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Project Anarchy Cloud Connection Plugin

This plugin for the Project Anarchy game engine allows you to interact with the Google Play Games services on Android or iOS.

Table of Contents


The Project Anarchy Cloud Connection Plugin provides several clients to allow you to access the Google Play Games API using either a C++ or Lua interface. The plugin provides support for the following features of the Google Play Games API:

Google Play Games Client (Android & iOS)

  • sign in
  • sign out
  • unlock/reveal/increment achievements
  • submit scores to leaderboards
  • show achievements
  • show leaderboards
  • get a specific achievement

Dummy Client (Win32 / vForge)

This client performs no actions and creates no connections. It is used for testing and development. This will allow you to prototype code in Win32 & vForge before testing it out on either iOS or Android. The Dummy Client attempts to maintain a signed-in/signed-out state and will try to perform authentication callbacks similar to what would be expected in a functional client. Calls to methods in the client will output debug information to the Vision log file.


Project Anarchy

  • Build 2014.1 or greater


  • Android NDK r9d or greater (NDK previous to r9d will not work)
  • Build MUST be compiled with C++11 enabled
  • Build MUST to be compiled with RTTI enabled


  • Xcode version 5.0.1 or higher.
  • A mobile device running iOS 6.0 or higher.
  • Build MUST be compiled with C++11 enabled
  • Build MUST to be compiled with RTTI enabled

Configure Your Game Service

To use the plugin, you must first configure your game in the Google Play Developer Console. Follow the instructions on creating a client ID for Android and/or iOS (depending on what platforms you intend to deploy or game on). Be particularly careful when entering your package name and your certificate fingerprints, since mistakes on those screens can be difficult to recover from.

Please note the following pieces of information when creating your client IDs, as they will be necessary later:


  • Your package name (e.g. "com.example.awesomegame")
  • Your application ID (e.g. 123456789012)


  • Your bundle identifier (e.g. "com.example.AwesomeGame")
  • Your application ID (e.g. 123456789012)*
  • Your client ID (e.g. "")

[*] The application ID is the number that Google Play Developer Console assigns to your project. Please note that is not the same as your Apple application ID.

Note: Do not forget to add your test accounts (the accounts with which you will try signing in) to the Testing section of the Developer Console, otherwise you will not be able to sign in to your game.

There is an excellect video here from Google that points out the Top 7 Google Play game services setup mistakes

There is also a document here that covers the Google Branding Guidelines that you should read before adding graphics to your game.

Add Achievements and Leaderboards

Add achievements and leaderboards to your game in the Google Play Developer Console. For each achievement and leaderboard you configure, make sure to note the corresponding achievement ID or leaderboard ID, as those will be needed when making the API calls. Achievement and leaderboard IDs are alphanumeric strings (e.g. "Cgkx9eiuwi8_AQ").

Plugin Installation

Please refer to one of the following readme files on how to install the plugin:

Using the Plugin


To initialise the plugin whether you wish to use it via C++ or Lua you must add the following code into your PluginMain.cpp

	#include "CloudConnectionBase.h"
	#include "com_havok_Vision_CloudConnectionLifeCycleSupport.inl"  //JNI functions for < Android 4.0
	// inside your OnInitEnginePlugin() method
	#if defined(_VISION_ANDROID)
  		StateManager::InitServices(AndroidApplication); //Set up platform intiialization of Google Play Services
		DummyJNIFunction();   //Dummy - don't let the compiler strip JNI functions for < Android 4.0
	#elif defined(_VISION_IOS)
  		//This is the "OAuth2 Client ID" that you setup in the Google Developer console (it is NOT the same as the Android Application ID)

Set Your Android Application ID

For Android you must put your Android Application ID in the following xml file Android/res/values/ids.xml. Enter the application ID hat you setup in the Google Developer console where the REPLACE_ME value sits <string name="app_id">REPLACE_ME</string>

Getting Access to the Client

After initialisation a "Cloud Connection Client" is now available to either C++ or Lua script in the following manner from anywhere in your own code:


Make sure to include CloudConnectionBase.h in any file you wish to access the client.

	#include "CloudConnectionBase.h"
	//Get the instance of the cloud connection client  
	CloudConnection* paccm = CloudConnection::GetInstance();  
	CloudConnectionClient* pCClient = paccm->GetClient();


Access to plugin is via the global "CloudConnection"

	--Get the instance of the cloud connection client
	local ccClient = CloudConnection:GetClient()


BeginUserInitiatedSignIn will show the required consent dialogs to Sign-In. If the user has already signed into the game in the past, this process will be silent and the user will not have to interact with any dialogs.


	CloudConnection* paccm = CloudConnection::GetInstance();  
	CloudConnectionClient* pCClient = paccm->GetClient();


	local ccClient = CloudConnection:GetClient()


To sign the user out, use the SignOut method. After signing out, no further API calls can be made until the user authenticates again.


	CloudConnection* paccm = CloudConnection::GetInstance();  
	CloudConnectionClient* pCClient = paccm->GetClient();


	local ccClient = CloudConnection:GetClient()

Checking Player Authentication

To check whether the player is currently authenticated use the IsAuthenticated method. This will return true if the player is authenticated and calls to the API can be made. Note: It is also possible to listen for changes to authentication by using callbacks.


	CloudConnection* paccm = CloudConnection::GetInstance();  
	CloudConnectionClient* pCClient = paccm->GetClient();
	bool auth = pCClient->IsAuthenticated();


	local ccClient = CloudConnection:GetClient()
	local auth = ccClient:IsAuthenticated()

Revealing/Unlocking an Achievement

To unlock or reveal an achievement use the UnlockAchievement or RevealAchievement methods.

These methods work with the Achievement state, if you are not familiar with the concept then please see the Google documentation on Achievement State


Reveals a hidden Achievement to the player but does not reward it:

	CloudConnection* paccm = CloudConnection::GetInstance();  
	CloudConnectionClient* pCClient = paccm->GetClient();

Unlocks the Achievement that the player has successfully earned:

	CloudConnection* paccm = CloudConnection::GetInstance();  
	CloudConnectionClient* pCClient = paccm->GetClient();


Reveals a hidden Achievement to the player but does not reward it:

	local ccClient = CloudConnection:GetClient()

Unlocks the Achievement that the player has successfully earned:

	local ccClient = CloudConnection:GetClient()

Incrementing an Achievement

To update an incremenatial Achievement use the IncrementAchievement or SetAchievementStepsAtLeast methods.

See the Google documentation on Incremental Achievements if you not familiar with the concept.


Increments number of steps towards finishing the achievement by 89 steps:

	CloudConnection* paccm = CloudConnection::GetInstance();  
	CloudConnectionClient* pCClient = paccm->GetClient();
	//increments the achievement by 89 steps further
	pCClient->IncrementAchievement("Cfjewijawiu_QA", 89);	 

Sets the number of steps to towards finishing the achievement to at least 32 steps:

	CloudConnection* paccm = CloudConnection::GetInstance();  
	CloudConnectionClient* pCClient = paccm->GetClient();
	//Sets the achievement to at least 32 steps
	pCClient->SetAchievementStepsAtLeast("Cfjewijawiu_QA", 32);	 


Increments number of steps towards finishing the achievement by 89 steps:

	local ccClient = CloudConnection:GetClient()
	--increments the achievement by 89 steps further
	ccClient:IncrementAchievement("Cfjewijawiu_QA", 89)		

Sets the number of steps to towards finishing the achievement to at least 32 steps:

	local ccClient = CloudConnection:GetClient()
	--Sets the achievement to at least 32 steps
	ccClient:SetAchievementStepsAtLeast("Cfjewijawiu_QA", 32)		

Submitting a Score to a Leaderboard

To submit a high score to a leaderboard use the SubmitScore methods.

Note that the platform and the server will automatically discard scores that are lower than the player's existing high score, so you can submit scores freely without any checks to test whether or not the score is greater than the player's existing score.


	CloudConnection* paccm = CloudConnection::GetInstance();  
	CloudConnectionClient* pCClient = paccm->GetClient();

	//submit a high score of 1337 points to the leaderboard "Cfji293fjsie_QA" without metadata 
	pCClient->SubmitScore("Cfji293fjsie_QA", 1337);


	//submit a high score of 1337 points to the leaderboard "Cfji293fjsie_QA" with metadata "stage3"
	pCClient->SubmitScore("Cfji293fjsie_QA", 1337, "stage3");


	local ccClient = CloudConnection:GetClient()

	--submit a high score of 1337 points to the leaderboard "Cfji293fjsie_QA" without metadata
	ccClient:SubmitScore("Cfji293fjsie_QA", 1337)


	--submit a high score of 1337 points to the leaderboard "Cfji293fjsie_QA" with metadata "stage3"
	ccClient:SubmitScore("Cfji293fjsie_QA", 1337, "stage3")

Showing the Achievements UI

To show the built-in UI for achievements use the ShowAchievements method. This will show a standard UI appropriate for the look and feel of the platform (Android or iOS).


	CloudConnection* paccm = CloudConnection::GetInstance();  
	CloudConnectionClient* pCClient = paccm->GetClient();


	local ccClient = CloudConnection:GetClient()

Showing the Leaderboard UI

To show the built-in UI for all leaderboards use the ShowLeaderboards method. This will show a standard UI appropriate for the look and feel of the platform (Android or iOS).


	CloudConnection* paccm = CloudConnection::GetInstance();  
	CloudConnectionClient* pCClient = paccm->GetClient();


	local ccClient = CloudConnection:GetClient()

If you wish to show a particular leaderboard instead of all leaderboards, you use the ShowLeaderboard method and pass in the ID of the leaderboard you wish to show.





Getting the Players Name

To get the signed-in players name from the client by use the GetUserDisplayName method. This method will only return a valid value if the player data has been successfully retrieved from the on-line services. The player data is requested automatically by the plugin as soon as sign-in has finished successfully. However, the player data may not arrive in a timely manner (See the Callbacks section).


	CloudConnection* paccm = CloudConnection::GetInstance();  
	CloudConnectionClient* pCClient = paccm->GetClient();
	const char* displayName = pCClient->GetUserDisplayName();


	local ccClient = CloudConnection:GetClient()
  	local displayName = ccClient:GetUserDisplayName()



The Cloud Connection Plugin provides several callbacks to C++. You can listen for these via the Vision callback system in any class that extends from IVisCallbackHandler_cl. See the Project Anarchy Programmers documentation section on Engine.Callbacks for more details on how to use the callback system.

The following callbacks are provided to C++

  • CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnAuthActionStarted - called when a player sign-in has started
  • CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnAuthActionFinished - called when a player sign-in or sign-out has finished (successfully or unsuccessfully)
  • CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnPlayerDataFetched - called when the signed-in player's data has been retrieved
  • CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnAchievementFetchedCallback - called when a single achievement has been succesfully fetched from the network

Using C++ the callbacks

Register the callbacks you want to listen for:

	//Listen for callbacks from the cloud connection plugin
	CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnAuthActionStarted += this;
	CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnAuthActionFinished += this;
	CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnPlayerDataFetched += this;
	CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnAchievementFetched += this;

Handle the callbacks in your OnHandleCallback method:

	void MyAwesomeGame::OnHandleCallback( IVisCallbackDataObject_cl* pData )  
	  if( pData->m_pSender == &CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnAuthActionStarted )
	    hkvLog::Debug("Cloud Connection Plugin Callback - OnAuthActionStarted");
		//The authorisation process has been started
	  else if( pData->m_pSender==&CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnAuthActionFinished )
	    hkvLog::Debug("Cloud Connection Plugin Callback - OnAuthActionFinished");
		//The authorisation process has finished either successfully or unsuccessfully
	  else if( pData->m_pSender==&CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnPlayerDataFetched )
	    hkvLog::Debug("Cloud Connection Plugin Callback - OnPlayerDataFetched");
		//The player data has been fetched from the online service
	  else if( pData->m_pSender==&CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnAchievementFetched )
	    hkvLog::Debug("Cloud Connection Plugin Callback - OnAchievementFetched");
		//The achievement data has been fetched from the online service
 		CCAchievement* pAch = (CCAchievement*)pData;
		if ( pAch->Valid() )
			//You have now retrieved your valid achivement and can access data from it such
			//as name, description, steps completed etc... 
	        hkvLog::Debug("Achievement Id='%s'", pAch->Id() );
	        hkvLog::Debug("Achievement Name='%s'", pAch->Name() );
	        hkvLog::Debug("Achievement Desc='%s'", pAch->Description() );
	        hkvLog::Debug("Achievement Type='%d'", pAch->Type() );
	        hkvLog::Debug("Achievement State='%d'", pAch->State() );
	        hkvLog::Debug("Achievement CurrentSteps='%d'", pAch->CurrentSteps() );
	        hkvLog::Debug("Achievement TotalSteps='%d'", pAch->TotalSteps() );
	        hkvLog::Debug("Achievement LastModified='%d'", pAch->LastModified() );

De-Register the callbacks when you are disposing of your class:

	//UnListen for callbacks from the cloud connection plugin
	CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnAuthActionStarted -= this;
	CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnAuthActionFinished -= this;
	CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnPlayerDataFetched -= this;
	CloudConnection::Callbacks.OnAchievementFetched -= this;


The following lua functions can be implemented to listen for callbacks

  • OnAuthActionStarted - called when a player sign-in has started
  • OnAuthActionFinished - called when a player sign-in or sign-out has finished (successfully or unsuccessfully)
  • OnPlayerDataFetched - called when the signed-in player's data has been retrieved
  • OnAchievementFetched - called when valid data for the signed-in player from the GetAchievement( id ) call has been retrieved

Using Lua the callbacks

Implement the following Lua functions in any script that you want to recieve CloudConnection events:

	--This callback is made to the script when the Cloud Connection
	--Client has started the authorisation process
	function OnAuthActionStarted()
	--This callback is made to the script when the Cloud Connection
	--Client has finsihed the authorisation process, either successfully or unsuccessfully
	function OnAuthActionFinished()
	--This callback is made to the script when the Cloud Connection
	--Client has retrieved the player data, this means that calls
	--to GetUserDisplayName() will now return a valid value
	function OnPlayerDataFetched()

	--This callback is made to the script when the Cloud Connection
	--Client has retrived achievement data via the GetAchievement( id ) call
	function OnAchievementFetched( id, name, description, achtype, achstate, totalsteps, currentsteps )

Building for Android

When you are signing your APK file, please make sure that you are signing it with the correct certificate, that is, the one that corresponds to the SHA1 certificate fingerprint you entered in the Developer Console during the setup.

Buidling for iOS

See the document.

Extending or Customising the Plugin

If you wish to extend this plugin for your own purposes or implement a connection to a another service that is not Google Games Services, you can do so in the following way.

Create your own class that extends from CloudConnectionClient - this class has several pure virtual functions that you must implement in your new class (such as ShowAchievements or BeginUserInitiatedSignIn).

Once you have your own class that implements the CloudConnectionClient then you should alter the static method ClientFactory::CreateCloudConnectionClient() to return an instance of your client under the correct circumstances e.g. only for Win32 platform.

See DummyClient for an example of an implementation of CloudConnectionClient that performs no actions other than debug logging and callbacks.

Known Issues


When compiling for Android you may see the warning warning : command line option '-std=c++11' is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C [enabled by default] - C++11 is required by the Google Native Games SDK and it is not used by the plugin itself.

__LP64__ warnings when compiling with Android NDK r9d - Please see this issue which is being resolved in a future release of the Android NDK

08-06 16:40:30.573: E/GooglePlayServicesUtil(27040): The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included. - You may see this error in your LogCat output. This is because text resources from Java libraries are not being compiled properly in Project Anarchy 2014.1

All Platforms

CCAchievemet::LastModified() - This call returns invalid values for any Google Game Services, it appears this is not implemented by Google.


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