

    2.Create instance of kconv
        >>> toEuc = kconv.Kconv()

    3.Call convert() of the instance
        >>> print toEuc.convert( input_string )

    The method convert() will return the converted string.

    ex2) Converting by specifying the input(JIS) and output(SJIS) encodings.
        >>> kc = kconv.Kconv(kconv.SJIS,kconv.JIS,kconv.HANKAKU)
        >>> print kc.convert("JISコードの文字列だもん")

    ex3) Converting to EUC, using auto-detection and converting to zenkaku katakana with
        the full string detection algorithm.
        >>> kc = kconv.Kconv(kconv.SJIS,kconv.AUTO,kconv.ZENKAKU,
        >>> print kc.convert("文字コードは任意だよ。")

    You can customize kconv by editing
        DEFAULT_INPUT_CODING    This will be used then autodetection fails.
        DEFAULT_OUTPUT_CODING   The default output code.
        DEFAULT_BREAKLINE_CODE  Specifies the default breakline character

    Kconv contains several other functions for processing Japanese text.
    All functions accept a second argument to specify input encoding just as
    the input encoding in the constructor's argument. The default detection mode is kconv.AUTO.
    The output encoding is EUC.


    Return 1 if the input string hiragana hiragana(or katakana) charatcters, whitespace,
    breakline character.

        >>>print kconv.ChkHiragana("ひらがなだけなんだもん")
        >>>print kconv.ChkKatakana("カタカナだけじゃないみたい")


    Converts zenkaku numeric characters into hankaku numeric characters.

        >>>print kconv.NumberConvert("34223632343368024")


    Converts hankaku(or zenkaku) characters to zenkaku(or hankaku) characters.
    (This covers roman and non-roman characters)
    Characters that are imposssible to convert will not beconverted.

        >>>print kconv.Han2Zen("ぜんかくとHankaku(^^;")
        >>>print kconv.Zen2Han("ぜんかくとHankaku(^^;")

    Converts hiragana(or katakana) to katakana(or hiragana).
    Roman letters and numbers are not effected.

        >>>print kconv.Hira2Kata("東方は赤く燃えているようです")
        >>>print kconv.Kata2Hira("デフォルトのコード認識ルーチン")


    Convert lower-case roman letters(or upper-case) to upper-case( or lowercase)
    (on both hankaku and zenkaku)
    Other characters willl not be effected.

        >>>print kconv.Upper("Captain AMERICA")
        >>>print kconv.Lower("Hoe Ukyu")
        hoe ukyu

    *Kconv is distributed under the most recent GPL.
    *Kconv works with the EUC,JIS,SJIS,Unicode(UCS2),UTF-8 encodings
    *The content of kconv constants are different between the python implementation and 
     the C++ version
    *Kconv.FAST is not that fast and sometimes fails to correctly detect the encoding.
    *Once kconv detects the Unicode encoding in line-by-line mode, it will work under the
     assumption that Unicode is the input encoding for all subsequent lines.
     This is because kconv detects Unicode by using the characters 0x00 and 0xFF
     which are not used in other encodings. All non-Unicode data must not 
     include the NULL character 0x00. If it includes the NULL character, kconv
     assume that it is a Unicode string.
    *The Python implementation will raise the exception kconv.KconvError when an error occurs.


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