Beispiel #1
main(int argc, char **argv) {
  char             *gkpName = 0L;
  char             *ovsName = 0L;

  char             *iniClrName = NULL;
  char             *maxClrName = NULL;
  char             *outClrName = NULL;

  uint32            errorValue     = AS_OVS_encodeEvalue(0.015);
  uint32            minAlignLength = 40;
  uint32            minReadLength  = 64;

  char             *outputPrefix  = NULL;
  char              logName[FILENAME_MAX] = {0};
  char              sumName[FILENAME_MAX] = {0};
  FILE             *logFile = 0L;
  FILE             *sumFile = 0L;

  uint32            idMin = 1;
  uint32            idMax = UINT32_MAX;

  uint32            minEvidenceOverlap  = 40;
  uint32            minEvidenceCoverage = 1;

  argc = AS_configure(argc, argv);

  int arg=1;
  int err=0;
  while (arg < argc) {
    if        (strcmp(argv[arg], "-G") == 0) {
      gkpName = argv[++arg];

    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-O") == 0) {
      ovsName = argv[++arg];

    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-Ci") == 0) {
      iniClrName = argv[++arg];
    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-Cm") == 0) {
      maxClrName = argv[++arg];
    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-Co") == 0) {
      outClrName = argv[++arg];

    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-e") == 0) {
      double erate = atof(argv[++arg]);
      errorValue = AS_OVS_encodeEvalue(erate);

    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-l") == 0) {
      minAlignLength = atoi(argv[++arg]);

    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-minlength") == 0) {
      minReadLength = atoi(argv[++arg]);

    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-ol") == 0) {
      minEvidenceOverlap = atoi(argv[++arg]);

    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-oc") == 0) {
      minEvidenceCoverage = atoi(argv[++arg]);

    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-o") == 0) {
      outputPrefix = argv[++arg];

    } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-t") == 0) {
      AS_UTL_decodeRange(argv[++arg], idMin, idMax);

    } else {
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown option '%s'\n", argv[arg]);

  if ((gkpName       == NULL) ||
      (ovsName       == NULL) ||
      (outputPrefix  == NULL) ||
      (err)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -G gkpStore -O ovlStore -Co output.clearFile -o outputPrefix\n", argv[0]);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -G gkpStore    path to read store\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -O ovlStore    path to overlap store\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -o name        output prefix, for logging\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -t bgn-end     limit processing to only reads from bgn to end (inclusive)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -Ci clearFile  path to input clear ranges (NOT SUPPORTED)\n");
    //fprintf(stderr, "  -Cm clearFile  path to maximal clear ranges\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -Co clearFile  path to ouput clear ranges\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -e erate       ignore overlaps with more than 'erate' percent error\n");
    //fprintf(stderr, "  -l length      ignore overlaps shorter than 'l' aligned bases (NOT SUPPORTED)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -ol l          the minimum evidence overlap length\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -oc c          the minimum evidence overlap coverage\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "                   evidence overlaps must overlap by 'l' bases to be joined, and\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "                   must be at least 'c' deep to be retained\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -minlength l   reads trimmed below this many bases are deleted\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

  gkStore          *gkp = gkStore::gkStore_open(gkpName);
  ovStore          *ovs = new ovStore(ovsName, gkp);

  clearRangeFile   *iniClr = (iniClrName == NULL) ? NULL : new clearRangeFile(iniClrName, gkp);
  clearRangeFile   *maxClr = (maxClrName == NULL) ? NULL : new clearRangeFile(maxClrName, gkp);
  clearRangeFile   *outClr = (outClrName == NULL) ? NULL : new clearRangeFile(outClrName, gkp);

  if (outClr)
    //  If the outClr file exists, those clear ranges are loaded.  We need to reset them
    //  back to 'untrimmed' for now.

  if (iniClr && outClr)
    //  An iniClr file was supplied, so use those as the initial clear ranges.

  if (outputPrefix) {
    sprintf(logName, "%s.log",     outputPrefix);
    sprintf(sumName, "%s.summary", outputPrefix);

    errno = 0;
    logFile = fopen(logName, "w");
    if (errno)
      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open log file '%s' for writing: %s\n", logName, strerror(errno)), exit(1);

    sumFile = fopen(sumName, "w");
    if (errno)
      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open summary file '%s' for writing: %s\n", sumName, strerror(errno)), exit(1);

    fprintf(logFile, "id\tinitL\tinitR\tfinalL\tfinalR\tmessage (DEL=deleted NOC=no change MOD=modified)\n");

    fprintf(sumFile, "Overlap error rate     <= %.4f fraction error\n", AS_OVS_decodeEvalue(errorValue));
    fprintf(sumFile, "Overlap min overlap    >= %u base%s (for 'largest covered')\n", minEvidenceOverlap,  (minEvidenceOverlap  == 1) ? "" : "s");
    fprintf(sumFile, "Overlap min coverage   >= %u read%s (for 'largest covered')\n", minEvidenceCoverage, (minEvidenceCoverage == 1) ? "" : "s");

  uint32      ovlLen       = 0;
  uint32      ovlMax       = 64 * 1024;
  ovOverlap  *ovl          = ovOverlap::allocateOverlaps(gkp, ovlMax);

  memset(ovl, 0, sizeof(ovOverlap) * ovlMax);

  char        logMsg[1024] = {0};

  if (idMin < 1)
    idMin = 1;
  if (idMax > gkp->gkStore_getNumReads())
    idMax = gkp->gkStore_getNumReads();

  fprintf(stderr, "Processing from ID "F_U32" to "F_U32" out of "F_U32" reads.\n",

  for (uint32 id=idMin; id<=idMax; id++) {
    gkRead     *read = gkp->gkStore_getRead(id);
    gkLibrary  *libr = gkp->gkStore_getLibrary(read->gkRead_libraryID());

    logMsg[0] = 0;

    //  If the fragment is deleted, do nothing.  If the fragment was deleted AFTER overlaps were
    //  generated, then the overlaps will be out of sync -- we'll get overlaps for these fragments
    //  we skip.
    if ((iniClr) && (iniClr->isDeleted(id) == true))

    //  If it did not request trimming, do nothing.  Similar to the above, we'll get overlaps to
    //  fragments we skip.
    if ((libr->gkLibrary_finalTrim() == FINALTRIM_LARGEST_COVERED) &&
        (libr->gkLibrary_finalTrim() == FINALTRIM_BEST_EDGE))

    //  Decide on the initial trimming.  We copied any iniClr into outClr above, and if there wasn't
    //  an iniClr, then outClr is the full read.

    uint32      ibgn   = outClr->bgn(id);
    uint32      iend   = outClr->end(id);

    //  Set the, ahem, initial final trimming.

    bool        isGood = false;
    uint32      fbgn   = ibgn;
    uint32      fend   = iend;

    //  Load overlaps.

    uint32      nLoaded = ovs->readOverlaps(id, ovl, ovlLen, ovlMax);

    //  Trim!

    if (nLoaded == 0) {
      //  No overlaps, so mark it as junk.
      isGood = false;

    else if (libr->gkLibrary_finalTrim() == FINALTRIM_LARGEST_COVERED) {
      //  Use the largest region covered by overlaps as the trim

      assert(ovlLen > 0);
      assert(id == ovl[0].a_iid);

      isGood = largestCovered(ovl, ovlLen,
                              ibgn, iend, fbgn, fend,
      assert(fbgn <= fend);


    else if (libr->gkLibrary_finalTrim() == FINALTRIM_BEST_EDGE) {
      //  Use the largest region covered by overlaps as the trim

      assert(ovlLen > 0);
      assert(id == ovl[0].a_iid);

      isGood = bestEdge(ovl, ovlLen,
                        ibgn, iend, fbgn, fend,
      assert(fbgn <= fend);


    else {
      //  Do nothing.  Really shouldn't get here.

    //  Enforce the maximum clear range

    if ((isGood) && (maxClr)) {
      isGood = enforceMaximumClearRange(ovl, ovlLen,
                                        ibgn, iend, fbgn, fend,
      assert(fbgn <= fend);

    //  Trimmed.  Make sense of the result, write some logs, and update the output.

    //  If bad trimming or too small, write the log and keep going.
    if ((isGood == false) || (fend - fbgn < minReadLength)) {
      outClr->setbgn(id) = fbgn;
      outClr->setend(id) = fend;
      outClr->setDeleted(id);  //  Gah, just obliterates the clear range.

      fprintf(logFile, F_U32"\t"F_U32"\t"F_U32"\t"F_U32"\t"F_U32"\tDEL%s\n",
              ibgn, iend,
              fbgn, fend,
              (logMsg[0] == 0) ? "" : logMsg);

    //  If we didn't change anything, also write a log.
    else if ((ibgn == fbgn) &&
        (iend == fend)) {
      fprintf(logFile, F_U32"\t"F_U32"\t"F_U32"\t"F_U32"\t"F_U32"\tNOC%s\n",
              ibgn, iend,
              fbgn, fend,
              (logMsg[0] == 0) ? "" : logMsg);

    //  Otherwise, we actually did something.

    else {
      outClr->setbgn(id) = fbgn;
      outClr->setend(id) = fend;

      fprintf(logFile, F_U32"\t"F_U32"\t"F_U32"\t"F_U32"\t"F_U32"\tMOD%s\n",
              ibgn, iend,
              fbgn, fend,
              (logMsg[0] == 0) ? "" : logMsg);


  delete ovs;

  delete iniClr;
  delete maxClr;
  delete outClr;


Beispiel #2
ovStoreFilter::reportFate(void) {
  fprintf(stderr, "overlap fate:\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "%16"F_U64P" SAVE  - overlaps output (for unitigging)\n", saveUTG);
  fprintf(stderr, "%16"F_U64P" SAVE  - overlaps output (for OBT)\n", saveOBT);
  fprintf(stderr, "%16"F_U64P" SAVE  - overlaps output (for dedupe)\n", saveDUP);
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "%16"F_U64P" ERATE - low quality, more than %.3f fraction error\n", skipERATE, AS_OVS_decodeEvalue(maxEvalue));
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "%16"F_U64P" OBT   - not requested\n", skipOBT);
  fprintf(stderr, "%16"F_U64P" OBT   - too similar\n", skipOBTbad);
  fprintf(stderr, "%16"F_U64P" OBT   - too short\n", skipOBTshort);
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "%16"F_U64P" DUP   - dedupe not requested\n", skipDUP);
  fprintf(stderr, "%16"F_U64P" DUP   - different library\n", skipDUPlib);
  fprintf(stderr, "%16"F_U64P" DUP   - obviously not duplicates\n", skipDUPdiff);