Beispiel #1
*/  static void Bind_Relative_Words(REBSER *frame, REBSER *block)
**      Recursive function for relative function word binding.
**      Note: frame arg points to an identifying series of the function,
**      not a normal frame. This will be used to verify the word fetch.
	REBVAL *value = BLK_HEAD(block);

	for (; NOT_END(value); value++) {
		if (ANY_WORD(value)) {
			// Is the word (canon sym) found in this frame?
			if (NZ(n = WORDS_HEAD(Bind_Table)[VAL_WORD_CANON(value)])) {
				// Word is in frame, bind it:
				VAL_WORD_INDEX(value) = n;
				VAL_WORD_FRAME(value) = frame; // func body
		else if (ANY_BLOCK(value))
			Bind_Relative_Words(frame, VAL_SERIES(value));
Beispiel #2
*/  void Unbind_Block(REBVAL *val, REBCNT deep)
	for (; NOT_END(val); val++) {
		if (ANY_WORD(val)) {
		if (ANY_BLOCK(val) && deep) {
			Unbind_Block(VAL_BLK_DATA(val), TRUE);
Beispiel #3
*/  static void Bind_Block_Words(REBSER *frame, REBVAL *value, REBCNT mode)
**      Inner loop of bind block. Modes are:
**          BIND_ONLY    Only bind the words found in the frame.
**          BIND_SET     Add set-words to the frame during the bind.
**          BIND_ALL     Add words to the frame during the bind.
**          BIND_DEEP    Recurse into sub-blocks.
**      NOTE: BIND_SET must be used carefully, because it does not
**      bind prior instances of the word before the set-word. That is
**      forward references are not allowed.
	REBINT *binds = WORDS_HEAD(Bind_Table); // GC safe to do here
	REBFLG selfish = !IS_SELFLESS(frame);

	for (; NOT_END(value); value++) {
		if (ANY_WORD(value)) {
			//Print("Word: %s", Get_Sym_Name(VAL_WORD_CANON(value)));
			// Is the word found in this frame?
			if (NZ(n = binds[VAL_WORD_CANON(value)])) {
				if (n == NO_RESULT) n = 0; // SELF word
				// Word is in frame, bind it:
				VAL_WORD_INDEX(value) = n;
				VAL_WORD_FRAME(value) = frame;
			else if (selfish && VAL_WORD_CANON(value) == SYM_SELF) {
				VAL_WORD_INDEX(value) = 0;
				VAL_WORD_FRAME(value) = frame;
			else {
				// Word is not in frame. Add it if option is specified:
				if ((mode & BIND_ALL) || ((mode & BIND_SET) && (IS_SET_WORD(value)))) {
					Append_Frame(frame, value, 0);
					binds[VAL_WORD_CANON(value)] = VAL_WORD_INDEX(value);
		else if (ANY_BLOCK(value) && (mode & BIND_DEEP))
			Bind_Block_Words(frame, VAL_BLK_DATA(value), mode);
		else if ((IS_FUNCTION(value) || IS_CLOSURE(value)) && (mode & BIND_FUNC))
			Bind_Block_Words(frame, BLK_HEAD(VAL_FUNC_BODY(value)), mode);
Beispiel #4
*/  void Unbind_Values_Core(REBVAL value[], REBSER *frame, REBOOL deep)
**		Unbind words in a block, optionally unbinding those which are
**		bound to a particular frame (if frame is NULL, then all
**		words will be unbound regardless of their VAL_WORD_FRAME).
	for (; NOT_END(value); value++) {
		if (ANY_WORD(value) && (!frame || VAL_WORD_FRAME(value) == frame))

		if (ANY_BLOCK(value) && deep)
			Unbind_Values_Core(VAL_BLK_DATA(value), frame, TRUE);
Beispiel #5
*/  void Rebind_Block(REBSER *frame_src, REBSER *frame_dst, REBSER *block)
**      Rebind all words that reference src frame to dst frame.
**      Rebind is always deep.
	REBVAL *value;

	for (value = BLK_HEAD(block); NOT_END(value); value++) {
		if (ANY_BLOCK(value)) Rebind_Block(frame_src, frame_dst, VAL_SERIES(value));
		else if (ANY_WORD(value) && VAL_WORD_FRAME(value) == frame_src) {
			VAL_WORD_FRAME(value) = frame_dst;
Beispiel #6
*/	REBFLG MT_Block(REBVAL *out, REBVAL *data, REBCNT type)

	if (!ANY_BLOCK(data)) return FALSE;
	if (type >= REB_PATH && type <= REB_LIT_PATH)
		if (!ANY_WORD(VAL_BLK(data))) return FALSE;

	*out = *data++;
	VAL_SET(out, type);
	i = IS_INTEGER(data) ? Int32(data) - 1 : 0;
	if (i > VAL_TAIL(out)) i = VAL_TAIL(out); // clip it
	VAL_INDEX(out) = i;
	return TRUE;
Beispiel #7
*/  static void Bind_Values_Inner_Loop(REBINT *binds, REBVAL value[], REBSER *frame, REBCNT mode)
**		Bind_Values_Core() sets up the binding table and then calls
**		this recursive routine to do the actual binding.
	REBFLG selfish = !IS_SELFLESS(frame);

	for (; NOT_END(value); value++) {
		if (ANY_WORD(value)) {
			//Print("Word: %s", Get_Sym_Name(VAL_WORD_CANON(value)));
			// Is the word found in this frame?
			REBCNT n = binds[VAL_WORD_CANON(value)];
			if (n != 0) {
				if (n == NO_RESULT) n = 0; // SELF word
				assert(n < SERIES_TAIL(frame));
				// Word is in frame, bind it:
				VAL_WORD_INDEX(value) = n;
				VAL_WORD_FRAME(value) = frame;
			else if (selfish && VAL_WORD_CANON(value) == SYM_SELF) {
				VAL_WORD_INDEX(value) = 0;
				VAL_WORD_FRAME(value) = frame;
			else {
				// Word is not in frame. Add it if option is specified:
				if ((mode & BIND_ALL) || ((mode & BIND_SET) && (IS_SET_WORD(value)))) {
					Expand_Frame(frame, 1, 1);
					Append_Frame(frame, value, 0);
					binds[VAL_WORD_CANON(value)] = VAL_WORD_INDEX(value);
		else if (ANY_BLOCK(value) && (mode & BIND_DEEP))
				binds, VAL_BLK_DATA(value), frame, mode
		else if ((IS_FUNCTION(value) || IS_CLOSURE(value)) && (mode & BIND_FUNC))
				binds, BLK_HEAD(VAL_FUNC_BODY(value)), frame, mode
Beispiel #8
*/	void Pop_Stack_Values(REBVAL *out, REBINT dsp_start, REBOOL into)
**		Pop_Stack_Values computed values from the stack into the series
**		specified by "into", or if into is NULL then store it as a
**		block on top of the stack.  (Also checks to see if into
**		is protected, and will trigger a trap if that is the case.)
**		Protocol for /INTO is to set the position to the tail.
	REBSER *series;
	REBCNT len = DSP - dsp_start;
	REBVAL *values = BLK_SKIP(DS_Series, dsp_start + 1);

	if (into) {
		series = VAL_SERIES(out);
		VAL_INDEX(out) = Insert_Series(
			series, VAL_INDEX(out), cast(REBYTE*, values), len
	else {
Beispiel #9
*/  void Rebind_Block(REBSER *src_frame, REBSER *dst_frame, REBVAL *data, REBFLG modes)
**      Rebind all words that reference src frame to dst frame.
**      Rebind is always deep.
**		There are two types of frames: relative frames and normal frames.
**		When frame_src type and frame_dst type differ,
**		modes must have REBIND_TYPE.
	REBINT *binds = WORDS_HEAD(Bind_Table);

	for (; NOT_END(data); data++) {
		if (ANY_BLOCK(data))
			Rebind_Block(src_frame, dst_frame, VAL_BLK_DATA(data), modes);
		else if (ANY_WORD(data) && VAL_WORD_FRAME(data) == src_frame) {
			VAL_WORD_FRAME(data) = dst_frame;
			if (modes & REBIND_TABLE) VAL_WORD_INDEX(data) = binds[VAL_WORD_CANON(data)];
			if (modes & REBIND_TYPE) VAL_WORD_INDEX(data) = - VAL_WORD_INDEX(data);
		} else if ((modes & REBIND_FUNC) && (IS_FUNCTION(data) || IS_CLOSURE(data)))
			Rebind_Block(src_frame, dst_frame, BLK_HEAD(VAL_FUNC_BODY(data)), modes);
Beispiel #10
*/	static REB_R Loop_Each(struct Reb_Call *call_, REBINT mode)
**		Supports these natives (modes):
**			0: foreach
**			1: remove-each
**			2: map
	REBSER *body;
	REBVAL *vars;
	REBVAL *words;
	REBSER *frame;
	REBVAL *value;
	REBSER *series;
	REBSER *out;	// output block (for MAP, mode = 2)

	REBINT index;	// !!!! should these be REBCNT?
	REBINT tail;
	REBINT windex;	// write
	REBINT rindex;	// read
	REBINT err;
	REBVAL *ds;

	assert(mode >= 0 && mode < 3);

	value = D_ARG(2); // series
	if (IS_NONE(value)) return R_NONE;

	body = Init_Loop(D_ARG(1), D_ARG(3), &frame); // vars, body
	SET_OBJECT(D_ARG(1), frame); // keep GC safe
	Set_Block(D_ARG(3), body);	 // keep GC safe

	SET_NONE(D_OUT); // Default result to NONE if the loop does not run

	// If it's MAP, create result block:
	if (mode == 2) {
		out = Make_Block(VAL_LEN(value));

	// Get series info:
	if (ANY_OBJECT(value)) {
		series = VAL_OBJ_FRAME(value);
		out = FRM_WORD_SERIES(series); // words (the out local reused)
		index = 1;
		//if (frame->tail > 3) Trap_Arg_DEAD_END(FRM_WORD(frame, 3));
	else if (IS_MAP(value)) {
		series = VAL_SERIES(value);
		index = 0;
		//if (frame->tail > 3) Trap_Arg_DEAD_END(FRM_WORD(frame, 3));
	else {
		series = VAL_SERIES(value);
		index  = VAL_INDEX(value);
		if (index >= cast(REBINT, SERIES_TAIL(series))) {
			if (mode == 1) {
			} else if (mode == 2) {
				Set_Block(D_OUT, out);
			return R_OUT;

	windex = index;

	// Iterate over each value in the series block:
	while (index < (tail = SERIES_TAIL(series))) {

		rindex = index;  // remember starting spot
		j = 0;

		// Set the FOREACH loop variables from the series:
		for (i = 1; i < frame->tail; i++) {

			vars = FRM_VALUE(frame, i);
			words = FRM_WORD(frame, i);

			// var spec is WORD
			if (IS_WORD(words)) {

				if (index < tail) {

					if (ANY_BLOCK(value)) {
						*vars = *BLK_SKIP(series, index);

					else if (ANY_OBJECT(value)) {
						if (!VAL_GET_EXT(BLK_SKIP(out, index), EXT_WORD_HIDE)) {
							// Alternate between word and value parts of object:
							if (j == 0) {
								Init_Word(vars, REB_WORD, VAL_WORD_SYM(BLK_SKIP(out, index)), series, index);
								if (NOT_END(vars+1)) index--; // reset index for the value part
							else if (j == 1)
								*vars = *BLK_SKIP(series, index);
						else {
							// Do not evaluate this iteration
							goto skip_hidden;

					else if (IS_VECTOR(value)) {
						Set_Vector_Value(vars, series, index);

					else if (IS_MAP(value)) {
						REBVAL *val = BLK_SKIP(series, index | 1);
						if (!IS_NONE(val)) {
							if (j == 0) {
								*vars = *BLK_SKIP(series, index & ~1);
								if (IS_END(vars+1)) index++; // only words
							else if (j == 1)
								*vars = *BLK_SKIP(series, index);
						else {
							index += 2;
							goto skip_hidden;

					else { // A string or binary
						if (IS_BINARY(value)) {
							SET_INTEGER(vars, (REBI64)(BIN_HEAD(series)[index]));
						else if (IS_IMAGE(value)) {
							Set_Tuple_Pixel(BIN_SKIP(series, index), vars);
						else {
							VAL_SET(vars, REB_CHAR);
							VAL_CHAR(vars) = GET_ANY_CHAR(series, index);
				else SET_NONE(vars);

			// var spec is SET_WORD:
			else if (IS_SET_WORD(words)) {
				if (ANY_OBJECT(value) || IS_MAP(value)) {
					*vars = *value;
				} else {
					VAL_SET(vars, REB_BLOCK);
					VAL_SERIES(vars) = series;
					VAL_INDEX(vars) = index;
				//if (index < tail) index++; // do not increment block.
			else Trap_Arg_DEAD_END(words);
		if (index == rindex) index++; //the word block has only set-words: foreach [a:] [1 2 3][]

		if (!DO_BLOCK(D_OUT, body, 0)) {
			if ((err = Check_Error(D_OUT)) >= 0) {
				index = rindex;
			// else CONTINUE:
			if (mode == 1) SET_FALSE(D_OUT); // keep the value (for mode == 1)
		} else {
			err = 0; // prevent later test against uninitialized value

		if (mode > 0) {
			//if (ANY_OBJECT(value)) Trap_Types_DEAD_END(words, REB_BLOCK, VAL_TYPE(value)); //check not needed

			// If FALSE return, copy values to the write location:
			if (mode == 1) {  // remove-each
					REBCNT wide = SERIES_WIDE(series);
					// memory areas may overlap, so use memmove and not memcpy!
					memmove(series->data + (windex * wide), series->data + (rindex * wide), (index - rindex) * wide);
					windex += index - rindex;
					// old: while (rindex < index) *BLK_SKIP(series, windex++) = *BLK_SKIP(series, rindex++);
				if (!IS_UNSET(D_OUT)) Append_Value(out, D_OUT); // (mode == 2)
skip_hidden: ;

	// Finish up:
	if (mode == 1) {
		// Remove hole (updates tail):
		if (windex < index) Remove_Series(series, windex, index - windex);
		SET_INTEGER(D_OUT, index - windex);

		return R_OUT;

	// If MAP...
	if (mode == 2) {
		if (err != 2) {
			// ...and not BREAK/RETURN:
			Set_Block(D_OUT, out);
			return R_OUT;

	return R_OUT;
Beispiel #11
*/	static REBCNT Do_Eval_Rule(REBPARSE *parse, REBCNT index, REBVAL **rule)
**		Evaluate the input as a code block. Advance input if
**		rule succeeds. Return new index or failure.
**		Examples:
**			do skip
**			do end
**			do "abc"
**			do 'abc
**			do [...]
**			do variable
**			do datatype!
**			do quote 123
**			do into [...]
**		Problem: cannot write:  set var do datatype!
	REBVAL value;
	REBVAL *item = *rule;
	REBPARSE newparse;

	// First, check for end of input:
	if (index >= parse->series->tail) {
		if (IS_WORD(item) && VAL_CMD(item) == SYM_END) return index;
		else return NOT_FOUND;

	// Evaluate next N input values:
	index = Do_Next(parse->series, index, FALSE);

	// Value is on top of stack (volatile!):
	value = *DS_POP;
	if (THROWN(&value)) Throw_Break(&value);

	// Get variable or command:
	if (IS_WORD(item)) {

		n = VAL_CMD(item);

		if (n == SYM_SKIP)
			return (IS_SET(&value)) ? index : NOT_FOUND;

		if (n == SYM_QUOTE) {
			item = item + 1;
			if (IS_END(item)) Trap1(RE_PARSE_END, item-2);
			if (IS_PAREN(item)) {
				item = Do_Block_Value_Throw(item); // might GC
		else if (n == SYM_INTO) {
			item = item + 1;
			if (IS_END(item)) Trap1(RE_PARSE_END, item-2);
			item = Get_Parse_Value(item); // sub-rules
			if (!IS_BLOCK(item)) Trap1(RE_PARSE_RULE, item-2);
			if (!ANY_BINSTR(&value) && !ANY_BLOCK(&value)) return NOT_FOUND;
			return (Parse_Series(&value, VAL_BLK_DATA(item), parse->flags, 0) == VAL_TAIL(&value))
				? index : NOT_FOUND;
		else if (n > 0)
			Trap1(RE_PARSE_RULE, item);
			item = Get_Parse_Value(item); // variable
	else if (IS_PATH(item)) {
		item = Get_Parse_Value(item); // variable
	else if (IS_SET_WORD(item) || IS_GET_WORD(item) || IS_SET_PATH(item) || IS_GET_PATH(item))
		Trap1(RE_PARSE_RULE, item);

	if (IS_NONE(item)) {
		return (VAL_TYPE(&value) > REB_NONE) ? NOT_FOUND : index;

	// Copy the value into its own block:
	newparse.series = Make_Block(1);
	Append_Val(newparse.series, &value);
	newparse.type = REB_BLOCK;
	newparse.flags = parse->flags;
	newparse.result = 0;

	n = (Parse_Next_Block(&newparse, 0, item, 0) != NOT_FOUND) ? index : NOT_FOUND;
	return n;
Beispiel #12
*/	static REBCNT Parse_Rules_Loop(REBPARSE *parse, REBCNT index, REBVAL *rules, REBCNT depth)
	REBSER *series = parse->series;
	REBVAL *item;		// current rule item
	REBVAL *word;		// active word to be set
	REBCNT start;		// recovery restart point
	REBCNT i;			// temp index point
	REBCNT begin;		// point at beginning of match
	REBINT count;		// iterated pattern counter
	REBINT mincount;	// min pattern count
	REBINT maxcount;	// max pattern count
	REBVAL *item_hold;
	REBVAL *val;		// spare
	REBCNT rulen;
	REBSER *ser;
	REBFLG flags;
	REBCNT cmd;
	REBVAL *rule_head = rules;

	//if (depth > MAX_PARSE_DEPTH) Trap_Word(RE_LIMIT_HIT, SYM_PARSE, 0);
	flags = 0;
	word = 0;
	mincount = maxcount = 1;
	start = begin = index;

	// For each rule in the rule block:
	while (NOT_END(rules)) {

		//Print_Parse_Index(parse->type, rules, series, index);

		if (--Eval_Count <= 0 || Eval_Signals) Do_Signals();

		// Pre-Rule Processing Section
		// For non-iterated rules, including setup for iterated rules.
		// The input index is not advanced here, but may be changed by
		// a GET-WORD variable.

		item = rules++;

		// If word, set-word, or get-word, process it:
		if (VAL_TYPE(item) >= REB_WORD && VAL_TYPE(item) <= REB_GET_WORD) {

			// Is it a command word?
			if (cmd = VAL_CMD(item)) {

				if (!IS_WORD(item)) Trap1(RE_PARSE_COMMAND, item); // SET or GET not allowed

				if (cmd <= SYM_BREAK) { // optimization

					switch (cmd) {

					case SYM_OR_BAR:
						return index;	// reached it successfully

					// Note: mincount = maxcount = 1 on entry
					case SYM_WHILE:
						SET_FLAG(flags, PF_WHILE);
					case SYM_ANY:
						mincount = 0;
					case SYM_SOME:
						maxcount = MAX_I32;

					case SYM_OPT:
						mincount = 0;

					case SYM_COPY:
						SET_FLAG(flags, PF_COPY);
					case SYM_SET:
						SET_FLAG(flags, PF_SET);
						item = rules++;
						if (!IS_WORD(item)) Trap1(RE_PARSE_VARIABLE, item);
						if (VAL_CMD(item)) Trap1(RE_PARSE_COMMAND, item);
						word = item;

					case SYM_NOT:
						SET_FLAG(flags, PF_NOT);
						flags ^= (1<<PF_NOT2);
					case SYM_AND:
						SET_FLAG(flags, PF_AND);

					case SYM_THEN:
						SET_FLAG(flags, PF_THEN);

					case SYM_REMOVE:
						SET_FLAG(flags, PF_REMOVE);
					case SYM_INSERT:
						SET_FLAG(flags, PF_INSERT);
						goto post;
					case SYM_CHANGE:
						SET_FLAG(flags, PF_CHANGE);

					case SYM_RETURN:
						if (IS_PAREN(rules)) {
							item = Do_Block_Value_Throw(rules); // might GC
						SET_FLAG(flags, PF_RETURN);

					case SYM_ACCEPT:
					case SYM_BREAK:
						parse->result = 1;
						return index;

					case SYM_REJECT:
						parse->result = -1;
						return index;

					case SYM_FAIL:
						index = NOT_FOUND;
						goto post;

					case SYM_IF:
						item = rules++;
						if (IS_END(item)) goto bad_end;
						if (!IS_PAREN(item)) Trap1(RE_PARSE_RULE, item);
						item = Do_Block_Value_Throw(item); // might GC
						if (IS_TRUE(item)) continue;
						else {
							index = NOT_FOUND;
							goto post;

					case SYM_LIMIT:
						//val = Get_Parse_Value(rules++);
					//	if (IS_INTEGER(val)) limit = index + Int32(val);
					//	else if (ANY_SERIES(val)) limit = VAL_INDEX(val);
					//	else goto
						//goto bad_rule;
					//	goto post;

					case SYM_QQ:
						Print_Parse_Index(parse->type, rules, series, index);
				// Any other cmd must be a match command, so proceed...

			} else { // It's not a PARSE command, get or set it:

				// word: - set a variable to the series at current index
				if (IS_SET_WORD(item)) {
					Set_Var_Series(item, parse->type, series, index);

				// :word - change the index for the series to a new position
				if (IS_GET_WORD(item)) {
					item = Get_Var(item);
					// CureCode #1263 change
					//if (parse->type != VAL_TYPE(item) || VAL_SERIES(item) != series)
					//	Trap1(RE_PARSE_SERIES, rules-1);
					if (!ANY_SERIES(item)) Trap1(RE_PARSE_SERIES, rules-1);
					index = Set_Parse_Series(parse, item);
					series = parse->series;

				// word - some other variable
				if (IS_WORD(item)) {
					item = Get_Var(item);

				// item can still be 'word or /word
		else if (ANY_PATH(item)) {
			item = Do_Parse_Path(item, parse, &index); // index can be modified
			if (index > series->tail) index = series->tail;
			if (item == 0) continue; // for SET and GET cases

		if (IS_PAREN(item)) {
			Do_Block_Value_Throw(item); // might GC
			if (index > series->tail) index = series->tail;

		// Counter? 123
		if (IS_INTEGER(item)) {	// Specify count or range count
			SET_FLAG(flags, PF_WHILE);
			mincount = maxcount = Int32s(item, 0);
			item = Get_Parse_Value(rules++);
			if (IS_END(item)) Trap1(RE_PARSE_END, rules-2);
			if (IS_INTEGER(item)) {
				maxcount = Int32s(item, 0);
				item = Get_Parse_Value(rules++);
				if (IS_END(item)) Trap1(RE_PARSE_END, rules-2);
		// else fall through on other values and words

		// Iterated Rule Matching Section:
		// Repeats the same rule N times or until the rule fails.
		// The index is advanced and stored in a temp variable i until
		// the entire rule has been satisfied.

		item_hold = item;	// a command or literal match value
		if (VAL_TYPE(item) <= REB_UNSET || VAL_TYPE(item) >= REB_NATIVE) goto bad_rule;
		begin = index;		// input at beginning of match section
		rulen = 0;			// rules consumed (do not use rule++ below)
		i = index;

		//note: rules var already advanced

		for (count = 0; count < maxcount;) {

			item = item_hold;

			if (IS_WORD(item)) {

				switch (cmd = VAL_WORD_CANON(item)) {

				case SYM_SKIP:
					i = (index < series->tail) ? index+1 : NOT_FOUND;

				case SYM_END:
					i = (index < series->tail) ? NOT_FOUND : series->tail;

				case SYM_TO:
				case SYM_THRU:
					if (IS_END(rules)) goto bad_end;
					item = Get_Parse_Value(rules);
					rulen = 1;
					i = Parse_To(parse, index, item, cmd == SYM_THRU);
				case SYM_QUOTE:
					if (IS_END(rules)) goto bad_end;
					rulen = 1;
					if (IS_PAREN(rules)) {
						item = Do_Block_Value_Throw(rules); // might GC
					else item = rules;
					i = (0 == Cmp_Value(BLK_SKIP(series, index), item, parse->flags & AM_FIND_CASE)) ? index+1 : NOT_FOUND;

				case SYM_INTO:
					if (IS_END(rules)) goto bad_end;
					rulen = 1;
					item = Get_Parse_Value(rules); // sub-rules
					if (!IS_BLOCK(item)) goto bad_rule;
					val = BLK_SKIP(series, index);
					i = (
						(ANY_BINSTR(val) || ANY_BLOCK(val))
						&& (Parse_Series(val, VAL_BLK_DATA(item), parse->flags, depth+1) == VAL_TAIL(val))
					) ? index+1 : NOT_FOUND;

				case SYM_DO:
					if (!IS_BLOCK_INPUT(parse)) goto bad_rule;
					i = Do_Eval_Rule(parse, index, &rules);
					rulen = 1;

					goto bad_rule;
			else if (IS_BLOCK(item)) {
				item = VAL_BLK_DATA(item);
				//if (IS_END(rules) && item == rule_head) {
				//	rules = item;
				//	goto top;
				i = Parse_Rules_Loop(parse, index, item, depth+1);
				if (parse->result) {
					index = (parse->result > 0) ? i : NOT_FOUND;
					parse->result = 0;
			// Parse according to datatype:
			else {
				if (IS_BLOCK_INPUT(parse))
					i = Parse_Next_Block(parse, index, item, depth+1);
					i = Parse_Next_String(parse, index, item, depth+1);

			// Necessary for special cases like: some [to end]
			// i: indicates new index or failure of the match, but
			// that does not mean failure of the rule, because optional
			// matches can still succeed, if if the last match failed.
			if (i != NOT_FOUND) {
				count++; // may overflow to negative
				if (count < 0) count = MAX_I32; // the forever case
				// If input did not advance:
				if (i == index && !GET_FLAG(flags, PF_WHILE)) {
					if (count < mincount) index = NOT_FOUND; // was not enough
			//if (i >= series->tail) {     // OLD check: no more input
			else {
				if (count < mincount) index = NOT_FOUND; // was not enough
				else if (i != NOT_FOUND) index = i;
				// else keep index as is.
			index = i;

			// A BREAK word stopped us:
			//if (parse->result) {parse->result = 0; break;}

		rules += rulen;

		//if (index > series->tail && index != NOT_FOUND) index = series->tail;
		if (index > series->tail) index = NOT_FOUND;

		// Post Match Processing:
		// Process special flags:
		if (flags) {
			// NOT before all others:
			if (GET_FLAG(flags, PF_NOT)) {
				if (GET_FLAG(flags, PF_NOT2) && index != NOT_FOUND) index = NOT_FOUND;
				else index = begin;
			if (index == NOT_FOUND) { // Failure actions:
				// not decided: if (word) Set_Var_Basic(word, REB_NONE);
				if (GET_FLAG(flags, PF_THEN)) {
					if (!IS_END(rules)) rules++;
			else {  // Success actions:
				count = (begin > index) ? 0 : index - begin; // how much we advanced the input
				if (GET_FLAG(flags, PF_COPY)) {
					ser = (IS_BLOCK_INPUT(parse))
						? Copy_Block_Len(series, begin, count)
						: Copy_String(series, begin, count); // condenses
					Set_Var_Series(word, parse->type, ser, 0);
				else if (GET_FLAG(flags, PF_SET)) {
					if (IS_BLOCK_INPUT(parse)) {
						item = Get_Var_Safe(word);
						if (count == 0) SET_NONE(item);
						else *item = *BLK_SKIP(series, begin);
					else {
						item = Get_Var_Safe(word);
						if (count == 0) SET_NONE(item);
						else {
							i = GET_ANY_CHAR(series, begin);
							if (parse->type == REB_BINARY) {
								SET_INTEGER(item, i);
							} else {
								SET_CHAR(item, i);
				if (GET_FLAG(flags, PF_RETURN)) {
					ser = (IS_BLOCK_INPUT(parse))
						? Copy_Block_Len(series, begin, count)
						: Copy_String(series, begin, count); // condenses
					Throw_Return_Series(parse->type, ser);
				if (GET_FLAG(flags, PF_REMOVE)) {
					if (count) Remove_Series(series, begin, count);
					index = begin;
				if (flags & (1<<PF_INSERT | 1<<PF_CHANGE)) {
					count = GET_FLAG(flags, PF_INSERT) ? 0 : count;
					cmd = GET_FLAG(flags, PF_INSERT) ? 0 : (1<<AN_PART);
					item = rules++;
					if (IS_END(item)) goto bad_end;
					// Check for ONLY flag:
					if (IS_WORD(item) && NZ(cmd = VAL_CMD(item))) {
						if (cmd != SYM_ONLY) goto bad_rule;
						cmd |= (1<<AN_ONLY);
						item = rules++;
					item = Get_Parse_Value(item); // new value
					if (IS_UNSET(item)) Trap1(RE_NO_VALUE, rules-1);
					if (IS_END(item)) goto bad_end;
					if (IS_BLOCK_INPUT(parse)) {
						index = Modify_Block(GET_FLAG(flags, PF_CHANGE) ? A_CHANGE : A_INSERT,
								series, begin, item, cmd, count, 1);
						if (IS_LIT_WORD(item)) SET_TYPE(BLK_SKIP(series, index-1), REB_WORD);
					else {
						if (parse->type == REB_BINARY) cmd |= (1<<AN_SERIES); // special flag
						index = Modify_String(GET_FLAG(flags, PF_CHANGE) ? A_CHANGE : A_INSERT,
								series, begin, item, cmd, count, 1);
				if (GET_FLAG(flags, PF_AND)) index = begin;

			flags = 0;
			word = 0;

		// Goto alternate rule and reset input:
		if (index == NOT_FOUND) {
			if (IS_END(rules)) break;
			index = begin = start;

		begin = index;
		mincount = maxcount = 1;

	return index;

	Trap1(RE_PARSE_RULE, rules-1);
	Trap1(RE_PARSE_END, rules-1);
	return 0;
Beispiel #13
*/	REBCNT Find_Block(REBSER *series, REBCNT index, REBCNT end, REBVAL *target, REBCNT len, REBCNT flags, REBINT skip)
**		Flags are set according to: ALL_FIND_REFS
**	Main Parameters:
**		start - index to start search
**		end   - ending position
**		len   - length of target
**		skip  - skip factor
**		dir   - direction
**	Comparison Parameters:
**		case  - case sensitivity
**		wild  - wild cards/keys
**	Final Parmameters:
**		tail  - tail position
**		match - sequence
**		SELECT - (value that follows)
	REBVAL *value;
	REBVAL *val;
	REBCNT cnt;
	REBCNT start = index;

	if (flags & (AM_FIND_REVERSE | AM_FIND_LAST)) {
		skip = -1;
		start = 0;
		if (flags & AM_FIND_LAST) index = end - len;
		else index--;

	// Optimized find word in block:
	if (ANY_WORD(target)) {
		for (; index >= start && index < end; index += skip) {
			value = BLK_SKIP(series, index);
			if (ANY_WORD(value)) {
				cnt = (VAL_WORD_SYM(value) == VAL_WORD_SYM(target));
				if (flags & AM_FIND_CASE) {
					// Must be same type and spelling:
					if (cnt && VAL_TYPE(value) == VAL_TYPE(target)) return index;
				else {
					// Can be different type or alias:
					if (cnt || VAL_WORD_CANON(value) == VAL_WORD_CANON(target)) return index;
			if (flags & AM_FIND_MATCH) break;
		return NOT_FOUND;
	// Match a block against a block:
	else if (ANY_BLOCK(target) && !(flags & AM_FIND_ONLY)) {
		for (; index >= start && index < end; index += skip) {
			cnt = 0;
			value = BLK_SKIP(series, index);
			for (val = VAL_BLK_DATA(target); NOT_END(val); val++, value++) {
				if (0 != Cmp_Value(value, val, (REBOOL)(flags & AM_FIND_CASE))) break;
				if (++cnt >= len) {
					return index;
			if (flags & AM_FIND_MATCH) break;
		return NOT_FOUND;
	// Find a datatype in block:
	else if (IS_DATATYPE(target) || IS_TYPESET(target)) {
		for (; index >= start && index < end; index += skip) {
			value = BLK_SKIP(series, index);
			// Used if's so we can trace it...
			if (IS_DATATYPE(target)) {
				if ((REBINT)VAL_TYPE(value) == VAL_DATATYPE(target)) return index;
				if (IS_DATATYPE(value) && VAL_DATATYPE(value) == VAL_DATATYPE(target)) return index;
			if (IS_TYPESET(target)) {
				if (TYPE_CHECK(target, VAL_TYPE(value))) return index;
				if (IS_DATATYPE(value) && TYPE_CHECK(target, VAL_DATATYPE(value))) return index;
				if (IS_TYPESET(value) && EQUAL_TYPESET(value, target)) return index;
			if (flags & AM_FIND_MATCH) break;
		return NOT_FOUND;
	// All other cases:
	else {
		for (; index >= start && index < end; index += skip) {
			value = BLK_SKIP(series, index);
			if (0 == Cmp_Value(value, target, (REBOOL)(flags & AM_FIND_CASE))) return index;
			if (flags & AM_FIND_MATCH) break;
		return NOT_FOUND;
Beispiel #14
*/	REBCNT Modify_Block(REBCNT action, REBSER *dst_ser, REBCNT dst_idx, const REBVAL *src_val, REBCNT flags, REBINT dst_len, REBINT dups)
**		dst_ser:	target
**		dst_idx:	position
**		src_val:    source
**		flags:		AN_ONLY, AN_PART
**		dst_len:	length to remove
**		dups:		dup count
**		return: new dst_idx
	REBCNT tail  = SERIES_TAIL(dst_ser);
	REBINT ilen  = 1;	// length to be inserted
	REBINT size;		// total to insert

	if (dups < 0) return (action == A_APPEND) ? 0 : dst_idx;
	if (action == A_APPEND || dst_idx > tail) dst_idx = tail;

	// Check /PART, compute LEN:
	if (!GET_FLAG(flags, AN_ONLY) && ANY_BLOCK(src_val)) {
		// Adjust length of insertion if changing /PART:
		if (action != A_CHANGE && GET_FLAG(flags, AN_PART))
			ilen = dst_len;
			ilen = VAL_LEN(src_val);

		// Are we modifying ourselves? If so, copy src_val block first:
		if (dst_ser == VAL_SERIES(src_val)) {
			REBSER *series = Copy_Block(
				VAL_SERIES(src_val), VAL_INDEX(src_val)
			src_val = BLK_HEAD(series);
			src_val = VAL_BLK_DATA(src_val); // skips by VAL_INDEX values

	// Total to insert:
	size = dups * ilen;

	if (action != A_CHANGE) {
		// Always expand dst_ser for INSERT and APPEND actions:
		Expand_Series(dst_ser, dst_idx, size);
	} else {
		if (size > dst_len)
			Expand_Series(dst_ser, dst_idx, size-dst_len);
		else if (size < dst_len && GET_FLAG(flags, AN_PART))
			Remove_Series(dst_ser, dst_idx, dst_len-size);
		else if (size + dst_idx > tail) {
			EXPAND_SERIES_TAIL(dst_ser, size - (tail - dst_idx));

	tail = (action == A_APPEND) ? 0 : size + dst_idx;

	dst_idx *= SERIES_WIDE(dst_ser); // loop invariant
	ilen  *= SERIES_WIDE(dst_ser); // loop invariant
	for (; dups > 0; dups--) {
		memcpy(dst_ser->data + dst_idx, src_val, ilen);
		dst_idx += ilen;

	return tail;
Beispiel #15
*/	void Make_Block_Type(REBFLG make, REBVAL *value, REBVAL *arg)
**		Value can be:
**			1. a datatype (e.g. BLOCK!)
**			2. a value (e.g. [...])
**		Arg can be:
**			1. integer (length of block)
**			2. block (copy it)
**			3. value (convert to a block)
	REBCNT type;
	REBCNT len;
	REBSER *ser;

	// make block! ...
	if (IS_DATATYPE(value))
		type = VAL_DATATYPE(value);
	else  // make [...] ....
		type = VAL_TYPE(value);

	// make block! [1 2 3]
	if (ANY_BLOCK(arg)) {
		len = VAL_BLK_LEN(arg);
		if (len > 0 && type >= REB_PATH && type <= REB_LIT_PATH)
		ser = Copy_Values(VAL_BLK_DATA(arg), len);
		goto done;

	if (IS_STRING(arg)) {
		REBCNT index, len = 0;
		VAL_SERIES(arg) = Prep_Bin_Str(arg, &index, &len); // (keeps safe)
		ser = Scan_Source(VAL_BIN(arg), VAL_LEN(arg));
		goto done;

	if (IS_BINARY(arg)) {
		ser = Scan_Source(VAL_BIN_DATA(arg), VAL_LEN(arg));
		goto done;

	if (IS_MAP(arg)) {
		ser = Map_To_Block(VAL_SERIES(arg), 0);
		goto done;

	if (ANY_OBJECT(arg)) {
		ser = Make_Object_Block(VAL_OBJ_FRAME(arg), 3);
		goto done;

	if (IS_VECTOR(arg)) {
		ser = Make_Vector_Block(arg);
		goto done;

//	if (make && IS_NONE(arg)) {
//		ser = Make_Block(0);
//		goto done;
//	}

	// to block! typset
	if (!make && IS_TYPESET(arg) && type == REB_BLOCK) {
		Set_Block(value, Typeset_To_Block(arg));

	if (make) {
		// make block! 10
		if (IS_INTEGER(arg) || IS_DECIMAL(arg)) {
			len = Int32s(arg, 0);
			Set_Series(type, value, Make_Block(len));

	ser = Copy_Values(arg, 1);

	Set_Series(type, value, ser);
Beispiel #16
*/	static To_Thru(REBPARSE *parse, REBCNT index, REBVAL *block, REBFLG is_thru)
	REBSER *series = parse->series;
	REBCNT type = parse->type;
	REBVAL *blk;
	REBVAL *item;
	REBCNT cmd;
	REBCNT len;

	for (; index <= series->tail; index++) {

		for (blk = VAL_BLK(block); NOT_END(blk); blk++) {

			item = blk;

			// Deal with words and commands
			if (IS_WORD(item)) {
				if (cmd = VAL_CMD(item)) {
					if (cmd == SYM_END) {
						if (index >= series->tail) {
							index = series->tail;
							goto found;
						goto next;
					else if (cmd == SYM_QUOTE) {
						item = ++blk; // next item is the quoted value
						if (IS_END(item)) goto bad_target;
						if (IS_PAREN(item)) {
							item = Do_Block_Value_Throw(item); // might GC

					else goto bad_target;
				else {
					item = Get_Var(item);
			else if (IS_PATH(item)) {
				item = Get_Parse_Value(item);

			// Try to match it:
			if (type >= REB_BLOCK) {
				if (ANY_BLOCK(item)) goto bad_target;
				i = Parse_Next_Block(parse, index, item, 0);
				if (i != NOT_FOUND) {
					if (!is_thru) i--;
					index = i;
					goto found;
			else if (type == REB_BINARY) {
				REBYTE ch1 = *BIN_SKIP(series, index);

				// Handle special string types:
				if (IS_CHAR(item)) {
					if (VAL_CHAR(item) > 0xff) goto bad_target;
					if (ch1 == VAL_CHAR(item)) goto found1;
				else if (IS_BINARY(item)) {
					if (ch1 == *VAL_BIN_DATA(item)) {
						len = VAL_LEN(item);
						if (len == 1) goto found1;
						if (0 == Compare_Bytes(BIN_SKIP(series, index), VAL_BIN_DATA(item), len, 0)) {
							if (is_thru) index += len;
							goto found;
				else if (IS_INTEGER(item)) {
					if (VAL_INT64(item) > 0xff) goto bad_target;
					if (ch1 == VAL_INT32(item)) goto found1;
				else goto bad_target;
			else { // String
				REBCNT ch1 = GET_ANY_CHAR(series, index);
				REBCNT ch2;

				if (!HAS_CASE(parse)) ch1 = UP_CASE(ch1);

				// Handle special string types:
				if (IS_CHAR(item)) {
					ch2 = VAL_CHAR(item);
					if (!HAS_CASE(parse)) ch2 = UP_CASE(ch2);
					if (ch1 == ch2) goto found1;
				else if (ANY_STR(item)) {
					ch2 = VAL_ANY_CHAR(item);
					if (!HAS_CASE(parse)) ch2 = UP_CASE(ch2);
					if (ch1 == ch2) {
						len = VAL_LEN(item);
						if (len == 1) goto found1;
						i = Find_Str_Str(series, 0, index, SERIES_TAIL(series), 1, VAL_SERIES(item), VAL_INDEX(item), len, AM_FIND_MATCH | parse->flags);
						if (i != NOT_FOUND) {
							if (is_thru) i += len;
							index = i;
							goto found;
				else if (IS_INTEGER(item)) {
					ch1 = GET_ANY_CHAR(series, index);  // No casing!
					if (ch1 == (REBCNT)VAL_INT32(item)) goto found1;
				else goto bad_target;

next:		// Check for | (required if not end)
			if (IS_PAREN(blk)) blk++;
			if (IS_END(blk)) break;
			if (!IS_OR_BAR(blk)) {
				item = blk;
				goto bad_target;
	return NOT_FOUND;

	if (IS_PAREN(blk+1)) Do_Block_Value_Throw(blk+1);
	return index;

	if (IS_PAREN(blk+1)) Do_Block_Value_Throw(blk+1);
	return index + (is_thru ? 1 : 0);

	Trap1(RE_PARSE_RULE, item);
	return 0;
Beispiel #17
*/  REBI64 Make_Time(REBVAL *val)
**		Returns NO_TIME if error.
	REBI64 secs = 0;

	if (IS_TIME(val)) {
		secs = VAL_TIME(val);
	else if (IS_STRING(val)) {
		REBYTE *bp;
		REBCNT len;
		bp = Qualify_String(val, 30, &len, FALSE); // can trap, ret diff str
		if (!Scan_Time(bp, len, val)) goto no_time;
		secs = VAL_TIME(val);
	else if (IS_INTEGER(val)) {
		if (VAL_INT64(val) < -MAX_SECONDS || VAL_INT64(val) > MAX_SECONDS)
		secs = VAL_INT64(val) * SEC_SEC;
	else if (IS_DECIMAL(val)) {
		secs = DEC_TO_SECS(VAL_DECIMAL(val));
	else if (ANY_BLOCK(val) && VAL_BLK_LEN(val) <= 3) {
		REBI64 i;

		val = VAL_BLK_DATA(val);
		if (!IS_INTEGER(val)) goto no_time;
		i = Int32(val);
		if (i < 0) i = -i, neg = TRUE;
		secs = i * 3600;
		if (secs > MAX_SECONDS) goto no_time;

		if (NOT_END(++val)) {
			if (!IS_INTEGER(val)) goto no_time;
			if ((i = Int32(val)) < 0) goto no_time;
			secs += i * 60;
			if (secs > MAX_SECONDS) goto no_time;

			if (NOT_END(++val)) {
				if (IS_INTEGER(val)) {
					if ((i = Int32(val)) < 0) goto no_time;
					secs += i;
					if (secs > MAX_SECONDS) goto no_time;
				else if (IS_DECIMAL(val)) {
					if (secs + (REBI64)VAL_DECIMAL(val) + 1 > MAX_SECONDS) goto no_time;
					// added in below
				else goto no_time;
		secs *= SEC_SEC;
		if (IS_DECIMAL(val)) secs += DEC_TO_SECS(VAL_DECIMAL(val));
		if (neg) secs = -secs;
		no_time: return NO_TIME;

	return secs;
Beispiel #18
*/	void Modify_Blockx(REBCNT action, REBVAL *block, REBVAL *arg)
**		block [block!] {Series at point to insert}
**		value [any-type!] {The value to insert}
**		/part {Limits to a given length or position.}
**		length [number! series! pair!]
**		/only {Inserts a series as a series.}
**		/dup {Duplicates the insert a specified number of times.}
**		count [number! pair!]
**	Add:
**		Handle insert [] () case
**		What does insert () [] do?
**		/deep option for cloning subcontents?
	REBSER *series = VAL_SERIES(block);
	REBCNT index = VAL_INDEX(block);
	REBCNT tail  = VAL_TAIL(block);
	REBINT rlen;  // length to be removed
	REBINT ilen  = 1;  // length to be inserted
	REBINT cnt   = 1;  // DUP count
	REBINT size;
	REBFLG is_blk = FALSE; // arg is a block not a value

	// Length of target (may modify index): (arg can be anything)
	rlen = Partial1((action == A_CHANGE) ? block : arg, DS_ARG(AN_LENGTH));

	index = VAL_INDEX(block);
	if (action == A_APPEND || index > tail) index = tail;

	// Check /PART, compute LEN:
	if (!only && ANY_BLOCK(arg)) {
		is_blk = TRUE; // arg is a block
		// Are we modifying ourselves? If so, copy arg block first:
		if (series == VAL_SERIES(arg))  {
			VAL_SERIES(arg) = Copy_Block(VAL_SERIES(arg), VAL_INDEX(arg));
			VAL_INDEX(arg) = 0;
		// Length of insertion:
		ilen = (action != A_CHANGE && DS_REF(AN_PART)) ? rlen : VAL_LEN(arg);

	// Get /DUP count:
	if (DS_REF(AN_DUP)) {
		cnt = Int32(DS_ARG(AN_COUNT));
		if (cnt <= 0) return; // no changes

	// Total to insert:
	size = cnt * ilen;

	if (action != A_CHANGE) {
		// Always expand series for INSERT and APPEND actions:
		Expand_Series(series, index, size);
	} else {
		if (size > rlen) 
			Expand_Series(series, index, size-rlen);
		else if (size < rlen && DS_REF(AN_PART))
			Remove_Series(series, index, rlen-size);
		else if (size + index > tail) {
			EXPAND_SERIES_TAIL(series, size - (tail - index));

	if (is_blk) arg = VAL_BLK_DATA(arg);

	// For dup count:
	VAL_INDEX(block) = (action == A_APPEND) ? 0 : size + index;

	index *= SERIES_WIDE(series); // loop invariant
	ilen *= SERIES_WIDE(series);   // loop invariant
	for (; cnt > 0; cnt--) {
		memcpy(series->data + index, (REBYTE *)arg, ilen);
		index += ilen;
Beispiel #19
*/	static REB_R Loop_Each(struct Reb_Call *call_, LOOP_MODE mode)
**		Common implementation code of FOR-EACH, REMOVE-EACH, MAP-EACH,
**		and EVERY.
	REBSER *body;
	REBVAL *vars;
	REBVAL *words;
	REBSER *frame;

	// `data` is the series/object/map/etc. being iterated over
	// Note: `data_is_object` flag is optimized out, but hints static analyzer
	REBVAL *data = D_ARG(2);
	REBSER *series;
	const REBOOL data_is_object = ANY_OBJECT(data);

	REBSER *out;	// output block (needed for MAP-EACH)

	REBINT index;	// !!!! should these be REBCNT?
	REBINT tail;
	REBINT windex;	// write
	REBINT rindex;	// read
	REBOOL break_with = FALSE;
	REBOOL every_true = TRUE;
	REBVAL *ds;

	if (IS_NONE(data)) return R_NONE;

	body = Init_Loop(D_ARG(1), D_ARG(3), &frame); // vars, body
	Val_Init_Object(D_ARG(1), frame); // keep GC safe
	Val_Init_Block(D_ARG(3), body); // keep GC safe

	SET_NONE(D_OUT); // Default result to NONE if the loop does not run

	if (mode == LOOP_MAP_EACH) {
		// Must be managed *and* saved...because we are accumulating results
		// into it, and those results must be protected from GC

		// !!! This means we cannot Free_Series in case of a BREAK, we
		// have to leave it to the GC.  Should there be a variant which
		// lets a series be a GC root for a temporary time even if it is
		// not SER_KEEP?

		out = Make_Array(VAL_LEN(data));

	// Get series info:
	if (data_is_object) {
		series = VAL_OBJ_FRAME(data);
		out = FRM_WORD_SERIES(series); // words (the out local reused)
		index = 1;
		//if (frame->tail > 3) raise Error_Invalid_Arg(FRM_WORD(frame, 3));
	else if (IS_MAP(data)) {
		series = VAL_SERIES(data);
		index = 0;
		//if (frame->tail > 3) raise Error_Invalid_Arg(FRM_WORD(frame, 3));
	else {
		series = VAL_SERIES(data);
		index  = VAL_INDEX(data);
		if (index >= cast(REBINT, SERIES_TAIL(series))) {
			if (mode == LOOP_REMOVE_EACH) {
			else if (mode == LOOP_MAP_EACH) {
				Val_Init_Block(D_OUT, out);
			return R_OUT;

	windex = index;

	// Iterate over each value in the data series block:
	while (index < (tail = SERIES_TAIL(series))) {

		rindex = index;  // remember starting spot
		j = 0;

		// Set the FOREACH loop variables from the series:
		for (i = 1; i < frame->tail; i++) {

			vars = FRM_VALUE(frame, i);
			words = FRM_WORD(frame, i);

			// var spec is WORD
			if (IS_WORD(words)) {

				if (index < tail) {

					if (ANY_BLOCK(data)) {
						*vars = *BLK_SKIP(series, index);
					else if (data_is_object) {
						if (!VAL_GET_EXT(BLK_SKIP(out, index), EXT_WORD_HIDE)) {
							// Alternate between word and value parts of object:
							if (j == 0) {
								Val_Init_Word(vars, REB_WORD, VAL_WORD_SYM(BLK_SKIP(out, index)), series, index);
								if (NOT_END(vars+1)) index--; // reset index for the value part
							else if (j == 1)
								*vars = *BLK_SKIP(series, index);
								raise Error_Invalid_Arg(words);
						else {
							// Do not evaluate this iteration
							goto skip_hidden;
					else if (IS_VECTOR(data)) {
						Set_Vector_Value(vars, series, index);
					else if (IS_MAP(data)) {
						REBVAL *val = BLK_SKIP(series, index | 1);
						if (!IS_NONE(val)) {
							if (j == 0) {
								*vars = *BLK_SKIP(series, index & ~1);
								if (IS_END(vars+1)) index++; // only words
							else if (j == 1)
								*vars = *BLK_SKIP(series, index);
								raise Error_Invalid_Arg(words);
						else {
							index += 2;
							goto skip_hidden;
					else { // A string or binary
						if (IS_BINARY(data)) {
							SET_INTEGER(vars, (REBI64)(BIN_HEAD(series)[index]));
						else if (IS_IMAGE(data)) {
							Set_Tuple_Pixel(BIN_SKIP(series, index), vars);
						else {
							VAL_SET(vars, REB_CHAR);
							VAL_CHAR(vars) = GET_ANY_CHAR(series, index);
				else SET_NONE(vars);
			// var spec is SET_WORD:
			else if (IS_SET_WORD(words)) {
				if (ANY_OBJECT(data) || IS_MAP(data))
					*vars = *data;
					Val_Init_Block_Index(vars, series, index);

				//if (index < tail) index++; // do not increment block.
				raise Error_Invalid_Arg(words);

		if (index == rindex) {
			// the word block has only set-words: for-each [a:] [1 2 3][]

		if (Do_Block_Throws(D_OUT, body, 0)) {
				if (mode == LOOP_REMOVE_EACH) {
					// signal the post-body-execution processing that we
					// *do not* want to remove the element on a CONTINUE
				else {
					// CONTINUE otherwise acts "as if" the loop body execution
					// returned an UNSET!
			else if (IS_WORD(D_OUT) && VAL_WORD_SYM(D_OUT) == SYM_BREAK) {
				// If it's a BREAK, get the /WITH value (UNSET! if no /WITH)
				// Though technically this doesn't really tell us if a
				// BREAK/WITH happened, as you can BREAK/WITH an UNSET!
				if (!IS_UNSET(D_OUT))
					break_with = TRUE;
				index = rindex;
			else {
				// Any other kind of throw, with a WORD! name or otherwise...
				index = rindex;

		switch (mode) {
			// no action needed after body is run
			// If FALSE return, copy values to the write location
			// !!! Should UNSET! also act as conditional false here?  Error?
				REBYTE wide = SERIES_WIDE(series);
				// memory areas may overlap, so use memmove and not memcpy!

				// !!! This seems a slow way to do it, but there's probably
				// not a lot that can be done as the series is expected to
				// be in a good state for the next iteration of the body. :-/
					series->data + (windex * wide),
					series->data + (rindex * wide),
					(index - rindex) * wide
				windex += index - rindex;
			// anything that's not an UNSET! will be added to the result
			if (!IS_UNSET(D_OUT)) Append_Value(out, D_OUT);
		case LOOP_EVERY:
			if (every_true) {
				// !!! This currently treats UNSET! as true, which ALL
				// effectively does right now.  That's likely a bad idea.
				// When ALL changes, so should this.
				every_true = IS_CONDITIONAL_TRUE(D_OUT);
skip_hidden: ;

	switch (mode) {
		// Nothing to do but return last result (will be UNSET! if an
		// ordinary BREAK was used, the /WITH if a BREAK/WITH was used,
		// and an UNSET! if the last loop iteration did a CONTINUE.)
		return R_OUT;

		// Remove hole (updates tail):
		if (windex < index) Remove_Series(series, windex, index - windex);
		SET_INTEGER(D_OUT, index - windex);

		return R_OUT;

		if (break_with) {
			// If BREAK is given a /WITH parameter that is not an UNSET!, it
			// is assumed that you want to override the accumulated mapped
			// data so far and return the /WITH value. (which will be in
			// D_OUT when the loop above is `break`-ed)

			// !!! Would be nice if we could Free_Series(out), but it is owned
			// by GC (we had to make it that way to use SAVE_SERIES on it)
			return R_OUT;

		// If you BREAK/WITH an UNSET! (or just use a BREAK that has no
		// /WITH, which is indistinguishable in the thrown value) then it
		// returns the accumulated results so far up to the break.

		Val_Init_Block(D_OUT, out);
		return R_OUT;

		// Result is the cumulative TRUE? state of all the input (with any
		// unsets taken out of the consideration).  The last TRUE? input
		// if all valid and NONE! otherwise.  (Like ALL.)  If the loop
		// never runs, `every_true` will be TRUE *but* D_OUT will be NONE!
		if (!every_true)
		return R_OUT;
