void AnythingConstructorsTest::CharStarConstrTest() {
	// Test if the dafault constructor generates an anything-object with good reactions.
	// The method called now are assumed to work correctly (they are being tested later on).

	char charStarTest[50] = { 0 };
	memcpy(charStarTest, "A String", strlen("A String"));

	Anything anyCharStar(charStarTest), anyHlp = fString;

	ASSERT( anyCharStar.GetType() == AnyCharPtrType );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyCharStar.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyCharStar.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT( anyCharStar.IsNull() == 0 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyCharStar.GetSize(), 1L );
	ASSERT( anyCharStar == anyHlp );
	ASSERT( !(anyCharStar != anyHlp) );
	ASSERT( anyCharStar.IsEqual(anyHlp) );

	ASSERT( String("A String") == anyCharStar.AsCharPtr() );
	ASSERT( String("A String") == anyCharStar.AsCharPtr("Default") );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyCharStar.AsCharPtr(0), "A String");
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyCharStar.AsLong(), 0L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyCharStar.AsLong(1234), 1234L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL ( 1234L, anyCharStar.AsLong(1234) );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyCharStar.AsBool(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyCharStar.AsBool(true), true );
	ASSERT( anyCharStar.AsBool() == 0 );
	ASSERT( anyCharStar.AsDouble() == (double)0 );
	ASSERT( anyCharStar.AsDouble(2.3) == (double)2.3 );

	DummyIFAObj testObj("Test"), testObjDummy("TestObjDummy");
	// We use a DummyIFAObj, it is the simples IFAObject that can be instantiated
	ASSERT( anyCharStar.AsIFAObject(&testObj) == &testObj );
	ASSERT( anyCharStar.AsIFAObject(&testObj) != &testObjDummy );
	ASSERT( anyCharStar.AsIFAObject() == NULL );

	ASSERT( (anyCharStar.AsString()).Length() == (long)strlen("A String") );
	ASSERT( (anyCharStar.AsString()).Capacity() >= (anyCharStar.AsString()).Length() );
	ASSERT( anyCharStar.AsString() == "A String" );
	ASSERT( anyCharStar.AsString("Default") == "A String" );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyCharStar.Contains("testSlot"), false );
	ASSERT_LESS( anyCharStar.FindValue("testSlot"), 0L );

	// Does it survive?
	ASSERT_LESS( anyCharStar.FindIndex("testSlots"), 0L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyCharStar.IsDefined("testSlots"), false );
	ASSERT( anyCharStar.SlotName(0) == NULL );
	ASSERT( anyCharStar.At(-1L) == anyCharStar.At(0L) );
	ASSERT( (anyCharStar.At(0L)).AsLong() == 0 );
	ASSERT( anyCharStar.At(1L) == NULL );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyCharStar[0L].AsCharPtr(""), "" );
	ASSERT( anyCharStar[1L] == NULL );
void AnythingConstructorsTest::FloatConstrTest() // Test if the dafault constructor generates an anything-object with good reactions.
	// The method called now are assumed to work correctly (they are being tested later on).

	Anything anyHlp = fFloat;

	ASSERT( fFloat.GetType() == AnyDoubleType );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fFloat.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fFloat.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT( fFloat.IsNull() == 0 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fFloat.GetSize(), 1L );
	ASSERT( fFloat == anyHlp );
	ASSERT( !(fFloat != anyHlp) );
	ASSERT( fFloat.IsEqual(anyHlp) );

	// here we use 14 significant digits
	fFloat = -24.490123456789;
	double testDouble = -24.490123456789;
	ASSERT_EQUAL_DELTA( testDouble, fFloat.AsDouble(0), 0.000000000001 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( "-24.4901234567", fFloat.AsString().SubString(0, 14) );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( "-24.490123456789", fFloat.AsString() );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( -24L, fFloat.AsLong() );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( -24L, fFloat.AsLong(1234) );
	ASSERT( !fFloat.AsBool() );
	ASSERT( fFloat.AsBool(true) );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, fFloat.AsBool() );
	ASSERT_EQUAL_DELTA( (double) - 24.4901, fFloat.AsDouble(), 0.0001 );
	ASSERT( fFloat.AsDouble(2.3) == (double) - 24.490123456789 );
	ASSERT( fFloat.AsDouble(2.3) != (double) - 24.4901 );

	DummyIFAObj testObj("Test"), testObjDummy("TestObjDummy");
	// We use a DummyIFAObj, it is the simples IFAObject that can be instantiated
	ASSERT( fFloat.AsIFAObject(&testObj) == &testObj );
	ASSERT( fFloat.AsIFAObject(&testObj) != &testObjDummy );
	ASSERT( fFloat.AsIFAObject() == NULL );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( 16, fFloat.AsString().Length() );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( "-24.490123456789", fFloat.AsString("Default") );

	ASSERT( !fFloat.Contains("testSlot") );
	ASSERT_LESS( fFloat.FindValue("testSlot"), 0L );

	// Does it survive?
	ASSERT_LESS( fFloat.FindIndex("testSlots"), 0L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fFloat.IsDefined("testSlots"), false );
	ASSERT( fFloat.SlotName(0) == NULL );
	ASSERT( fFloat.At(-1L) == fFloat.At(0L) );
	ASSERT( (fFloat.At(0L)).AsLong(3L) == 3L );
	ASSERT( fFloat.At(1L) == NULL );
	ASSERT( fFloat[1L] == NULL );

	Anything anyTest = -24.51;
	ASSERT( anyTest.AsLong() == -24L );
void AnythingConstructorsTest::LongConstrTest() {
	// Test if the dafault constructor generates an anything-object with good reactions.
	// The method called now are assumed to work correctly (they are being tested later on).

	Anything anyHlp = fLong;

	ASSERT( fLong.GetType() == AnyLongType );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fLong.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT( fLong.IsNull() == 0 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fLong.GetSize(), 1L );
	ASSERT( fLong == anyHlp );
	ASSERT( !(fLong != anyHlp) );
	ASSERT( fLong.IsEqual(anyHlp) );

	ASSERT( String("5") == fLong.AsCharPtr() );
	ASSERT( String("5") == fLong.AsCharPtr("Default") );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fLong.AsCharPtr(0), "5");
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fLong.AsLong(), 5L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fLong.AsLong(1234), 5L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fLong.AsBool(), true );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fLong.AsBool(false), true );
	ASSERT( fLong.AsBool() == 1 );
	ASSERT( fLong.AsDouble() == (double)5 );
	ASSERT( fLong.AsDouble(2.3) == (double)5 );

	DummyIFAObj testObj("Test"), testObjDummy("TestObjDummy");
	// We use a DummyIFAObj, it is the simples IFAObject that can be instantiated
	ASSERT( fLong.AsIFAObject(&testObj) == &testObj );
	ASSERT( fLong.AsIFAObject(&testObj) != &testObjDummy );
	ASSERT( fLong.AsIFAObject() == NULL );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( (fLong.AsString()).Length(), 1L );
	ASSERT( (fLong.AsString()).Capacity() >= (fLong.AsString()).Length() );
	ASSERT( fLong.AsString() == "5" );
	ASSERT( fLong.AsString("Default") == "5" );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( fLong.Contains("testSlot"), false );
	ASSERT_LESS( fLong.FindValue("testSlot"), 0L );

	// Does it survive?
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fLong.GetType(), AnyLongType );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fLong.GetType(), AnyLongType );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fLong.GetType(), AnyNullType );
	ASSERT_LESS( fLong.FindIndex("testSlots"), 0L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fLong.IsDefined("testSlots"), false );
	ASSERT( fLong.SlotName(0) == NULL );
	ASSERT( fLong.At(-1L) == fLong.At(0L) );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fLong.GetType(), AnyArrayType );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fLong[0L].GetType(), AnyNullType );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( (fLong.At(0L)).AsLong(-1L), -1L );
	ASSERT( fLong.At(1L) == NULL );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fLong[0L].AsCharPtr(""), "");
	ASSERT( fLong[1L] == NULL );
void AnythingConstructorsTest::CharStarLongConstr1Test() {
	Anything anyStringLen("abcdefgh", 4L), anyHlp;

	anyHlp = anyStringLen;

	ASSERT( anyStringLen.GetType() == AnyCharPtrType );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyStringLen.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyStringLen.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT( anyStringLen.IsNull() == 0 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyStringLen.GetSize(), 1L );
	ASSERT( anyStringLen == anyHlp );
	ASSERT( !(anyStringLen != anyHlp) );
	ASSERT( anyStringLen.IsEqual(anyHlp) );

	ASSERT( String("abcd") == anyStringLen.AsCharPtr() );
	ASSERT( String("abcd") == anyStringLen.AsCharPtr("Default") );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyStringLen.AsCharPtr(0), "abcd");

	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyStringLen.AsLong(), 0L );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyStringLen.AsLong(1234), 1234L );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyStringLen.AsBool(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyStringLen.AsBool(true), true );
	ASSERT( anyStringLen.AsBool() == 0 );
	ASSERT( anyStringLen.AsDouble() == (double)0 );
	ASSERT( anyStringLen.AsDouble(2.3) == (double)2.3 );

	DummyIFAObj testObj("Test"), testObjDummy("TestObjDummy");
	// We use a DummyIFAObj, it is the simples IFAObject that can be instantiated
	ASSERT( anyStringLen.AsIFAObject(&testObj) == &testObj );
	ASSERT( anyStringLen.AsIFAObject(&testObj) != &testObjDummy );
	ASSERT( anyStringLen.AsIFAObject() == NULL );

	ASSERT( (anyStringLen.AsString()).Length() == (long)strlen("abcd") );
	ASSERT( (anyStringLen.AsString()).Length() == (long)strlen(anyStringLen.AsCharPtr(0)) );
	ASSERT( (anyStringLen.AsString()).Capacity() >= (anyStringLen.AsString(0)).Length() );
	ASSERT( anyStringLen.AsString() == "abcd" );
	ASSERT( anyStringLen.AsString("Default") == "abcd" );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyStringLen.Contains("testSlot"), false );
	ASSERT_LESS( anyStringLen.FindValue("testSlot"), 0L );

	// Does it survive?
	ASSERT_LESS( anyStringLen.FindIndex("testSlots"), 0L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyStringLen.IsDefined("testSlots"), false );
	ASSERT( anyStringLen.SlotName(0) == NULL );
	ASSERT( anyStringLen.At(-1L) == anyStringLen.At(0L) );
	ASSERT( (anyStringLen.At(0L)).AsLong() == 0 );
	ASSERT( anyStringLen.At(1L) == NULL );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyStringLen[0L].AsCharPtr(""), "");
	ASSERT( anyStringLen[1L] == NULL );
void AnythingConstructorsTest::DoubleConstr0Test() {
	// Test if the dafault constructor generates an anything-object with good reactions.
	// The method called now are assumed to work correctly (they are being tested later on).
	// fDouble = 7.125;	there is an exact binary representation

	Anything anyHlp = fDouble;

	ASSERT( fDouble.GetType() == AnyDoubleType );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT( fDouble.IsNull() == 0 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble.GetSize(), 1L );
	ASSERT( fDouble == anyHlp );
	ASSERT( !(fDouble != anyHlp) );
	ASSERT( fDouble.IsEqual(anyHlp) );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( "7.125", fDouble.AsCharPtr() );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( "7.125", fDouble.AsCharPtr("Default") );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble.AsCharPtr(0), "7.125");
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble.AsLong(), 7L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble.AsLong(1234), 7L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble.AsBool(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble.AsBool(false), false );
	ASSERT( fDouble.AsBool() == 0 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble.AsDouble(), 7.125 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble.AsDouble(2.3), 7.125 );

	DummyIFAObj testObj("Test"), testObjDummy("TestObjDummy");
	// We use a DummyIFAObj, it is the simples IFAObject that can be instantiated
	ASSERT( fDouble.AsIFAObject(&testObj) == &testObj );
	ASSERT( fDouble.AsIFAObject(&testObj) != &testObjDummy );
	ASSERT( fDouble.AsIFAObject() == NULL );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( 5L, fDouble.AsString().Length() );
	ASSERT( (fDouble.AsString()).Capacity() >= (fDouble.AsString()).Length() );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( "7.125", fDouble.AsString() );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( "7.125", fDouble.AsString("Default") );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble.Contains("testSlot"), false );
	ASSERT_LESS( fDouble.FindValue("testSlot"), 0L );

	// Does it survive?
	ASSERT_LESS( fDouble.FindIndex("testSlots"), 0L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble.IsDefined("testSlots"), false );
	ASSERT( fDouble.SlotName(0) == NULL );
	ASSERT( fDouble.At(-1L) == fDouble.At(0L) );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( (fDouble.At(0L)).AsLong(1), 1L );
	ASSERT( fDouble.At(1L) == NULL );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble[0L].AsCharPtr(""), "");
	ASSERT( fDouble[1L] == NULL );
void AnythingConstructorsTest::DefaultConstrTest() {
	// Test if the dafault constructor generates an anything-object with good reactions.
	// The method called now are assumed to work correctly (they are being tested later on).

	Anything anyHlp;

	ASSERT( fNull.GetType() == AnyNullType );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fNull.IsNull(), true );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fNull.IsNull(), true );
	ASSERT( fNull.IsNull() == bool(1) );
	ASSERT( fNull.GetSize() == bool(0) );
	ASSERT( fNull == anyHlp );
	ASSERT( !(fNull != anyHlp) );
	ASSERT( fNull.IsEqual(anyHlp) );

	ASSERT( String("") == fNull.AsCharPtr() );
	ASSERT( String("Default") == fNull.AsCharPtr("Default") );
	ASSERT( fNull.AsCharPtr(0) == NULL );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fNull.AsLong(), 0L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fNull.AsLong(1234), 1234L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fNull.AsBool(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fNull.AsBool(true), true );
	ASSERT( fNull.AsBool() == 0 );
	ASSERT( fNull.AsDouble() == 0 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fNull.AsDouble(2.3), 2.3 );
	ASSERT( fNull.AsIFAObject() == NULL );

	DummyIFAObj testObj("testObj");
	// We use a DummyIFAObj, it is the simples IFAObject that can be instantiated
	ASSERT( fNull.AsIFAObject(&testObj) == &testObj );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( (fNull.AsString()).Length(), 0L );
	ASSERT( (fNull.AsString()).Capacity() >= (fNull.AsString()).Length() );
	ASSERT( fNull.AsString() == "" );
	ASSERT( fNull.AsString("Default") == "Default" );

	ASSERT( fNull.Contains("testSlot") == false );
	ASSERT_LESS( fNull.FindValue("testSlot"), 0L );

	// Does it survive?
	ASSERT_LESS( fNull.FindIndex("testSlots"), 0L );
	ASSERT( fNull.IsDefined("testSlots") == false );
	ASSERT( fNull.SlotName(0) == NULL );
	//ASSERT( fNull.At(-1L) == NULL );		// ABORT ????	Anything.cpp:1358
	ASSERT( fNull.At(0L) == NULL );
	ASSERT( fNull.At(1L) == NULL );
	//ASSERT( fNull[-1L] == NULL );			// ABORT ????	Anything.cpp:1358
	ASSERT( fNull[0L] == NULL );
	ASSERT( fNull[1L] == NULL );
void AnythingConstructorsTest::DoubleConstr1Test() {
	// Test if the dafault constructor generates an anything-object with good reactions.
	// The method called now are assumed to work correctly (they are being tested later on).
	// fDouble2 = 8.1;	there is no exact binary representation

	Anything anyHlp = fDouble2;

	ASSERT( fDouble2.GetType() == AnyDoubleType );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble2.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble2.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT( fDouble2.IsNull() == 0 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble2.GetSize(), 1L );
	ASSERT( fDouble2 == anyHlp );
	ASSERT( !(fDouble2 != anyHlp) );
	ASSERT( fDouble2.IsEqual(anyHlp) );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( "8.1", fDouble2.AsString().SubString(0, 6) );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( "8.1", fDouble2.AsString() );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( "8.1", fDouble2.AsString("Default") );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( 8L, fDouble2.AsLong() );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( 8L, fDouble2.AsLong(1234) );
	ASSERT( !fDouble2.AsBool() );
	ASSERT( fDouble2.AsBool(true) );
	ASSERT_EQUAL_DELTA( 8.1, fDouble2.AsDouble(), 0.1 );

	DummyIFAObj testObj("Test"), testObjDummy("TestObjDummy");
	// We use a DummyIFAObj, it is the simplest IFAObject that can be instantiated
	ASSERT( fDouble2.AsIFAObject(&testObj) == &testObj );
	ASSERT( fDouble2.AsIFAObject(&testObj) != &testObjDummy );
	ASSERT( fDouble2.AsIFAObject() == NULL );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble2.Contains("testSlot"), false );
	ASSERT_LESS( fDouble2.FindValue("testSlot"), 0L );

	// Does it survive?
	ASSERT_LESS( fDouble2.FindIndex("testSlots"), 0L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fDouble2.IsDefined("testSlots"), false );
	ASSERT( fDouble2.SlotName(0) == NULL );
	ASSERT( fDouble2.At(-1L) == fDouble2.At(0L) );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( (fDouble2.At(0L)).AsLong(-2), -2L );
	ASSERT( fDouble2.At(1L) == NULL );
	ASSERT( fDouble2[1L] == NULL );
static void test_strcasecmp()
    const int pre_errno = errno;
    const char* src_buffer_0 = "aabb";
    const char* src_buffer_1 = "aabbA";
    const char* src_buffer_2 = "aaBB";

    const int result_0 = strcasecmp(src_buffer_0, src_buffer_0);
    const int result_1 = strcasecmp(src_buffer_0, src_buffer_1);
    const int result_2 = strcasecmp(src_buffer_0, src_buffer_2);
    const int result_3 = strcasecmp(src_buffer_1, src_buffer_0);

    ASSERT_LESS("strcasecmp: Checking, if result is less 0, if s1 contains the greater object", result_1, 0);
    ASSERT_LESS("strcasecmp: Checking, if result is greater 0, if s2 contains the greater object", 0, result_3);
    ASSERT_EQUALS("strcasecmp: Checking, if result is 0, if s1 and s2 are equal", result_0, 0);
    ASSERT_EQUALS("strcasecmp: Checking, if result is 0, if s1 and s2 are equal (case ignored)", result_2, 0);
    ASSERT_EQUALS("strcasecmp: Checking, if errno is unmodified", pre_errno, errno);
void AnythingConstructorsTest::IntConstrTest() {
	// Test if the dafault constructor generates an anything-object with good reactions.
	// The method called now are assumed to work correctly (they are being tested later on).

	Anything anyHlp = fBool;

	ASSERT( fBool.GetType() == AnyLongType );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fBool.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fBool.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT( fBool.IsNull() == 0 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fBool.GetSize(), 1L );
	ASSERT( fBool == anyHlp );
	ASSERT( !(fBool != anyHlp) );
	ASSERT( fBool.IsEqual(anyHlp) );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( fBool.AsBool(), true );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fBool.AsBool(false), true );

	DummyIFAObj testObj("Test"), testObjDummy("TestObjDummy");
	// We use a DummyIFAObj, it is the simples IFAObject that can be instantiated
	ASSERT( fBool.AsIFAObject(&testObj) == &testObj );
	ASSERT( fBool.AsIFAObject(&testObj) != &testObjDummy );
	ASSERT( fBool.AsIFAObject() == NULL );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( (fBool.AsString()).Length(), 1L );
	ASSERT( (fBool.AsString()).Capacity() >= (fBool.AsString()).Length() );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( fBool.Contains("testSlot"), false );
	ASSERT_LESS( fBool.FindValue("testSlot"), 0L );

	// Does it survive?
	ASSERT_LESS( fBool.FindIndex("testSlots"), 0L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( fBool.IsDefined("testSlots"), false );
	ASSERT( fBool.SlotName(0) == NULL );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( (fBool.At(0L)).AsBool(false), false );
	ASSERT( fBool.At(1L) == NULL );
	ASSERT( fBool[1L] == NULL );
Beispiel #10
 * Assumes multi-core machine.
int test_speed(std::vector<double>& v)
    return testing::run_test("parallel-speed", [&]()

        std::iota(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);
        auto serial_time = common::time([&]()
            { std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), hard_func<double>); });

        std::iota(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);
        auto parallel_time = common::time([&]()
            { parallel::parallel_for(v.begin(), v.end(), hard_func<double>); });

        ASSERT_LESS(parallel_time.count(), serial_time.count());
void test_module_nodeps(){
	module m{"OO"};
void AnythingConstructorsTest::IFAObjectStarConstrTest() {
	// Test if the dafault constructor generates an anything-object with good reactions.
	// The method called now are assumed to work correctly (they are being tested later on).

	DummyIFAObj testObj("Test"), testObjDummy("TestObjDummy");
	String testAdr;
	testAdr << (long) &testObj; // the address of the object for comparison

	// We use a DummyIFAObj, it is the simples IFAObject that can be instantiated
	Anything anyIFAObj(&testObj), anyHlp = anyIFAObj;

	ASSERT( anyIFAObj.GetType() == AnyObjectType );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyIFAObj.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyIFAObj.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT( anyIFAObj.IsNull() == 0 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyIFAObj.GetSize(), 1L );
	ASSERT( anyIFAObj == anyHlp );
	ASSERT( !(anyIFAObj != anyHlp) );
	ASSERT( anyIFAObj.IsEqual(anyHlp) );

	ASSERT( String("IFAObject") == anyIFAObj.AsCharPtr() ); // Ist es OK ????
	ASSERT( String("IFAObject") == anyIFAObj.AsCharPtr("Default") );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyIFAObj.AsCharPtr(0), "IFAObject");
	ASSERT( anyIFAObj.AsLong() != 0L ); // address of object
	ASSERT( anyIFAObj.AsLong(1234) != 1234L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyIFAObj.AsBool(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyIFAObj.AsBool(false), false );
	ASSERT( anyIFAObj.AsDouble() == (double)0 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyIFAObj.AsDouble(2.3), 2.3 );

	ASSERT( anyIFAObj.AsIFAObject(&testObj) == &testObj );
	ASSERT( anyIFAObj.AsIFAObject(&testObj) != &testObjDummy );
	ASSERT( anyIFAObj.AsIFAObject() == &testObj );

	// PT: somewhat inconsistent, AsString returns the address, AsCharPtr the type
	// PS: now it is consistent so the testcases fail
	ASSERT( String("IFAObject") == anyIFAObj.AsString() ); // Ist es OK ????
	ASSERT( (anyIFAObj.AsString()).Capacity() >= (anyIFAObj.AsString()).Length() );

	ASSERT( (anyIFAObj.At(0L)).AsLong() == (long)&testObj );
	// returns the address
	ASSERT( anyIFAObj.At(1L) == NULL );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyIFAObj[0L].AsCharPtr(), "IFAObject");
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyIFAObj.Contains("testSlot"), false );
	ASSERT_LESS( anyIFAObj.FindValue("testSlot"), 0L );

	// Does it survive?

	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyIFAObj.At(-1L).GetType(), AnyObjectType );

	ASSERT( (anyIFAObj.At(0L)).AsLong() == (long)&testObj );
	ASSERT( anyIFAObj.At(1L) == NULL );
	// PT: Probably this statement switches to an ArrayImpl
	ASSERT_EQUAL(anyIFAObj.GetSize(), 2 );
	ASSERT(anyIFAObj[0L].AsIFAObject() == &testObj );
	ASSERT( anyIFAObj[1L] == NULL );
	//ASSERT( anyIFAObj[0L].AsString() == testAdr );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( "IFAObject", anyIFAObj[0L].AsCharPtr() );

	ASSERT_LESS( anyIFAObj.FindIndex("testSlots"), 0L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyIFAObj.IsDefined("testSlots"), false );
	ASSERT( anyIFAObj.SlotName(0) == NULL );
	ASSERT( anyIFAObj[1L] == NULL );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( (anyIFAObj.At(0L)).AsLong(), 0L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyIFAObj[0L].GetType(), AnyNullType );
void AnythingConstructorsTest::VoidStarLenConstrTest() {
	typedef long arrValueType;
	arrValueType arrTest[5] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
	Anything anyTest((void *) arrTest, static_cast<long>(sizeof(arrTest)));
	size_t _byteLengthOfArray = sizeof(arrTest);
	long _elementsInArray = _byteLengthOfArray/sizeof(arrValueType);
	Anything anyHlp = anyTest;

	ASSERT( anyTest.GetType() == AnyVoidBufType );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyTest.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyTest.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT( anyTest.IsNull() == 0 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyTest.GetSize(), 1L );
	ASSERT( anyTest == anyHlp );
	ASSERT( !(anyTest != anyHlp) );
	ASSERT( anyTest.IsEqual(anyHlp) );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( (const char *) arrTest, anyTest.AsCharPtr());
	// AsCharPtr returns the address of the buffer of the binary any
	ASSERT( anyTest.AsLong() != 0 ); // address of the buffer (also)
	ASSERT_EQUAL((long) anyTest.AsCharPtr(0), anyTest.AsLong());
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyTest.AsBool(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyTest.AsBool(false), false );
	ASSERT( anyTest.AsDouble() == (double)0 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyTest.AsDouble(2.3), 2.3 );

	DummyIFAObj testObj("Test");
	// We use a DummyIFAObj, it is the simples IFAObject that can be instantiated
	ASSERT( anyTest.AsIFAObject(&testObj) == &testObj );
	ASSERT( anyTest.AsIFAObject() == NULL );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( (long)sizeof(arrTest), (anyTest.AsString()).Length() );
	ASSERT( (anyTest.AsString()).Capacity() >= (anyTest.AsString()).Length() );
	ASSERT( anyTest.AsString() == String( (void *)arrTest, (long)sizeof(arrTest) ) );
	ASSERT( anyTest.AsString("Default") == String( (void *)arrTest, (long)sizeof(arrTest) ) );

	long i;
	for (i = 0; i < _elementsInArray; i++) {
		ASSERT ( ( (long *)((const char *)anyTest.AsString()) )[i] == i );
		ASSERT ( ( (long *)((const char *)anyTest.At(0L).AsString()) )[i] == i );
		ASSERT ( ( (long *)((const char *)anyTest[0L].AsString()) )[i] == i );

		ASSERT ( ( (long *)(anyTest.AsCharPtr()) )[i] == i );
		ASSERT ( ( (long *)(anyTest.At(0L).AsCharPtr()) )[i] == i );
		ASSERT ( ( (long *)((const char *)anyTest[0L].AsString()) )[i] == i );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyTest.Contains("testSlot"), false );
	ASSERT_LESS( anyTest.FindValue("testSlot"), 0L );

	// Does it survive?
	ASSERT_EQUAL(_byteLengthOfArray, anyTest[0L].AsString().Length());
	ASSERT_EQUAL("", anyTest[0L].AsString());
	ASSERT_EQUAL(1, anyTest.GetSize());
	ASSERT_EQUAL(0, anyTest.GetSize());
	ASSERT_EQUAL(0, anyTest.GetSize());
	ASSERT_LESS( anyTest.FindIndex("testSlots"), 0L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyTest.IsDefined("testSlots"), false );
	ASSERT( anyTest.SlotName(0) == NULL );
	ASSERT( anyTest.At(-1L) == anyTest.At(0L) );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( (anyTest.At(0L)).AsLong(-1L), -1L );
	ASSERT( anyTest.At(1L) == NULL );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyTest[0L].AsCharPtr(""), (const char *)arrTest);
	ASSERT( anyTest[1L] == NULL );
void AnythingConstructorsTest::StringConstrTest() {
	// Test if the dafault constructor generates an anything-object with good reactions.
	// The method called now are assumed to work correctly (they are being tested later on).

	String stringTest = "A String";
	Anything anyString(stringTest), anyHlp = fString;

	ASSERT( anyString.GetType() == AnyCharPtrType );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyString.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyString.IsNull(), false );
	ASSERT( anyString.IsNull() == 0 );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyString.GetSize(), 1L );
	ASSERT( anyString.AsString() == anyHlp.AsString() );
	ASSERT( !(anyString.AsString() != anyHlp.AsString()) );
	ASSERT( anyString.IsEqual(anyHlp) );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyString.AsCharPtr(0), "A String");
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyString.AsCharPtr("Default"), "A String");
	ASSERT( anyString.AsLong() == 0L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyString.AsLong(1234), 1234L );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyString.AsBool(), false );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyString.AsBool(true), true );
	ASSERT( anyString.AsBool() == 0 );
	ASSERT( anyString.AsDouble() == (double)0 );
	ASSERT( anyString.AsDouble(2.3) == (double)2.3 );

	DummyIFAObj testObj("Test"), testObjDummy("TestObjDummy");
	// We use a DummyIFAObj, it is the simples IFAObject that can be instantiated
	ASSERT( anyString.AsIFAObject(&testObj) == &testObj );
	ASSERT( anyString.AsIFAObject(&testObj) != &testObjDummy );
	ASSERT( anyString.AsIFAObject() == NULL );

	ASSERT( (anyString.AsString()).Length() == (long)strlen("A String") );
	ASSERT( (anyString.AsString()).Capacity() >= (anyString.AsString()).Length() );
	ASSERT( anyString.AsString() == "A String" );
	ASSERT( anyString.AsString("Default") == "A String" );

	String stringHlp;
	stringHlp = anyString.AsString();
	ASSERT( stringHlp == "A String" );
	stringHlp = String(anyString.AsString());
	ASSERT( stringHlp == "A String" );

	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyString.Contains("testSlot"), false );
	ASSERT_LESS( anyString.FindValue("testSlot"), 0L );

	// Does it survive?
	ASSERT_LESS( anyString.FindIndex("testSlots"), 0L );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyString.IsDefined("testSlots"), false );
	ASSERT( anyString.SlotName(0) == NULL );
	ASSERT( anyString.At(-1L) == anyString.At(0L) );
	ASSERT( (anyString.At(0L)).AsLong() == 0L );
	ASSERT( anyString.At(1L) == NULL );
	ASSERT_EQUAL( anyString[0L].AsCharPtr(""), "");
	ASSERT( anyString[1L] == NULL );

	String voidstr((void *) "abc\0ef", 5); // string with 0 byte included
	Anything avoidstr(voidstr);
	ASSERT(avoidstr.GetType() == AnyCharPtrType);
	ASSERT(avoidstr.AsString() == voidstr); // does it remain the same
	ASSERT_EQUAL(voidstr.Length(), avoidstr.AsString().Length());