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Timothy Becker

CSE5095 Computational Geeometry Project, Some Greedy Sampling Hacks and Visualizations Dealing with Greedy (approximate) Sampling of K-Centers (or Clusters) with a few attempts at the various impementations of: Clarkson's:sb(S), Har-Peled's r-nets, and the basic Gonzalez which the others are based on.

Notes: Files everywhere... Was hacking at various algorithms, gave up, moved on and then created several stiches and bindings before building the OpenCV visualizer that looks like noise at first but as n->1000: becomes Vornoi Cells...

The files you need to run are in the following directory: NN/dist/Release/GNU_4.8-MacOSX To compile the program you will need GNU-4.8 which has c+11 support To run the visualization you will need to have Python 2.7.6, Numpy, Scipy, and OpenCV2.4.7 with python bindings installed

A python binding Opencv visualizer makes subprocess calls to the greedy_perm app written in C++ passing in the points set and n,k,d values

The c++ app returns the greddy perm indicies of the clusters selected, followed by the asspciation mapping each point to a particuliar cluster index

Program starts blank, with each press of 'r' you get 10 gaussian points in R^2 upper left screen has number of points n =0 to start, performance, followed by k =1 to start

Visualization Keys: 'w' -> invert colorspace 'r' -> get 10 new gaussian points in R^2 visualized in a red-color variant '2' -> increase the number of k clusters by 1 starts at 1 'c' -> toggle cluster visualization (noisy rings with thicker center cluster) 'l' -> toggle rectangular bound lines from the cluster points to served points 'esc' -> exit visualization

Tested with k <= 25 and n <= 5000 for d = 2 (x,y)


Nearest Neighbor Visualization






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