Beispiel #1
  HSVColor::HSVColor(const Color& c)
    const RGBColor* rgbc = NULL;
    const HSVColor* hsvc = NULL;
    const HSVConeColor* hsvcc = NULL;
    if ( (rgbc = dynamic_cast<const RGBColor*>(&c)) != NULL)
      appear_t rgbMin, rgbMax, delta;
      appear_t r = rgbc->R(), g = rgbc->G(), b = rgbc->B();

      rgbMin = std::min(r,std::min(g,b));
      rgbMax = std::max(r,std::max(g,b));
      delta = rgbMax - rgbMin;
      V() = rgbMax;
      S() = 0;
      if (rgbMax > 0)
        S() = delta / rgbMax;
      // fixme: handle floating point check here.
      NUKLEI_ASSERT( 0 <= S() && S() <= 1 );
      H() = 0;
      if (delta > 0)
        if (rgbMax == r && rgbMax != g)
          H() += (g - b) / delta;
        if (rgbMax == g && rgbMax != b)
          H() += (2 + (b - r) / delta);
        if (rgbMax == b && rgbMax != r)
          H() += (4 + (r - g) / delta);
        H() *= 60;
        if (H() < 0)
          H() += 360;
      H() *= M_PI / 180;
    else if ( (hsvc = dynamic_cast<const HSVColor*>(&c)) != NULL) c_ = hsvc->c_;
    else if ( (hsvcc = dynamic_cast<const HSVConeColor*>(&c)) != NULL)
      NUKLEI_ASSERT(hsvcc->W() > 0);
      V() = hsvcc->WV() / hsvcc->W();
      if (V() > 0)
        S() = std::sqrt( std::pow(hsvcc->SCosH(), 2) + std::pow(hsvcc->SSinH(), 2) ) / V();
        if (hsvcc->SSinH() >= 0) H() = ACos(hsvcc->SCosH() / (V()*S()));
        else H() = 2*M_PI-ACos(hsvcc->SCosH() / (V()*S()));
      else if (V() == 0)
        S() = 1;
        H() = 0;
      else NUKLEI_ASSERT(false);
    else NUKLEI_THROW("Unknown color type");
// Spherical linear interpolation of two quaternions p and q, with parameter t, result in slerp
void Slerp
	const CQuaternion& p,
	const CQuaternion& q,
	const TFloat32     t,
	CQuaternion&       slerp
	// Slerp formula: qt = (sin((1-t)*theta)*p + sin(t*theta)*q) / sin theta , theta is angle
	// between quaternions. First get cos of angle between quaternions - can use dot product if
	// we assume our quaternions are normalised
	TFloat32 cosTheta = Dot( p, q );

	// Two routes round a circle from q0 to q1, choose the short one with this test
	if (cosTheta >= 0.0f)
		// Slerp formula prone to error with small angles, ensure that is not the case
		if (!AreEqual( cosTheta, 1.0f ))
			// Slerp calculation
			TFloat32 theta = ACos( cosTheta );
			// Now we have p, q, t and theta. Calculate slerp from the equation in the notes
			TFloat32 invSinTheta = 1.0f / Sin( theta );
			TFloat32 w1 = Sin( (1.0f-t)*theta ) * invSinTheta;
			TFloat32 w2 = Sin( t*theta ) * invSinTheta;
			slerp = p*w1 + q*w2;
			// Small angle - lerp calculation is better
			slerp = p*(1.0f-t) + q*t;
		// Want opposite route round circle - negate first quaternion, otherwise same formula
		if (!AreEqual( cosTheta, -1.0f ))
			TFloat32 theta = ACos( -cosTheta);

			// Same calculation as above but use (t-1) instead of (1-t), to perform negation
			TFloat32 invSinTheta = 1.0f / Sin( theta );
			TFloat32 w1 = Sin( (t-1.0f)*theta ) * invSinTheta;
			TFloat32 w2 = Sin( t*theta ) * invSinTheta;
			slerp = p*w1 + q*w2;
			// Small angle - lerp calculation is better, but use (t-1) instead of (1-t)
			slerp = p*(t-1.0f) + q*t;
Beispiel #3
bool Quat::Equals(const Quat& rhs, const Real toleranceRadian) const
	Real fCos = Dot(rhs);
    Real angle = ACos(fCos);

	return (abs(angle) <= toleranceRadian) || IsEqual(angle, PI, toleranceRadian);
   Quaternion Quaternion::Ln() const
      // If q = cos(A)+sin(A)*(x*i+y*j+z*k) where (x,y,z) is unit mag, then
      // log(q) = A*(x*i+y*j+z*k).  If sin(A) is near zero, use log(q) =
      // sin(A)*(x*i+y*j+z*k) since sin(A)/A has limit 1.

      Quaternion result;
      result.w = 0.0;

      if (Abs(w) < 1.0)
         float angle = ACos(w);
         float sinA = Sin(angle);

         if (Abs(sinA) >= EPSILON)
            float fCoeff = angle / sinA;
            result.x = fCoeff * x;
            result.y = fCoeff * y;
            result.z = fCoeff * z;
            return result;

      result.x = x;
      result.y = y;
      result.z = z;

      return result;
   Quaternion Quaternion::Slerp(
      float t, 
      const Quaternion &q1,
      const Quaternion &q2, 
      bool shortestPath)
      float cosA = Dot(q1, q2);
      float angle = ACos(cosA);

      if (Abs(angle) < EPSILON)
         return q1;

      float sinA = Sin(angle);
      float invSinA = 1.0f / sinA;
      float coeff0 = Sin((1.0f - t) * angle) * invSinA;
      float coeff1 = Sin(t * angle) * invSinA;

      // Do we need to invert rotation?
      if (cosA < 0.0f && shortestPath)
         coeff0 = -coeff0;
         // taking the complement requires renormalisation
         Quaternion result(coeff0 * q1 + coeff1 * q2);
         return result;
         return coeff0 * q1 + coeff1 * q2;
Beispiel #6
Quat Quat::SLERP( float t, const Quat& q ) const
	if( *this == q )
		return *this;

	Quat ThisCopy = *this;

	// Calculate angle between quaternions
	float costheta = Clamp( Dot( q ), -1.0f, 1.0f );
	if( costheta < 0.f )
		costheta = -costheta;
	float theta = ACos( costheta );
	float sinTheta = Sin( theta );
	float ratioA, ratioB;
	if( sinTheta < EPSILON )
		ratioA = 0.5f;
		ratioB = 0.5f;
		float InvSinTheta = 1.0f / sinTheta;
		ratioA = Sin( ( 1.0f - t ) * theta ) * InvSinTheta;
		ratioB = Sin( t * theta ) * InvSinTheta;

	// Calculate interpolated quaternion from the ratios
	return ( ( ThisCopy * ratioA ) + ( q * ratioB ) );
Beispiel #7
/* decides if we can kick staright to the decired point around the player
   without a collision.
   (EndDist, dir) is a relative polar vector for the ball's final position
   closeMarg is what the radius of the player is considered to be */
int is_straight_kick(float dir, float EndDist, float closeMarg)
  Vector btraj = Polar2Vector(EndDist, dir) -  Mem->BallRelativeToBodyPosition();
  float ang;
  float dist;
  int res;

  DebugKick(printf("    isStriaght ball abs pos mod: %f\t dir: %f\n",
	 Mem->BallAbsolutePosition().mod(), Mem->BallAbsolutePosition().dir()));
  DebugKick(printf("    isStriaght ball rel pos mod: %f\t dir: %f\n",
	 Mem->BallRelativePosition().mod(), Mem->BallRelativePosition().dir()));
  DebugKick(printf("    isStriaght btraj mod: %f\t dir: %f\n", btraj.mod(), btraj.dir()));
  /* Apply the law of cosines to the anle formed by the player's center(A),
     the ball's current position(B), and the ball target position(C).
     The angle calculated is ABC */
  ang = ACos( (Sqr(EndDist) - Sqr(btraj.mod()) -
	      (-2 * Mem->BallDistance() * btraj.mod()) );
  DebugKick(printf("   isStraight ang: %f\n", ang));
  if (fabs(ang) > 90) {
    DebugKick(printf("    isStraight: Obtuse!\n"));
    LogAction2(120, "is_straight_kick: obtuse angle");
    return 1; /* obtuse angle implies definately straight */
  /* get the height of the triangle, ie how close to the player the ball will
     go */
  dist = Sin(ang) * Mem->BallDistance();
  DebugKick(printf("   isStraight dist: %f\n", dist));
  LogAction3(120, "is_straight_kick: %f", dist);
  res = (fabs(dist) > closeMarg);
  return ( res );  
Beispiel #8
Float	Quat::GetAngle() const
	Float	_w=w;
	if (_w<-1.f) _w=-1.f;
	else if (_w>1.f) _w=1.f;
	Float	s=Sqrt(1.f-_w*_w);

	return s>Float_Eps ? ACos(_w)*2.f : 0.f;
Beispiel #9
 void HSVColor::makeRandom()
   while (true)
     Vector3 v(Random::uniform()*2-1, Random::uniform()*2-1, 0);
     if (dist<groupS::r3>::d(v, Vector3::ZERO) > 1.0 || dist<groupS::r3>::d(v, Vector3::ZERO) < .1)
     HSVColor hsv;
     if (v.Y() >= 0) c_ = Vector3(ACos(la::normalized(v).Dot(Vector3::UNIT_X)),
     else c_ = Vector3(2*M_PI-ACos(la::normalized(v).Dot(Vector3::UNIT_X)),
Beispiel #10
void Quaternion::ToVectorThetha(Real& thetha,Vector& v)
    thetha = ACos(this->w);

    Real sinThethaReciprocal = 1.0 / Sin(thetha);
    v.x = this->x * sinThethaReciprocal;
    v.y = this->y * sinThethaReciprocal;
    v.z = this->z * sinThethaReciprocal;

    thetha *= 2;
Beispiel #11
void QuatToRV(Quat &q)
	if (q.w<-1.f) q.w=-1.f;
	if (q.w>1.f) q.w=1.f;
	Float	halfang=ACos(q.w);
	Float	s=Sin(halfang);		//Don't try to use sinf here...we already tried, it breaks the quaternion...Need to investigate
	if (s>Float_Eps)
Beispiel #12
Quat Quat::operator* ( const Float f) const
	Float	w2=w*w;
	if (w2<(1.f-Float_Eps))
		Float	s=Sqrt(1.f-w2);
		Vec2f	Toto;
		ASSERTC_Z((w <= 1.f) && (w >= -1.f),"ACOS will bug with val >1.f");
		Quat	r;
		return r;
	return *this;
Beispiel #13
void QuatToRV(const Quat &_q,Vec3f &_v)
	Quat	q=_q;
	if (q.w<-1.f) q.w=-1.f;
	if (q.w>1.f) q.w=1.f;
	Float	halfang=ACos(q.w);
	Float	s=Sin(halfang);		//Don't try to use sinf here...we already tried, it breaks the quaternion...Need to investigate
	if (s>Float_Eps)

    inline Big<Exponent, Mantissa> atan2(Big<Exponent, Mantissa> const& y, Big<Exponent, Mantissa> const& x)
        // return ATan2(y, 2); does not (yet) exist in ttmath...

        // See

        Big<Exponent, Mantissa> const zero(0);
        Big<Exponent, Mantissa> const two(2);

        if (y == zero)
            // return x >= 0 ? 0 : pi and pi=2*arccos(0)
            return x >= zero ? zero : two * ACos(zero);

        return two * ATan((sqrt(x * x + y * y) - x) / y);
Beispiel #15
Bool	Quat::Maximize( Float f)
	if (w<-1.f) w=-1.f;
	if (w>1.f) w=1.f;
	Float	s=Sqrt(1.f-w*w);

	if (s>Float_Eps)
		Vec2f	Toto;
		Float	a=ACos(w);
		if (a<-f) a=-f;
		else if (a>f) a=f;
		else return FALSE;
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
   Quaternion Quaternion::SlerpExtraSpins(
      float t,
      const Quaternion &q1, 
      const Quaternion &q2,
      int extraSpins)
      float cosA = Dot(q1, q2);
      float angle = ACos(cosA);

      if (Abs(angle) < EPSILON)
         return q1;

      float sinA = Sin(angle);
      float phase = PI * extraSpins * t;
      float invSinA = 1.0f / sinA;
      float coeff0 = Sin((1.0f - t) * angle - phase) * invSinA;
      float coeff1 = Sin(t * angle + phase) * invSinA;
      return coeff0 * q1 + coeff1 * q2;
   void Quaternion::ToAngleAxis(float &angle, Vector3 &axis) const
      // The quaternion representing the rotation is
      //   q = cos(A / 2) + sin(A / 2) * (x * i + y * j + z * k)

      float norm = Norm();

      if (norm > EPSILON)
         angle = 2.0f * ACos(w);
         float invMag = InvSqrt(norm);
         axis.x = x * invMag;
         axis.y = y * invMag;
         axis.z = z * invMag;
         // angle is 0 (mod 2 * pi), so use the Z axis so 2D will work
         angle = 0.0;
         axis.x = 0.0;
         axis.y = 0.0;
         axis.z = 1.0;
BigNum Vector2::angle()
    return ACos(x / length());
Beispiel #19
Quaternion::Quaternion(float x, float y, float z, float w) :
#if defined(XO_SSE)
    xmm(_mm_set_ps(w, z, y, x))
    x(x), y(y), z(z), w(w)

Quaternion Quaternion::Inverse() const
    return Quaternion(*this).MakeInverse();

Quaternion& Quaternion::MakeInverse()
    float magnitude = xo_internal::QuaternionSquareSum(*this);

    if (CloseEnough(magnitude, 1.0f, Epsilon))
        return MakeConjugate();
    if (CloseEnough(magnitude, 0.0f, Epsilon))
        return *this;

    (*(Vector4*)this) /= magnitude;
    return *this;

Quaternion Quaternion::Normalized() const
    return Quaternion(*this).Normalize();

Quaternion& Quaternion::Normalize()
    float magnitude = xo_internal::QuaternionSquareSum(*this);
    if (CloseEnough(magnitude, 1.0f, Epsilon))
        return *this;

    magnitude = Sqrt(magnitude);
    if (CloseEnough(magnitude, 0.0f, Epsilon))
        return *this;

    (*(Vector4*)this) /= magnitude;
    return *this;

Quaternion Quaternion::Conjugate() const
    return Quaternion(*this).MakeConjugate();

Quaternion& Quaternion::MakeConjugate()
    _XO_ASSIGN_QUAT(w, -x, -y, -z);
    return *this;

void Quaternion::GetAxisAngleRadians(Vector3& axis, float& radians) const
    Quaternion q = Normalized();

#if defined(XO_SSE)
    // todo: don't we need to normalize axis in sse too?
    axis.xmm = q.xmm;
    axis.x = q.x;
    axis.y = q.y;
    axis.z = q.z;
    radians = (2.0f * ACos(q.w));
 inline Big<Exponent, Mantissa> acos(Big<Exponent, Mantissa> const& v)
     return ACos(v);
Beispiel #21
float Quat::GetAngle() const
	return 2.0f * ACos( w );