Beispiel #1
unsigned int AI_CurrentLinkType( edict_t *self )
	if( !AI_PlinkExists( self->ai.current_node, self->ai.next_node ) )
		return LINK_INVALID;

	return AI_PlinkMoveType( self->ai.current_node, self->ai.next_node );
void BOT_DMclass_SpecialMove( edict_t *self, vec3_t lookdir, vec3_t pathdir, usercmd_t *ucmd )
	bool wallJump = false;
	bool dash = true;
	bool bunnyhop = true;
	trace_t trace;
	vec3_t end;
	int n1, n2, nextMoveType;

	self->ai->is_bunnyhop = false;

	if( self->ai->path.numNodes < MIN_BUNNY_NODES )

	// verify that the 2nd node is in front of us for dashing
	n1 = self->ai->path.nodes[self->ai->path.numNodes];
	n2 = self->ai->path.nodes[self->ai->path.numNodes-1];

	if( !AI_infront2D( lookdir, self->s.origin, nodes[n2].origin, 0.5 ) )
		bunnyhop = false;

	// do not dash if the next link will be a fall, jump or 
	// any other kind of special link
	nextMoveType = AI_PlinkMoveType( n1, n2 );
		dash = false;

		bunnyhop = false;
#if 0
	if( VectorLengthFast( self->velocity ) < AI_JUMP_SPEED )
		if( dash && self->groundentity ) // attempt dash
			if( DotProduct( lookdir, pathdir ) > 0.9 )
				// do not dash unless both next nodes are visible
				if( AI_ReachabilityVisible( self, nodes[n1].origin ) &&
					AI_ReachabilityVisible( self, nodes[n2].origin ) )
					ucmd->buttons |= BUTTON_SPECIAL;
					ucmd->sidemove = 0;
					ucmd->forwardmove = 1;
					self->ai->is_bunnyhop = true;
	if( bunnyhop && ( (nextMoveType &LINK_JUMP) || level.gametype.spawnableItemsMask == 0 ) )
		if( self->groundentity )
			ucmd->upmove = 1;

#if 0
		// fake strafe-jumping acceleration
		if( VectorLengthFast( self->velocity ) < 700 && DotProduct( lookdir, pathdir ) > 0.6 )
			VectorMA( self->velocity, 0.1f, lookdir, self->velocity );
		self->ai->is_bunnyhop = true;

	if( wallJump )
		if( self->ai->move_vector[2] > 25 && DotProduct( self->velocity, pathdir ) < -0.2 )
			VectorMA( self->s.origin, 0.02, self->velocity, end );
			G_Trace( &trace, self->s.origin, self->r.mins, self->r.maxs, end, self, MASK_AISOLID );

			if( trace.fraction != 1.0f )
				ucmd->buttons |= BUTTON_SPECIAL;

	// if pushing in the opposite direction of the path, reduce the push
	if( DotProduct( lookdir, pathdir ) < -0.33f )
		ucmd->forwardmove = 0;
Beispiel #3
// M_default_Move
// movement following paths code
//void M_default_Move( edict_t *self, usercmd_t *ucmd )
//	BOT_DMclass_Move( self, ucmd );
void M_default_Move(edict_t *self, usercmd_t *ucmd)
	int current_node_flags = 0;
	int next_node_flags = 0;
	int	current_link_type = 0;
//	int i;

	current_node_flags = nodes[self->ai->current_node].flags;
	next_node_flags = nodes[self->ai->next_node].flags;
	if( AI_PlinkExists( self->ai->current_node, self->ai->next_node ))
		current_link_type = AI_PlinkMoveType( self->ai->current_node, self->ai->next_node );
		//Com_Printf("%s\n", AI_LinkString( current_link_type ));

	// Falling off ledge
	if(!self->groundentity && !self->is_step && !self->is_swim )
		if (current_link_type == LINK_JUMPPAD ) {
			ucmd->forwardmove = 100;
		} else if( current_link_type == LINK_JUMP ) {
			self->velocity[0] = self->ai->move_vector[0] * 280;
			self->velocity[1] = self->ai->move_vector[1] * 280;
		} else {
			self->velocity[0] = self->ai->move_vector[0] * 160;
			self->velocity[1] = self->ai->move_vector[1] * 160;

	// swimming
	if( self->is_swim )
		// We need to be pointed up/down

		//if( !(trap_PointContents(nodes[self->ai->next_node].origin) & MASK_WATER) ) // Exit water
		if( !(gi.pointcontents(nodes[self->ai->next_node].origin) & MASK_WATER) ) // Exit water
			ucmd->upmove = 400;
		ucmd->forwardmove = 300;

	// Check to see if stuck, and if so try to free us
	if(VectorCompare(self->s.old_origin, self->s.origin))
		// Keep a random factor just in case....
		if( random() > 0.1 && AI_SpecialMove(self, ucmd) ) //jumps, crouches, turns...

		self->s.angles[YAW] += random() * 180 - 90;


		ucmd->forwardmove = 400;



	// Otherwise move as fast as we can... 
	ucmd->forwardmove = 400;