Beispiel #1
void CSoundManager2D::Destroy()
	for (int i = 0; i < INSTANCE_MAX_COUNT; ++i)
	if (ms_DIGDriver != NULL)
		ms_DIGDriver = NULL;

Beispiel #2
int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE instance,
                    HINSTANCE previous_instance,
                    LPSTR cmd_line,
                    int cmd_show )
  // Win32 locals.

  HWND window = 0;
  MSG msg;

  // Miles locals

  HDIGDRIVER digital=0;

  // Try to create our window.

  window = Build_window_handle( instance,
                                previous_instance );
  if ( !window )
    MessageBox( 0,
                "Error creating window.",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );
    return( 1 );

  // Open the Miles Sound System.


  #ifdef BINK51
  digital = AIL_open_digital_driver( 44100, 16, MSS_MC_51_DISCRETE, 0 );
  digital = AIL_open_digital_driver( 44100, 16, 2, 0 );
  if ( !digital )
    MessageBox( 0,
                AIL_last_error( ),
                "Error opening Miles",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );
    return( 2 );

  // Tell Bink to use the Miles Sound System (must be before BinkOpen)!

  BinkSoundUseMiles( digital );

  // Try to open the Bink file.

  #ifdef BINK51
    // Tell Bink to play all of the 5.1 tracks

    S32 volumes[ 6 ];
    U32 TrackIDsToPlay[ 4 ] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
    BinkSetSoundTrack( 4, TrackIDsToPlay );
    // Try to open the Bink file.
    Bink = BinkOpen( cmd_line, BINKSNDTRACK );
    // Now route the sound tracks to the correct speaker
    volumes[ 0 ] = 32768;  volumes[ 1 ] = 32768; volumes[ 2 ] = 0;  volumes[ 3 ] = 0; volumes[ 4 ] = 0;  volumes[ 5 ] = 0;
    BinkSetMixBinVolumes( Bink, 0, 0, volumes, 6 );
    volumes[ 0 ] = 0;  volumes[ 1 ] = 0; 

    volumes[ 2 ] = 32768;
    BinkSetMixBinVolumes( Bink, 1, 0, volumes, 6 );
    volumes[ 2 ] = 0;  

    volumes[ 3 ] = 32768;
    BinkSetMixBinVolumes( Bink, 2, 0, volumes, 6 );
    volumes[ 3 ] = 0;  

    volumes[ 4 ] = 32768; volumes[ 5 ] = 32768;
    BinkSetMixBinVolumes( Bink, 3, 0, volumes, 6 );

    Bink = BinkOpen( cmd_line, 0 );


  if ( !Bink )
    MessageBox( 0,
                BinkGetError( ),
                "Bink Error",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );

    DestroyWindow( window );
    return( 3 );

  // Try to open the Bink buffer.

  Bink_buffer = BinkBufferOpen( window, Bink->Width, Bink->Height, 0 );
  if ( !Bink_buffer )
    MessageBox( 0,
                BinkBufferGetError( ),
                "Bink Error",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );

    DestroyWindow( window );
    BinkClose( Bink );

    return( 4 );

  // Size the window such that its client area exactly fits our Bink movie.

  SetWindowPos( window, 0,
                0, 0,
                SWP_NOMOVE );

  // Now display the window and start the message loop.

  ShowWindow( window, cmd_show );

  for ( ; ; )
    // Are there any messages to handle?

    if ( PeekMessage( &msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) )
      // Yup, handle them.

      if ( msg.message == WM_QUIT )

      TranslateMessage( &msg );
      DispatchMessage( &msg );
      // Is it time for a new Bink frame?

      if ( !BinkWait( Bink ) )
        // Yup, draw the next frame.

        Show_next_frame( Bink,
                         window );
        // Nope, give the rest of the system a chance to run (1 ms).

        Sleep( 1 );


  // Close the Bink file.

  if ( Bink )
    BinkClose( Bink );
    Bink = 0;

  // Close the Bink buffer.

  if ( Bink_buffer )
    BinkBufferClose( Bink_buffer );
    Bink_buffer = 0;

  // Close Miles.

  if ( digital )
    AIL_close_digital_driver( digital );
    digital = 0;

  AIL_shutdown( );

  // And exit.

  return( 0 );
Beispiel #3
int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE instance,
                    HINSTANCE previous_instance,
                    LPSTR cmd_line,
                    int cmd_show )
  // Win32 locals.

  HWND window = 0;
  MSG msg;

  // Miles locals

  HDIGDRIVER digital=0;

  // Try to create our window.

  window = Build_window_handle( instance,
                                previous_instance );
  if ( !window )
    MessageBox( 0,
                "Error creating window.",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );
    return( 1 );

  // Open the Miles Sound System.


  digital = AIL_open_digital_driver( 44100, 16, 2, 0 );
  if ( !digital )
    MessageBox( 0,
                AIL_last_error( ),
                "Error opening Miles",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );
    return( 2 );

  // Tell Bink to use the Miles Sound System (must be before BinkOpen)!

  BinkSoundUseMiles( digital );

  // Try to open the Bink file.

  Bink = BinkOpen( cmd_line, 0 );
  if ( !Bink )
    MessageBox( 0,
                BinkGetError( ),
                "Bink Error",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );

    DestroyWindow( window );
    return( 3 );

  // Try to open the Bink buffer.

  Bink_buffer = BinkBufferOpen( window, Bink->Width, Bink->Height, 0 );
  if ( !Bink_buffer )
    MessageBox( 0,
                BinkBufferGetError( ),
                "Bink Error",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );

    DestroyWindow( window );
    BinkClose( Bink );

    return( 4 );

  // Size the window such that its client area exactly fits our Bink movie.

  SetWindowPos( window, 0,
                0, 0,
                SWP_NOMOVE );

  // Now display the window and start the message loop.

  ShowWindow( window, cmd_show );

  for ( ; ; )
    // Are there any messages to handle?

    if ( PeekMessage( &msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) )
      // Yup, handle them.

      if ( msg.message == WM_QUIT )

      TranslateMessage( &msg );
      DispatchMessage( &msg );
      // Is it time for a new Bink frame?

      if ( !BinkWait( Bink ) )
        // Yup, draw the next frame.

        Show_next_frame( Bink,
                         window );
        // Nope, give the rest of the system a chance to run (500 MICROseconds).

        Good_sleep_us( 500 );


  // Close the Bink file.

  if ( Bink )
    BinkClose( Bink );
    Bink = 0;

  // Close the Bink buffer.

  if ( Bink_buffer )
    BinkBufferClose( Bink_buffer );
    Bink_buffer = 0;

  // Close Miles.

  if ( digital )
    AIL_close_digital_driver( digital );
    digital = 0;

  AIL_shutdown( );

  // And exit.

  return( 0 );