void CscScaling(CscMatrix *cscmtx, PASTIX_FLOAT *transcsc, PASTIX_FLOAT *rhs, PASTIX_FLOAT *rhs2)
  const PASTIX_INT itercscf=0;
  PASTIX_INT itercol;
  PASTIX_INT iterval;
  PASTIX_FLOAT *rowscal;
  PASTIX_FLOAT *colscal;

#ifdef CSC_LOG
  fprintf(stdout, "-> CscScaling \n");
  rowscal = (PASTIX_FLOAT *) memAlloc(CSC_COLNBR(cscmtx,0)*sizeof(PASTIX_FLOAT));
  colscal = (PASTIX_FLOAT *) memAlloc(CSC_COLNBR(cscmtx,0)*sizeof(PASTIX_FLOAT));
  for (itercol=0; itercol<CSC_COLNBR(cscmtx,itercscf); itercol++)
      rowscal[itercol] = 0;
      colscal[itercol] = 0;

  /* Compute Scaling  */
  for (itercol=0; itercol<CSC_COLNBR(cscmtx,itercscf); itercol++)
      for (iterval=CSC_COL(cscmtx,itercscf,itercol);
	  colscal[itercol] += ABS_FLOAT(CSC_VAL(cscmtx,iterval));
	  rowscal[CSC_ROW(cscmtx,iterval)] += ABS_FLOAT(CSC_VAL(cscmtx,iterval));

  /* Apply Scaling */
  for (itercol=0; itercol<CSC_COLNBR(cscmtx,itercscf); itercol++)
      for (iterval=CSC_COL(cscmtx,itercscf,itercol);
	  CSC_VAL(cscmtx,iterval) /= colscal[itercol];
	  CSC_VAL(cscmtx,iterval) /= rowscal[CSC_ROW(cscmtx,iterval)];

	  if (transcsc != NULL)
	      transcsc[iterval] /= rowscal[itercol];
	      transcsc[iterval] /= colscal[CSC_ROW(cscmtx,iterval)];
      if (rhs != NULL) rhs[itercol] /= rowscal[itercol];
      if (rhs2 != NULL) rhs2[itercol] *= colscal[itercol];


#ifdef CSC_LOG
  fprintf(stdout, "<- CscScaling \n");
 *  Function: PASTIX_potrf
 *  Factorization LLt BLAS2 3 terms
 * > A = LL^T
 * Parameters:
 *    A       - Matrix to factorize
 *    n       - Size of A
 *    stride  - Stide between 2 columns of the matrix
 *    nbpivot - IN/OUT pivot number.
 *    critere - Pivoting threshold.
PASTIX_potrf (PASTIX_FLOAT * A, PASTIX_INT n, PASTIX_INT stride, PASTIX_INT *nbpivot, double critere)
  PASTIX_FLOAT *tmp,*tmp1;

  for (k=0;k<n;k++)
      tmp=A+k* (stride+1);
#ifdef USE_CSC
      if (ABS_FLOAT(*tmp)<critere)
          (*tmp) = (PASTIX_FLOAT)critere;
      *tmp = (PASTIX_FLOAT)csqrt(*tmp);
      *tmp = (PASTIX_FLOAT)sqrt(*tmp);
      if (*tmp < 0)
          errorPrint ("Negative diagonal term\n");
      SOPALIN_SCAL (n-k-1,(fun/(*tmp)),tmp1,iun);
      SOPALIN_SYR ("L",n-k-1,-fun,tmp1,iun,tmp1+stride,stride);
 *  Function: PASTIX_getrf
 *  LU Factorization of one (diagonal) block
 *  $A = LU$
 *  For each column :
 *    - Divide the column by the diagonal element.
 *    - Substract the product of the subdiagonal part by
 *      the line after the diagonal element from the
 *      matrix under the diagonal element.
 * Parameters:
 *    A       - Matrix to factorize
 *    m       - number of rows of the Matrix A
 *    n       - number of cols of the Matrix A
 *    stride  - Stide between 2 columns of the matrix
 *    nbpivot - IN/OUT pivot number.
 *    critere - Pivoting threshold.
               double critere)

  for (j=0; j<MIN(m,n); j++)
      tmp = A + j* (stride+1); /* A[j][j] */
      tmp1 = tmp+1; /* A[j+1][j] */
#ifdef USE_CSC
      if (ABS_FLOAT(*tmp) < critere)
          (*tmp) = (PASTIX_FLOAT)critere;
      /* A[k][j] = A[k][j]/A[j] (j], k = j+1 .. n */
      SOPALIN_SCAL ((m-j-1), (fun/(*tmp)), tmp1, iun);
      if (j +1 < MIN(m,n))
          /* A[k][l] = A[k][l] - A[k][j]*A[j,l] , k,l = j+1..n*/
          SOPALIN_GER ((m-j-1), (n-j-1), -fun, tmp1, iun,
                       tmp+stride, stride, tmp+stride+1, stride);

  /* Test sur la dernier valeur diag */
  tmp = A + (n-1)*(stride+1);
#ifdef USE_CSC
  if (ABS_FLOAT(*tmp) < critere)
      (*tmp) = (PASTIX_FLOAT)critere;
 *  Function: PASTIX_hetrf
 *  Factorization LDLt BLAS2 3 terms.
 *  In complex : A is hermitian.
 * > A = LDL^T
 * Parameters:
 *    A       - Matrix to factorize
 *    n       - Size of A
 *    stride  - Stide between 2 columns of the matrix
 *    nbpivot - IN/OUT pivot number.
 *    critere - Pivoting threshold.
PASTIX_hetrf ( PASTIX_FLOAT * A, PASTIX_INT n, PASTIX_INT stride, PASTIX_INT *nbpivot, double critere)
  PASTIX_FLOAT *tmp,*tmp1;

  for (k=0;k<n;k++)
      tmp=A+k* (stride+1);
#ifdef USE_CSC
      if (ABS_FLOAT(*tmp)<critere)
          (*tmp) = (PASTIX_FLOAT)critere;
      SOPALIN_SCAL (n-k-1,(fun/(*tmp)),tmp1,iun);
      SOPALIN_HER ("L",n-k-1,-(*tmp),tmp1,iun,tmp1+stride,stride);
/* !!! INUTILISEE, non testee !!! */
void CscDiagDom(CscMatrix *cscmtx)
  PASTIX_INT itercblk;
  PASTIX_INT itercoltab;
  PASTIX_INT iterval;
  PASTIX_INT itercol=0;
  PASTIX_INT diag=0;
  double sum41;

#ifdef CSC_LOG
  fprintf(stdout, "-> CscDiagDom \n");

  for (itercblk=0; itercblk<CSC_FNBR(cscmtx); itercblk++)
      for (itercoltab=0;
	  sum41 = 0;
	  for (iterval=CSC_COL(cscmtx,itercblk,itercoltab);
	      if (CSC_ROW(cscmtx,iterval) != itercol)
		sum41 += ABS_FLOAT(CSC_VAL(cscmtx,iterval));
		diag = iterval;
	  CSC_VAL(cscmtx,diag) = sum41+1;

#ifdef CSC_LOG
  fprintf(stdout, "<- CscDiagDom \n");
void CscScaling2(char *Type, PASTIX_INT Ncol, PASTIX_INT *col, PASTIX_INT *row, PASTIX_FLOAT *val, PASTIX_FLOAT *rhs, PASTIX_FLOAT *rhs2)
  PASTIX_INT itercol;
  PASTIX_INT iterval;
  PASTIX_FLOAT *rowscal;
  PASTIX_FLOAT *colscal;
  const PASTIX_INT flag = (Type[1] != 'S');

#ifdef CSC_LOG
  fprintf(stdout, "-> CscScaling2 \n");

  if (flag)
    rowscal = (PASTIX_FLOAT *) memAlloc(Ncol*sizeof(PASTIX_FLOAT));
    rowscal = NULL;
  colscal = (PASTIX_FLOAT *) memAlloc(Ncol*sizeof(PASTIX_FLOAT));

  if (flag)
    if (rowscal == NULL)
      errorPrint( "CscScaling2 : Not enough memory for rowscal\n");
  if (colscal == NULL)
    errorPrint( "CscScalign2 : Nto enough memory for colscal\n");
  for (itercol=0; itercol<Ncol; itercol++)
      if (flag)
	rowscal[itercol] = 0;
      colscal[itercol] = 0;

  for (itercol=0; itercol<Ncol; itercol++)
      for (iterval=col[itercol]; iterval<col[itercol+1]; iterval++)
	  colscal[itercol] += ABS_FLOAT(val[iterval-1]);
	  if (flag)
	    rowscal[row[iterval-1]-1] += ABS_FLOAT(val[iterval-1]);

  for (itercol=0; itercol<Ncol; itercol++)
      for (iterval=col[itercol]; iterval<col[itercol+1]; iterval++)
	  val[iterval-1] /= colscal[itercol];
	  if (flag)
	    val[iterval-1] /= rowscal[row[iterval-1]-1];
	    val[iterval-1] /= colscal[itercol];
      if (rhs != NULL)
	  if (flag)
	    rhs[itercol] /= rowscal[itercol];
	    rhs[itercol] /= colscal[itercol];
      if (rhs2 != NULL)
	rhs2[itercol] *= colscal[itercol];

  if (flag)

#ifdef CSC_LOG
  fprintf(stdout, "<- CscScaling2 \n");
Beispiel #7
Vector Raytracer::shade(Ray const &ray,
                        int &rayDepth,
                        Intersection const &intersection,
                        Material const &material,
                        Scene const &scene)
    // - iterate over all lights, calculating ambient/diffuse/specular contribution
    // - use shadow rays to determine shadows
    // - integrate the contributions of each light
    // - include emission of the surface material
    // - call Raytracer::trace for reflection/refraction colors
    // Don't reflect/refract if maximum ray recursion depth has been reached!
    //!!! USEFUL NOTES: attenuate factor = 1.0 / (a0 + a1 * d + a2 * d * d)..., ambient light doesn't attenuate, nor does it affected by shadow
    //!!! USEFUL NOTES: don't accept shadow intersection far away than the light position
    //!!! USEFUL NOTES: for each kind of ray, i.e. shadow ray, reflected ray, and primary ray, the accepted furthest depth are different
    Vector diffuse(0);
    Vector ambient(0);
    Vector specular(0);
    Vector v = -ray.direction.normalized();
    Vector n = intersection.normal.normalized();
    Vector reflect = (-v + 2 * v.dot(n) * n).normalized();
    for (auto lightIter = scene.lights.begin(); lightIter != scene.lights.end(); lightIter++)
        // @@@@@@ YOUR CODE HERE
        // calculate local illumination here, remember to add all the lights together
        // also test shadow here, if a point is in shadow, multiply its diffuse and specular color by (1 - material.shadow)
        Vector l = (lightIter->position - intersection.position).normalized();
        Vector r = (-l + 2 * n.dot(l)*n).normalized();
        Vector view = (scene.camera.position - intersection.position).normalized();
        double d = //(intersection.position - ray.origin).length()+
        (lightIter->position - intersection.position).length();
        double attenuation = 1.0 / (lightIter->ambient[0] + d*lightIter->attenuation[1]
                                    +d *d*lightIter->attenuation[2]);
        Ray shadowRay = Ray(intersection.position + (lightIter->position - intersection.position).normalized()* 1e-6,(lightIter->position - intersection.position).normalized());
        Intersection hit = intersection;
        bool isShadow = false;
        Vector delAmbient = material.ambient * lightIter->ambient;
        Vector delDiffuse = material.diffuse * lightIter->diffuse * max(0.0, n.dot(l))
        * attenuation;
        Vector delSpecular = material.specular * lightIter->specular *
        pow(max(0.0, r.dot(view)), material.shininess) * attenuation;
        for (int x = 0; x< scene.objects.size(); x++) {
            if (scene.objects[x]->intersect(shadowRay, hit)) {
                isShadow = true;
        if (isShadow) {
            ambient += delAmbient;
            diffuse += delDiffuse * (1 - material.shadow);
            specular += delSpecular * (1 - material.shadow);
        else {
            ambient += delAmbient;
            diffuse += delDiffuse;
            specular += delSpecular;
    Vector reflectedLight(0);
    if ((!(ABS_FLOAT(material.reflect) < 1e-6)) && (rayDepth < MAX_RAY_RECURSION))
        // @@@@@@ YOUR CODE HERE
        // calculate reflected color using trace() recursively
        Ray reflect_ray(intersection.position + reflect*1e-6, reflect);
        double depth = DBL_MAX;
        trace(reflect_ray, rayDepth, scene, reflectedLight, depth);
    return material.emission + ambient + diffuse + specular + material.reflect * reflectedLight;
Beispiel #8
Vector Raytracer::shade(Ray const &ray,
                 int &rayDepth,
                 Intersection const &intersection,
                 Material const &material,
                 Scene const &scene)
    // - iterate over all lights, calculating ambient/diffuse/specular contribution
    // - use shadow rays to determine shadows
    // - integrate the contributions of each light
    // - include emission of the surface material
    // - call Raytracer::trace for reflection/refraction colors
    // Don't reflect/refract if maximum ray recursion depth has been reached!
	//!!! USEFUL NOTES: attenuate factor = 1.0 / (a0 + a1 * d + a2 * d * d)..., ambient light doesn't attenuate, nor does it affected by shadow
	//!!! USEFUL NOTES: don't accept shadow intersection far away than the light position
	//!!! USEFUL NOTES: for each kind of ray, i.e. shadow ray, reflected ray, and primary ray, the accepted furthest depth are different
	Vector diffuse(0);
	Vector ambient(0);
	Vector specular(0);
	Vector refractedLight(0);
    for (auto lightIter = scene.lights.begin(); lightIter != scene.lights.end(); lightIter++)
		// calculate local illumination here, remember to add all the lights together
		// also test shadow here, if a point is in shadow, multiply its diffuse and specular color by (1 - material.shadow)
		Vector newAmbient = (lightIter->ambient * material.ambient);
		Vector normalI = intersection.normal.normalized();
		Vector incomingLight = (lightIter->position - intersection.position).normalized();
		float diffuseDot = max(normalI.dot(incomingLight), 0.0);
		Vector newDiffuse = (diffuseDot * material.diffuse * lightIter->diffuse);
		Vector reflectedLight = (-2 * (incomingLight.dot(normalI))* normalI + incomingLight).normalized();
		Vector viewVector = ray.direction.normalized();
		float specularDot = max(viewVector.dot(reflectedLight), 0.0);
		Vector newSpecular = (pow(specularDot, material.shininess) * material.specular * lightIter->specular);
        // create shadow ray
		Intersection shdHit;
        Ray shadowRay = Ray((intersection.position + (incomingLight * 0.000001)), incomingLight);
        double lightDist = (lightIter->position - intersection.position).length();
        shdHit.depth = lightDist;
		bool hitShadow = false;
        for(auto it = scene.objects.begin(); it != scene.objects.end(); ++ it) {
            Object * curObj = *it;
            if (curObj->intersect(shadowRay, shdHit)) {
				hitShadow = true;
        double attFactor = (lightIter->attenuation[0] + lightIter->attenuation[1] * lightDist + lightIter->attenuation[2] * lightDist * lightDist);
        if (hitShadow) {
            newSpecular = newSpecular * (1 - material.shadow);
            newDiffuse = newDiffuse * (1 - material.shadow);
        newSpecular = newSpecular / attFactor;
        newDiffuse = newDiffuse  / attFactor;
        specular += newSpecular;
        ambient += newAmbient;
        diffuse += newDiffuse;

	Vector reflectedLight(0);
	if ((!(ABS_FLOAT(material.reflect) < 1e-6)) && (rayDepth < MAX_RAY_RECURSION))
		if (!ray.refracting) { //inside a refracting object
            // calculate reflected color using trace() recursively
            Vector normalI = intersection.normal.normalized();
            Vector reflectedDir = (-2 * (ray.direction.dot(normalI))* normalI + ray.direction).normalized();
            Ray reflectRay = Ray((intersection.position + (reflectedDir * 0.000001)), reflectedDir);
            double superdepth = DBL_MAX;
            trace(reflectRay, rayDepth, scene, reflectedLight, superdepth);
    if ((!(ABS_FLOAT(material.refract) < 1e-6)) && (rayDepth < MAX_RAY_RECURSION)) {
        Vector normalI = intersection.normal.normalized();
        double refractn = 1.0;
        if (ray.refracting) { //inside a refracting object
            refractn = material.rfrIndex / 1.0;
        } else { 
            refractn = 1.0 / material.rfrIndex;
        double cosI = normalI.dot(ray.direction);
        double sinT2 = refractn * refractn * (1.0 - cosI * cosI);
        if (sinT2 <= 1.0)
            Vector refractDir = refractn * ray.direction - (refractn + sqrt(1.0 - sinT2)) * normalI;
            Ray refractRay = Ray((intersection.position + (refractDir * 0.001)), refractDir, !(ray.refracting));
            double superdepth = DBL_MAX;
            trace(refractRay, rayDepth, scene, refractedLight, superdepth);

	return material.emission + ambient + diffuse + specular + material.reflect * reflectedLight + material.refract * refractedLight;