Beispiel #1
void verify_results(int op, int *elems) {
    int i, j;
    switch(op) {

    case PUT:
	for(j=0; j<elems[1]; j++) {
	  if( ARMCI_ABS(ddst[me][j]-j*1.001) > 0.1) {
	    ARMCI_Error("put failed...Invalid Value Obtained..1", 0);
      if(DEBUG) if(me==0) printf("  verifying put ..O.K.\n");
    case GET:
      if(me==0) {
	for(i=1; i<nproc; i++) {
	  for(j=0; j<elems[1]; j++) {
	    if( ARMCI_ABS(ddst[me][i*elems[1]+j]-j*1.001*(i+1)) > 0.1) 
	      ARMCI_Error("get failed...Invalid Value Obtained..1", 0);
      if(DEBUG) if(me==0) printf("  verifying get ..O.K.\n\n");
    case ACC: 
	for(j=0; j<elems[1]; j++) {
	  /*printf("ddst[%d][%d] = %lf\n", me, j, ddst[me][j]);
	    fflush(stdout); */
	  if( ARMCI_ABS(ddst[me][j]-(double)nproc) > 0.1) {
	    ARMCI_Error("accumulate failed...Invalid Value Obtained..1", 0);
      if(DEBUG)if(me==0) printf("  verifying accumulate ..O.K.\n"); 
      ARMCI_Error("Invalid Operation", 0);
Beispiel #2
void compare_patches(double eps, int ndim, double *patch1, int lo1[], int hi1[],
                     int dims1[],double *patch2, int lo2[], int hi2[], 
                     int dims2[])
int i,j, elems=1;    
int subscr1[MAXDIMS], subscr2[MAXDIMS];
double diff,max;

    int diff = hi1[i]-lo1[i];
      assert(diff == (hi2[i]-lo2[i]));
      assert(diff < dims1[i]);
      assert(diff < dims2[i]);
      elems *= diff+1;
      subscr1[i]= lo1[i];
    for(j=0; j< elems; j++){ 
    int idx1=0, idx2=0, offset1=0, offset2=0;
      idx1 = Index(ndim, subscr1, dims1);
      idx2 = Index(ndim, subscr2, dims2);
        offset1 =idx1;
    offset2 =idx2;
      idx1 -= offset1;
      idx2 -= offset2;
      diff = patch1[idx1] - patch2[idx2];
      max  = ARMCI_MAX(ARMCI_ABS(patch1[idx1]),ARMCI_ABS(patch2[idx2]));
      if(max == 0. || max <eps) max = 1.; 
      if(eps < ARMCI_ABS(diff)/max){
       char msg[48];
     print_subscript("ERROR: a",ndim,subscr1,msg);
     print_subscript(" b",ndim,subscr2,msg);
         ARMCI_Error("Bailing out",0);
      update_subscript(ndim, subscr1, lo1,hi1, dims1);
      update_subscript(ndim, subscr2, lo2,hi2, dims2);
Beispiel #3
void test_one_group(ARMCI_Group *group, int *pid_list) {
  int grp_me, grp_size;
  int i,j,src_proc,dst_proc;
  double *ddst_put[MAXPROC];
  double dsrc[ELEMS];
  int elems[2] = {MAXPROC,ELEMS};
  int value = -1, bytes, world_me;
  ARMCI_Group_rank(group, &grp_me);
  ARMCI_Group_size(group, &grp_size);
  if(grp_me==0) printf("GROUP SIZE = %d\n", grp_size);
  printf("%d:group rank = %d\n", me, grp_me);

  src_proc = 0; dst_proc = grp_size-1;
  bytes = ELEMS*sizeof(double);       
  ARMCI_Malloc_group((void **)ddst_put, bytes, group);
  for(i=0; i<ELEMS; i++) dsrc[i]=i*1.001*(grp_me+1); 
  for(i=0; i<ELEMS; i++) ddst_put[grp_me][i]=-1.0;
  if(grp_me==src_proc) {
    /* NOTE: make sure to specify absolute ids in ARMCI calls */
    ARMCI_Put(dsrc, &ddst_put[dst_proc][0], bytes,
  /* NOTE: make sure to specify absolute ids in ARMCI calls */
  /* Verify*/
  if(grp_me==dst_proc) {
    for(j=0; j<ELEMS; j++) {
      if(ARMCI_ABS(ddst_put[grp_me][j]-j*1.001*(src_proc+1)) > 0.1) {
	printf("\t%d: ddst_put[%d][%d] = %lf and expected value is %lf\n",
	       me, grp_me, j, ddst_put[grp_me][j], j*1.001*(src_proc+1));
	ARMCI_Error("groups: armci put failed...1", 0);
    printf("\n%d(%d): Test O.K. Verified\n", dst_proc, world_me);
  ARMCI_Free_group(ddst_put[grp_me], group);
Beispiel #4
void check_result(double *src_buf, double *dst_buf, int *stride, int *count,
                  int stride_levels)
    int i, j, size;
    long idx;
    int n1dim;  /* number of 1 dim block */

    /* number of n-element of the first dimension */
    n1dim = 1;
    for(i=1; i<=stride_levels; i++)
        n1dim *= count[i];

    /* calculate the destination indices */
    bvalue[0] = 0; bvalue[1] = 0; bunit[0] = 1; bunit[1] = 1;
    for(i=2; i<=stride_levels; i++) {
        bvalue[i] = 0;
        bunit[i] = bunit[i-1] * count[i-1];

    for(i=0; i<n1dim; i++) {
        idx = 0;
        for(j=1; j<=stride_levels; j++) {
            idx += bvalue[j] * stride[j-1];
            if((i+1) % bunit[j] == 0) bvalue[j]++;
            if(bvalue[j] > (count[j]-1)) bvalue[j] = 0;
        size = count[0] / sizeof(double);
        for(j=0; j<size; j++)
            if(ARMCI_ABS(((double *)((char *)src_buf+idx))[j] - 
               ((double *)((char *)dst_buf+idx))[j]) > 0.000001 ){
                fprintf(stdout,"Error:%s comparison failed: (%d) (%f :%f) %d\n",
                        check_type, j, ((double *)((char *)src_buf+idx))[j],
                        ((double *)((char *)dst_buf+idx))[j], count[0]);
Beispiel #5
void test_gop2_or_reduce(const int datatype, char * op, const int reduce_test)
    void *a[6];
    int len[6] = {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000};
    int len_length = 3;
    int datatype_size = 0;
    int i, j;
    char * test_type;
    int verbose = 0;
    if(reduce_test == 0)
       test_type = "gop2";
       test_type = "reduce";

       case ARMCI_INT:
          datatype_size = sizeof(int);
          for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
             a[i] = malloc(len[i] * datatype_size);
          for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
             for(j = 0; j < len[i]; j++)
                ((int *) a[i])[j] = (int) (me + j) * (((me + j) % 2 == 0) ? 1 : -1);
          for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
             if(me == 0 && verbose != 0)
                printf("testing %s %s message size = %d op = %s\n", test_type, "ARMCI_INT", len[i], op);
             if(reduce_test == 0)
                armci_msg_igop(a[i], len[i], op);
                armci_msg_reduce(a[i], len[i], op, datatype);
          if(me == 0 || reduce_test == 0)
             for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
                if(me == 0 && verbose != 0)
                   printf("checking %s %s message size = %d op = %s\n", test_type, "ARMCI_INT", len[i], op);
                for(j = 0; j < len[i]; j++)
                   if(strncmp(op, "+", 1) == 0)
                      int compare = 0;
                      if(nproc % 2 == 0)
                         if(j % 2 == 0)
                            compare = -nproc / 2;
                            compare = nproc / 2;
                         if(j % 2 == 0)
                            compare = j + nproc / 2;
                            compare = -(j + nproc / 2);
                      if(((int *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %d != %d\n", test_type, "ARMCI_INT", op, i, j, ((int *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "*", 1) == 0)
                      int compare = 1;
                      int k = 0;
                      for(k = 0; k < nproc; k++)
                         compare *= (k + j) * (((k + j) % 2 == 0) ? 1 : -1);
                      if(((int *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %d != %d\n", test_type, "ARMCI_INT", op, i, j, ((int *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "min", 3) == 0)
                      int compare = -(j + nproc - 1);
                      if(compare % 2 == 0 && nproc > 1)
                         compare = -(j + nproc - 2);
                      if(((int *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %d != %d\n", test_type, "ARMCI_INT", op, i, j, ((int *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "max", 3) == 0)
                      int compare = j + nproc - 1;
                      if(compare % 2 != 0 && nproc > 1)
                         compare = j + nproc - 2;
                      if(((int *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %d != %d\n", test_type, "ARMCI_INT", op, i, j, ((int *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "absmax", 6) == 0)
                      int compare = j + nproc - 1;
                      if(((int *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %d != %d\n", test_type, "ARMCI_INT", op, i, j, ((int *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "absmin", 6) == 0)
                      int compare = j;
                      if(((int *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %d != %d\n", test_type, "ARMCI_INT", op, i, j, ((int *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "or", 2) == 0)
       case ARMCI_LONG:
          datatype_size = sizeof(long);
          for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
             a[i] = malloc(len[i] * datatype_size);
          for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
             for(j = 0; j < len[i]; j++)
                ((long *) a[i])[j] = (long) (me + j) * (((me + j) % 2 == 0) ? 1 : -1);
          for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
             if(me == 0 && verbose != 0)
                printf("testing %s %s message size = %d op = %s\n", test_type, "ARMCI_LONG", len[i], op);
             if(reduce_test == 0)
                armci_msg_lgop(a[i], len[i], op);
                armci_msg_reduce(a[i], len[i], op, datatype);
          if(me == 0 || reduce_test == 0)
             for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
                if(me == 0 && verbose != 0)
                   printf("checking %s %s message size = %d op = %s\n", test_type, "ARMCI_LONG", len[i], op);
                for(j = 0; j < len[i]; j++)
                   if(strncmp(op, "+", 1) == 0)
                      int compare = 0;
                      if(nproc % 2 == 0)
                         if(j % 2 == 0)
                            compare = -nproc / 2;
                            compare = nproc / 2;
                         if(j % 2 == 0)
                            compare = j + nproc / 2;
                            compare = -(j + nproc / 2);
                      if(((long *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %ld != %d\n", test_type, "ARMCI_LONG", op, i, j, ((long *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "*", 1) == 0)
                      int compare = 1;
                      int k = 0;
                      for(k = 0; k < nproc; k++)
                         compare *= (k + j) * (((k + j) % 2 == 0) ? 1 : -1);
                      if(((long *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %ld != %d\n", test_type, "ARMCI_LONG", op, i, j, ((long *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "min", 3) == 0)
                      int compare = -(j + nproc - 1);
                      if(compare % 2 == 0 && nproc > 1)
                         compare = -(j + nproc - 2);
                      if(((long *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %ld != %d\n", test_type, "ARMCI_LONG", op, i, j, ((long *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "max", 3) == 0)
                      int compare = j + nproc - 1;
                      if(compare % 2 != 0 && nproc > 1)
                         compare = j + nproc - 2;
                      if(((long *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %ld != %d\n", test_type, "ARMCI_LONG", op, i, j, ((long *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "absmax", 6) == 0)
                      int compare = j + nproc - 1;
                      if(((long *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %ld != %d\n", test_type, "ARMCI_LONG", op, i, j, ((long *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "absmin", 6) == 0)
                      int compare = j;
                      if(((long *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %ld != %d\n", test_type, "ARMCI_LONG", op, i, j, ((long *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "or", 2) == 0)
       case ARMCI_FLOAT:
          datatype_size = sizeof(float);
          for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
             a[i] = malloc(len[i] * datatype_size);
          for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
             for(j = 0; j < len[i]; j++)
                ((float *) a[i])[j] = (float) (me + j) * (((me + j) % 2 == 0) ? 1.0 / nproc : -1.0 / nproc);
          for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
             if(me == 0 && verbose != 0)
                printf("testing %s ARMCI_FLOAT message size = %d op = %s\n", test_type, len[i], op);
             if(reduce_test == 0)
                armci_msg_fgop(a[i], len[i], op);
                armci_msg_reduce(a[i], len[i], op, datatype);
          if(me == 0 || reduce_test == 0)
             for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
                if(me == 0 && verbose != 0)
                   printf("checking %s ARMCI_FLOAT message size = %d op = %s\n", test_type, len[i], op);
                for(j = 0; j < len[i]; j++)
                   if(strncmp(op, "+", 1) == 0)
                      float compare = 0.0;
                      if(nproc % 2 == 0)
                         if(j % 2 == 0)
                            compare = -(((int)nproc / 2) / (float) nproc);
                            compare = ((int)nproc / 2) / (float) nproc;
                         if(j % 2 == 0)
                            compare = ((int) j + nproc / 2) / (float) nproc;
                            compare = -(((int) j + nproc / 2) / (float) nproc);
                      if(ARMCI_ABS(((float *) a[i])[j] - compare) > ARMCI_ABS(compare) * FLOAT_EPS)
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %f != %f\n", test_type, "ARMCI_FLOAT", op, i, j, ((float *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "*", 1) == 0)
                      float compare = 1.0;
                      int k = 0;
                      for(k = 0; k < nproc; k++)
                         compare *= ((float) k + j) / (float) nproc;
                      if((nproc / 2) % 2 != 0)
                         if(nproc % 2 != 0)
                            if(j % 2 == 0)
                               compare *= -1.0;

                      if(ARMCI_ABS(((float *) a[i])[j] - compare) > ARMCI_ABS(compare) * FLOAT_EPS) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %f != %f\n", test_type, "ARMCI_FLOAT", op, i, j, ((float *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "min", 3) == 0)
                      float compare = -((float) j + nproc - 1) / nproc;
                      if((j + nproc - 1)% 2 == 0 && nproc > 1)
                         compare = -((float) j + nproc - 2) / nproc;
                      if(((float *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %f != %f\n", test_type, "ARMCI_FLOAT", op, i, j, ((float *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "max", 3) == 0)
                      float compare = ((float) j + nproc - 1) / nproc;
                      if((j + nproc - 1) % 2 != 0 && nproc > 1)
                         compare = ((float) j + nproc - 2) / nproc;
                      if(((float *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %f != %f\n", test_type, "ARMCI_FLOAT", op, i, j, ((float *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "absmax", 6) == 0)
                      float compare = ((float) j + nproc - 1) / nproc;
                      if(((float *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %f != %f\n", test_type, "ARMCI_FLOAT", op, i, j, ((float *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "absmin", 6) == 0)
                      float compare = (float) j / nproc;
                      if(((float *) a[i])[j] != compare) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %f != %f\n", test_type, "ARMCI_FLOAT", op, i, j, ((float *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
       case ARMCI_DOUBLE:
          datatype_size = sizeof(double);
          for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
             a[i] = malloc(len[i] * datatype_size);
          for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
             for(j = 0; j < len[i]; j++)
                ((double *) a[i])[j] = (double) (me + j) * (((me + j) % 2 == 0) ? 1.0 / nproc : -1.0 / nproc);
          for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
             if(me == 0 && verbose != 0)
                printf("testing %s ARMCI_DOUBLE message size = %d op = %s\n", test_type, len[i], op);
             if(reduce_test == 0)
                armci_msg_dgop(a[i], len[i], op);
                armci_msg_reduce(a[i], len[i], op, datatype);
          if(me == 0 || reduce_test == 0)
             for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
                if(me == 0 && verbose != 0)
                   printf("checking %s ARMCI_DOUBLE message size = %d op = %s\n", test_type, len[i], op);
                for(j = 0; j < len[i]; j++)
                   if(strncmp(op, "+", 1) == 0)
                      double compare = 0.0;
                      if(nproc % 2 == 0)
                         if(j % 2 == 0)
                            compare = -(((int)nproc / 2) / (double) nproc);
                            compare = ((int)nproc / 2) / (double) nproc;
                         if(j % 2 == 0)
                            compare = ((int) j + nproc / 2) / (double) nproc;
                            compare = -(((int) j + nproc / 2) / (double) nproc);
                      if(ARMCI_ABS(((double *) a[i])[j] - compare) > ARMCI_ABS(compare) * DOUBLE_EPS) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %f != %f\n", test_type, "ARMCI_DOUBLE", op, i, j, ((double *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "*", 1) == 0)
                      double compare = 1.0;
                      int k = 0;
                      for(k = 0; k < nproc; k++)
                         compare *= ((float) k + j) / (float) nproc;
                      if((nproc / 2) % 2 != 0)
                         if(nproc % 2 != 0)
                            if(j % 2 == 0)
                               compare *= -1.0;
                      if(ARMCI_ABS(((double *) a[i])[j] - compare) > ARMCI_ABS(compare) * DOUBLE_EPS) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %f != %f\n", test_type, "ARMCI_DOUBLE", op, i, j, ((double *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "min", 3) == 0)
                      double compare = -((double) j + nproc - 1) / nproc;
                      if((j + nproc - 1)% 2 == 0 && nproc > 1)
                         compare = -((double) j + nproc - 2) / nproc;
                      if(ARMCI_ABS(((double *) a[i])[j] - compare) > ARMCI_ABS(compare) * DOUBLE_EPS) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %f != %f\n", test_type, "ARMCI_DOUBLE", op, i, j, ((double *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "max", 3) == 0)
                      double compare = ((double) j + nproc - 1) / nproc;
                      if((j + nproc - 1) % 2 != 0 && nproc > 1)
                         compare = ((double) j + nproc - 2) / nproc;
                      if(ARMCI_ABS(((double *) a[i])[j] - compare) > ARMCI_ABS(compare) * DOUBLE_EPS) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %f != %f\n", test_type, "ARMCI_DOUBLE", op, i, j, ((double *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "absmax", 6) == 0)
                      double compare = ((double) j + nproc - 1) / nproc;
                      if(ARMCI_ABS(((double *) a[i])[j] - compare) > ARMCI_ABS(compare) * DOUBLE_EPS) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %f != %f\n", test_type, "ARMCI_DOUBLE", op, i, j, ((double *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
                   else if(strncmp(op, "absmin", 6) == 0)
                      double compare = (double) j / nproc;
                      if(ARMCI_ABS(((double *) a[i])[j] - compare) > ARMCI_ABS(compare) * DOUBLE_EPS) 
                         printf("ERROR %s %s %s a[%d][%d] = %f != %f\n", test_type, "ARMCI_DOUBLE", op, i, j, ((double *) a[i])[j], compare);
                         ARMCI_Error("test_gop2_or_reduce failed\n",0);
    for(i = 0; i < len_length; i++)
Beispiel #6
void test_aggregate(int dryrun) {
    int i, j, rc, bytes, elems[2] = {MAXPROC, MAXELEMS};
    double *ddst_put[MAXPROC];
    double *ddst_get[MAXPROC];
    double *dsrc[MAXPROC];
    armci_hdl_t aggr_hdl_put[MAXPROC];
    armci_hdl_t aggr_hdl_get[MAXPROC];
    armci_hdl_t hdl_put[MAXELEMS];
    armci_hdl_t hdl_get[MAXELEMS];
    armci_giov_t darr;
    void *src_ptr[MAX_REQUESTS], *dst_ptr[MAX_REQUESTS];
    int start = 0, end = 0;
    double start_time;
    create_array((void**)ddst_put, sizeof(double),2, elems);
    create_array((void**)ddst_get, sizeof(double),2, elems);
    create_array((void**)dsrc, sizeof(double),1, &elems[1]);
    for(i=0; i<elems[1]; i++) dsrc[me][i]=i*1.001*(me+1);
    for(i=0; i<elems[0]*elems[1]; i++) {

    /* only proc 0 does the work */
    if(me == 0) {
      if(!dryrun)printf("Transferring %d doubles (Not an array of %d doubles)\n", MAXELEMS, MAXELEMS);
      /* initializing non-blocking handles */
      for(i=0; i<elems[1]; i++) ARMCI_INIT_HANDLE(&hdl_put[i]);
      for(i=0; i<elems[1]; i++) ARMCI_INIT_HANDLE(&hdl_get[i]);
      /* aggregate handles */
      for(i=0; i<nproc; i++) ARMCI_INIT_HANDLE(&aggr_hdl_put[i]);
      for(i=0; i<nproc; i++) ARMCI_INIT_HANDLE(&aggr_hdl_get[i]);
      for(i=0; i<nproc; i++) ARMCI_SET_AGGREGATE_HANDLE(&aggr_hdl_put[i]);
      for(i=0; i<nproc; i++) ARMCI_SET_AGGREGATE_HANDLE(&aggr_hdl_get[i]);    
      bytes = sizeof(double);
      /* **************** PUT **************** */    
      /* register put */
      start = 0; end = elems[1]; 
      for(i=1; i<nproc; i++) {
	for(j=start; j<end; j++) {  
	  ARMCI_NbPutValueDouble(dsrc[me][j], &ddst_put[i][me*elems[1]+j], i, 
	for(j=start; j<end; j++) ARMCI_Wait(&hdl_put[j]);
      if(!dryrun)printf("%d: Value Put time      = %.2es\n", me, MP_TIMER()-start_time);
      /* vector put */
      for(i=1; i<nproc; i++) {
	for(j=start; j<end; j++) {
	  src_ptr[j] = (void *)&dsrc[me][j];
	  dst_ptr[j] = (void *)&ddst_put[i][me*elems[1]+j];
	darr.src_ptr_array = src_ptr;
	darr.dst_ptr_array = dst_ptr;
	darr.bytes = sizeof(double);
	darr.ptr_array_len = elems[1];
	if((rc=ARMCI_NbPutV(&darr, 1, i, &hdl_put[i])))
	  ARMCI_Error("armci_nbputv failed\n",rc);
      for(i=1; i<nproc; i++) ARMCI_Wait(&hdl_put[i]);
      if(!dryrun)printf("%d: Vector Put time     = %.2es\n", me, MP_TIMER()-start_time);
      /* regular put */
      for(i=1; i<nproc; i++) {
	for(j=start; j<end; j++) {  
	  if((rc=ARMCI_NbPut(&dsrc[me][j], &ddst_put[i][me*elems[1]+j], bytes,
			     i, &hdl_put[j])))
	    ARMCI_Error("armci_nbput failed\n",rc);
	for(j=start; j<end; j++) ARMCI_Wait(&hdl_put[j]);
      if(!dryrun)printf("%d: Regular Put time    = %.2es\n", me, MP_TIMER()-start_time);
      /* aggregate put */
      for(i=1; i<nproc; i++) {
	for(j=start; j<end; j++) {  
	  if((rc=ARMCI_NbPut(&dsrc[me][j], &ddst_put[i][me*elems[1]+j], bytes,
			     i,  &aggr_hdl_put[i])))
	    ARMCI_Error("armci_nbput failed\n",rc);
      for(i=1; i<nproc; i++) ARMCI_Wait(&aggr_hdl_put[i]);
      if(!dryrun)printf("%d: Aggregate Put time  = %.2es\n\n", me, MP_TIMER()-start_time);
      /* **************** GET **************** */    
      /* vector get */
      for(i=1; i<nproc; i++) {
	for(j=start; j<end; j++) {
	  src_ptr[j] = (void *)&dsrc[i][j];
	  dst_ptr[j] = (void *)&ddst_get[me][i*elems[1]+j];
	darr.src_ptr_array = src_ptr;
	darr.dst_ptr_array = dst_ptr;
	darr.bytes = sizeof(double);
	darr.ptr_array_len = elems[1];
	if((rc=ARMCI_NbGetV(&darr, 1, i, &hdl_get[i])))
	  ARMCI_Error("armci_nbgetv failed\n",rc);
      if(!dryrun)printf("%d: Vector Get time     = %.2es\n", me, MP_TIMER()-start_time);
      /* regular get */
      for(i=1; i<nproc; i++) {
	for(j=start; j<end; j++) {  
	  if((rc=ARMCI_NbGet(&dsrc[i][j], &ddst_get[me][i*elems[1]+j], bytes,
			     i, &hdl_get[j])))
	    ARMCI_Error("armci_nbget failed\n",rc);
	for(j=start; j<end; j++) ARMCI_Wait(&hdl_get[j]);
      if(!dryrun)printf("%d: Regular Get time    = %.2es\n", me, MP_TIMER()-start_time);
      /* aggregate get */
      for(i=1; i<nproc; i++) {
	for(j=start; j<end; j++) {  
	  ARMCI_NbGet(&dsrc[i][j], &ddst_get[me][i*elems[1]+j], bytes,
		      i, &aggr_hdl_get[i]);
      for(i=1; i<nproc; i++) ARMCI_Wait(&aggr_hdl_get[i]);
      if(!dryrun)printf("%d: Aggregate Get time  = %.2es\n", me, MP_TIMER()-start_time);


    /* Verify */
      for(j=0; j<elems[1]; j++) {
	if( ARMCI_ABS(ddst_put[me][j]-j*1.001) > 0.1) {
	  ARMCI_Error("aggregate put failed...1", 0);
    if(!dryrun)if(me==0) printf("\n  aggregate put ..O.K.\n"); fflush(stdout);

    if(me==0) {
      for(i=1; i<nproc; i++) {
	for(j=0; j<elems[1]; j++) {
	  if( ARMCI_ABS(ddst_get[me][i*elems[1]+j]-j*1.001*(i+1)) > 0.1) {
	    ARMCI_Error("aggregate get failed...1", 0);
    if(!dryrun)if(me==0) printf("  aggregate get ..O.K.\n"); fflush(stdout);

    if(!dryrun)if(me==0){printf("O.K.\n"); fflush(stdout);}
    destroy_array((void **)ddst_put);
    destroy_array((void **)ddst_get);
    destroy_array((void **)dsrc);
Beispiel #7
void compare_patches(double eps, int ndim, double *patch1, int lo1[], int hi1[],
                     int dims1[], double *patch2, int lo2[], int hi2[],
                     int dims2[])

  int i, j, elems = 1;
  int subscr1[MAXDIMS], subscr2[MAXDIMS];
  double diff, max;
  int idx1, idx2, offset1, offset2;

  for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++) { /* count # of elements & verify consistency of both patches */
    int diff = hi1[i] - lo1[i];
    assert(diff == (hi2[i] - lo2[i]));
    assert(diff < dims1[i]);
    assert(diff < dims2[i]);
    elems *= diff + 1;
    subscr1[i] = lo1[i];
    subscr2[i] = lo2[i];

  /* compare element values in both patches */
  for (j = 0; j < elems; j++) {
    idx1 = Index(ndim, subscr1, dims1);  /* calculate element Index from a subscript */
    idx2 = Index(ndim, subscr2, dims2);

    if (j == 0) {
      offset1 = idx1;
      offset2 = idx2;
    idx1 -= offset1;
    idx2 -= offset2;

    diff = patch1[idx1] - patch2[idx2];
    max  = ARMCI_MAX(ARMCI_ABS(patch1[idx1]), ARMCI_ABS(patch2[idx2]));
    if (max == 0. || max < eps) {
      max = 1.;

    if (eps < ARMCI_ABS(diff) / max) {
      char msg[48];
      sprintf(msg, "(proc=%d):%f", me, patch1[idx1]);
      print_subscript("ERROR: a", ndim, subscr1, msg);
      sprintf(msg, "%f\n", patch2[idx2]);
      print_subscript(" b", ndim, subscr2, msg);
      ARMCI_Error("Bailing out", 0);

    { /* update subscript for the patches */
      update_subscript(ndim, subscr1, lo1, hi1, dims1);
      update_subscript(ndim, subscr2, lo2, hi2, dims2);

  /* make sure we reached upper limit */