Beispiel #1
// TODO waste less memory; currently requires that all entries in alloc_table have a corresponding block in pool
void gc_init(void *start, void *end) {
    // align end pointer on block boundary
    end = (void*)((machine_uint_t)end & (~(BYTES_PER_BLOCK - 1)));
    DEBUG_printf("Initializing GC heap: %p-%p\n", start, end);

    // calculate parameters for GC
    machine_uint_t total_word_len = (machine_uint_t*)end - (machine_uint_t*)start;
    gc_alloc_table_byte_len = total_word_len * BYTES_PER_WORD / (1 + BITS_PER_BYTE / 2 * BYTES_PER_BLOCK);
    gc_alloc_table_start = (byte*)start;
    machine_uint_t gc_pool_block_len = gc_alloc_table_byte_len * BITS_PER_BYTE / 2;
    machine_uint_t gc_pool_word_len = gc_pool_block_len * WORDS_PER_BLOCK;
    gc_pool_start = (machine_uint_t*)end - gc_pool_word_len;
    gc_pool_end = end;

    // clear ATBs
    memset(gc_alloc_table_start, 0, gc_alloc_table_byte_len);

    // allocate first block because gc_pool_start points there and it will never
    // be freed, so allocating 1 block with null pointers will minimise memory loss
    for (int i = 0; i < WORDS_PER_BLOCK; i++) {
        gc_pool_start[i] = 0;

    DEBUG_printf("GC layout:\n");
    DEBUG_printf("  alloc table at %p, length %u bytes\n", gc_alloc_table_start, gc_alloc_table_byte_len);
    DEBUG_printf("  pool at %p, length %u blocks = %u words = %u bytes\n", gc_pool_start, gc_pool_block_len, gc_pool_word_len, gc_pool_word_len * BYTES_PER_WORD);
Beispiel #2
// TODO waste less memory; currently requires that all entries in alloc_table have a corresponding block in pool
void gc_init(void *start, void *end) {
    // align end pointer on block boundary
    end = (void*)((mp_uint_t)end & (~(BYTES_PER_BLOCK - 1)));
    DEBUG_printf("Initializing GC heap: %p..%p = " UINT_FMT " bytes\n", start, end, (byte*)end - (byte*)start);

    // calculate parameters for GC (T=total, A=alloc table, F=finaliser table, P=pool; all in bytes):
    // T = A + F + P
    mp_uint_t total_byte_len = (byte*)end - (byte*)start;
    gc_alloc_table_byte_len = total_byte_len / (1 + BITS_PER_BYTE / 2 * BYTES_PER_BLOCK);

    gc_alloc_table_start = (byte*)start;

    mp_uint_t gc_finaliser_table_byte_len = (gc_alloc_table_byte_len * BLOCKS_PER_ATB + BLOCKS_PER_FTB - 1) / BLOCKS_PER_FTB;
    gc_finaliser_table_start = gc_alloc_table_start + gc_alloc_table_byte_len;

    mp_uint_t gc_pool_block_len = gc_alloc_table_byte_len * BLOCKS_PER_ATB;
    gc_pool_start = (mp_uint_t*)((byte*)end - gc_pool_block_len * BYTES_PER_BLOCK);
    gc_pool_end = (mp_uint_t*)end;

    assert((byte*)gc_pool_start >= gc_finaliser_table_start + gc_finaliser_table_byte_len);

    // clear ATBs
    memset(gc_alloc_table_start, 0, gc_alloc_table_byte_len);

    // clear FTBs
    memset(gc_finaliser_table_start, 0, gc_finaliser_table_byte_len);

    // allocate first block because gc_pool_start points there and it will never
    // be freed, so allocating 1 block with null pointers will minimise memory loss
    for (int i = 0; i < WORDS_PER_BLOCK; i++) {
        gc_pool_start[i] = 0;

    // set last free ATB index to start of heap
    gc_last_free_atb_index = 0;

    // unlock the GC
    gc_lock_depth = 0;

    DEBUG_printf("GC layout:\n");
    DEBUG_printf("  alloc table at %p, length " UINT_FMT " bytes, " UINT_FMT " blocks\n", gc_alloc_table_start, gc_alloc_table_byte_len, gc_alloc_table_byte_len * BLOCKS_PER_ATB);
    DEBUG_printf("  finaliser table at %p, length " UINT_FMT " bytes, " UINT_FMT " blocks\n", gc_finaliser_table_start, gc_finaliser_table_byte_len, gc_finaliser_table_byte_len * BLOCKS_PER_FTB);
    DEBUG_printf("  pool at %p, length " UINT_FMT " bytes, " UINT_FMT " blocks\n", gc_pool_start, gc_pool_block_len * BYTES_PER_BLOCK, gc_pool_block_len);
Beispiel #3
void *gc_alloc(machine_uint_t n_bytes) {
    machine_uint_t n_blocks = ((n_bytes + BYTES_PER_BLOCK - 1) & (~(BYTES_PER_BLOCK - 1))) / BYTES_PER_BLOCK;
    DEBUG_printf("gc_alloc(%u bytes -> %u blocks)\n", n_bytes, n_blocks);

    // check for 0 allocation
    if (n_blocks == 0) {
        return NULL;

    machine_uint_t i;
    machine_uint_t end_block;
    machine_uint_t start_block;
    machine_uint_t n_free = 0;
    int collected = 0;
    for (;;) {

        // look for a run of n_blocks available blocks
        for (i = 0; i < gc_alloc_table_byte_len; i++) {
            byte a = gc_alloc_table_start[i];
            if (ATB_0_IS_FREE(a)) { if (++n_free >= n_blocks) { i = i * BLOCKS_PER_ATB + 0; goto found; } } else { n_free = 0; }
            if (ATB_1_IS_FREE(a)) { if (++n_free >= n_blocks) { i = i * BLOCKS_PER_ATB + 1; goto found; } } else { n_free = 0; }
            if (ATB_2_IS_FREE(a)) { if (++n_free >= n_blocks) { i = i * BLOCKS_PER_ATB + 2; goto found; } } else { n_free = 0; }
            if (ATB_3_IS_FREE(a)) { if (++n_free >= n_blocks) { i = i * BLOCKS_PER_ATB + 3; goto found; } } else { n_free = 0; }

        // nothing found!
        if (collected) {
            return NULL;
        DEBUG_printf("gc_alloc(" UINT_FMT "): no free mem, triggering GC\n", n_bytes);
        collected = 1;

    // found, ending at block i inclusive
    // get starting and end blocks, both inclusive
    end_block = i;
    start_block = i - n_free + 1;

    // mark first block as used head

    // mark rest of blocks as used tail
    // TODO for a run of many blocks can make this more efficient
    for (machine_uint_t bl = start_block + 1; bl <= end_block; bl++) {

    // return pointer to first block
    return (void*)(gc_pool_start + start_block * WORDS_PER_BLOCK);
Beispiel #4
void *gc_alloc(machine_uint_t n_bytes, bool has_finaliser) {
    machine_uint_t n_blocks = ((n_bytes + BYTES_PER_BLOCK - 1) & (~(BYTES_PER_BLOCK - 1))) / BYTES_PER_BLOCK;
    DEBUG_printf("gc_alloc(" UINT_FMT " bytes -> " UINT_FMT " blocks)\n", n_bytes, n_blocks);

    // check if GC is locked
    if (gc_lock_depth > 0) {
        return NULL;

    // check for 0 allocation
    if (n_blocks == 0) {
        return NULL;

    machine_uint_t i;
    machine_uint_t end_block;
    machine_uint_t start_block;
    machine_uint_t n_free = 0;
    int collected = 0;
    for (;;) {

        // look for a run of n_blocks available blocks
        for (i = 0; i < gc_alloc_table_byte_len; i++) {
            byte a = gc_alloc_table_start[i];
            if (ATB_0_IS_FREE(a)) { if (++n_free >= n_blocks) { i = i * BLOCKS_PER_ATB + 0; goto found; } } else { n_free = 0; }
            if (ATB_1_IS_FREE(a)) { if (++n_free >= n_blocks) { i = i * BLOCKS_PER_ATB + 1; goto found; } } else { n_free = 0; }
            if (ATB_2_IS_FREE(a)) { if (++n_free >= n_blocks) { i = i * BLOCKS_PER_ATB + 2; goto found; } } else { n_free = 0; }
            if (ATB_3_IS_FREE(a)) { if (++n_free >= n_blocks) { i = i * BLOCKS_PER_ATB + 3; goto found; } } else { n_free = 0; }

        // nothing found!
        if (collected) {
            return NULL;
        DEBUG_printf("gc_alloc(" UINT_FMT "): no free mem, triggering GC\n", n_bytes);
        collected = 1;

    // found, ending at block i inclusive
    // get starting and end blocks, both inclusive
    end_block = i;
    start_block = i - n_free + 1;

    // mark first block as used head

    // mark rest of blocks as used tail
    // TODO for a run of many blocks can make this more efficient
    for (machine_uint_t bl = start_block + 1; bl <= end_block; bl++) {

    // get pointer to first block
    void *ret_ptr = (void*)(gc_pool_start + start_block * WORDS_PER_BLOCK);
    DEBUG_printf("gc_alloc(%p)\n", ret_ptr);

    // zero out the additional bytes of the newly allocated blocks
    // This is needed because the blocks may have previously held pointers
    // to the heap and will not be set to something else if the caller
    // doesn't actually use the entire block.  As such they will continue
    // to point to the heap and may prevent other blocks from being reclaimed.
    memset((byte*)ret_ptr + n_bytes, 0, (end_block - start_block + 1) * BYTES_PER_BLOCK - n_bytes);

    if (has_finaliser) {
        // clear type pointer in case it is never set
        ((mp_obj_base_t*)ret_ptr)->type = MP_OBJ_NULL;
        // set mp_obj flag only if it has a finaliser

    return ret_ptr;
Beispiel #5
void *gc_alloc(size_t n_bytes, bool has_finaliser) {
    size_t n_blocks = ((n_bytes + BYTES_PER_BLOCK - 1) & (~(BYTES_PER_BLOCK - 1))) / BYTES_PER_BLOCK;
    DEBUG_printf("gc_alloc(" UINT_FMT " bytes -> " UINT_FMT " blocks)\n", n_bytes, n_blocks);

    // check if GC is locked
    if (MP_STATE_MEM(gc_lock_depth) > 0) {
        return NULL;

    // check for 0 allocation
    if (n_blocks == 0) {
        return NULL;

    size_t i;
    size_t end_block;
    size_t start_block;
    size_t n_free = 0;
    int collected = !MP_STATE_MEM(gc_auto_collect_enabled);
    for (;;) {

        // look for a run of n_blocks available blocks
        for (i = MP_STATE_MEM(gc_last_free_atb_index); i < MP_STATE_MEM(gc_alloc_table_byte_len); i++) {
            byte a = MP_STATE_MEM(gc_alloc_table_start)[i];
            if (ATB_0_IS_FREE(a)) { if (++n_free >= n_blocks) { i = i * BLOCKS_PER_ATB + 0; goto found; } } else { n_free = 0; }
            if (ATB_1_IS_FREE(a)) { if (++n_free >= n_blocks) { i = i * BLOCKS_PER_ATB + 1; goto found; } } else { n_free = 0; }
            if (ATB_2_IS_FREE(a)) { if (++n_free >= n_blocks) { i = i * BLOCKS_PER_ATB + 2; goto found; } } else { n_free = 0; }
            if (ATB_3_IS_FREE(a)) { if (++n_free >= n_blocks) { i = i * BLOCKS_PER_ATB + 3; goto found; } } else { n_free = 0; }

        // nothing found!
        if (collected) {
            return NULL;
        DEBUG_printf("gc_alloc(" UINT_FMT "): no free mem, triggering GC\n", n_bytes);
        collected = 1;

    // found, ending at block i inclusive
    // get starting and end blocks, both inclusive
    end_block = i;
    start_block = i - n_free + 1;

    // Set last free ATB index to block after last block we found, for start of
    // next scan.  To reduce fragmentation, we only do this if we were looking
    // for a single free block, which guarantees that there are no free blocks
    // before this one.  Also, whenever we free or shink a block we must check
    // if this index needs adjusting (see gc_realloc and gc_free).
    if (n_free == 1) {
        MP_STATE_MEM(gc_last_free_atb_index) = (i + 1) / BLOCKS_PER_ATB;

    // mark first block as used head

    // mark rest of blocks as used tail
    // TODO for a run of many blocks can make this more efficient
    for (size_t bl = start_block + 1; bl <= end_block; bl++) {

    // get pointer to first block
    void *ret_ptr = (void*)(MP_STATE_MEM(gc_pool_start) + start_block * BYTES_PER_BLOCK);
    DEBUG_printf("gc_alloc(%p)\n", ret_ptr);

    // Zero out all the bytes of the newly allocated blocks.
    // This is needed because the blocks may have previously held pointers
    // to the heap and will not be set to something else if the caller
    // doesn't actually use the entire block.  As such they will continue
    // to point to the heap and may prevent other blocks from being reclaimed.
    memset((byte*)ret_ptr, 0, (end_block - start_block + 1) * BYTES_PER_BLOCK);

    if (has_finaliser) {
        // clear type pointer in case it is never set
        ((mp_obj_base_t*)ret_ptr)->type = NULL;
        // set mp_obj flag only if it has a finaliser


    return ret_ptr;