static int bdb_cf_gen( ConfigArgs *c ) { struct bdb_info *bdb = c->be->be_private; int rc; if ( c->op == SLAP_CONFIG_EMIT ) { rc = 0; switch( c->type ) { case BDB_MODE: { char buf[64]; struct berval bv; bv.bv_len = snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "0%o", bdb->bi_dbenv_mode ); if ( bv.bv_len > 0 && bv.bv_len < sizeof(buf) ) { bv.bv_val = buf; value_add_one( &c->rvalue_vals, &bv ); } else { rc = 1; } } break; case BDB_CHKPT: if ( bdb->bi_txn_cp ) { char buf[64]; struct berval bv; bv.bv_len = snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%d %d", bdb->bi_txn_cp_kbyte, bdb->bi_txn_cp_min ); if ( bv.bv_len > 0 && bv.bv_len < sizeof(buf) ) { bv.bv_val = buf; value_add_one( &c->rvalue_vals, &bv ); } else { rc = 1; } } else { rc = 1; } break; case BDB_CRYPTFILE: if ( bdb->bi_db_crypt_file ) { c->value_string = ch_strdup( bdb->bi_db_crypt_file ); } else { rc = 1; } break; /* If a crypt file has been set, its contents are copied here. * But we don't want the key to be incorporated here. */ case BDB_CRYPTKEY: if ( !bdb->bi_db_crypt_file && !BER_BVISNULL( &bdb->bi_db_crypt_key )) { value_add_one( &c->rvalue_vals, &bdb->bi_db_crypt_key ); } else { rc = 1; } break; case BDB_DIRECTORY: if ( bdb->bi_dbenv_home ) { c->value_string = ch_strdup( bdb->bi_dbenv_home ); } else { rc = 1; } break; case BDB_CONFIG: if ( !( bdb->bi_flags & BDB_IS_OPEN ) && !bdb->bi_db_config ) { char buf[SLAP_TEXT_BUFLEN]; FILE *f = fopen( bdb->bi_db_config_path, "r" ); struct berval bv; if ( f ) { bdb->bi_flags |= BDB_HAS_CONFIG; while ( fgets( buf, sizeof(buf), f )) { ber_str2bv( buf, 0, 1, &bv ); if ( bv.bv_len > 0 && bv.bv_val[bv.bv_len-1] == '\n' ) { bv.bv_len--; bv.bv_val[bv.bv_len] = '\0'; } /* shouldn't need this, but ... */ if ( bv.bv_len > 0 && bv.bv_val[bv.bv_len-1] == '\r' ) { bv.bv_len--; bv.bv_val[bv.bv_len] = '\0'; } ber_bvarray_add( &bdb->bi_db_config, &bv ); } fclose( f ); } } if ( bdb->bi_db_config ) { int i; struct berval bv; bv.bv_val = c->log; for (i=0; !BER_BVISNULL(&bdb->bi_db_config[i]); i++) { bv.bv_len = sprintf( bv.bv_val, "{%d}%s", i, bdb->bi_db_config[i].bv_val ); value_add_one( &c->rvalue_vals, &bv ); } } if ( !c->rvalue_vals ) rc = 1; break; case BDB_NOSYNC: if ( bdb->bi_dbenv_xflags & DB_TXN_NOSYNC ) c->value_int = 1; break; case BDB_CHECKSUM: if ( bdb->bi_flags & BDB_CHKSUM ) c->value_int = 1; break; case BDB_INDEX: bdb_attr_index_unparse( bdb, &c->rvalue_vals ); if ( !c->rvalue_vals ) rc = 1; break; case BDB_LOCKD: rc = 1; if ( bdb->bi_lock_detect != DB_LOCK_DEFAULT ) { int i; for (i=0; !BER_BVISNULL(&bdb_lockd[i].word); i++) { if ( bdb->bi_lock_detect == (u_int32_t)bdb_lockd[i].mask ) { value_add_one( &c->rvalue_vals, &bdb_lockd[i].word ); rc = 0; break; } } } break; case BDB_SSTACK: c->value_int = bdb->bi_search_stack_depth; break; case BDB_PGSIZE: { struct bdb_db_pgsize *ps; char buf[SLAP_TEXT_BUFLEN]; struct berval bv; int rc = 1; bv.bv_val = buf; for ( ps = bdb->bi_pagesizes; ps; ps = ps->bdp_next ) { bv.bv_len = sprintf( buf, "%s %d", ps->bdp_name.bv_val, ps->bdp_size / 1024 ); value_add_one( &c->rvalue_vals, &bv ); rc = 0; } break; } } return rc; } else if ( c->op == LDAP_MOD_DELETE ) { rc = 0; switch( c->type ) { case BDB_MODE: #if 0 /* FIXME: does it make any sense to change the mode, * if we don't exec a chmod()? */ bdb->bi_dbenv_mode = SLAPD_DEFAULT_DB_MODE; break; #endif /* single-valued no-ops */ case BDB_LOCKD: case BDB_SSTACK: break; case BDB_CHKPT: if ( bdb->bi_txn_cp_task ) { struct re_s *re = bdb->bi_txn_cp_task; bdb->bi_txn_cp_task = NULL; ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &slapd_rq.rq_mutex ); if ( ldap_pvt_runqueue_isrunning( &slapd_rq, re ) ) ldap_pvt_runqueue_stoptask( &slapd_rq, re ); ldap_pvt_runqueue_remove( &slapd_rq, re ); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &slapd_rq.rq_mutex ); } bdb->bi_txn_cp = 0; break; case BDB_CONFIG: if ( c->valx < 0 ) { ber_bvarray_free( bdb->bi_db_config ); bdb->bi_db_config = NULL; } else { int i = c->valx; ch_free( bdb->bi_db_config[i].bv_val ); for (; bdb->bi_db_config[i].bv_val; i++) bdb->bi_db_config[i] = bdb->bi_db_config[i+1]; } bdb->bi_flags |= BDB_UPD_CONFIG; c->cleanup = bdb_cf_cleanup; break; /* Doesn't really make sense to change these on the fly; * the entire DB must be dumped and reloaded */ case BDB_CRYPTFILE: if ( bdb->bi_db_crypt_file ) { ch_free( bdb->bi_db_crypt_file ); bdb->bi_db_crypt_file = NULL; } /* FALLTHRU */ case BDB_CRYPTKEY: if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &bdb->bi_db_crypt_key )) { ch_free( bdb->bi_db_crypt_key.bv_val ); BER_BVZERO( &bdb->bi_db_crypt_key ); } break; case BDB_DIRECTORY: bdb->bi_flags |= BDB_RE_OPEN; bdb->bi_flags ^= BDB_HAS_CONFIG; ch_free( bdb->bi_dbenv_home ); bdb->bi_dbenv_home = NULL; ch_free( bdb->bi_db_config_path ); bdb->bi_db_config_path = NULL; c->cleanup = bdb_cf_cleanup; ldap_pvt_thread_pool_purgekey( bdb->bi_dbenv ); break; case BDB_NOSYNC: bdb->bi_dbenv->set_flags( bdb->bi_dbenv, DB_TXN_NOSYNC, 0 ); break; case BDB_CHECKSUM: bdb->bi_flags &= ~BDB_CHKSUM; break; case BDB_INDEX: if ( c->valx == -1 ) { int i; /* delete all (FIXME) */ for ( i = 0; i < bdb->bi_nattrs; i++ ) { bdb->bi_attrs[i]->ai_indexmask |= BDB_INDEX_DELETING; } bdb->bi_flags |= BDB_DEL_INDEX; c->cleanup = bdb_cf_cleanup; } else { struct berval bv, def = BER_BVC("default"); char *ptr; for (ptr = c->line; !isspace( (unsigned char) *ptr ); ptr++); bv.bv_val = c->line; bv.bv_len = ptr - bv.bv_val; if ( bvmatch( &bv, &def )) { bdb->bi_defaultmask = 0; } else { int i; char **attrs; char sep; sep = bv.bv_val[ bv.bv_len ]; bv.bv_val[ bv.bv_len ] = '\0'; attrs = ldap_str2charray( bv.bv_val, "," ); for ( i = 0; attrs[ i ]; i++ ) { AttributeDescription *ad = NULL; const char *text; AttrInfo *ai; slap_str2ad( attrs[ i ], &ad, &text ); /* if we got here... */ assert( ad != NULL ); ai = bdb_attr_mask( bdb, ad ); /* if we got here... */ assert( ai != NULL ); ai->ai_indexmask |= BDB_INDEX_DELETING; bdb->bi_flags |= BDB_DEL_INDEX; c->cleanup = bdb_cf_cleanup; } bv.bv_val[ bv.bv_len ] = sep; ldap_charray_free( attrs ); } } break; /* doesn't make sense on the fly; the DB file must be * recreated */ case BDB_PGSIZE: { struct bdb_db_pgsize *ps, **prev; int i; for ( i = 0, prev = &bdb->bi_pagesizes, ps = *prev; ps; prev = &ps->bdp_next, ps = ps->bdp_next, i++ ) { if ( c->valx == -1 || i == c->valx ) { *prev = ps->bdp_next; ch_free( ps ); ps = *prev; if ( i == c->valx ) break; } } } break; } return rc; } switch( c->type ) { case BDB_MODE: if ( ASCII_DIGIT( c->argv[1][0] ) ) { long mode; char *next; errno = 0; mode = strtol( c->argv[1], &next, 0 ); if ( errno != 0 || next == c->argv[1] || next[0] != '\0' ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: " "unable to parse mode=\"%s\".\n", c->log, c->argv[1] ); return 1; } bdb->bi_dbenv_mode = mode; } else { char *m = c->argv[1]; int who, what, mode = 0; if ( strlen( m ) != STRLENOF("-rwxrwxrwx") ) { return 1; } if ( m[0] != '-' ) { return 1; } m++; for ( who = 0; who < 3; who++ ) { for ( what = 0; what < 3; what++, m++ ) { if ( m[0] == '-' ) { continue; } else if ( m[0] != "rwx"[what] ) { return 1; } mode += ((1 << (2 - what)) << 3*(2 - who)); } } bdb->bi_dbenv_mode = mode; } break; case BDB_CHKPT: { long l; bdb->bi_txn_cp = 1; if ( lutil_atolx( &l, c->argv[1], 0 ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: " "invalid kbyte \"%s\" in \"checkpoint\".\n", c->log, c->argv[1] ); return 1; } bdb->bi_txn_cp_kbyte = l; if ( lutil_atolx( &l, c->argv[2], 0 ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: " "invalid minutes \"%s\" in \"checkpoint\".\n", c->log, c->argv[2] ); return 1; } bdb->bi_txn_cp_min = l; /* If we're in server mode and time-based checkpointing is enabled, * submit a task to perform periodic checkpoints. */ if ((slapMode & SLAP_SERVER_MODE) && bdb->bi_txn_cp_min ) { struct re_s *re = bdb->bi_txn_cp_task; if ( re ) { re->interval.tv_sec = bdb->bi_txn_cp_min * 60; } else { if ( c->be->be_suffix == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( &c->be->be_suffix[0] ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: " "\"checkpoint\" must occur after \"suffix\".\n", c->log ); return 1; } ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &slapd_rq.rq_mutex ); bdb->bi_txn_cp_task = ldap_pvt_runqueue_insert( &slapd_rq, bdb->bi_txn_cp_min * 60, bdb_checkpoint, bdb, LDAP_XSTRING(bdb_checkpoint), c->be->be_suffix[0].bv_val ); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &slapd_rq.rq_mutex ); } } } break; case BDB_CONFIG: { char *ptr = c->line; struct berval bv; if ( c->op == SLAP_CONFIG_ADD ) { ptr += STRLENOF("dbconfig"); while (!isspace((unsigned char)*ptr)) ptr++; while (isspace((unsigned char)*ptr)) ptr++; } if ( bdb->bi_flags & BDB_IS_OPEN ) { bdb->bi_flags |= BDB_UPD_CONFIG; c->cleanup = bdb_cf_cleanup; } else { /* If we're just starting up... */ FILE *f; /* If a DB_CONFIG file exists, or we don't know the path * to the DB_CONFIG file, ignore these directives */ if (( bdb->bi_flags & BDB_HAS_CONFIG ) || !bdb->bi_db_config_path ) break; f = fopen( bdb->bi_db_config_path, "a" ); if ( f ) { /* FIXME: EBCDIC probably needs special handling */ fprintf( f, "%s\n", ptr ); fclose( f ); } } ber_str2bv( ptr, 0, 1, &bv ); ber_bvarray_add( &bdb->bi_db_config, &bv ); } break; case BDB_CRYPTFILE: rc = lutil_get_filed_password( c->value_string, &bdb->bi_db_crypt_key ); if ( rc == 0 ) { bdb->bi_db_crypt_file = c->value_string; } break; /* Cannot set key if file was already set */ case BDB_CRYPTKEY: if ( bdb->bi_db_crypt_file ) { rc = 1; } else { bdb->bi_db_crypt_key = c->value_bv; } break; case BDB_DIRECTORY: { FILE *f; char *ptr, *testpath; int len; len = strlen( c->value_string ); testpath = ch_malloc( len + STRLENOF(LDAP_DIRSEP) + STRLENOF("DUMMY") + 1 ); ptr = lutil_strcopy( testpath, c->value_string ); *ptr++ = LDAP_DIRSEP[0]; strcpy( ptr, "DUMMY" ); f = fopen( testpath, "w" ); if ( f ) { fclose( f ); unlink( testpath ); } ch_free( testpath ); if ( !f ) { snprintf( c->cr_msg, sizeof( c->cr_msg ), "%s: invalid path: %s", c->log, strerror( errno )); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s\n", c->cr_msg, 0, 0 ); return -1; } if ( bdb->bi_dbenv_home ) ch_free( bdb->bi_dbenv_home ); bdb->bi_dbenv_home = c->value_string; /* See if a DB_CONFIG file already exists here */ if ( bdb->bi_db_config_path ) ch_free( bdb->bi_db_config_path ); bdb->bi_db_config_path = ch_malloc( len + STRLENOF(LDAP_DIRSEP) + STRLENOF("DB_CONFIG") + 1 ); ptr = lutil_strcopy( bdb->bi_db_config_path, bdb->bi_dbenv_home ); *ptr++ = LDAP_DIRSEP[0]; strcpy( ptr, "DB_CONFIG" ); f = fopen( bdb->bi_db_config_path, "r" ); if ( f ) { bdb->bi_flags |= BDB_HAS_CONFIG; fclose(f); } } break; case BDB_NOSYNC: if ( c->value_int ) bdb->bi_dbenv_xflags |= DB_TXN_NOSYNC; else bdb->bi_dbenv_xflags &= ~DB_TXN_NOSYNC; if ( bdb->bi_flags & BDB_IS_OPEN ) { bdb->bi_dbenv->set_flags( bdb->bi_dbenv, DB_TXN_NOSYNC, c->value_int ); } break; case BDB_CHECKSUM: if ( c->value_int ) bdb->bi_flags |= BDB_CHKSUM; else bdb->bi_flags &= ~BDB_CHKSUM; break; case BDB_INDEX: rc = bdb_attr_index_config( bdb, c->fname, c->lineno, c->argc - 1, &c->argv[1], &c->reply); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return 1; if (( bdb->bi_flags & BDB_IS_OPEN ) && !bdb->bi_index_task ) { /* Start the task as soon as we finish here. Set a long * interval (10 hours) so that it only gets scheduled once. */ if ( c->be->be_suffix == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( &c->be->be_suffix[0] ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: " "\"index\" must occur after \"suffix\".\n", c->log ); return 1; } ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &slapd_rq.rq_mutex ); bdb->bi_index_task = ldap_pvt_runqueue_insert( &slapd_rq, 36000, bdb_online_index, c->be, LDAP_XSTRING(bdb_online_index), c->be->be_suffix[0].bv_val ); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &slapd_rq.rq_mutex ); } break; case BDB_LOCKD: rc = verb_to_mask( c->argv[1], bdb_lockd ); if ( BER_BVISNULL(&bdb_lockd[rc].word) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: " "bad policy (%s) in \"lockDetect <policy>\" line\n", c->log, c->argv[1] ); return 1; } bdb->bi_lock_detect = (u_int32_t)rc; break; case BDB_SSTACK: if ( c->value_int < MINIMUM_SEARCH_STACK_DEPTH ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: depth %d too small, using %d\n", c->log, c->value_int, MINIMUM_SEARCH_STACK_DEPTH ); c->value_int = MINIMUM_SEARCH_STACK_DEPTH; } bdb->bi_search_stack_depth = c->value_int; break; case BDB_PGSIZE: { struct bdb_db_pgsize *ps, **prev; int i, s; s = atoi(c->argv[2]); if ( s < 1 || s > 64 ) { snprintf( c->cr_msg, sizeof( c->cr_msg ), "%s: size must be > 0 and <= 64: %d", c->log, s ); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s\n", c->cr_msg, 0, 0 ); return -1; } i = strlen(c->argv[1]); ps = ch_malloc( sizeof(struct bdb_db_pgsize) + i + 1 ); ps->bdp_next = NULL; ps->bdp_name.bv_len = i; ps->bdp_name.bv_val = (char *)(ps+1); strcpy( ps->bdp_name.bv_val, c->argv[1] ); ps->bdp_size = s * 1024; for ( prev = &bdb->bi_pagesizes; *prev; prev = &(*prev)->bdp_next ) ; *prev = ps; } break; } return 0; }
/* * Convert a date string used by metazone mappings to UDate. * The format used by CLDR metazone mapping is "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm". */ static UDate parseDate (const UChar *text, UErrorCode &status) { if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return 0; } int32_t len = u_strlen(text); if (len != 16 && len != 10) { // It must be yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm (length 16) or yyyy-MM-dd (length 10) status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR; return 0; } int32_t year = 0, month = 0, day = 0, hour = 0, min = 0, n; int32_t idx; // "yyyy" (0 - 3) for (idx = 0; idx <= 3 && U_SUCCESS(status); idx++) { n = ASCII_DIGIT((int32_t)text[idx]); if (n >= 0) { year = 10*year + n; } else { status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR; } } // "MM" (5 - 6) for (idx = 5; idx <= 6 && U_SUCCESS(status); idx++) { n = ASCII_DIGIT((int32_t)text[idx]); if (n >= 0) { month = 10*month + n; } else { status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR; } } // "dd" (8 - 9) for (idx = 8; idx <= 9 && U_SUCCESS(status); idx++) { n = ASCII_DIGIT((int32_t)text[idx]); if (n >= 0) { day = 10*day + n; } else { status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR; } } if (len == 16) { // "HH" (11 - 12) for (idx = 11; idx <= 12 && U_SUCCESS(status); idx++) { n = ASCII_DIGIT((int32_t)text[idx]); if (n >= 0) { hour = 10*hour + n; } else { status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR; } } // "mm" (14 - 15) for (idx = 14; idx <= 15 && U_SUCCESS(status); idx++) { n = ASCII_DIGIT((int32_t)text[idx]); if (n >= 0) { min = 10*min + n; } else { status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR; } } } if (U_SUCCESS(status)) { UDate date = Grego::fieldsToDay(year, month - 1, day) * U_MILLIS_PER_DAY + hour * U_MILLIS_PER_HOUR + min * U_MILLIS_PER_MINUTE; return date; } return 0; }
int slap_set_filter( SLAP_SET_GATHER gatherer, SetCookie *cp, struct berval *fbv, struct berval *user, struct berval *target, BerVarray *results ) { #define STACK_SIZE 64 #define IS_SET(x) ( (unsigned long)(x) >= 256 ) #define IS_OP(x) ( (unsigned long)(x) < 256 ) #define SF_ERROR(x) do { rc = -1; goto _error; } while ( 0 ) #define SF_TOP() ( (BerVarray)( ( stp < 0 ) ? 0 : stack[ stp ] ) ) #define SF_POP() ( (BerVarray)( ( stp < 0 ) ? 0 : stack[ stp-- ] ) ) #define SF_PUSH(x) do { \ if ( stp >= ( STACK_SIZE - 1 ) ) SF_ERROR( overflow ); \ stack[ ++stp ] = (BerVarray)(long)(x); \ } while ( 0 ) BerVarray set, lset; BerVarray stack[ STACK_SIZE ] = { 0 }; int len, rc, stp; unsigned long op; char c, *filter = fbv->bv_val; if ( results ) { *results = NULL; } stp = -1; while ( ( c = *filter++ ) ) { set = NULL; switch ( c ) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\x0A': case '\x0D': break; case '(' /* ) */ : if ( IS_SET( SF_TOP() ) ) { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } SF_PUSH( c ); break; case /* ( */ ')': set = SF_POP(); if ( IS_OP( set ) ) { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } if ( SF_TOP() == (void *)'(' /* ) */ ) { SF_POP(); SF_PUSH( set ); set = NULL; } else if ( IS_OP( SF_TOP() ) ) { op = (unsigned long)SF_POP(); lset = SF_POP(); SF_POP(); set = slap_set_join( cp, lset, op, set ); if ( set == NULL ) { SF_ERROR( memory ); } SF_PUSH( set ); set = NULL; } else { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } break; case '|': /* union */ case '&': /* intersection */ case '+': /* string concatenation */ set = SF_POP(); if ( IS_OP( set ) ) { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } if ( SF_TOP() == 0 || SF_TOP() == (void *)'(' /* ) */ ) { SF_PUSH( set ); set = NULL; } else if ( IS_OP( SF_TOP() ) ) { op = (unsigned long)SF_POP(); lset = SF_POP(); set = slap_set_join( cp, lset, op, set ); if ( set == NULL ) { SF_ERROR( memory ); } SF_PUSH( set ); set = NULL; } else { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } SF_PUSH( c ); break; case '[' /* ] */: if ( ( SF_TOP() == (void *)'/' ) || IS_SET( SF_TOP() ) ) { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } for ( len = 0; ( c = *filter++ ) && ( c != /* [ */ ']' ); len++ ) ; if ( c == 0 ) { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( 2, sizeof( struct berval ), cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); if ( set == NULL ) { SF_ERROR( memory ); } set->bv_val = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( len + 1, sizeof( char ), cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); if ( BER_BVISNULL( set ) ) { SF_ERROR( memory ); } AC_MEMCPY( set->bv_val, &filter[ - len - 1 ], len ); set->bv_len = len; SF_PUSH( set ); set = NULL; break; case '-': if ( ( SF_TOP() == (void *)'/' ) && ( *filter == '*' || ASCII_DIGIT( *filter ) ) ) { SF_POP(); if ( *filter == '*' ) { set = set_parents( cp, SF_POP() ); filter++; } else { char *next = NULL; long parent = strtol( filter, &next, 10 ); if ( next == filter ) { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } set = SF_POP(); if ( parent != 0 ) { set = set_parent( cp, set, parent ); } filter = next; } if ( set == NULL ) { SF_ERROR( memory ); } SF_PUSH( set ); set = NULL; break; } else { c = *filter++; if ( c != '>' ) { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } /* fall through to next case */ } case '/': if ( IS_OP( SF_TOP() ) ) { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } SF_PUSH( '/' ); break; default: if ( !AD_LEADCHAR( c ) ) { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } filter--; for ( len = 1; ( c = filter[ len ] ) && AD_CHAR( c ); len++ ) { /* count */ if ( c == '-' && !AD_CHAR( filter[ len + 1 ] ) ) { break; } } if ( len == 4 && memcmp( "this", filter, len ) == 0 ) { assert( !BER_BVISNULL( target ) ); if ( ( SF_TOP() == (void *)'/' ) || IS_SET( SF_TOP() ) ) { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( 2, sizeof( struct berval ), cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); if ( set == NULL ) { SF_ERROR( memory ); } ber_dupbv_x( set, target, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); if ( BER_BVISNULL( set ) ) { SF_ERROR( memory ); } BER_BVZERO( &set[ 1 ] ); } else if ( len == 4 && memcmp( "user", filter, len ) == 0 ) { if ( ( SF_TOP() == (void *)'/' ) || IS_SET( SF_TOP() ) ) { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } if ( BER_BVISNULL( user ) ) { SF_ERROR( memory ); } set = cp->set_op->o_tmpcalloc( 2, sizeof( struct berval ), cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); if ( set == NULL ) { SF_ERROR( memory ); } ber_dupbv_x( set, user, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); BER_BVZERO( &set[ 1 ] ); } else if ( SF_TOP() != (void *)'/' ) { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } else { struct berval fb2; AttributeDescription *ad = NULL; const char *text = NULL; SF_POP(); fb2.bv_val = filter; fb2.bv_len = len; if ( slap_bv2ad( &fb2, &ad, &text ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } /* NOTE: ad must have distinguishedName syntax * or expand in an LDAP URI if c == '*' */ set = set_chase( gatherer, cp, SF_POP(), ad, c == '*' ); if ( set == NULL ) { SF_ERROR( memory ); } if ( c == '*' ) { len++; } } filter += len; SF_PUSH( set ); set = NULL; break; } } set = SF_POP(); if ( IS_OP( set ) ) { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } if ( SF_TOP() == 0 ) { /* FIXME: ok ? */ ; } else if ( IS_OP( SF_TOP() ) ) { op = (unsigned long)SF_POP(); lset = SF_POP(); set = slap_set_join( cp, lset, op, set ); if ( set == NULL ) { SF_ERROR( memory ); } } else { SF_ERROR( syntax ); } rc = slap_set_isempty( set ) ? 0 : 1; if ( results ) { *results = set; set = NULL; } _error: if ( IS_SET( set ) ) { ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); } while ( ( set = SF_POP() ) ) { if ( IS_SET( set ) ) { ber_bvarray_free_x( set, cp->set_op->o_tmpmemctx ); } } return rc; }
time_t parse_iso3307_time(const char *buf) { /* buf is an ISO 3307 style time: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS or */ struct tm tms; time_t t; while (*buf == ' ' || *buf == '\t') buf++; if ((int) strlen(buf) < 14) return 0; memset(&tms, '\0', sizeof(struct tm)); tms.tm_year = (ASCII_DIGIT(buf[0]) * 1000) + (ASCII_DIGIT(buf[1]) * 100) + (ASCII_DIGIT(buf[2]) * 10) + ASCII_DIGIT(buf[3]) - 1900; tms.tm_mon = (ASCII_DIGIT(buf[4]) * 10) + ASCII_DIGIT(buf[5]) - 1; tms.tm_mday = (ASCII_DIGIT(buf[6]) * 10) + ASCII_DIGIT(buf[7]); tms.tm_hour = (ASCII_DIGIT(buf[8]) * 10) + ASCII_DIGIT(buf[9]); tms.tm_min = (ASCII_DIGIT(buf[10]) * 10) + ASCII_DIGIT(buf[11]); tms.tm_sec = (ASCII_DIGIT(buf[12]) * 10) + ASCII_DIGIT(buf[13]); #if HAVE_TIMEGM t = timegm(&tms); #elif HAVE_MKTIME t = mktime(&tms); #else t = (time_t) 0; #endif return t; }
static int mdb_cf_gen( ConfigArgs *c ) { struct mdb_info *mdb = c->be->be_private; int rc; if ( c->op == SLAP_CONFIG_EMIT ) { rc = 0; switch( c->type ) { case MDB_MODE: { char buf[64]; struct berval bv; bv.bv_len = snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "0%o", mdb->mi_dbenv_mode ); if ( bv.bv_len > 0 && bv.bv_len < sizeof(buf) ) { bv.bv_val = buf; value_add_one( &c->rvalue_vals, &bv ); } else { rc = 1; } } break; case MDB_CHKPT: if ( mdb->mi_txn_cp ) { char buf[64]; struct berval bv; bv.bv_len = snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%ld %ld", (long) mdb->mi_txn_cp_kbyte, (long) mdb->mi_txn_cp_min ); if ( bv.bv_len > 0 && bv.bv_len < sizeof(buf) ) { bv.bv_val = buf; value_add_one( &c->rvalue_vals, &bv ); } else { rc = 1; } } else { rc = 1; } break; case MDB_DIRECTORY: if ( mdb->mi_dbenv_home ) { c->value_string = ch_strdup( mdb->mi_dbenv_home ); } else { rc = 1; } break; case MDB_DBNOSYNC: if ( mdb->mi_dbenv_flags & MDB_NOSYNC ) c->value_int = 1; break; case MDB_ENVFLAGS: if ( mdb->mi_dbenv_flags ) { mask_to_verbs( mdb_envflags, mdb->mi_dbenv_flags, &c->rvalue_vals ); } if ( !c->rvalue_vals ) rc = 1; break; case MDB_INDEX: mdb_attr_index_unparse( mdb, &c->rvalue_vals ); if ( !c->rvalue_vals ) rc = 1; break; case MDB_SSTACK: c->value_int = mdb->mi_search_stack_depth; break; case MDB_MAXREADERS: c->value_int = mdb->mi_readers; break; case MDB_MAXSIZE: c->value_ulong = mdb->mi_mapsize; break; } return rc; } else if ( c->op == LDAP_MOD_DELETE ) { rc = 0; switch( c->type ) { case MDB_MODE: #if 0 /* FIXME: does it make any sense to change the mode, * if we don't exec a chmod()? */ mdb->bi_dbenv_mode = SLAPD_DEFAULT_DB_MODE; break; #endif /* single-valued no-ops */ case MDB_SSTACK: case MDB_MAXREADERS: case MDB_MAXSIZE: break; case MDB_CHKPT: if ( mdb->mi_txn_cp_task ) { struct re_s *re = mdb->mi_txn_cp_task; mdb->mi_txn_cp_task = NULL; ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &slapd_rq.rq_mutex ); if ( ldap_pvt_runqueue_isrunning( &slapd_rq, re ) ) ldap_pvt_runqueue_stoptask( &slapd_rq, re ); ldap_pvt_runqueue_remove( &slapd_rq, re ); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &slapd_rq.rq_mutex ); } mdb->mi_txn_cp = 0; break; case MDB_DIRECTORY: mdb->mi_flags |= MDB_RE_OPEN; ch_free( mdb->mi_dbenv_home ); mdb->mi_dbenv_home = NULL; c->cleanup = mdb_cf_cleanup; ldap_pvt_thread_pool_purgekey( mdb->mi_dbenv ); break; case MDB_DBNOSYNC: mdb_env_set_flags( mdb->mi_dbenv, MDB_NOSYNC, 0 ); mdb->mi_dbenv_flags &= ~MDB_NOSYNC; break; case MDB_ENVFLAGS: if ( c->valx == -1 ) { int i; for ( i=0; mdb_envflags[i].mask; i++) { if ( mdb->mi_dbenv_flags & mdb_envflags[i].mask ) { /* not all flags are runtime resettable */ rc = mdb_env_set_flags( mdb->mi_dbenv, mdb_envflags[i].mask, 0 ); if ( rc ) { mdb->mi_flags |= MDB_RE_OPEN; c->cleanup = mdb_cf_cleanup; rc = 0; } mdb->mi_dbenv_flags ^= mdb_envflags[i].mask; } } } else { int i = verb_to_mask( c->line, mdb_envflags ); if ( mdb_envflags[i].mask & mdb->mi_dbenv_flags ) { rc = mdb_env_set_flags( mdb->mi_dbenv, mdb_envflags[i].mask, 0 ); if ( rc ) { mdb->mi_flags |= MDB_RE_OPEN; c->cleanup = mdb_cf_cleanup; rc = 0; } mdb->mi_dbenv_flags ^= mdb_envflags[i].mask; } else { /* unknown keyword */ rc = 1; } } break; case MDB_INDEX: if ( c->valx == -1 ) { int i; /* delete all (FIXME) */ for ( i = 0; i < mdb->mi_nattrs; i++ ) { mdb->mi_attrs[i]->ai_indexmask |= MDB_INDEX_DELETING; } mdb->mi_flags |= MDB_DEL_INDEX; c->cleanup = mdb_cf_cleanup; } else { struct berval bv, def = BER_BVC("default"); char *ptr; for (ptr = c->line; !isspace( (unsigned char) *ptr ); ptr++); bv.bv_val = c->line; bv.bv_len = ptr - bv.bv_val; if ( bvmatch( &bv, &def )) { mdb->mi_defaultmask = 0; } else { int i; char **attrs; char sep; sep = bv.bv_val[ bv.bv_len ]; bv.bv_val[ bv.bv_len ] = '\0'; attrs = ldap_str2charray( bv.bv_val, "," ); for ( i = 0; attrs[ i ]; i++ ) { AttributeDescription *ad = NULL; const char *text; AttrInfo *ai; slap_str2ad( attrs[ i ], &ad, &text ); /* if we got here... */ assert( ad != NULL ); ai = mdb_attr_mask( mdb, ad ); /* if we got here... */ assert( ai != NULL ); ai->ai_indexmask |= MDB_INDEX_DELETING; mdb->mi_flags |= MDB_DEL_INDEX; c->cleanup = mdb_cf_cleanup; } bv.bv_val[ bv.bv_len ] = sep; ldap_charray_free( attrs ); } } break; } return rc; } switch( c->type ) { case MDB_MODE: if ( ASCII_DIGIT( c->argv[1][0] ) ) { long mode; char *next; errno = 0; mode = strtol( c->argv[1], &next, 0 ); if ( errno != 0 || next == c->argv[1] || next[0] != '\0' ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: " "unable to parse mode=\"%s\".\n", c->log, c->argv[1] ); return 1; } mdb->mi_dbenv_mode = mode; } else { char *m = c->argv[1]; int who, what, mode = 0; if ( strlen( m ) != STRLENOF("-rwxrwxrwx") ) { return 1; } if ( m[0] != '-' ) { return 1; } m++; for ( who = 0; who < 3; who++ ) { for ( what = 0; what < 3; what++, m++ ) { if ( m[0] == '-' ) { continue; } else if ( m[0] != "rwx"[what] ) { return 1; } mode += ((1 << (2 - what)) << 3*(2 - who)); } } mdb->mi_dbenv_mode = mode; } break; case MDB_CHKPT: { long l; mdb->mi_txn_cp = 1; if ( lutil_atolx( &l, c->argv[1], 0 ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: " "invalid kbyte \"%s\" in \"checkpoint\".\n", c->log, c->argv[1] ); return 1; } mdb->mi_txn_cp_kbyte = l; if ( lutil_atolx( &l, c->argv[2], 0 ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: " "invalid minutes \"%s\" in \"checkpoint\".\n", c->log, c->argv[2] ); return 1; } mdb->mi_txn_cp_min = l; /* If we're in server mode and time-based checkpointing is enabled, * submit a task to perform periodic checkpoints. */ if ((slapMode & SLAP_SERVER_MODE) && mdb->mi_txn_cp_min ) { struct re_s *re = mdb->mi_txn_cp_task; if ( re ) { re->interval.tv_sec = mdb->mi_txn_cp_min * 60; } else { if ( c->be->be_suffix == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( &c->be->be_suffix[0] ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: " "\"checkpoint\" must occur after \"suffix\".\n", c->log ); return 1; } ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &slapd_rq.rq_mutex ); mdb->mi_txn_cp_task = ldap_pvt_runqueue_insert( &slapd_rq, mdb->mi_txn_cp_min * 60, mdb_checkpoint, mdb, LDAP_XSTRING(mdb_checkpoint), c->be->be_suffix[0].bv_val ); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &slapd_rq.rq_mutex ); } } } break; case MDB_DIRECTORY: { FILE *f; char *ptr, *testpath; int len; len = strlen( c->value_string ); testpath = ch_malloc( len + STRLENOF(LDAP_DIRSEP) + STRLENOF("DUMMY") + 1 ); ptr = lutil_strcopy( testpath, c->value_string ); *ptr++ = LDAP_DIRSEP[0]; strcpy( ptr, "DUMMY" ); f = fopen( testpath, "w" ); if ( f ) { fclose( f ); unlink( testpath ); } ch_free( testpath ); if ( !f ) { snprintf( c->cr_msg, sizeof( c->cr_msg ), "%s: invalid path: %s", c->log, strerror( errno )); Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "%s\n", c->cr_msg, 0, 0 ); return -1; } if ( mdb->mi_dbenv_home ) ch_free( mdb->mi_dbenv_home ); mdb->mi_dbenv_home = c->value_string; } break; case MDB_DBNOSYNC: if ( c->value_int ) mdb->mi_dbenv_flags |= MDB_NOSYNC; else mdb->mi_dbenv_flags ^= MDB_NOSYNC; if ( mdb->mi_flags & MDB_IS_OPEN ) { mdb_env_set_flags( mdb->mi_dbenv, MDB_NOSYNC, c->value_int ); } break; case MDB_ENVFLAGS: { int i, j; for ( i=1; i<c->argc; i++ ) { j = verb_to_mask( c->argv[i], mdb_envflags ); if ( mdb_envflags[j].mask ) { if ( mdb->mi_flags & MDB_IS_OPEN ) rc = mdb_env_set_flags( mdb->mi_dbenv, mdb_envflags[j].mask, 1 ); else rc = 0; if ( rc ) { mdb->mi_flags |= MDB_RE_OPEN; c->cleanup = mdb_cf_cleanup; rc = 0; } mdb->mi_dbenv_flags |= mdb_envflags[j].mask; } else { /* unknown keyword */ rc = 1; } } } break; case MDB_INDEX: rc = mdb_attr_index_config( mdb, c->fname, c->lineno, c->argc - 1, &c->argv[1], &c->reply); if( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) return 1; c->cleanup = mdb_cf_cleanup; mdb->mi_flags |= MDB_OPEN_INDEX; if (( mdb->mi_flags & MDB_IS_OPEN ) && !mdb->mi_index_task ) { /* Start the task as soon as we finish here. Set a long * interval (10 hours) so that it only gets scheduled once. */ if ( c->be->be_suffix == NULL || BER_BVISNULL( &c->be->be_suffix[0] ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: " "\"index\" must occur after \"suffix\".\n", c->log ); return 1; } ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_lock( &slapd_rq.rq_mutex ); mdb->mi_index_task = ldap_pvt_runqueue_insert( &slapd_rq, 36000, mdb_online_index, c->be, LDAP_XSTRING(mdb_online_index), c->be->be_suffix[0].bv_val ); ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_unlock( &slapd_rq.rq_mutex ); } break; case MDB_SSTACK: if ( c->value_int < MINIMUM_SEARCH_STACK_DEPTH ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: depth %d too small, using %d\n", c->log, c->value_int, MINIMUM_SEARCH_STACK_DEPTH ); c->value_int = MINIMUM_SEARCH_STACK_DEPTH; } mdb->mi_search_stack_depth = c->value_int; break; case MDB_MAXREADERS: mdb->mi_readers = c->value_int; if ( mdb->mi_flags & MDB_IS_OPEN ) { mdb->mi_flags |= MDB_RE_OPEN; c->cleanup = mdb_cf_cleanup; } break; case MDB_MAXSIZE: mdb->mi_mapsize = c->value_ulong; if ( mdb->mi_flags & MDB_IS_OPEN ) { mdb->mi_flags |= MDB_RE_OPEN; c->cleanup = mdb_cf_cleanup; } break; } return 0; }