Beispiel #1
float revcst(float x[], float y[], int iorder[], int ncity, int n[])
	float xx[5],yy[5],de;
	int j,ii;

	n[3]=1 + ((n[1]+ncity-2) % ncity);
	n[4]=1 + (n[2] % ncity);
	for (j=1;j<=4;j++) {
	de = -ALEN(xx[1],xx[3],yy[1],yy[3]);
	de -= ALEN(xx[2],xx[4],yy[2],yy[4]);
	de += ALEN(xx[1],xx[4],yy[1],yy[4]);
	de += ALEN(xx[2],xx[3],yy[2],yy[3]);
	return de;
Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  gid_t groups[1024];
  int num_groups = getgroups(ALEN(groups), groups);
  int i;

  atomic_printf("User %d belongs to %d groups:\n  ", geteuid(), num_groups);
  for (i = 0; i < num_groups; ++i) {
    atomic_printf("%d,", groups[i]);

  return 0;
Beispiel #3
static int is_seccomp_bpf_available() {
	struct sock_filter noop[] = { ALLOW_PROCESS };
	struct sock_fprog prog = { .len = (unsigned short)ALEN(noop),
				   .filter = noop };
	/* NB: if the SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS succeeds, it will prevent us
	 * from doing things like recording setuid programs.  Bad
	 * thing? */
	return (0 == prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, 1, 0, 0, 0)
		&& 0 == prctl(PR_SET_SECCOMP, SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER, &prog));

static void print_usage()
"Usage: rr (record|replay) [OPTION]... [ARG]...\n"
"Syntax for `record'\n"
" rr record [OPTION]... <exe> [exe-args]...\n"
"  -b, --force-syscall-buffer force the syscall buffer preload library\n"
"                             to be used, even if that's probably a bad\n"
"                             idea\n"
"  -c, --num-cpu-ticks=<NUM>  maximum number of 'CPU ticks' (currently \n"
"                             retired conditional branches) to allow a \n"
"                             task to run before interrupting it\n"
"  -e, --num-events=<NUM>     maximum number of events (syscall \n"
"                             enter/exit, signal, CPU interrupt, ...) \n"
"                             to allow a task before descheduling it\n"
"  -n, --no-syscall-buffer    disable the syscall buffer preload library\n"
"                             even if it would otherwise be used"
"Syntax for `replay'\n"
" rr replay [OPTION]... <trace-dir>\n"
"  -a, --autopilot            replay without debugger server\n"
"  -c, --checksum={on-syscalls,on-all-events}|FROM_TIME\n"
"                             verify checksums either on all syscalls, all\n"
"                             events, or starting from global timepoint\n"
"                             FROM_TIME\n"
"  -d, --dump-on=<SYSCALL_NUM|-SIGNAL_NUM>\n"
"                             dump memory at SYSCALL or SIGNAL during replay\n"
"  -p, --dbgport=PORT         bind the debugger server to PORT\n"
"  -q, --no-redirect-output   don't replay writes to stdout/stderr\n"

"  -t, --dump-at=TIME         dump memory at global timepoint TIME\n"
, stderr);
Beispiel #4
int main(void) {
  gid_t groups[32];
  int ngroups;
  gid_t this_group, other_group;
  int fd;

  this_group = getegid();
  atomic_printf("Current group is %d\n", this_group);

  ngroups = getgroups(ALEN(groups), groups);
  test_assert(ngroups > 0);

  other_group = groups[0];
  if (this_group == other_group && ngroups > 1) {
    other_group = groups[1];
  if (this_group == other_group) {
    atomic_puts("WARNING: unable to properly test chown()");

  fd = creat(DUMMY_FILENAME, 0600);
  test_assert(fd >= 0);
  atomic_printf("Group owner of %s is %d\n", DUMMY_FILENAME, get_gid(fd));
  test_assert(this_group == get_gid(fd));

  change_group(DUMMY_FILENAME, other_group);
  atomic_printf("  ... now owner is %d\n", get_gid(fd));
  test_assert(other_group == get_gid(fd));

  change_group_fd(fd, this_group);
  atomic_printf("  ... now back to original owner %d\n", get_gid(fd));
  test_assert(this_group == get_gid(fd));

  change_group_at(DUMMY_FILENAME, other_group);
  atomic_printf("  ... now owner is %d\n", get_gid(fd));
  test_assert(other_group == get_gid(fd));



  return 0;
Beispiel #5
static int eval(int token, int prec, int *res, int *err, yystypepp * yylvalpp)
    int         i, val;
    Symbol      *s;
    if (token == CPP_IDENTIFIER) {
        if (yylvalpp->sc_ident == definedAtom) {
            int needclose = 0;
            token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp);
            if (token == '(') {
                needclose = 1;
                token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp);
            if (token != CPP_IDENTIFIER)
                goto error;
            *res = (s = LookUpSymbol(macros, yylvalpp->sc_ident))
                        ? !s->details.mac.undef : 0;
            token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp);
            if (needclose) {
                if (token != ')')
                    goto error;
                token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp);
		} else if (MacroExpand(yylvalpp->sc_ident, yylvalpp)) {
			token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp);
            return eval(token, prec, res, err, yylvalpp);
        } else {
            goto error;
	} else if (token == CPP_INTCONSTANT) {
        *res = yylvalpp->sc_int;
        token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp);
    } else if (token == '(') {
        token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp);
        token = eval(token, MIN_PREC, res, err, yylvalpp);
        if (!*err) {
            if (token != ')')
                goto error;
            token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp);
    } else {
        for (i = ALEN(unop) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (unop[i].token == token)
        if (i >= 0) {
            token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp);
            token = eval(token, UNARY, res, err, yylvalpp);
            *res = unop[i].op(*res);
        } else {
            goto error;
    while (!*err) {
        if (token == ')' || token == '\n') break;
        for (i = ALEN(binop) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (binop[i].token == token)
        if (i < 0 || binop[i].prec <= prec)
        val = *res;
        token = cpp->currentInput->scan(cpp->currentInput, yylvalpp);
        token = eval(token, binop[i].prec, res, err, yylvalpp);
        if (binop[i].op == op_div || binop[i].op == op_mod)
            if (*res == 0)
                CPPErrorToInfoLog("preprocessor divide or modulo by zero");
                *err = 1;
                return token;

        *res = binop[i].op(val, *res);
    return token;
    CPPErrorToInfoLog("incorrect preprocessor directive");
    *err = 1;
    *res = 0;
    return token;
} // eval
Beispiel #6
void anneal(float x[], float y[], int iorder[], int ncity)
	int irbit1(unsigned long *iseed);
	int metrop(float de, float t);
	float ran3(long *idum);
	float revcst(float x[], float y[], int iorder[], int ncity, int n[]);
	void reverse(int iorder[], int ncity, int n[]);
	float trncst(float x[], float y[], int iorder[], int ncity, int n[]);
	void trnspt(int iorder[], int ncity, int n[]);
	int ans,nover,nlimit,i1,i2;
	int i,j,k,nsucc,nn,idec;
	static int n[7];
	long idum;
	unsigned long iseed;
	float path,de,t;

	for (i=1;i<ncity;i++) {
		path += ALEN(x[i1],x[i2],y[i1],y[i2]);
	path += ALEN(x[i1],x[i2],y[i1],y[i2]);
	idum = -1;
	for (j=1;j<=100;j++) {
		for (k=1;k<=nover;k++) {
			do {
				n[1]=1+(int) (ncity*ran3(&idum));
				n[2]=1+(int) ((ncity-1)*ran3(&idum));
				if (n[2] >= n[1]) ++n[2];
				nn=1+((n[1]-n[2]+ncity-1) % ncity);
			} while (nn<3);
			if (idec == 0) {
				n[3]=n[2]+(int) (abs(nn-2)*ran3(&idum))+1;
				n[3]=1+((n[3]-1) % ncity);
				if (ans) {
					path += de;
			} else {
				if (ans) {
					path += de;
			if (nsucc >= nlimit) break;
		printf("\n %s %10.6f %s %12.6f \n","T =",t,
			"	 Path Length =",path);
		printf("Successful Moves: %6d\n",nsucc);
		t *= TFACTR;
		if (nsucc == 0) return;
Beispiel #7
int TPpContext::eval(int token, int prec, int *res, int *err, TPpToken * yylvalpp)
    int         i, val;
    Symbol      *s;

    if (token == CPP_IDENTIFIER) {
        if (yylvalpp->atom == definedAtom) {
            bool needclose = 0;
            token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp);
            if (token == '(') {
                needclose = true;
                token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp);
            if (token != CPP_IDENTIFIER) {
                parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "incorrect directive, expected identifier", "preprocessor", "");
                *err = 1;
                *res = 0;

                return token;
            *res = (s = LookUpSymbol(macros, yylvalpp->atom))
                ? !s->details.mac.undef : 0;
            token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp);
            if (needclose) {
                if (token != ')') {
                    parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "#else after #else", "", "");
                    *err = 1;
                    *res = 0;

                    return token;
                token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp);
        } else {
            int macroReturn = MacroExpand(yylvalpp->atom, yylvalpp, 1);
            if (macroReturn == 0) {
                parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "can't evaluate expression", "preprocessor", "");
                *err = 1;
                *res = 0;

                return token;
            } else {
                if (macroReturn == -1) {
                    if (parseContext.profile == EEsProfile) {
                        if (parseContext.messages & EShMsgRelaxedErrors)
                            parseContext.warn(yylvalpp->loc, "undefined macro in expression not allowed in es profile", "preprocessor", "");
                        else {
                            parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "undefined macro in expression", "preprocessor", "");

                            *err = 1;
                token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp);

                return eval(token, prec, res, err, yylvalpp);
    } else if (token == CPP_INTCONSTANT) {
        *res = yylvalpp->ival;
        token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp);
    } else if (token == '(') {
        token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp);
        token = eval(token, MIN_PREC, res, err, yylvalpp);
        if (!*err) {
            if (token != ')') {
                parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "expected ')'", "preprocessor", "");
                *err = 1;
                *res = 0;

                return token;
            token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp);
    } else {
        for (i = ALEN(unop) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (unop[i].token == token)
        if (i >= 0) {
            token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp);
            token = eval(token, UNARY, res, err, yylvalpp);
            *res = unop[i].op(*res);
        } else {
            parseContext.error(yylvalpp->loc, "", "bad expression", "");
            *err = 1;
            *res = 0;

            return token;
    while (!*err) {
        if (token == ')' || token == '\n') 
        for (i = ALEN(binop) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (binop[i].token == token)
        if (i < 0 || binop[i].prec <= prec)
        val = *res;
        token = currentInput->scan(this, currentInput, yylvalpp);
        token = eval(token, binop[i].prec, res, err, yylvalpp);
        *res = binop[i].op(val, *res);

    return token;
} // eval
Beispiel #8
  /* code */
  assert(ALEN(sat_i_long_ampl) == ALEN(sat_i_long_params));
  assert(ALEN(sat_ii_long_ampl) == ALEN(sat_ii_long_params));
  assert(ALEN(sat_iii_long_ampl) == ALEN(sat_iii_long_params));
  assert(ALEN(sat_iv_long_ampl) == ALEN(sat_iv_long_params));

  assert(ALEN(sat_i_lat_ampl) == ALEN(sat_i_lat_params));
  assert(ALEN(sat_ii_lat_ampl) == ALEN(sat_ii_lat_params));
  assert(ALEN(sat_iii_lat_ampl) == ALEN(sat_iii_lat_params));
  assert(ALEN(sat_iv_lat_ampl) == ALEN(sat_iv_lat_params));

  assert(ALEN(sat_i_rad_ampl) == ALEN(sat_i_rad_params));
  assert(ALEN(sat_ii_rad_ampl) == ALEN(sat_ii_rad_params));
  assert(ALEN(sat_iii_rad_ampl) == ALEN(sat_iii_rad_params));
  assert(ALEN(sat_iv_rad_ampl) == ALEN(sat_iv_rad_params));

Beispiel #9

#define ALEN(a) sizeof(a)/sizeof(typeof(a[0]))

typedef struct {
  int n_long_terms;
  int n_lat_terms;
  int n_rad_terms;
  const sat_amps_t *amps;
  const sat_args_t *args;
  double longitude;
  double mean_dist;
} sat_t;

sat_t sats[] = {
  {.n_long_terms = ALEN(sat_i_long_ampl), .n_lat_terms = ALEN(sat_i_lat_ampl),  
   .n_rad_terms = ALEN(sat_i_rad_ampl), 
   .amps = &sat_i_amps, .args = &sat_i_params,
   .mean_dist = 5.90730},

  {.n_long_terms = ALEN(sat_ii_long_ampl), .n_lat_terms = ALEN(sat_ii_lat_ampl),  
   .n_rad_terms = ALEN(sat_ii_rad_ampl), 
   .amps = &sat_ii_amps, .args = &sat_ii_params,
   .mean_dist = 9.39912},

  {.n_long_terms = ALEN(sat_iii_long_ampl), .n_lat_terms = ALEN(sat_iii_lat_ampl),  
   .n_rad_terms = ALEN(sat_iii_rad_ampl), 
   .amps = &sat_iii_amps, .args = &sat_iii_params,
   .mean_dist = 14.99240},

  {.n_long_terms = ALEN(sat_iv_long_ampl), .n_lat_terms = ALEN(sat_iv_lat_ampl),  
Beispiel #10
tr_httpRequestType( const char * data, int len, char ** method, char ** uri )
    const char * words[6];
    int          ii, ret;
    const char * end;

    /* find the end of the line */
    for( end = data; data + len > end; end++ )
        if( NL( *data) )

    /* find the first three "words" in the line */
    for( ii = 0; ALEN( words ) > ii && data < end; ii++ )
        /* find the next space or non-space */
        while( data < end && ( ii % 2 ? !SP( *data ) : SP( *data ) ) )

        /* save the beginning of the word */
        words[ii] = data;

    /* check for missing words */
    if( ALEN( words) > ii )
        return -1;

    /* parse HTTP version */
    ret = -1;
    if( 8 <= words[5] - words[4] )
        if( 0 == tr_strncasecmp( words[4], "HTTP/1.1", 8 ) )
            ret = 11;
        else if( 0 == tr_strncasecmp( words[4], "HTTP/1.0", 8 ) )
            ret = 10;

    /* copy the method */
    if( 0 <= ret && NULL != method )
        *method = tr_dupstr( words[0], words[1] - words[0] );
        if( NULL == *method )
            ret = -1;
    /* copy uri */
    if( 0 <= ret && NULL != uri )
        *uri = tr_dupstr( words[2], words[3] - words[2] );
        if( NULL == *uri )
            free( *method );
            ret = -1;

    return ret;